Exemple #1
// parseStabTypes:  parses type and variable info, does some init
// does NOT parse file-line info anymore, this is done later, upon request.
void BPatch_module::parseStabTypes() 
  stab_entry *stabptr;
  const char *next_stabstr;

  unsigned i;
  char *modName;
  pdstring temp;
  image * imgPtr=NULL;
  char *ptr, *ptr2, *ptr3;
  bool parseActive = false;

  pdstring* currentFunctionName = NULL;
  Address currentFunctionBase = 0;
  BPatch_variableExpr *commonBlockVar = NULL;
 char *commonBlockName;
  BPatch_typeCommon *commonBlock = NULL;
 int mostRecentLinenum = 0;

#if defined(TIMED_PARSE)
  struct timeval starttime;
  gettimeofday(&starttime, NULL);
  unsigned int pss_count = 0;
  double pss_dur = 0;
  unsigned int src_count = 0;
  double src_dur = 0;
  unsigned int fun_count = 0;
  double fun_dur = 0;
  struct timeval t1, t2;

  imgPtr = mod->obj()->parse_img();
  const Object &objPtr = imgPtr->getObject();

  //Using the Object to get the pointers to the .stab and .stabstr
  // XXX - Elf32 specific needs to be in seperate file -- jkh 3/18/99
  stabptr = objPtr.get_stab_info();
  next_stabstr = stabptr->getStringBase();

  for (i=0; i<stabptr->count(); i++) {
    case N_UNDF: /* start of object file */
      /* value contains offset of the next string table for next module */
      // assert(stabptr->nameIdx(i) == 1);
      next_stabstr = stabptr->getStringBase() + stabptr->val(i);

      //N_UNDF is the start of object file. It is time to 
      //clean source file name at this moment.
	delete currentSourceFile;
	currentSourceFile = NULL;
	delete absoluteDirectory;
	absoluteDirectory = NULL;
	delete currentFunctionName;
	currentFunctionName = NULL;
	currentFileInfo = NULL;
	currentFuncInfo = NULL;
    case N_ENDM: /* end of object file */

    case N_SO: /* compilation source or file name */
      /* bperr("Resetting CURRENT FUNCTION NAME FOR NEXT OBJECT FILE\n");*/
      gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
      current_func_name = ""; // reset for next object file
      current_mangled_func_name = ""; // reset for next object file
      current_func = NULL;

      modName = const_cast<char*>(stabptr->name(i));
      // cerr << "checkpoint B" << endl;
      ptr = strrchr(modName, '/');
      //  cerr << "checkpoint C" << endl;
      if (ptr) {
	modName = ptr;

      if (!strcmp(modName, mod->fileName().c_str())) {
	parseActive = true;
	BPatch_language lang;
	// language should be set in the constructor, this is probably redundant
	switch (stabptr->desc(i)) {
	  lang = BPatch_fortran;
	case N_SO_F90:
	  lang = BPatch_fortran90;
	case N_SO_AS:
	  lang = BPatch_assembly;
	case N_SO_ANSI_C:
	case N_SO_C:
	  lang = BPatch_c;
	case N_SO_CC:
	  lang = BPatch_cPlusPlus;
	  lang = BPatch_unknownLanguage;
	if (BPatch_f90_demangled_stabstr != getLanguage())
      } else {
	parseActive = false;

	    gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);
	    src_dur += (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec)*1000.0 + (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec)/1000.0;
	    //src_dur += (t2.tv_sec/1000 + t2.tv_usec*1000) - (t1.tv_sec/1000 + t1.tv_usec*1000) ;
    case N_SLINE:
      mostRecentLinenum = stabptr->desc(i);

    if(parseActive || mod->obj()->isSharedLib()) {
      BPatch_Vector<BPatch_function *> bpfv;
      case N_FUN:
	gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
	//all we have to do with function stabs at this point is to assure that we have
	//properly set the var currentFunctionName for the later case of (parseActive)
        current_func = NULL;
        int currentEntry = i;
        int funlen = strlen(stabptr->name(currentEntry));
        ptr = new char[funlen+1];
        strcpy(ptr, stabptr->name(currentEntry));
        while(strlen(ptr) != 0 && ptr[strlen(ptr)-1] == '\\'){
            ptr[strlen(ptr)-1] = '\0';
        char* colonPtr = NULL;
        if(currentFunctionName) delete currentFunctionName;
        if(!ptr || !(colonPtr = strchr(ptr,':')))
            currentFunctionName = NULL;
        else {
            char* tmp = new char[colonPtr-ptr+1];
            tmp[colonPtr-ptr] = '\0';
            currentFunctionName = new pdstring(tmp);
            currentFunctionBase = 0;
            Symbol info;
            // Shouldn't this be a function name lookup?
            if (!proc->llproc->getSymbolInfo(*currentFunctionName,
                    pdstring fortranName = *currentFunctionName + pdstring("_");
                    if (proc->llproc->getSymbolInfo(fortranName,info))
                            delete currentFunctionName;
                            currentFunctionName = new pdstring(fortranName);
            currentFunctionBase = info.addr();

