// Be very cautious and default to not handling; we don't want to accidentally
// silence real crashes from real bugs.
static bool
HandleSignal(int signum, siginfo_t *info, void *ctx)
    AsmJSActivation *activation = InnermostAsmJSActivation();
    if (!activation)
        return false;

    CONTEXT *context = (CONTEXT *)ctx;
    uint8_t **ppc = ContextToPC(context);
    uint8_t *pc = *ppc;

    const AsmJSModule &module = activation->module();
    if (!module.containsPC(pc))
        return false;

    void *faultingAddress = info->si_addr;

    // If we faulted trying to execute code in 'module', this must be an
    // operation callback (see TriggerOperationCallbackForAsmJSCode). Redirect
    // execution to a trampoline which will call js_HandleExecutionInterrupt.
    // The trampoline will jump to activation->resumePC if execution isn't
    // interrupted.
    if (module.containsPC(faultingAddress)) {
        *ppc = module.operationCallbackExit();
        mprotect(module.functionCode(), module.functionBytes(), PROT_EXEC);
        return true;

#  if defined(JS_CPU_X64)
    // These checks aren't necessary, but, since we can, check anyway to make
    // sure we aren't covering up a real bug.
    if (!module.maybeHeap() ||
        faultingAddress < module.maybeHeap() ||
        faultingAddress >= module.maybeHeap() + AsmJSBufferProtectedSize)
        return false;

    const AsmJSHeapAccess *heapAccess = LookupHeapAccess(module, pc);
    if (!heapAccess)
        return false;

    // We now know that this is an out-of-bounds access made by an asm.js
    // load/store that we should handle. If this is a load, assign the
    // JS-defined result value to the destination register (ToInt32(undefined)
    // or ToNumber(undefined), determined by the type of the destination
    // register) and set the PC to the next op. Upon return from the handler,
    // execution will resume at this next PC.
    if (heapAccess->isLoad())
        SetRegisterToCoercedUndefined(context, heapAccess->isFloat32Load(), heapAccess->loadedReg());
    *ppc += heapAccess->opLength();
    return true;
#  else
    return false;
#  endif
static bool
                PCONTEXTRECORD pContext)
    if (pReport->ExceptionNum != XCPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
        return false;

    AsmJSActivation *activation = InnermostAsmJSActivation();
    if (!activation)
        return false;

    uint8_t **ppc = ContextToPC(pContext);
    uint8_t *pc = *ppc;
    JS_ASSERT(pc == pReport->ExceptionAddress);

    const AsmJSModule &module = activation->module();
    if (!module.containsPC(pc))
        return false;

    if (pReport->cParameters < 2)
        return false;

    void *faultingAddress = (void*)pReport->ExceptionInfo[1];

    // If we faulted trying to execute code in 'module', this must be an
    // operation callback (see TriggerOperationCallbackForAsmJSCode). Redirect
    // execution to a trampoline which will call js_HandleExecutionInterrupt.
    // The trampoline will jump to activation->resumePC if execution isn't
    // interrupted.
    if (module.containsPC(faultingAddress)) {
        *ppc = module.operationCallbackExit();
        if (!DosSetMem(module.functionCode(), module.functionBytes(), PAG_COMMIT | PAG_DEFAULT))
        return true;

    return false;
static bool
HandleMachException(JSRuntime *rt, const ExceptionRequest &request)
    // Get the port of the JSRuntime's thread from the message.
    mach_port_t rtThread = request.body.thread.name;

    // Read out the JSRuntime thread's register state.
    x86_thread_state_t state;
    unsigned int count = x86_THREAD_STATE_COUNT;
    kern_return_t kret;
    kret = thread_get_state(rtThread, x86_THREAD_STATE, (thread_state_t)&state, &count);
    if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
        return false;

    AsmJSActivation *activation = rt->mainThread.asmJSActivationStackFromAnyThread();
    if (!activation)
        return false;

    uint8_t **ppc = ContextToPC(state);
    uint8_t *pc = *ppc;

    const AsmJSModule &module = activation->module();
    if (!module.containsPC(pc))
        return false;

    if (request.body.exception != EXC_BAD_ACCESS || request.body.codeCnt != 2)
        return false;

    void *faultingAddress = (void*)request.body.code[1];

