DoxygenComment::attach(DoxygenFile *newParent, DoxygenGroup *newGroup)
    AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* attachedComments =

    AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator groupEnd =
        std::find( attachedComments->begin(), attachedComments->end(), newGroup->groupEnd );
    ROSE_ASSERT( groupEnd != attachedComments->end() );

    attach(newParent->commentParent, groupEnd  );
    originalFile = newParent;
DoxygenGroup *
DoxygenFile::findGroup(DoxygenComment *comm)
    AttachedPreprocessingInfoType *info = commentParent->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
    AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator groupStart;
    bool groupStartValid = false;
    for (AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i = info->begin(); i != info->end(); ++i)
        if (Doxygen::isGroupStart(*i))
            groupStart = i;
            groupStartValid = true;
        else if (Doxygen::isGroupEnd(*i))
            groupStartValid = false;
        else if (*i == comm->originalComment)
            if (groupStartValid)
                for (map<string, DoxygenGroup *>::iterator j = groups.begin(); j != groups.end(); ++j)
                    if (j->second->groupStart == *groupStart)
                        return j->second;
            return 0;
    puts("findGroup called on the wrong file!");
    return 0;
void visitorTraversal::visit(SgNode* n)
  // On each node look for any comments of CPP directives
     SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(n);
     if (locatedNode != NULL)
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

          if (comments != NULL)
               printf ("Found attached comments (to IR node at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->class_name().c_str());
               int counter = 0;
               AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
               for (i = comments->begin(); i != comments->end(); i++)
                    printf ("          Attached Comment #%d in file %s (relativePosition=%s): classification %s :\n%s\n",
                         ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",
               printf ("No attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->sage_class_name());
Exemple #4
bool isDocumented(SgFunctionDeclaration* funcDecl)
  bool isComment = false;

  if(funcDecl == NULL )
    return isComment;

  AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments =

  if (comments!=NULL) {
    AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
    for (i=comments->begin(); i!= comments->end(); i++) {
      PreprocessingInfo::DirectiveType dirType = (*i)->getTypeOfDirective();

      if( dirType == PreprocessingInfo::C_StyleComment || 
          dirType == PreprocessingInfo::CplusplusStyleComment )
        isComment =true;

  return isComment;
               void visit ( SgNode* n )
                    SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(n); 
                    if (locatedNode != NULL)
                         AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

                         if (comments != NULL)
                              printf ("Found attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->sage_class_name());
                              AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
                              for (i = comments->begin(); i != comments->end(); i++)
                                   ROSE_ASSERT ( (*i) != NULL );
                                   printf ("          Attached Comment (relativePosition=%s): %s\n",
                                        ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",
#if 1
                                // This does not appear to be a valid object when read in from an AST file.
                                   printf ("Comment/Directive getNumberOfLines = %d getColumnNumberOfEndOfString = %d \n",(*i)->getNumberOfLines(),(*i)->getColumnNumberOfEndOfString());
#if 1
                                // This does not appear to be a valid object when read in from an AST file.
                                   (*i)->get_file_info()->display("comment/directive location");
DoxygenFile::sortComments( bool (*pred)(DoxygenComment*,DoxygenComment*) )

    ROSE_ASSERT(isSgDeclarationStatement(commentParent) != NULL );
    //Create map between PreprocessingInfo objects and DoxygenComments
    // AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = commentParent->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
    PreprocessingInfoToDoxygenComment convert(&commentMap, pred  );

    IsDoxygenCommentNotGroup isDox(&commentMap) ;

    for( std::map<std::string, DoxygenGroup *>::iterator gItr = groups.begin();
            gItr != groups.end(); ++ gItr ) {
        DoxygenGroup* doxGroup = gItr->second;

        //Find the iterator to the beginning and end of this group in AttachedPreprocessingInfoType
        //of the original AST node.
        AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* currentComments
            = doxGroup->comment->originalNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

        AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator beg_group =
            std::find(currentComments->begin(), currentComments->end(), doxGroup->groupStart);
        ROSE_ASSERT( beg_group != currentComments->end() );
        AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator end_group =
            std::find(beg_group, currentComments->end(), doxGroup->groupEnd);
        ROSE_ASSERT( end_group != currentComments->end() );

        //Find the beginning and end of the DoxygenComments that is not the comment for the group start '//@{'
        //or group end '//@}'
        std::vector<PreprocessingInfo*>::iterator itBeg = find_if( beg_group, end_group,isDox );
        ROSE_ASSERT( itBeg != end_group );
        std::vector<PreprocessingInfo*>::iterator itEnd = ( --find_if( itBeg, end_group,not1<IsDoxygenCommentNotGroup>(isDox) ));
        ROSE_ASSERT( itEnd != end_group );


        virtual void visit(SgNode *n)
            SgDeclarationStatement *st = isSgDeclarationStatement(n);
            if (!st)
            if (!isRecognizedDeclaration(st))

            string proto = getProtoName(st);
            SgDeclarationStatement *dxSt = getDoxygenAttachedDeclaration(st);

            if ((*symTab)[proto].count(dxSt) == 0)
                DoxygenCommentListAttribute *attr = new DoxygenCommentListAttribute();
                // King84 (2010.08.03) : This seems to be called with the same node multiple times.
                // From what I can tell, this is because a single function has been documented multiple times.
                // At the moment this function is AssemblerX86::AssemblerX86() from src/frontend/Disassemblers/AssemblerX86.h
                // For now, we will print out a warning and use the new documentation (instead of addNewAttribute we use setAttribute).
                if (dxSt->attributeExists("DoxygenCommentList"))
                    std::cerr << "Warning: Multiple Doxygen comments found for function " << dxSt->get_mangled_name().getString() << " at file " << dxSt->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() << ":" << dxSt->get_file_info()->get_line() << "," << dxSt->get_file_info()->get_col() << ".  Picking the last." << std::endl;
                dxSt->setAttribute("DoxygenCommentList", attr);
//                      dxSt->addNewAttribute("DoxygenCommentList", attr);
                (*symTab)[proto][dxSt] = &(attr->commentList);
            list<DoxygenComment *> *commentList = (*symTab)[proto][dxSt];

            AttachedPreprocessingInfoType *info = st->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
            if (info)
                for (AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i = info->begin(); i != info->end(); ++i)
                    PreprocessingInfo *pi = *i;
                    if (pi->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before && DoxygenComment::isDoxygenComment(pi))
                        commentList->push_back(new DoxygenComment(st, pi));
visitorTraversal::visit (SgNode * n)
  // On each node look for any comments of CPP directives
  SgLocatedNode *locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode (n);
  if (locatedNode != NULL)
    AttachedPreprocessingInfoType *comments =
      locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo ();

    if (comments != NULL)
      printf ("-----------------------------------------------\n");
      printf ("Found an IR node with preprocessing Info attached:\n");
      printf ("(memory address: %p Sage type: %s) in file \n%s (line %d column %d) \n",
          locatedNode->class_name ().c_str (),
          (locatedNode->get_file_info ()->get_filenameString ()).c_str (),
          locatedNode->get_file_info ()->get_line(),
          locatedNode->get_file_info ()->get_col()         );
      int counter = 0;
      AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
      for (i = comments->begin (); i != comments->end (); i++)
        printf("-------------PreprocessingInfo #%d ----------- : \n",counter++);
        printf("classification = %s:\n String format = %s\n",
                PreprocessingInfo::directiveTypeName((*i)->getTypeOfDirective ()). c_str (), 
                (*i)->getString ().c_str ());
        printf ("relative position is = ");
        if ((*i)->getRelativePosition () == PreprocessingInfo::inside)
          printf ("inside\n");
          printf ("%s\n", \
              ((*i)->getRelativePosition () == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after");
        virtual void
        visit(SgNode *n)
            SgVariableDeclaration *vd = isSgVariableDeclaration(n);
            if (!vd)
            if (isRecognizedDeclaration(vd))