            delete[] tmp;
	//	if(currentSourceFile && (currentFunctionBase > 0)){
	//	lineInformation->insertSourceFileName(
	//			*currentFunctionName,
	//			*currentSourceFile,
	//			&currentFileInfo,&currentFuncInfo);
      //  used to be a symbol lookup here to find currentFunctionBase, do we need it?
      delete[] ptr;
      gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);
      fun_dur += (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec)*1000.0 + (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec)/1000.0;
      //fun_dur += (t2.tv_sec/1000 + t2.tv_usec*1000) - (t1.tv_sec/1000 + t1.tv_usec*1000);
    if (!parseActive) continue;

      case N_BCOMM:	{
	// begin Fortran named common block 
	commonBlockName = const_cast<char*>(stabptr->name(i));

	// find the variable for the common block
	BPatch_image *progam = (BPatch_image *) getObjParent();
	commonBlockVar = progam->findVariable(commonBlockName);
	if (!commonBlockVar) {
	  bperr("unable to find variable %s\n", commonBlockName);
	} else {
	  commonBlock = dynamic_cast<BPatch_typeCommon *>(const_cast<BPatch_type *> (commonBlockVar->getType()));
	  if (commonBlock == NULL) {
	    // its still the null type, create a new one for it
	    commonBlock = new BPatch_typeCommon(commonBlockName);
	    moduleTypes->addGlobalVariable(commonBlockName, commonBlock);
	  // reset field list
      case N_ECOMM: {
	// copy this set of fields
	if (NULL == findFunction(currentFunctionName->c_str(), bpfv) || !bpfv.size()) {
	  bperr("unable to locate current function %s\n", currentFunctionName->c_str());
	} else {
	  if (bpfv.size() > 1) {
	    // warn if we find more than one function with this name
	    bperr("%s[%d]:  WARNING: found %d funcs matching name %s, using the first\n",
		   __FILE__, __LINE__, bpfv.size(), currentFunctionName->c_str());
	  BPatch_function *func = bpfv[0];
	  commonBlock->endCommonBlock(func, commonBlockVar->getBaseAddr());
	// update size if needed
	if (commonBlockVar)
	commonBlockVar = NULL;
	commonBlock = NULL;
      // case C_BINCL: -- what is the elf version of this jkh 8/21/01
      // case C_EINCL: -- what is the elf version of this jkh 8/21/01
      case 32:    // Global symbols -- N_GYSM 
      case 38:    // Global Static -- N_STSYM
      case N_FUN:
      case 128:   // typedefs and variables -- N_LSYM
      case 160:   // parameter variable -- N_PSYM 
    case 0xc6:  // position-independant local typedefs -- N_ISYM
    case 0xc8: // position-independant external typedefs -- N_ESYM
	gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
        if (stabptr->type(i) == N_FUN) current_func = NULL;
	ptr = const_cast<char *>(stabptr->name(i));
	while (ptr[strlen(ptr)-1] == '\\') {
	  //ptr[strlen(ptr)-1] = '\0';
	  ptr2 =  const_cast<char *>(stabptr->name(i+1));
	  ptr3 = (char *) malloc(strlen(ptr) + strlen(ptr2));
	  strcpy(ptr3, ptr);
	  ptr3[strlen(ptr)-1] = '\0';
	  strcat(ptr3, ptr2);
	  ptr = ptr3;
	  // XXX - memory leak on multiple cont. lines
	// bperr("stab #%d = %s\n", i, ptr);
	// may be nothing to parse - XXX  jdd 5/13/99
	if (nativeCompiler)
	  temp = parseStabString(this, mostRecentLinenum, (char *)ptr, stabptr->val(i), commonBlock);
	  temp = parseStabString(this, stabptr->desc(i), (char *)ptr, stabptr->val(i), commonBlock);
	if (temp.length()) {
	  //Error parsing the stabstr, return should be \0
	  bperr( "Stab string parsing ERROR!! More to parse: %s\n",
	  bperr( "  symbol: %s\n", ptr);
	gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);
	pss_dur += (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec)*1000.0 + (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec)/1000.0;
	//      pss_dur += (t2.tv_sec/1000 + t2.tv_usec*1000) - (t1.tv_sec/1000 + t1.tv_usec*1000);

