/* FUNCTION: Video :: Video ARGUMENTS: ref RETURN: n/a DESCRIPTION: Constructor */ Video :: Video(entry_ref *ref) { fMediaFile = 0; fVideoTrack = 0; fBitmap = 0; fVideoThread = 0; fMediaFile = new BMediaFile(ref, B_MEDIA_FILE_BIG_BUFFERS); fStatus = fMediaFile->InitCheck(); if (fStatus != B_OK) return; int32 num_tracks = fMediaFile->CountTracks(); for (int32 i=0; i < num_tracks; i++) { BMediaTrack *track = fMediaFile->TrackAt(i); if (track == NULL) { fMediaFile->ReleaseAllTracks(); printf("Media file claims to have %ld tracks, cannot find track %ld\n", num_tracks, i); fVideoTrack = 0; return; } media_format mf; fStatus = track->EncodedFormat(&mf); if (fStatus == B_OK) { switch (mf.type) { case B_MEDIA_ENCODED_VIDEO: case B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO: if (fVideoTrack == 0) { fVideoTrack = track; InitPlayer(&mf); } else printf("Multiple video tracks not supported\n"); break; default: fStatus = B_ERROR; } } if (fStatus != B_OK) fMediaFile->ReleaseTrack(track); } if (fVideoTrack) fStatus = B_OK; }
void MediaFileInfoView::_GetFileInfo(BString* audioFormat, BString* videoFormat, BString* audioDetails, BString* videoDetails, BString* duration) { fDuration = 0; if (fMediaFile == NULL) return; BMediaTrack* track; media_format format; memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); media_codec_info codecInfo; bool audioDone(false), videoDone(false); bigtime_t audioDuration = 0; bigtime_t videoDuration = 0; int32 tracks = fMediaFile->CountTracks(); int64 videoFrames = 0; int64 audioFrames = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < tracks && (!audioDone || !videoDone); i++) { track = fMediaFile->TrackAt(i); if (track != NULL) { track->EncodedFormat(&format); if (format.IsVideo()) { memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); format.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO; track->DecodedFormat(&format); media_raw_video_format *rvf = &(format.u.raw_video); track->GetCodecInfo(&codecInfo); *videoFormat << codecInfo.pretty_name; videoDuration = track->Duration(); videoFrames = track->CountFrames(); *videoDetails << (int32)format.Width() << "x" << (int32)format.Height() << " " << (int32)(rvf->field_rate / rvf->interlace) << " fps / " << videoFrames << " frames"; videoDone = true; } else if (format.IsAudio()) { memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); format.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO; track->DecodedFormat(&format); media_raw_audio_format *raf = &(format.u.raw_audio); char bytesPerSample = (char)(raf->format & 0xf); if (bytesPerSample == 1) { *audioDetails << "8 bit "; } else if (bytesPerSample == 2) { *audioDetails << "16 bit "; } else { *audioDetails << bytesPerSample << "byte "; } track->GetCodecInfo(&codecInfo); *audioFormat << codecInfo.pretty_name; audioDuration = track->Duration(); audioFrames = track->CountFrames(); *audioDetails << (float)(raf->frame_rate / 1000.0f) << " kHz"; if (raf->channel_count == 1) { *audioDetails << " mono / "; } else if (raf->channel_count == 2) { *audioDetails << " stereo / "; } else { *audioDetails << (int32)raf->channel_count << " channel / " ; } *audioDetails << audioFrames << " frames"; audioDone = true; } fMediaFile->ReleaseTrack(track); } } fDuration = MAX(audioDuration, videoDuration); *duration << (int32)(fDuration / 1000000) << " seconds"; }
// Init status_t VideoClip::Init(const entry_ref* ref) { // check if this file is a MediaFile // instantiate a BMediaFile object, and make sure there was no error. fMediaFile = new BMediaFile(ref); status_t err = fMediaFile->InitCheck(); if (err < B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "VideoClip::Init() - " "no media file: %s\n", strerror(err)); return err; } // count the tracks and instanciate them, one at a time int32 numTracks = fMediaFile->CountTracks(); for (int32 i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { if (fTrack) break; BMediaTrack* track = fMediaFile->TrackAt(i); if (!track) { fprintf(stderr, "VideoClip::Init() - " "cannot read media track at %ld\n", i); continue; } // get the encoded format media_format format; err = track->EncodedFormat(&format); if (err < B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "VideoClip::Init() - " "cannot understand encoded format " "of track %ld: %s\n", i, strerror(err)); continue; } switch(format.type) { case B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO: case B_MEDIA_ENCODED_VIDEO: { // video track fTrack = track; break; } case B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO: // audio track break; case B_MEDIA_ENCODED_AUDIO: // audio track break; default: break; } if (fTrack != track) { // didn't do anything with the track fMediaFile->ReleaseTrack(track); } } if (!fTrack) return B_UNSUPPORTED; err = fTrack->EncodedFormat(&fFormat); if (err < B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "VideoClip::Init() - " "fTrack->EncodedFormat(): %s\n", strerror(err)); return err; } // get encoded video frame size uint32 width = fFormat.u.encoded_video.output.display.line_width; uint32 height = fFormat.u.encoded_video.output.display.line_count; printf("VideoClip::Init() - native colorspace: %s\n", string_for_color_space(fFormat.u.encoded_video.output.display.format)); // allocate a buffer large enough to contain the decoded frame. BRect videoBounds(0.0, 0.0, width - 1, height - 1); fBuffer = new BBitmap(videoBounds, 0, B_YCbCr422); err = fBuffer->InitCheck(); if (err < B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "VideoClip::Init() - " "error allocating buffer: %s\n", strerror(err)); delete fBuffer; fBuffer = NULL; return err; } // specifiy the decoded format. we derive this information from // the encoded format. memset(&fFormat, 0, sizeof(media_format)); fFormat.u.raw_video.last_active = height - 1; // fFormat.u.raw_video.orientation = B_VIDEO_TOP_LEFT_RIGHT; // fFormat.u.raw_video.pixel_width_aspect = 1; // fFormat.u.raw_video.pixel_height_aspect = 1; fFormat.u.raw_video.display.format = fBuffer->ColorSpace(); fFormat.u.raw_video.display.line_width = width; fFormat.u.raw_video.display.line_count = height; fFormat.u.raw_video.display.bytes_per_row = fBuffer->BytesPerRow(); err = fTrack->DecodedFormat(&fFormat); if (err < B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "VideoClip::Init() - " "fTrack->DecodedFormat(): %s\n", strerror(err)); return err; } fFrameCount = fTrack->CountFrames(); return B_OK; }
void VideoFileTexture::_Load(const char* fileName) { BEntry entry(fileName); entry_ref ref; entry.GetRef(&ref); fMediaFile = new BMediaFile(&ref); status_t err = fMediaFile->InitCheck(); if (err != B_OK) { printf("cannot contruct BMediaFile object -- %s\n", strerror(err)); return; } int32 trackCount = fMediaFile->CountTracks(); for (int32 i = 0; i < trackCount; i++) { BMediaTrack* track = fMediaFile->TrackAt(i); if (track == NULL) { printf("cannot contruct BMediaTrack object\n"); return; } // get the encoded format media_format format; err = track->EncodedFormat(&format); if (err != B_OK) { printf("BMediaTrack::EncodedFormat error -- %s\n", strerror(err)); return; } if (format.type == B_MEDIA_ENCODED_VIDEO) { fVideoTrack = track; // allocate a bitmap large enough to contain the decoded frame. BRect bounds(0.0, 0.0, format.u.encoded_video.output.display.line_width - 1.0, format.u.encoded_video.output.display.line_count - 1.0); fVideoBitmap = new BBitmap(bounds, B_RGB32); // specifiy the decoded format. we derive this information from // the encoded format. memset(&format, 0, sizeof(media_format)); format.u.raw_video.last_active = (int32) (bounds.Height() - 1.0); format.u.raw_video.orientation = B_VIDEO_TOP_LEFT_RIGHT; format.u.raw_video.pixel_width_aspect = 1; format.u.raw_video.pixel_height_aspect = 3; format.u.raw_video.display.format = fVideoBitmap->ColorSpace(); format.u.raw_video.display.line_width = (int32) bounds.Width(); format.u.raw_video.display.line_count = (int32) bounds.Height(); format.u.raw_video.display.bytes_per_row = fVideoBitmap->BytesPerRow(); err = fVideoTrack->DecodedFormat(&format); if (err != B_OK) { printf("error with BMediaTrack::DecodedFormat() -- %s\n", strerror(err)); return; } // Create Texture glGenTextures(1, &fId); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fId); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, (int) fVideoBitmap->Bounds().Width() + 1, (int) fVideoBitmap->Bounds().Height() + 1, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, fVideoBitmap->Bits()); } } }