            AttachedPreprocessingInfoType *info = vd->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
            if (info)
                DoxygenFile *f = new DoxygenFile(vd);
                DoxygenGroup *currentGroup = 0;
                DoxygenComment *groupComment = 0;
                (*docsList)[vd->get_file_info()->get_filenameString()] = f;
                for (AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i = info->begin(); i != info->end(); ++i)
                    PreprocessingInfo *pi = *i;
                    //printf("pass %d: processing comment %s\n", inexact ? 3 : 2, pi->getString().c_str());
                    //printf("processing comment %s\n", pi->getString().c_str());
                    if (DoxygenComment::isDoxygenComment(pi))
                        DoxygenComment *comm = new DoxygenComment(vd, pi);
                        comm->originalFile = f;
                        if (comm->entry.type() == DoxygenEntry::None)
                            if (comm->entry.hasName())
                                // this is a group
                                //printf("name = '%s'\n", comm->entry.name().c_str());
                                if (currentGroup)
                                    currentGroup->comment = comm;
                                    groupComment = comm;
                                delete comm;
#if 0
                        pair<SymTab::iterator, SymTab::iterator> bounds = symTab->equal_range(DoxygenClass::getProtoName(comm->entry.prototype));
                        for (SymTab::iterator i = bounds.first; i != bounds.second; )
                            if (inexact || comm->entry.prototype == getQualifiedPrototype((*i).second))
                                DoxygenCommentListAttribute *attr = dynamic_cast<DoxygenCommentListAttribute *>((*i).second->attribute()["DoxygenCommentList"]);

                                printf("attaching to node %s\n", (*i).second->unparseToString().c_str());
                                SymTab::iterator ii = i;
                    else if (isGroupStart(pi))
                        if (currentGroup)
                            puts("Group already open!");
                        //puts("opening group");
                        currentGroup = new DoxygenGroup();
                        currentGroup->groupStart = *i;
                        currentGroup->comment = groupComment;
                        groupComment = 0;
                    else if (isGroupEnd(pi))
                        //puts("closing group");
                        if (!currentGroup)
                            puts("Group-end encountered without group begin!");
                            currentGroup->groupEnd = *i;
                            if (currentGroup->comment)
                                f->groups[currentGroup->comment->entry.name()] = currentGroup;
                                puts("Group wasn't given a name!");
                            currentGroup = 0;
Exemple #10
  ControlStructureContainer *
  >queryFindCommentsInScope (const string stringPrefixToMatch,
			     const string stringToMatch,
			     SgScopeStatement * sageScopeStatement)
  ROSE_ASSERT (stringPrefixToMatch.length () > 0);
  ROSE_ASSERT (stringToMatch.length () > 0);
  ROSE_ASSERT (sageScopeStatement != NULL);

  Rose_STL_Container< ControlStructureContainer * >returnList;

  //find all pragmas who match the stringToMatch
   //cout << "Before pragma search" << endl;
   /*list < SgNode * >pragmaStatements =
    NodeQuery::querySubTree (sageScopeStatement,
			     new SgName (stringToMatch.c_str ()),
    //list<SGNode*> pragmaStatements ; 
    //cout << "After pragma search" << endl;

/*  cout << "BEFORE LIST" << endl; 
  list < SgNode * >pragmaStatements = queryNodePragmaStatementFromName2(sageScopeStatement,
		                            new SgName(stringToMatch.c_str()));
  cout << "AFTER LIST" << endl;*/
  //return the pragmas in containers
/*  for (list < SgNode * >::iterator i = pragmaStatements.begin ();
       i != pragmaStatements.end (); ++i)
      SgPragmaDeclaration *sagePragma = isSgPragmaDeclaration (*i);
      ROSE_ASSERT (sagePragma);
      ROSE_ASSERT (sagePragma->get_pragma () != NULL);
      ROSE_ASSERT (sagePragma->get_pragma ()->get_pragma ());

