Status CmdAuthenticate::_authenticateX509(const UserName& user, const BSONObj& cmdObj) {
        if(user.getDB() != "$external") {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::ProtocolError,
                          "X.509 authentication must always use the $external database.");

        ClientBasic *client = ClientBasic::getCurrent();
        AuthorizationSession* authorizationSession = client->getAuthorizationSession();
        StringData subjectName = client->port()->getX509SubjectName();

        if (user.getUser() != subjectName) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::AuthenticationFailed,
                          "There is no x.509 client certificate matching the user.");
        else {
            StringData srvSubjectName = getSSLManager()->getServerSubjectName();
            StringData srvClusterId = srvSubjectName.substr(srvSubjectName.find(",OU="));
            StringData peerClusterId = subjectName.substr(subjectName.find(",OU="));

            fassert(17002, !srvClusterId.empty() && srvClusterId != srvSubjectName);

            // Handle internal cluster member auth, only applies to server-server connections 
            if (srvClusterId == peerClusterId) {
                if (cmdLine.clusterAuthMode.empty() || cmdLine.clusterAuthMode == "keyfile") {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::AuthenticationFailed,
                                  "X509 authentication is not allowed for cluster authentication");
            // Handle normal client authentication, only applies to client-server connections
            else {
                Principal* principal = new Principal(user);
            return Status::OK();
    Status CmdAuthenticate::_authenticateCR(const UserName& user, const BSONObj& cmdObj) {

        if (user == internalSecurity.user->getName() && cmdLine.clusterAuthMode == "x509") {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::AuthenticationFailed,
                          "Mechanism x509 is required for internal cluster authentication");

        if (!_areNonceAuthenticateCommandsEnabled) {
            // SERVER-8461, MONGODB-CR must be enabled for authenticating the internal user, so that
            // cluster members may communicate with each other.
            if (user != internalSecurity.user->getName()) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, _nonceAuthenticateCommandsDisabledMessage);

        string key = cmdObj.getStringField("key");
        string received_nonce = cmdObj.getStringField("nonce");

        if( user.getUser().empty() || key.empty() || received_nonce.empty() ) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::ProtocolError,
                          "field missing/wrong type in received authenticate command");

        stringstream digestBuilder;

            ClientBasic *client = ClientBasic::getCurrent();
            boost::scoped_ptr<AuthenticationSession> session;
            if (!session || session->getType() != AuthenticationSession::SESSION_TYPE_MONGO) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::ProtocolError, "No pending nonce");
            else {
                nonce64 nonce = static_cast<MongoAuthenticationSession*>(session.get())->getNonce();
                digestBuilder << hex << nonce;
                if (digestBuilder.str() != received_nonce) {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::AuthenticationFailed, "Received wrong nonce.");

        User* userObj;
        Status status = getGlobalAuthorizationManager()->acquireUser(user, &userObj);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            // Failure to find the privilege document indicates no-such-user, a fact that we do not
            // wish to reveal to the client.  So, we return AuthenticationFailed rather than passing
            // through the returned status.
            return Status(ErrorCodes::AuthenticationFailed, status.toString());
        string pwd = userObj->getCredentials().password;

        md5digest d;
            digestBuilder << user.getUser() << pwd;
            string done = digestBuilder.str();

            md5_state_t st;
            md5_append(&st, (const md5_byte_t *) done.c_str(), done.size());
            md5_finish(&st, d);

        string computed = digestToString( d );

        if ( key != computed ) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::AuthenticationFailed, "key mismatch");

        AuthorizationSession* authorizationSession =
        Principal* principal = new Principal(user);

        return Status::OK();