Exemple #1
    // this = argv[0] (ignored)
    // arg1 = argv[1]
    // argN = argv[argc]
    Atom NamespaceClass::construct(int argc, Atom* argv)
        AvmCore* core = this->core();

        // See E4X 13.2.2, pg 65
        if (argc < 1)
            return core->newNamespace(core->kEmptyString->atom())->atom();
        else if (argc == 1)
            return core->newNamespace(argv[1])->atom();
            // Rhino throws an error when prefix is specified and uri is not a valid string
            String *p = core->string (argv[1]);
            String *u = core->string (argv[2]);
            if (p->length() && !u->length())
                toplevel()->throwTypeError(kXMLNamespaceWithPrefixAndNoURI, p);

            return core->newNamespace(argv[1], argv[2])->atom();
Exemple #2
	ClassClosure* DomainObject::getClass(Stringp name)
		AvmCore *core = this->core();

		if (name == NULL) {
			toplevel()->throwArgumentError(kNullArgumentError, core->toErrorString("name"));

		// Search for a dot from the end.
        int dot = name->lastIndexOf(core->cachedChars[(int)'.']);
		// If there is a '.', this is a fully-qualified
		// class name in a package.  Must turn it into
		// a namespace-qualified multiname.
		Namespace* ns;
		Stringp className;
		if (dot >= 0) {
            Stringp uri = core->internString(name->substring(0, dot));
			ns = core->internNamespace(core->newNamespace(uri));
            className = core->internString(name->substring(dot+1, name->length()));
		} else {
			ns = core->publicNamespace;
			className = core->internString(name);

		Multiname multiname(ns, className);

        // OOO: In the distribution, we search core->codeContext()->domainEnv rather than
        // our own domainEnv, which is surely a bug?
        ScriptObject *container = finddef(multiname, domainEnv);
		if (!container) {
			toplevel()->throwTypeError(kClassNotFoundError, core->toErrorString(&multiname));
		Atom atom = toplevel()->getproperty(container->atom(),

		if (!AvmCore::istype(atom, core->traits.class_itraits)) {
			toplevel()->throwTypeError(kClassNotFoundError, core->toErrorString(&multiname));
		return (ClassClosure*)AvmCore::atomToScriptObject(atom);
Exemple #3
	// E4X 13.3.2, page 67
	Atom QNameClass::construct(int argc, Atom* argv)
		AvmCore* core = this->core();

		if (argc == 0)
			return (new (core->GetGC(), ivtable()->getExtraSize()) QNameObject(this, undefinedAtom))->atom();

		if (argc == 1)
			if (core->isObject(argv[1]) && AvmCore::istype(argv[1], core->traits.qName_itraits))
				return argv[1];

			return (new (core->GetGC(), ivtable()->getExtraSize()) QNameObject(this, argv[1]))->atom();
			Atom a = argv[1];
			if (a == undefinedAtom)
				// ns undefined same as unspecified
				return (new (core->GetGC(), ivtable()->getExtraSize()) QNameObject(this, argv[2]))->atom();
				Namespace* ns;
				if (AvmCore::isNull(a))
					ns = NULL;
				// It's important to preserve the incoming namespace because it's type
				// may not be public.  I.E...
				// namespace ns;
				// q = new QName(ns, "name"); // ns is a NS_PackageInternal ns
				// If we ever use this QName as a multiname, we need to preserve the exact ns
				else if (core->isNamespace(a))
					ns = core->atomToNamespace(a);				
					ns = core->newNamespace (a);
				return (new (core->GetGC(), ivtable()->getExtraSize()) QNameObject(this, ns, argv[2]))->atom();