      ControlStructureContainer *container = new ControlStructureContainer ();
      container->setPragmaString (sagePragma->get_pragma ()->get_pragma ());
      container->setAssociatedStatement (sagePragma);
      returnList.push_back (container);

  //find all statements in the current scope
  if (sageScopeStatement->variantT () == V_SgClassDefinition)
      SgDeclarationStatementPtrList statementsInScope =
	sageScopeStatement->getDeclarationList ();
      SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator i;
      for (i = statementsInScope.begin (); i != statementsInScope.end (); i++)

	  SgLocatedNode *locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode (*i);
	  ROSE_ASSERT (locatedNode != NULL);

	  //find all comments attached to current node.
	  AttachedPreprocessingInfoType *comments =
	    locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo ();

	  if(locatedNode->variantT() == V_SgPragmaDeclaration){
       	          SgPragmaDeclaration* sagePragmaDeclaration = isSgPragmaDeclaration(locatedNode);
	          ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration );
	          ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma() != NULL ); 
                  string pragmaDeclarationString =  sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma()->get_pragma();
                  //extract the part before the leftmost = is pragmaDeclarationString
	          pragmaDeclarationString = pragmaDeclarationString.substr(0,pragmaDeclarationString.find("="));
	          //if the name-criteria is met accept node
	         if(pragmaDeclarationString.find( stringToMatch ) != string::npos ){
	         	cout << pragmaDeclarationString << endl;
                        ControlStructureContainer *container = new ControlStructureContainer ();
                        container->setPragmaString (sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma ()->get_pragma ());
                        container->setAssociatedStatement (sagePragmaDeclaration);
                        returnList.push_back (container);
	  if (comments != NULL)
	      //We need to find comments which fits the criteria    
	      printf ("Found attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",
		      locatedNode, locatedNode->sage_class_name ());
	      AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator j;
	      for (j = comments->begin (); j != comments->end (); j++)
		  ROSE_ASSERT ((*j) != NULL);
		  string comment = (*j)->getString ();
		  //see if comment begins with stringPrefixToMatch
		  string tempString = comment.substr (0, comment.find (' '));
		  if (tempString == stringPrefixToMatch)
		    {		//+stringPrefixToMatch ){
		      //cout << "Found string" << endl;

		      comment =
			StringUtility::copyEdit (comment, stringPrefixToMatch,

		      //see if the comment has an element which matches the stringToMatch
		      if (comment.find (stringToMatch) != string::npos)
			  //puit the matching comment into a container    
			  ControlStructureContainer *container =
			    new ControlStructureContainer ();
			  container->setPragmaString (comment);
			  container->setAssociatedStatement (locatedNode);

			  returnList.push_back (container);
//                printf ("          Attached Comment (relativePosition=%s):\n %s\n Next comment: \n",
//                    ((*j)->relativePosition == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",(*j)->getString());

      // AS 12/18/03 PS!! The same as the above, but a different iterator. Will replace this when a
      // different solution has arisen. PS!! 
      SgStatementPtrList statementsInScope =
	sageScopeStatement->getStatementList ();
      SgStatementPtrList::iterator i;

      for (i = statementsInScope.begin (); i != statementsInScope.end (); i++)