void LeftList::MessageReceived(BMessage* msg) { struct AudioInfo fAudioInfo; BMediaFile* testfile; bool fIsAudio = false; BMediaTrack* track; media_codec_info codecInfo; media_format format; memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); entry_ref ref; int32 counter = 0; switch (msg->what) { case B_SIMPLE_DATA: while (msg->FindRef("refs", counter++, &ref) == B_OK) { if ((testfile = new BMediaFile(&ref)) != NULL) { testfile->InitCheck(); track = testfile->TrackAt(0); if (track != NULL) { track->EncodedFormat(&format); if (format.IsAudio()) { memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); format.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO; track->DecodedFormat(&format); fAudioInfo.total_time = track->Duration(); media_raw_audio_format* raf = &(format.u.raw_audio); fAudioInfo.bps = (int32)(raf->format & 0xf); fAudioInfo.frame_rate = (int32)raf->frame_rate; fAudioInfo.channels = (int32)raf->channel_count; track->GetCodecInfo(&codecInfo); strcpy(fAudioInfo.pretty_name, codecInfo.pretty_name); strcpy(fAudioInfo.short_name, codecInfo.short_name); fIsAudio = true; } } } else WriteLog("MediaFile NULL (file doesnt exists!?)"); delete testfile; if (fIsAudio) { if (!strcmp(fAudioInfo.pretty_name, "Raw Audio") && (fAudioInfo.channels == 2) && (fAudioInfo.frame_rate == 44100) && (fAudioInfo.bps == 2)) AddItem(new LeftListItem(&ref, ref.name, fAudioBitmap, &fAudioInfo)); else { BAlert* MyAlert = new BAlert("BurnItNow", "You can only burn 16 bits stereo 44.1 kHz Raw Audio files.\n (More audio files will be supported in the future)", "Ok", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_INFO_ALERT); MyAlert->Go(); } } else { BPath temp_path; BEntry(&ref).GetPath(&temp_path); jpWindow* win = dynamic_cast<jpWindow*>(Window()); if (win != NULL) win->SetISOFile((char*)temp_path.Path()); } } break; default: BListView::MessageReceived(msg); break; } }
status_t MediaFileInfo::LoadInfo(BMediaFile* file) { _Reset(); if (!file) return B_BAD_VALUE; BMediaTrack* track; media_format format; memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); media_codec_info codecInfo; bool audioDone(false), videoDone(false); bigtime_t audioDuration = 0; bigtime_t videoDuration = 0; int32 tracks = file->CountTracks(); int64 videoFrames = 0; int64 audioFrames = 0; status_t ret = B_OK; for (int32 i = 0; i < tracks && (!audioDone || !videoDone); i++) { track = file->TrackAt(i); if (track == NULL) return B_ERROR; ret = track->InitCheck(); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; ret = track->EncodedFormat(&format); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; if (format.IsVideo()) { memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); format.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO; ret = track->DecodedFormat(&format); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; media_raw_video_format *rvf = &(format.u.raw_video); ret = track->GetCodecInfo(&codecInfo); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; video.format << codecInfo.pretty_name; videoDuration = track->Duration(); videoFrames = track->CountFrames(); BString details; snprintf(details.LockBuffer(256), 256, B_TRANSLATE_COMMENT("%u x %u, %.2ffps / %Ld frames", "Width x Height, fps / frames"), format.Width(), format.Height(), rvf->field_rate / rvf->interlace, videoFrames); details.UnlockBuffer(); video.details << details; videoDone = true; } else if (format.IsAudio()) { memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); format.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO; ret = track->DecodedFormat(&format); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; media_raw_audio_format *raf = &(format.u.raw_audio); char bytesPerSample = (char)(raf->format & 0xf); BString details; if (bytesPerSample == 1 || bytesPerSample == 2) { snprintf(details.LockBuffer(16), 16, B_TRANSLATE("%d bit "), bytesPerSample * 8); } else { snprintf(details.LockBuffer(16), 16, B_TRANSLATE("%d byte "), bytesPerSample); } details.UnlockBuffer(); audio.details << details; ret = track->GetCodecInfo(&codecInfo); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; audio.format << codecInfo.pretty_name; audioDuration = track->Duration(); audioFrames = track->CountFrames(); BString channels; if (raf->channel_count == 1) { snprintf(channels.LockBuffer(64), 64, B_TRANSLATE("%.1f kHz mono / %lld frames"), raf->frame_rate / 1000.f, audioFrames); } else if (raf->channel_count == 2) { snprintf(channels.LockBuffer(64), 64, B_TRANSLATE("%.1f kHz stereo / %lld frames"), raf->frame_rate / 1000.f, audioFrames); } else { snprintf(channels.LockBuffer(64), 64, B_TRANSLATE("%.1f kHz %ld channel / %lld frames"), raf->frame_rate / 1000.f, raf->channel_count, audioFrames); } channels.UnlockBuffer(); audio.details << channels; audioDone = true; } ret = file->ReleaseTrack(track); if (ret != B_OK) return ret; } useconds = MAX(audioDuration, videoDuration); duration << (int32)(useconds / 1000000) << B_TRANSLATE(" seconds"); return B_OK; }