#if defined(TIMED_PARSE)
  struct timeval endtime;
  gettimeofday(&endtime, NULL);
  unsigned long lstarttime = starttime.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 + starttime.tv_usec;
  unsigned long lendtime = endtime.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 + endtime.tv_usec;
  unsigned long difftime = lendtime - lstarttime;
  double dursecs = difftime/(1000 );
  cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ <<": parseTypes("<< mod->fileName()
       <<") took "<<dursecs <<" msecs" << endl;
  cout << "Breakdown:" << endl;
  cout << "     Functions: " << fun_count << " took " << fun_dur << "msec" << endl;
  cout << "     Sources: " << src_count << " took " << src_dur << "msec" << endl;
  cout << "     parseStabString: " << pss_count << " took " << pss_dur << "msec" << endl;
  cout << "     Total: " << pss_dur + fun_dur + src_dur 
       << " msec" << endl;
Exemple #2
// Gets the stab and stabstring section and parses it for types
// and variables
void BPatch_module::parseTypes()
    int i, j;
    int nlines;
    int nstabs;
    char* lines;
    SYMENT *syms;
    SYMENT *tsym;
    char *stringPool;
    char tempName[9];
    char *stabstr=NULL;
    union auxent *aux;
    image * imgPtr=NULL;
    pdstring funcName;
    Address staticBlockBaseAddr = 0;
    unsigned long linesfdptr;
    BPatch_typeCommon *commonBlock = NULL;
    BPatch_variableExpr *commonBlockVar = NULL;
    pdstring currentSourceFile;
    bool inCommonBlock = false;

#if defined(TIMED_PARSE)
  struct timeval starttime;
  gettimeofday(&starttime, NULL);

  imgPtr = mod->obj()->parse_img();
  const Object &objPtr = imgPtr->getObject();

  //Using the Object to get the pointers to the .stab and .stabstr
  objPtr.get_stab_info(stabstr, nstabs, syms, stringPool); 


    bool parseActive = true;
    //fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]:  parseTypes for module %s: nstabs = %d\n", FILE__, __LINE__,mod->fileName().c_str(),nstabs);
    //int num_active = 0;

    for (i=0; i < nstabs; i++) {
      /* do the pointer addition by hand since sizeof(struct syment)
       *   seems to be 20 not 18 as it should be */
      SYMENT *sym = (SYMENT *) (((unsigned) syms) + i * SYMESZ);
      // SYMENT *sym = (SYMENT *) (((unsigned) syms) + i * sizeof(struct syment));

      if (sym->n_sclass == C_FILE) {
	 char *moduleName;
	 if (!sym->n_zeroes) {
	    moduleName = &stringPool[sym->n_offset];
	 } else {
	    memset(tempName, 0, 9);
	    strncpy(tempName, sym->n_name, 8);
	    moduleName = tempName;
	 /* look in aux records */
	 for (j=1; j <= sym->n_numaux; j++) {
	    aux = (union auxent *) ((char *) sym + j * SYMESZ);
	    if (aux->x_file._x.x_ftype == XFT_FN) {
		if (!aux->x_file._x.x_zeroes) {
                     moduleName = &stringPool[aux->x_file._x.x_offset];
                } else {
                     // x_fname is 14 bytes
                     memset(moduleName, 0, 15);
                     strncpy(moduleName, aux->x_file.x_fname, 14);

	 currentSourceFile = pdstring(moduleName);
	 currentSourceFile = mod->processDirectories(currentSourceFile);

	 if (strrchr(moduleName, '/')) {
	     moduleName = strrchr(moduleName, '/');

	 if (!strcmp(moduleName, mod->fileName().c_str())) {
		parseActive = true;
                // Clear out old types
	 } else {
              parseActive = false;

      if (!parseActive) continue;


      char *nmPtr;
      if (!sym->n_zeroes && ((sym->n_sclass & DBXMASK) ||
			     (sym->n_sclass == C_BINCL) ||
			     (sym->n_sclass == C_EINCL))) {
	  if (sym->n_offset < 3) {
	      if (sym->n_offset == 2 && stabstr[0]) {
		  nmPtr = &stabstr[0];
	      } else {
		  nmPtr = &stabstr[sym->n_offset];
	  } else if (!stabstr[sym->n_offset-3]) {
	      nmPtr = &stabstr[sym->n_offset];
	  } else {
	      /* has off by two error */
	      nmPtr = &stabstr[sym->n_offset-2];
#ifdef notdef
	  bperr("using nmPtr = %s\n", nmPtr);
	  bperr("got n_offset = (%d) %s\n", sym->n_offset, &stabstr[sym->n_offset]);
	  if (sym->n_offset>=2) 
	      bperr("got n_offset-2 = %s\n", &stabstr[sym->n_offset-2]);
	  if (sym->n_offset>=3) 
	      bperr("got n_offset-3 = %x\n", stabstr[sym->n_offset-3]);
	  if (sym->n_offset>=4) 
	      bperr("got n_offset-4 = %x\n", stabstr[sym->n_offset-4]);
      } else {
	  // names 8 or less chars on inline, not in stabstr
	  memset(tempName, 0, 9);
	  strncpy(tempName, sym->n_name, 8);
	  nmPtr = tempName;

      if ((sym->n_sclass == C_BINCL) ||
	  (sym->n_sclass == C_EINCL) ||
	  (sym->n_sclass == C_FUN)) {
		funcName = nmPtr;
		/* The call to parseLineInformation(), below, used to modify the symbols passed to it. */
                if (funcName.find(":") < funcName.length())
                   funcName = funcName.substr(0,funcName.find(":"));