	  SgLocatedNode *locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode (*i);
	  ROSE_ASSERT (locatedNode != NULL);

	  if(locatedNode->variantT() == V_SgPragmaDeclaration){
       	          SgPragmaDeclaration* sagePragmaDeclaration = isSgPragmaDeclaration(locatedNode);
	          ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration );
	          ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma() != NULL ); 
                  string pragmaDeclarationString =  sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma()->get_pragma();
                  //extract the part before the leftmost = is pragmaDeclarationString
	          pragmaDeclarationString = pragmaDeclarationString.substr(0,pragmaDeclarationString.find("="));
	          //if the name-criteria is met accept node
	         if(pragmaDeclarationString.find( stringToMatch ) != string::npos ){
	         	cout << pragmaDeclarationString << endl;
                        ControlStructureContainer *container = new ControlStructureContainer ();
                        container->setPragmaString (sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma ()->get_pragma ());
                        container->setAssociatedStatement (sagePragmaDeclaration);
                        returnList.push_back (container);

	  //find all comments attached to current node.
	  AttachedPreprocessingInfoType *comments =
	    locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo ();

	  if (comments != NULL)
	      //We need to find comments which fits the criteria    
	      //printf ("Found attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->sage_class_name());
	      AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator j;
	      for (j = comments->begin (); j != comments->end (); j++)
		  ROSE_ASSERT ((*j) != NULL);
		  string comment = (*j)->getString ();
		  //see if comment begins with stringPrefixToMatch
		  string tempString = comment.substr (0, comment.find (' '));
		  if (tempString == stringPrefixToMatch)
		    {		//+stringPrefixToMatch ){
		      comment =
			StringUtility::copyEdit (comment, stringPrefixToMatch,

		      cout << "And the string is: " << comment << endl;

		      if (comment.find (stringToMatch) != string::npos)
			  cout << "And even the string is matched." << endl;
			  //ROSE_ASSERT(comment.find('=') != comment.length());
			  //string variableName = comment.substr(comment.find(stringToMatch), comment.find('='));
			  cout << "And the string is a match" << endl;

			  //puit the matching comment into a container    
			  ControlStructureContainer *container =
			    new ControlStructureContainer ();
			  container->setPragmaString (comment);
			  container->setAssociatedStatement (locatedNode);

			  returnList.push_back (container);
		 /* printf
		    ("          Attached Comment (relativePosition=%s):\n %s\n Next comment: \n",
		     ((*j)->relativePosition ==
		      PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",
		     (*j)->getString ());*/


  return returnList;
}				/* End function:  queryFindCommentsInScope() */
Exemple #11
visitorTraversal::visit(SgNode* n)
     SgFile* file = isSgFile(n);
     if (file != NULL)
          filename = file->get_sourceFileNameWithPath();

  // On each statement node and output it's position.
     SgStatement* statement = isSgStatement(n);

     bool outputStatement = (statement != NULL) ? true : false;

  // Check for the statement to exist in the input source file
     outputStatement = outputStatement && (statement->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() == filename);

  // Skip SgGlobal IR nodes
     outputStatement = outputStatement && (isSgGlobal(statement) == NULL);

     if (outputStatement == true)
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = statement->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

          if (comments != NULL)
            // printf ("Found attached comments (to IR node at %p of type: %s): \n",statement,statement->class_name().c_str());
            // int counter = 0;
               AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
               for (i = comments->begin(); i != comments->end(); i++)
#if 0
                    printf ("          Attached Comment #%d in file %s (relativePosition=%s): classification %s :\n%s\n",
                         ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",

                 // Mark comments and CPP directives a few different colors.
                    int startingLineNumber   = (*i)->get_file_info()->get_line();
                    int startingColumnNumber = (*i)->get_file_info()->get_col();

                 // Subtract 1 from number of lines to avoid over counting the current line.
                    int endingLineNumber = startingLineNumber + ((*i)->getNumberOfLines() - 1);
                    int endingColumnNumber = (*i)->getColumnNumberOfEndOfString();

                    string color = directiveTypeColor((*i)->getTypeOfDirective());
#if 0
                    printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d\n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber);
                    dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;
            // printf ("No attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",statement,statement->sage_class_name());