// GetMedia status_t MediaClip::_GetMedia(const entry_ref* ref, BMediaFile*& mediaFile, BMediaTrack** _videoTrack, BMediaTrack** _audioTrack) { if (_videoTrack != NULL) *_videoTrack = NULL; if (_audioTrack != NULL) *_audioTrack = NULL; mediaFile = new BMediaFile(ref); status_t status = mediaFile->InitCheck(); if (status < B_OK) { delete mediaFile; mediaFile = NULL; return status; } // count the tracks and instantiate them, one at a time int32 numTracks = mediaFile->CountTracks(); for (int32 i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { BMediaTrack* track = mediaFile->TrackAt(i); if (track == NULL) { printf("cannot read media track at %ld\n", i); continue; } // get the encoded format media_format format; status = track->EncodedFormat(&format); if (status < B_OK) { printf("cannot understand encoded format " "of track %ld: %s\n", i, strerror(status)); continue; } bool release = true; switch (format.type) { case B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO: case B_MEDIA_ENCODED_VIDEO: { // video track if (_videoTrack != NULL && *_videoTrack == NULL) { *_videoTrack = track; release = false; } break; } case B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO: case B_MEDIA_ENCODED_AUDIO: // audio track if (_audioTrack != NULL && *_audioTrack == NULL) { *_audioTrack = track; release = false; } break; default: break; } if (release) { // didn't do anything with the track mediaFile->ReleaseTrack(track); } } return B_OK; }
status_t MediaView::SetMediaSource(BPositionIO *data) { BAutolock autolock(Window()); fMediaFile = new BMediaFile(data); file = data; bool foundTrack = false; int32 numTracks = fMediaFile->CountTracks(); for (int32 i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { BMediaTrack *track = fMediaFile->TrackAt(i); if (track == NULL) { Reset(); return (B_ERROR); } else { bool trackUsed = false; media_format mf; if (track->EncodedFormat(&mf) == B_NO_ERROR) { switch (mf.type) { case B_MEDIA_ENCODED_VIDEO: printf("#################field rate %f\n", mf.u.encoded_video.output.field_rate); trackUsed = SetVideoTrack(data, track, &mf) == B_NO_ERROR; break; case B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO: trackUsed = SetAudioTrack(data, track, &mf) == B_NO_ERROR; break; case B_MEDIA_ENCODED_AUDIO: if (track->DecodedFormat(&mf) == B_NO_ERROR) trackUsed = SetAudioTrack(data, track, &mf) == B_NO_ERROR; break; default: break; } } if (trackUsed) foundTrack = true; else { fMediaFile->ReleaseTrack(track); } } } if (foundTrack) { status_t err = B_ERROR; fPlayerThread = spawn_thread(MediaView::MediaPlayer, "MediaView::MediaPlayer", 95, this); if (fPlayerThread < B_NO_ERROR) { err = fPlayerThread; fPlayerThread = B_ERROR; Reset(); return (err); } fPlaySem = create_sem(0, "MediaView::fPlaySem"); if (fPlaySem < B_NO_ERROR) { err = fPlaySem; fPlaySem = B_ERROR; Reset(); return (err); } err = resume_thread(fPlayerThread); if (err != B_NO_ERROR) { kill_thread(fPlayerThread); fPlayerThread = B_ERROR; Reset(); return (err); } if (fVideoTrack != NULL) fMediaBar->SetTotalTime(fVideoTrack->Duration()); else fMediaBar->SetTotalTime(fAudioTrack->Duration()); } return (B_NO_ERROR); }
void MyApplication::RefsReceived(BMessage *message) { // be_app->Lock(); uint32 ref_num; entry_ref ref; BMediaTrack *audTrack(NULL); media_format format; memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); // media_raw_audio_format *raf(NULL); // short audioFrameSize(1); // char *audioData(NULL); int32 frame_size, channels = 1; Pool.sample_type = NONE; // for frame moving / resize bool temp_pause = play_cookie.pause;; ref_num=0; if (message->FindRef("refs",ref_num, &ref) == B_OK){ BMediaFile inFile(&ref); if (inFile.InitCheck() == B_OK){ char s[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH +20]; sprintf(s, "BeAE - %s", ref.name); mainWindow->SetTitle(s); Pool.sample_view_dirty = true; // update the sample-view Pool.update_index = true; Pool.RedrawWindow(); play_cookie.pause = true; // gather the necessary format information int32 tracks = inFile.CountTracks(); for (int32 i = 0; i < tracks; i++) { BMediaTrack *inTrack = inFile.TrackAt(i); inTrack->EncodedFormat(&format); if (format.IsAudio()) { audTrack = inTrack; inTrack->DecodedFormat(&format); // Pool.m_format = format; memcpy(&Pool.m_format, &format, sizeof(Pool.m_format)); Pool.sample_bits = (format.u.raw_audio.format & 0xf)*8; Pool.selection = NONE; Pool.frequency = format.u.raw_audio.frame_rate; // printf("format : %x\n", format.u.raw_audio.format); Pool.size = audTrack->CountFrames()-1; channels = format.u.raw_audio.channel_count; Pool.StartProgress(Language.get("LOADING_FILE"), Pool.size); frame_size = (format.u.raw_audio.format & 0xf)*channels; #ifndef __VM_SYSTEM //RAM if (Pool.sample_memory) // create buffer for sample memory, add an extra frame to be able to do free(Pool.sample_memory); // 32bit to 16 bit conversions Pool.sample_memory = (float*)malloc(Pool.size * channels *4 +1024); #endif }else{ inFile.ReleaseAllTracks(); } } int64 frameCount, framesRead; status_t err; media_header mh; int32 lastPercent, currPercent; float completePercent; BString status; char *buffer = (char*)malloc(format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size); // temp memory #ifndef __VM_SYSTEM //RAM float *mem = Pool.sample_memory; // dest memory // read audio from source and write to destination, if necessary if (mem) { #else VM.Reset(); float *convert_buffer = (float*)malloc(format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size*4); // make sure there can be floats in it // read audio from source and write to destination, if necessary if (convert_buffer) { float *mem = NULL; #endif frameCount = audTrack->CountFrames(); int64 count =0; lastPercent = -1; for (int64 i = 0; i < frameCount; i += framesRead) { #ifdef __VM_SYSTEM //RAM mem = convert_buffer; #endif // clear buffer first memset( buffer, 0, format.u.raw_audio.buffer_size); if ((err = audTrack->ReadFrames(buffer, &framesRead, &mh)) != B_OK) { printf("Error reading audio frames: %s\n", strerror(err)); break; } count += framesRead; // now correct for crashes if bigger than file if (count > frameCount) framesRead -= (count - frameCount); switch(format.u.raw_audio.format){ case 0x24: // 0 == mid, -1.0 == bottom, 1.0 == top (the preferred format for non-game audio) { float *tmp = (float*)buffer; float x; for (int32 count = 0; count<framesRead*channels; count++){ x = *tmp++; if (x<-1.0) x = -1.0; else if (x>1.0) x = 1.0; *mem++ = x; } } break; case 0x4: // 0 == mid, 0x80000001 == bottom, 0x7fffffff == top (all >16-bit formats, left-adjusted) { int32 *tmp = (int32*)buffer; float x; for (int32 count = 0; count<framesRead*channels; count++){ x = *tmp++/0x80000000; if (x<-1.0) x = -1.0; else if (x>1.0) x = 1.0; *mem++ = x; } } break; case 0x2: // 0 == mid, -32767 == bottom, +32767 == top { int16 *tmp = (int16*)buffer; float x; for (int32 count = 0; count<framesRead*channels; count++){ x = *tmp++/32767.0; if (x<-1.0) x = -1.0; else if (x>1.0) x = 1.0; *mem++ = x; } } break; case 0x11: // 128 == mid, 1 == bottom, 255 == top (discouraged but supported format) { uint8 *tmp = (uint8*)buffer; float x; for (int32 count = 0; count<framesRead*channels; count++){ x = *tmp++/127.0 -1.0; if (x<-1.0) x = -1.0; else if (x>1.0) x = 1.0; *mem++ = x; } } break; case 0x1: // 0 == mid, -127 == bottom, +127 == top (not officially supported format) { int8 *tmp = (int8*)buffer; float x; for (int32 count = 0; count<framesRead*channels; count++){ x = *tmp++/127.0; // xor 128 to invert sign bit if (x<-1.0) x = -1.0; else if (x>1.0) x = 1.0; *mem++ = x; } } break; } #ifdef __VM_SYSTEM //RAM VM.WriteBlock( convert_buffer, framesRead*channels ); #endif Pool.ProgressUpdate( framesRead ); completePercent = ((float)i) / ((float)frameCount) * 100; currPercent = (int16)floor(completePercent); if (currPercent > lastPercent) { lastPercent = currPercent; } } inFile.ReleaseAllTracks(); #ifdef __VM_SYSTEM //RAM free(convert_buffer); #endif }else{ Pool.play_mode = NONE; Pool.pointer = 0; Pool.play_pointer = 0; Pool.l_pointer = 0; Pool.r_pointer = 0; Pool.r_sel_pointer = 0; Pool.size = 0; Pool.selection = NONE; Pool.sample_type = NONE; Pool.sample_bits = 16; Pool.frequency = 41400.0; (new BAlert(NULL,Language.get("MEM_ERROR"),Language.get("OK")))->Go(); } if (channels == 1) Pool.sample_type = MONO; else Pool.sample_type = STEREO; Pool.r_pointer = Pool.size; Pool.pointer = 0; Pool.r_sel_pointer = Pool.pointer; Pool.l_pointer = 0; #ifndef __VM_SYSTEM //RAM play_cookie.mem = Pool.sample_memory; play_cookie.start_mem = Pool.sample_memory; play_cookie.end_mem = Pool.sample_memory + Pool.size*Pool.sample_type; play_cookie.frequency = Pool.frequency; play_cookie.add = 0; #else play_cookie.mem = 0; play_cookie.start_mem = 0; // play_cookie.end_mem = Pool.size*Pool.sample_type; play_cookie.frequency = Pool.frequency; play_cookie.add = 0; #endif Pool.changed = false; Pool.HideProgress(); // create the PeakFile Pool.ResetIndexView(); Hist.Reset(); // reset undo class if (IsLaunching() && Prefs.play_when_loaded) Pool.mainWindow->PostMessage(TRANSPORT_PLAYS); }else{ (new BAlert(NULL,Language.get("LOADING_NO_AUDIO"),Language.get("OK")))->Go(); } } Pool.sample_view_dirty = true; // update the sample-view Pool.update_draw_cache = true; // update the draw cache Pool.update_index = true; // update the draw cache Pool.update_peak = true; Pool.RedrawWindow(); Pool.InitBufferPlayer( Pool.frequency ); play_cookie.pause = temp_pause; Pool.UpdateMenu(); mainWindow->UpdateRecent(); // be_app->Unlock(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ Save void MyApplication::Save(BMessage *message){ // Grab the stuff we know is there .. or should be :P entry_ref dir_ref, file_ref; const char *name; BFile newFile; BDirectory dir; float t; if ((message->FindRef("directory", &dir_ref) == B_OK) && (message->FindString("name", &name) == B_OK)) { dir.SetTo(&dir_ref); if (dir.InitCheck() != B_OK) return; dir.CreateFile(name, &newFile); BEntry entry(&dir, name); if (entry.InitCheck() != B_OK) { (new BAlert(NULL, Language.get("CANT_OVERWRITE_FILE"), Language.get("OK")))->Go(); return; } entry.GetRef(&file_ref); media_codec_info *audioCodec; media_file_format *fileFormat; media_raw_audio_format *raf(NULL), *raf_in(NULL); media_format format; memset(&format, 0, sizeof(format)); char *buffer(NULL); int32 frame_size(1); fSavePanel->GetSelectedFormatInfo(&fileFormat, &audioCodec); if (audioCodec != NULL){ // format = Pool.m_format; memcpy(&format, &Pool.m_format, sizeof(format)); raf_in = &(format.u.raw_audio); format.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO; if (raf_in->format == 1) raf_in->format = 0x11; // create media file BMediaFile file(&file_ref, fileFormat, B_MEDIA_FILE_REPLACE_MODE); if (file.InitCheck() != B_OK){ (new BAlert(NULL, Language.get("CANT_OVERWRITE_FILE"), Language.get("OK")))->Go(); return; } BMediaTrack *outTrack = file.CreateTrack(&format, audioCodec); if (outTrack){ file.CommitHeader(); if (save_start == 0){ // save as char s[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH +20]; sprintf(s, "BeAE - %s", file_ref.name); mainWindow->SetTitle(s); } raf = &(format.u.raw_audio); buffer = (char*)malloc(raf->buffer_size); int32 channels = raf->channel_count; frame_size = (raf->format & 0xf) * raf->channel_count; int32 buffer_step = raf->buffer_size / frame_size; #ifndef __VM_SYSTEM //RAM float *mem = Pool.sample_memory + save_start*Pool.sample_type; // src memory #else float *convert_buffer = (float*)malloc(buffer_step*channels*4); // make sure there can be floats in it // read audio from source and write to destination, if necessary if (convert_buffer) { VM.ReadBlockAt(save_start, convert_buffer, buffer_step*channels ); float *mem = convert_buffer; #endif Pool.StartProgress(Language.get("SAVING_FILE"), save_end-save_start); for (int64 i=save_start; i<save_end; i+=buffer_step){ // fill up the buffer int32 block = MIN( (save_end-i) , buffer_step); switch(format.u.raw_audio.format){ case 0x24: // 0 == mid, -1.0 == bottom, 1.0 == top (the preferred format for non-game audio) { float *tmp = (float*)buffer; for (int32 count = 0; count<block*channels; count++){ *tmp++ = *mem++; } } break; case 0x4: // 0 == mid, 0x80000001 == bottom, 0x7fffffff == top (all >16-bit formats, left-adjusted) { int32 *tmp = (int32*)buffer; for (int32 count = 0; count<block*channels; count++){ t = *mem++; *tmp++ = ROUND(t*0x7fffffff); } } break; case 0x2: // 0 == mid, -32767 == bottom, +32767 == top { int16 *tmp = (int16*)buffer; for (int32 count = 0; count<block*channels; count++){ t = *mem++; *tmp++ = ROUND(t*32767.0); } } break; case 0x11: // 128 == mid, 1 == bottom, 255 == top (discouraged but supported format) { uint8 *tmp = (uint8*)buffer; for (int32 count = 0; count<block*channels; count++){ t = *mem++; *tmp = ROUND(t*127.0); tmp++; *tmp = *tmp ^ 0x80; } } break; case 0x1: // 0 == mid, -127 == bottom, +127 == top (not officially supported format) { int8 *tmp = (int8*)buffer; for (int32 count = 0; count<block*channels; count++){ t = *mem++; *tmp++ = ROUND(t*127.0); // xor 128 to invert