void ImpExpDxfWrite::exportArc(BRepAdaptor_Curve& c)
    gp_Circ circ = c.Circle();
    gp_Pnt p = circ.Location();
    double center[3] = {0,0,0};
    gPntToTuple(center, p);

    double f = c.FirstParameter();
    double l = c.LastParameter();
    gp_Pnt s = c.Value(f);
    double start[3];
    gPntToTuple(start, s);
    gp_Pnt m = c.Value((l+f)/2.0);
    gp_Pnt e = c.Value(l);
    double end[3] = {0,0,0};
    gPntToTuple(end, e);

    gp_Vec v1(m,s);
    gp_Vec v2(m,e);
    gp_Vec v3(0,0,1);
    double a = v3.DotCross(v1,v2);

    bool dir = (a < 0) ? true: false;
    writeArc(start, end, center, dir );
void SVGOutput::printCircle(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& c, std::ostream& out)
    gp_Circ circ = c.Circle();
    const gp_Pnt& p= circ.Location();
    double r = circ.Radius();
    double f = c.FirstParameter();
    double l = c.LastParameter();
    gp_Pnt s = c.Value(f);
    gp_Pnt m = c.Value((l+f)/2.0);
    gp_Pnt e = c.Value(l);

    gp_Vec v1(m,s);
    gp_Vec v2(m,e);
    gp_Vec v3(0,0,1);
    double a = v3.DotCross(v1,v2);

    // a full circle
    if (fabs(l-f) > 1.0 && s.SquareDistance(e) < 0.001) {
        out << "<circle cx =\"" << p.X() << "\" cy =\"" 
            << p.Y() << "\" r =\"" << r << "\" />";
    // arc of circle
    else {
        // See also https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SVG/Tutorial/Paths
        char xar = '0'; // x-axis-rotation
        char las = (l-f > D_PI) ? '1' : '0'; // large-arc-flag
        char swp = (a < 0) ? '1' : '0'; // sweep-flag, i.e. clockwise (0) or counter-clockwise (1)
        out << "<path d=\"M" << s.X() <<  " " << s.Y()
            << " A" << r << " " << r << " "
            << xar << " " << las << " " << swp << " "
            << e.X() << " " << e.Y() << "\" />";
void ImpExpDxfWrite::exportCircle(BRepAdaptor_Curve& c)
    gp_Circ circ = c.Circle();
    gp_Pnt p = circ.Location();
    double center[3] = {0,0,0};
    gPntToTuple(center, p);

    double  radius = circ.Radius();

    writeCircle(center, radius);
void DXFOutput::printCircle(const BRepAdaptor_Curve& c, std::ostream& out)
    gp_Circ circ = c.Circle();
	//const gp_Ax1& axis = c->Axis();
    const gp_Pnt& p= circ.Location();
    double r = circ.Radius();
    double f = c.FirstParameter();
    double l = c.LastParameter();
    gp_Pnt s = c.Value(f);
    gp_Pnt m = c.Value((l+f)/2.0);
    gp_Pnt e = c.Value(l);

    gp_Vec v1(m,s);
    gp_Vec v2(m,e);
    gp_Vec v3(0,0,1);
    double a = v3.DotCross(v1,v2);

    // a full circle
    if (s.SquareDistance(e) < 0.001) {
        //out << "<circle cx =\"" << p.X() << "\" cy =\"" 
            //<< p.Y() << "\" r =\"" << r << "\" />";
	    out << 0			<< endl;
	    out << "CIRCLE"		<< endl;
	    out << 8			<< endl;	// Group code for layer name
	    out << "sheet_layer"	<< endl;	// Layer number
	    out << 10			<< endl;	// Centre X
	    out << p.X()		<< endl;	// X in WCS coordinates
	    out << 20			<< endl;
	    out << p.Y()		<< endl;	// Y in WCS coordinates
	    out << 30			<< endl;
	    out << 0		<< endl;	// Z in WCS coordinates-leaving flat
	    out << 40			<< endl;	//
	    out << r		<< endl;	// Radius

    // arc of circle
    else {
        // See also https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SVG/Tutorial/Paths
        /*char xar = '0'; // x-axis-rotation
        char las = (l-f > D_PI) ? '1' : '0'; // large-arc-flag
        char swp = (a < 0) ? '1' : '0'; // sweep-flag, i.e. clockwise (0) or counter-clockwise (1)
        out << "<path d=\"M" << s.X() <<  " " << s.Y()
            << " A" << r << " " << r << " "
            << xar << " " << las << " " << swp << " "
            << e.X() << " " << e.Y() << "\" />";*/
	double ax = s.X() - p.X();
	double ay = s.Y() - p.Y();
	double bx = e.X() - p.X();
	double by = e.Y() - p.Y();

	double start_angle = atan2(ay, ax) * 180/D_PI;
	double end_angle = atan2(by, bx) * 180/D_PI;

	if(a > 0){
		double temp = start_angle;
		start_angle = end_angle;
		end_angle = temp;}
	out << 0			<< endl;
	out << "ARC"		<< endl;
	out << 8			<< endl;	// Group code for layer name
	out << "sheet_layer"	<< endl;	// Layer number
	out << 10			<< endl;	// Centre X
	out << p.X()		<< endl;	// X in WCS coordinates
	out << 20			<< endl;
	out << p.Y()		<< endl;	// Y in WCS coordinates
	out << 30			<< endl;
	out << 0		<< endl;	// Z in WCS coordinates
	out << 40			<< endl;	//
	out << r		<< endl;	// Radius
	out << 50			<< endl;
	out << start_angle	<< endl;	// Start angle
	out << 51			<< endl;
	out << end_angle	<< endl;	// End angle