          ROSE_ASSERT(statement->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int startingLineNumber   = statement->get_startOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int startingColumnNumber = statement->get_startOfConstruct()->get_col();
          if (statement->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL)
               printf ("Error: statement->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL (statement = %p = %s) \n",statement,statement->class_name().c_str());
          ROSE_ASSERT(statement->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int endingLineNumber     = statement->get_endOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int endingColumnNumber   = statement->get_endOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // Catch errors (likely compiler generate IR node or NULL file)
          if (endingLineNumber == 0)
               endingLineNumber   = startingLineNumber;
               endingColumnNumber = startingColumnNumber;
#if 0
       // Mark all statements blue
          string color = "blue";
          if (isSgScopeStatement(statement) != NULL)
             color = "red";
          string color = nodeColor(statement);
#if 0
          printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d  %s = %p \n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber,statement->class_name().c_str(),statement);
          dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;


  // On each statement node and output it's position.
     SgExpression* expression = isSgExpression(n);

     bool outputExpression = (expression != NULL) ? true : false;

  // Check for the statement to exist in the input source file
     outputExpression = outputExpression && (expression->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() == filename);

     if (outputExpression == true)
       // Currently we don't attach comments to expressions (as I recall).
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = expression->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
          ROSE_ASSERT(comments == NULL);

          ROSE_ASSERT(expression->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int startingLineNumber   = expression->get_startOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int startingColumnNumber = expression->get_startOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // For expressions I would like to be a bit more tollerant of a few mistakes.
          if (expression->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL)
               printf ("Error: expression->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL (expression = %p = %s) \n",expression,expression->class_name().c_str());
       // ROSE_ASSERT(expression->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int endingLineNumber     = startingLineNumber;
          int endingColumnNumber   = startingColumnNumber;
          if (expression->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL)
               endingLineNumber     = expression->get_endOfConstruct()->get_line();
               endingColumnNumber   = expression->get_endOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // Catch errors (likely compiler generate IR node or NULL file)
          if (endingLineNumber == 0)
               endingLineNumber   = startingLineNumber;
               endingColumnNumber = startingColumnNumber;

          string color = nodeColor(expression);
#if 0
          printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d  %s = %p \n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber,expression->class_name().c_str(),expression);
          dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;


  // On each statement node and output it's position.
     SgInitializedName* initializedName = isSgInitializedName(n);

     bool outputInitializedName = (initializedName != NULL) ? true : false;

  // Check for the statement to exist in the input source file
     outputInitializedName = outputInitializedName && (initializedName->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() == filename);

     if (outputInitializedName == true)
       // Currently we don't attach comments to SgInitializedName IR nodes (as I recall).
       // AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = initializedName->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
       // ROSE_ASSERT(comments == NULL);

          ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int startingLineNumber   = initializedName->get_startOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int startingColumnNumber = initializedName->get_startOfConstruct()->get_col();
#if 0
       // For SgInitializedName I would like to be a bit more tollerant of a few mistakes.
          if (initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL)
               printf ("Note: initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL is OK (initializedName = %p = %s) \n",initializedName,initializedName->class_name().c_str());
       // ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int endingLineNumber     = startingLineNumber;
          int endingColumnNumber   = startingColumnNumber;
          if (initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL)
               endingLineNumber     = initializedName->get_endOfConstruct()->get_line();
               endingColumnNumber   = initializedName->get_endOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // Catch errors (likely compiler generate IR node or NULL file)
          if (endingLineNumber == 0)
               endingLineNumber   = startingLineNumber;
               endingColumnNumber = startingColumnNumber;

          string color = nodeColor(initializedName);
#if 0
       // This is redundant I/O for debugging.
          printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d  %s = %p \n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber,initializedName->class_name().c_str(),initializedName);
          dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;

FixupSelfReferentialMacrosInAST::visit ( SgNode* node )
  // DQ (3/11/2006): Set NULL pointers where we would like to have none.
  // printf ("In FixupSelfReferentialMacrosInAST::visit(): node = %s \n",node->class_name().c_str());