sign bit } } break; } Pool.ProgressUpdate( block ); outTrack->WriteFrames(buffer, block); #ifdef __VM_SYSTEM //RAM VM.ReadBlock(convert_buffer, block*channels ); mem = convert_buffer; #endif } #ifdef __VM_SYSTEM //RAM free(convert_buffer); } #endif Pool.changed = false; outTrack->Flush(); BMimeType result; BEntry ent(&dir,name); entry_ref fref; ent.GetRef(&fref); BMimeType::GuessMimeType(&fref,&result); BNodeInfo ninfo(&newFile); ninfo.SetType(result.Type()); }else{ (new BAlert(NULL, Language.get("CODEC_FORMAT_ERROR"), Language.get("OK")))->Go(); } file.CloseFile(); free(buffer); Pool.HideProgress(); } }else{ (new BAlert(NULL, Language.get("SAVE_ERROR"), Language.get("OK")))->Go(); } if (Pool.save_mode == 2) PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); if (Pool.save_mode == 1) mainWindow->PostMessage(OPEN); Pool.save_mode = 0; }
status_t MediaConverterApp::_ConvertFile(BMediaFile* inFile, BMediaFile* outFile, media_codec_info* audioCodec, media_codec_info* videoCodec, int32 audioQuality, int32 videoQuality, bigtime_t startDuration, bigtime_t endDuration) { BMediaTrack* inVidTrack = NULL; BMediaTrack* inAudTrack = NULL; BMediaTrack* outVidTrack = NULL; BMediaTrack* outAudTrack = NULL; media_format inFormat; media_format outAudFormat; media_format outVidFormat; media_raw_audio_format* raf = NULL; media_raw_video_format* rvf = NULL; int32 width = -1; int32 height = -1; uint8* videoBuffer = NULL; uint8* audioBuffer = NULL; // gather the necessary format information and construct output tracks int64 videoFrameCount = 0; int64 audioFrameCount = 0; status_t ret = B_OK; int32 tracks = inFile->CountTracks(); for (int32 i = 0; i < tracks && (!outAudTrack || !outVidTrack); i++) { BMediaTrack* inTrack = inFile->TrackAt(i); memset(&inFormat, 0, sizeof(media_format)); inTrack->EncodedFormat(&inFormat); if (inFormat.IsAudio() && (audioCodec != NULL)) { inAudTrack = inTrack; memset(&outAudFormat, 0, sizeof(media_format)); outAudFormat.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO; raf = &(outAudFormat.u.raw_audio); inTrack->DecodedFormat(&outAudFormat); audioBuffer = new uint8[raf->buffer_size]; // audioFrameSize = (raf->format & media_raw_audio_format::B_AUDIO_SIZE_MASK) // audioFrameSize = (raf->format & 0xf) * raf->channel_count; outAudTrack = outFile->CreateTrack(&outAudFormat, audioCodec); if (outAudTrack != NULL) { if (outAudTrack->SetQuality(audioQuality / 100.0f) != B_OK && fWin->Lock()) { fWin->SetAudioQualityLabel( B_TRANSLATE("Audio quality not supported")); fWin->Unlock(); } } } else if (inFormat.IsVideo() && (videoCodec != NULL)) { inVidTrack = inTrack; width = (int32)inFormat.Width(); height = (int32)inFormat.Height(); // construct desired decoded video format memset(&outVidFormat, 0, sizeof(outVidFormat)); outVidFormat.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO; rvf = &(outVidFormat.u.raw_video); rvf->last_active = (uint32)(height - 1); rvf->orientation = B_VIDEO_TOP_LEFT_RIGHT; rvf->display.format = B_RGB32; rvf->display.bytes_per_row = 4 * width; rvf->display.line_width = width; rvf->display.line_count = height; inVidTrack->DecodedFormat(&outVidFormat); if (rvf->display.format == B_RGBA32) { printf("fixing color space (B_RGBA32 -> B_RGB32)"); rvf->display.format = B_RGB32; } // Transfer the display aspect ratio. if (inFormat.type == B_MEDIA_ENCODED_VIDEO) { rvf->pixel_width_aspect = inFormat.u.encoded_video.output.pixel_width_aspect; rvf->pixel_height_aspect = inFormat.u.encoded_video.output.pixel_height_aspect; } else { rvf->pixel_width_aspect = inFormat.u.raw_video.pixel_width_aspect; rvf->pixel_height_aspect = inFormat.u.raw_video.pixel_height_aspect; } videoBuffer = new (std::nothrow) uint8[height * rvf->display.bytes_per_row]; outVidTrack = outFile->CreateTrack(&outVidFormat, videoCodec); if (outVidTrack != NULL) { // DLM Added to use 3ivx Parameter View const char* videoQualitySupport = NULL; BView* encoderView = outVidTrack->GetParameterView(); if (encoderView) { MediaEncoderWindow* encoderWin = new MediaEncoderWindow(BRect(50, 50, 520, 555), encoderView); encoderWin->Go(); // blocks until the window is quit // The quality setting is ignored by the 3ivx encoder if the // view was displayed, but this method is the trigger to read // all the parameter settings outVidTrack->SetQuality(videoQuality / 100.0f); // We can now delete the encoderView created for us by the encoder delete encoderView; encoderView = NULL; videoQualitySupport = B_TRANSLATE("Video using parameters form settings"); } else { if (outVidTrack->SetQuality(videoQuality / 100.0f) >= B_OK) videoQualitySupport = B_TRANSLATE("Video quality not supported"); } if (videoQualitySupport && fWin->Lock()) { fWin->SetVideoQualityLabel(videoQualitySupport); fWin->Unlock(); } } } else { // didn't do anything with the track inFile->ReleaseTrack(inTrack); } } if (!outVidTrack && !outAudTrack) { printf("MediaConverterApp::_ConvertFile() - no tracks found!