//		I'm not sure why we bother with this here, since we fetch line numbers in symtab.C anyway.
//		mod->parseLineInformation(proc->llproc, currentSourceFile, 
//					  funcName, sym,
//					  linesfdptr, lines, nlines);

      if (sym->n_sclass & DBXMASK) {
	  if (sym->n_sclass == C_BCOMM) {
	      char *commonBlockName;

              inCommonBlock = true;
	      commonBlockName = nmPtr;

	      // find the variable for the common block
	      BPatch_image *progam = (BPatch_image *) getObjParent();
	      commonBlockVar = progam->findVariable(commonBlockName);
	      if (!commonBlockVar) {
		  bperr("unable to find variable %s\n", commonBlockName);
	      } else {
		  commonBlock = 
		      dynamic_cast<BPatch_typeCommon *>(const_cast<BPatch_type *> (commonBlockVar->getType()));
		  if (commonBlock == NULL) {
		      // its still the null type, create a new one for it
		      commonBlock = new BPatch_typeCommon(commonBlockName);
		      moduleTypes->addGlobalVariable(commonBlockName, commonBlock);
		  // reset field list
	  } else if (sym->n_sclass == C_ECOMM) {
             inCommonBlock = false;
             if (commonBlock == NULL)

	      // copy this set of fields
	    BPatch_Vector<BPatch_function *> bpmv;
   	    if (NULL == findFunction(funcName.c_str(), bpmv) || !bpmv.size()) {
	      bperr("unable to locate current function %s\n", funcName.c_str());
	      } else {
		BPatch_function *func = bpmv[0];
		commonBlock->endCommonBlock(func, commonBlockVar->getBaseAddr());

	      // update size if needed
	      if (commonBlockVar)
	      commonBlockVar = NULL;
	      commonBlock = NULL;
	  } else if (sym->n_sclass == C_BSTAT) {
	      // begin static block
	      // find the variable for the common block
	      tsym = (SYMENT *) (((unsigned) syms) + sym->n_value * SYMESZ);

	      // We can't lookup the value by name, because the name might have been
	      // redefined later on (our lookup would then pick the last one)

	      // Since this whole function is AIX only, we're ok to get this info

	      staticBlockBaseAddr = tsym->n_value;

	      char *staticName, tempName[9];
	      if (!tsym->n_zeroes) {
		  staticName = &stringPool[tsym->n_offset];
	      } else {
		  memset(tempName, 0, 9);
		  strncpy(tempName, tsym->n_name, 8);
		  staticName = tempName;
	      BPatch_image *progam = (BPatch_image *) getObjParent();

	      BPatch_variableExpr *staticBlockVar = progam->findVariable(staticName);
	      if (!staticBlockVar) {
		  bperr("unable to find static block %s\n", staticName);
		  staticBlockBaseAddr = 0;
	      } else {
		  staticBlockBaseAddr = (Address) staticBlockVar->getBaseAddr();

	  } else if (sym->n_sclass == C_ESTAT) {
	      staticBlockBaseAddr = 0;

          // There's a possibility that we were parsing a common block that
          // was never instantiated (meaning there's type info, but no
          // variable info

          if (inCommonBlock && commonBlock == NULL)

	  if (staticBlockBaseAddr && (sym->n_sclass == C_STSYM)) {
              parseStabString(this, 0, nmPtr, 
		  sym->n_value+staticBlockBaseAddr, commonBlock);
	  } else {
              parseStabString(this, 0, nmPtr, sym->n_value, commonBlock);
#if defined(TIMED_PARSE)
  struct timeval endtime;
  gettimeofday(&endtime, NULL);
  unsigned long lstarttime = starttime.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 + starttime.tv_usec;
  unsigned long lendtime = endtime.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 + endtime.tv_usec;
  unsigned long difftime = lendtime - lstarttime;
  double dursecs = difftime/(1000 );
  cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ <<": parseTypes("<< mod->fileName()
       <<") took "<<dursecs <<" msecs" << endl;

//  fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]:  parseTypes for %s, num_active = %d\n", FILE__, __LINE__, mod->fileName().c_str(), num_active);