     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);
     switch (node->variantT())
          case V_SgInitializedName:
               SgInitializedName* initializedName = isSgInitializedName(node);
               ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName != NULL);
               SgType* type = initializedName->get_type()->stripType();
               SgClassType* classType = isSgClassType(type);
               if (classType != NULL)
                    SgClassDeclaration* targetClassDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(classType->get_declaration());
                    SgName className = targetClassDeclaration->get_name();

                 // printf ("In FixupSelfReferentialMacrosInAST::visit(): Found a class declaration name = %s \n",className.str());

                 // For sudo_exec_pty.c also look for siginfo
                    if (className == "sigaction" || className == "siginfo")
                      // printf ("In FixupSelfReferentialMacrosInAST::visit(): Found a sigaction type \n");

                      // Note we could also check that the declaration came from a known header file.
                         SgStatement* associatedStatement = isSgStatement(initializedName->get_parent());
                         if (associatedStatement != NULL)
                           // Add a macro to undefine the "#define sa_handler __sigaction_handler.sa_handler" macro.
                           // printf ("In FixupSelfReferentialMacrosInAST::visit(): Add a macro to undefine the macro #define sa_handler __sigaction_handler.sa_handler \n");

                           // PreprocessingInfo* macro = new PreprocessingInfo(DirectiveType, const std::string & inputString,const std::string & filenameString, int line_no , int col_no,int nol, RelativePositionType relPos );

                              PreprocessingInfo::DirectiveType directiveType = PreprocessingInfo::CpreprocessorUndefDeclaration;

                           // We are puting out all macros anytime we see either type.  This might be too much...

                           // From the sigaction.h file (included by signal.h):
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef sa_handler\n",directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef sa_sigaction\n",directiveType);

                           // From the siginfo.h file (included by signal.h):
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_pid\n",    directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_uid\n",    directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_timerid\n",directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_overrun\n",directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_status\n", directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_utime\n",  directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_stime\n",  directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_value\n",  directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_int\n",    directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_ptr\n",    directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_addr\n",   directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_band\n",   directiveType);
                              addMacro(associatedStatement,"#undef si_fd\n",     directiveType);

            // printf ("Not handled in FixupSelfReferentialMacrosInAST::visit(%s) \n",node->class_name().c_str());

#if 0
  // DQ (12/30/2013): Comments and CPP directives have not yet been attached to the AST, so we can't process them here.

  // SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(node);
  // if (locatedNode != NULL)
     SgStatement* stmt = isSgStatement(node);
     if (stmt != NULL)
       // Find all #define statements and look for self referencing macros

          int numberOfComments = -1;
          if (stmt->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo() != NULL)
               numberOfComments = stmt->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo()->size();

          std::string s = std::string(" --- startOfConstruct: file = " ) + stmt->get_startOfConstruct()->get_filenameString()
             + " raw filename = " + stmt->get_startOfConstruct()->get_raw_filename()
             + " raw line = "     + StringUtility::numberToString(stmt->get_startOfConstruct()->get_raw_line())
             + " raw column = "   + StringUtility::numberToString(stmt->get_startOfConstruct()->get_raw_col())
             + " #comments = "    + StringUtility::numberToString(numberOfComments)
             + " \n ";

          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = stmt->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

          if (comments != NULL)
               printf ("Found attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",stmt,stmt->class_name().c_str());
               AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
               for (i = comments->begin(); i != comments->end(); i++)
                    ROSE_ASSERT ( (*i) != NULL );
                    printf ("          Attached Comment (relativePosition=%s): %s\n",
                         ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",
                    printf ("Comment/Directive getNumberOfLines = %d getColumnNumberOfEndOfString = %d \n",(*i)->getNumberOfLines(),(*i)->getColumnNumberOfEndOfString());
                    (*i)->get_file_info()->display("comment/directive location");
               printf ("No attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",stmt,stmt->class_name().c_str());