\n"); ret = B_ERROR; } if (fCancel) { // don't have any video or audio tracks here, or cancelled printf("MediaConverterApp::_ConvertFile()" " - user canceled before transcoding\n"); ret = B_CANCELED; } if (ret < B_OK) { delete[] audioBuffer; delete[] videoBuffer; delete outFile; return ret; } outFile->CommitHeader(); // this is where you would call outFile->AddCopyright(...) int64 framesRead; media_header mh; int32 lastPercent, currPercent; float completePercent; BString status; int64 start; int64 end; int32 stat = 0; // read video from source and write to destination, if necessary if (outVidTrack != NULL) { lastPercent = -1; videoFrameCount = inVidTrack->CountFrames(); if (endDuration == 0 || endDuration < startDuration) { start = 0; end = videoFrameCount; } else { inVidTrack->SeekToTime(&endDuration, stat); end = inVidTrack->CurrentFrame(); inVidTrack->SeekToTime(&startDuration, stat); start = inVidTrack->CurrentFrame(); if (end > videoFrameCount) end = videoFrameCount; if (start > end) start = 0; } framesRead = 0; for (int64 i = start; (i <= end) && !fCancel; i += framesRead) { if ((ret = inVidTrack->ReadFrames(videoBuffer, &framesRead, &mh)) != B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading video frame %" B_PRId64 ": %s\n", i, strerror(ret)); snprintf(status.LockBuffer(128), 128, B_TRANSLATE("Error read video frame %" B_PRId64), i); status.UnlockBuffer(); SetStatusMessage(status.String()); break; } if ((ret = outVidTrack->WriteFrames(videoBuffer, framesRead, mh.u.encoded_video.field_flags)) != B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error writing video frame %" B_PRId64 ": %s\n", i, strerror(ret)); snprintf(status.LockBuffer(128), 128, B_TRANSLATE("Error writing video frame %" B_PRId64), i); status.UnlockBuffer(); SetStatusMessage(status.String()); break; } completePercent = (float)(i - start) / (float)(end - start) * 100; currPercent = (int32)completePercent; if (currPercent > lastPercent) { lastPercent = currPercent; snprintf(status.LockBuffer(128), 128, B_TRANSLATE("Writing video track: %" B_PRId32 "%% complete"), currPercent); status.UnlockBuffer(); SetStatusMessage(status.String()); } } outVidTrack->Flush(); inFile->ReleaseTrack(inVidTrack); } // read audio from source and write to destination, if necessary if (outAudTrack != NULL) { lastPercent = -1; audioFrameCount = inAudTrack->CountFrames(); if (endDuration == 0 || endDuration < startDuration) { start = 0; end = audioFrameCount; } else { inAudTrack->SeekToTime(&endDuration, stat); end = inAudTrack->CurrentFrame(); inAudTrack->SeekToTime(&startDuration, stat); start = inAudTrack->CurrentFrame(); if (end > audioFrameCount) end = audioFrameCount; if (start > end) start = 0; } for (int64 i = start; (i <= end) && !fCancel; i += framesRead) { if ((ret = inAudTrack->ReadFrames(audioBuffer, &framesRead, &mh)) != B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading audio frames: %s\n", strerror(ret)); snprintf(status.LockBuffer(128), 128, B_TRANSLATE("Error read audio frame %" B_PRId64), i); status.UnlockBuffer(); SetStatusMessage(status.String()); break; } if ((ret = outAudTrack->WriteFrames(audioBuffer, framesRead)) != B_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error writing audio frames: %s\n", strerror(ret)); snprintf(status.LockBuffer(128), 128, B_TRANSLATE("Error writing audio frame %" B_PRId64), i); status.UnlockBuffer(); SetStatusMessage(status.String()); break; } completePercent = (float)(i - start) / (float)(end - start) * 100; currPercent = (int32)completePercent; if (currPercent > lastPercent) { lastPercent = currPercent; snprintf(status.LockBuffer(128), 128, B_TRANSLATE("Writing audio track: %" B_PRId32 "%% complete"), currPercent); status.UnlockBuffer(); SetStatusMessage(status.String()); } } outAudTrack->Flush(); inFile->ReleaseTrack(inAudTrack); } outFile->CloseFile(); delete outFile; delete[] videoBuffer; delete[] audioBuffer; return ret; }