Exemple #1
// To improve the default output add additional information here
// Note you need to add "\\n" for newline
AstDOTGeneration::additionalNodeInfo(SgNode* node)
     ostringstream ss;
     ss << "\\n";

  // print number of max successors (= container size)
     AstSuccessorsSelectors::SuccessorsContainer c;
     ss << c.size() << "\\n";

  // add memory location of node to dot output
     ss << node << "\\n";

  // DQ (8/31/2013): Added more information about the IR node to the dot graph.
     ss << sourcePositionInformation(node);

  // DQ (9/19/2013): Added more information about the IR node to the dot graph (comments and C preprocessor directive information).
     ss << commentAndCppInformation(node);

  // DQ (7/4/2008): Added support for output of information about attributes
     AstAttributeMechanism* astAttributeContainer = node->get_attributeMechanism();
     if (astAttributeContainer != NULL)
          ss << "Attribute list (size=" << astAttributeContainer->size() << "):" << "\\n";
          for (AstAttributeMechanism::iterator i = astAttributeContainer->begin(); i != astAttributeContainer->end(); i++)
            // pair<std::string,AstAttribute*>
               AstAttribute* attribute = i->second;
               ROSE_ASSERT(attribute != NULL);

            // Note cast to void*
               std::string name = i->first;
               std::string label = name + " : " + attribute->toString();
               ss << label << "\\n";
          ss << "\\n";
          ss << "\\n";

     return ss.str();
DetectionTraversal::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute (SgNode* astNode, Detection_InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute, SubTreeSynthesizedAttributes synthesizedAttributeList )
     ROSE_ASSERT(astNode != NULL);

     Detection_SynthesizedAttribute return_synthesizedAttribute(astNode);

#if 1
     printf ("In evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): astNode = %p = %s synthesizedAttributeList.size() = %zu dslChildren.size() = %zu \n",

  // At each IR node and across all children, accumulate the dslChildren (child nodes for each of the DSL AST nodes).
     for (SubTreeSynthesizedAttributes::iterator i = synthesizedAttributeList.begin(); i != synthesizedAttributeList.end(); i++)
          SgNode* childNode = (*i).node;
       // ROSE_ASSERT(childNode != NULL);
          if (childNode != NULL)
#if 0
               printf ("Identified child node in evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): childNode = %p = %s \n",childNode,childNode->class_name().c_str());
            // Insert each list from the child into the accumulated list in the current Synthesized Attribute.
#if 0
               printf ("   --- copying i->dslChildren.size() = %zu into return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren.size() = %zu \n",i->dslChildren.size(),return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren.size());
               if (return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren.empty() == false)
#if 0
                    printf ("In evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): dslChildren.size() = %zu \n",return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren.size());
#if 1
               printf ("childNode == NULL \n");

  // Recognition of other control statements (e.g. for loops for the stencil evaluation) or expression/statement abstractions (e.g. function calls)
  // Note: DSL specific control abstractions might be recognised as loops containing DSL abstractions and having constant evaluatable base and bounds.

  // For any DSL specific AST nodes (C++ AST nodes containing a DSL_Attribute), initialize the pointers to children of the DSL IR node.
     AstAttributeMechanism* astAttributeContainer = astNode->get_attributeMechanism();
     if (astAttributeContainer != NULL)
#if 1
          printf ("In evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): found a attribute on astNode = %p = %s \n",astNode,astNode->class_name().c_str());
       // I think there should only be one DSL attribute, in the future we can support more on a single IR node.
          if (astAttributeContainer->size() != 1)
               printf ("WARNING: astAttributeContainer->size() != 1: astAttributeContainer->size() = %zu \n",astAttributeContainer->size());
#if 1
       // DQ: Allow this for the moment while testing.
          ROSE_ASSERT(astAttributeContainer->size() == 1);
       // Loop over all the attributes at this IR node
       // Pei-Hung (12/22/15): THe ASTAttributeMechanmsim is changed and has to use new API
       // for (AstAttributeMechanism::iterator i = astAttributeContainer->begin(); i != astAttributeContainer->end(); i++)
          BOOST_FOREACH (const std::string &attributeName, astAttributeContainer->getAttributeIdentifiers()) 
               AstAttribute* attribute = astNode->getAttribute(attributeName);
               ROSE_ASSERT(attribute != NULL);
#if 1
            // DSL_Attribute* dslAstAttribute = dynamic_cast<DSL_Attribute*>(attribute);
               dsl_attribute* dslAstAttribute = dynamic_cast<dsl_attribute*>(attribute);
               ROSE_ASSERT(dslAstAttribute != NULL);
#if 1
               printf ("Identified dslAstAttribute in evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): astNode = %p = %s \n",astNode,astNode->class_name().c_str());
               printf ("   --- return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren.size() = %zu \n",return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren.size());
            // Copy the dsl child data to the dsl attribute.
               dslAstAttribute->currentNode = astNode;
               dslAstAttribute->dslChildren = return_synthesizedAttribute.dslChildren;

       // Clear the dsl attributes becasue we the only collect dsl child attributes at dsl attributed IR nodes and don't pass then further up the tree.          

       // Add the current node since it has an attribute.

#if 0
          printf ("Exiting as a test! \n");