    // If we faulted trying to execute code in 'module', this must be an
    // operation callback (see TriggerOperationCallbackForAsmJSCode). Redirect
    // execution to a trampoline which will call js_HandleExecutionInterrupt.
    // The trampoline will jump to activation->resumePC if execution isn't
    // interrupted.
    if (module.containsPC(faultingAddress)) {
        *ppc = module.operationCallbackExit();
        mprotect(module.functionCode(), module.functionBytes(), PROT_EXEC);

        // Update the thread state with the new pc.
        kret = thread_set_state(rtThread, x86_THREAD_STATE, (thread_state_t)&state, x86_THREAD_STATE_COUNT);
        return kret == KERN_SUCCESS;

#  if defined(JS_CPU_X64)
    // These checks aren't necessary, but, since we can, check anyway to make
    // sure we aren't covering up a real bug.
    if (!module.maybeHeap() ||
        faultingAddress < module.maybeHeap() ||
        faultingAddress >= module.maybeHeap() + AsmJSBufferProtectedSize)
        return false;

    const AsmJSHeapAccess *heapAccess = LookupHeapAccess(module, pc);
    if (!heapAccess)
        return false;

    // We now know that this is an out-of-bounds access made by an asm.js
    // load/store that we should handle. If this is a load, assign the
    // JS-defined result value to the destination register (ToInt32(undefined)
    // or ToNumber(undefined), determined by the type of the destination
    // register) and set the PC to the next op. Upon return from the handler,
    // execution will resume at this next PC.
    if (heapAccess->isLoad()) {
        if (!SetRegisterToCoercedUndefined(rtThread, state.uts.ts64, *heapAccess))
            return false;
    *ppc += heapAccess->opLength();

    // Update the thread state with the new pc.
    kret = thread_set_state(rtThread, x86_THREAD_STATE, (thread_state_t)&state, x86_THREAD_STATE_COUNT);
    if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
        return false;

    return true;
#  else
    return false;
#  endif
static bool
HandleException(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS exception)
    EXCEPTION_RECORD *record = exception->ExceptionRecord;
    CONTEXT *context = exception->ContextRecord;

    if (record->ExceptionCode != EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
        return false;

    AsmJSActivation *activation = InnermostAsmJSActivation();
    if (!activation)
        return false;

    uint8_t **ppc = ContextToPC(context);
    uint8_t *pc = *ppc;
    JS_ASSERT(pc == record->ExceptionAddress);

    const AsmJSModule &module = activation->module();
    if (!module.containsPC(pc))
        return false;

	if (record->NumberParameters < 2)
		return false;

    void *faultingAddress = (void*)record->ExceptionInformation[1];

    // If we faulted trying to execute code in 'module', this must be an
    // operation callback (see TriggerOperationCallbackForAsmJSCode). Redirect
    // execution to a trampoline which will call js_HandleExecutionInterrupt.
    // The trampoline will jump to activation->resumePC if execution isn't
    // interrupted.
    if (module.containsPC(faultingAddress)) {
        *ppc = module.operationCallbackExit();
        DWORD oldProtect;
        if (!VirtualProtect(module.functionCode(), module.functionBytes(), PAGE_EXECUTE, &oldProtect))
        return true;

# if defined(JS_CPU_X64)
    // These checks aren't necessary, but, since we can, check anyway to make
    // sure we aren't covering up a real bug.
    if (!module.maybeHeap() ||
        faultingAddress < module.maybeHeap() ||
        faultingAddress >= module.maybeHeap() + AsmJSBufferProtectedSize)
        return false;

    const AsmJSHeapAccess *heapAccess = LookupHeapAccess(module, pc);
    if (!heapAccess)
        return false;

    // Also not necessary, but, since we can, do.
    if (heapAccess->isLoad() != !record->ExceptionInformation[0])
        return false;

    // We now know that this is an out-of-bounds access made by an asm.js
    // load/store that we should handle. If this is a load, assign the
    // JS-defined result value to the destination register (ToInt32(undefined)
    // or ToNumber(undefined), determined by the type of the destination
    // register) and set the PC to the next op. Upon return from the handler,
    // execution will resume at this next PC.
    if (heapAccess->isLoad())
        SetRegisterToCoercedUndefined(context, heapAccess->isFloat32Load(), heapAccess->loadedReg());
    *ppc += heapAccess->opLength();
    return true;
# else
    return false;
# endif