Exemple #1
    int getGtLtOp(const BSONElement& e) {
        if ( e.type() != Object )
            return BSONObj::Equality;

        BSONElement fe = e.embeddedObject().firstElement();
        return fe.getGtLtOp();
Exemple #2
bool GeoQuery::parseNewQuery(const BSONObj &obj) {
    // pointA = { "type" : "Point", "coordinates": [ 40, 5 ] }
    // t.find({ "geo" : { "$intersect" : { "$geometry" : pointA} } })
    // t.find({ "geo" : { "$within" : { "$geometry" : polygon } } })
    // where field.name is "geo"
    BSONElement e = obj.firstElement();
    if (!e.isABSONObj()) {
        return false;

    BSONObj::MatchType matchType = static_cast<BSONObj::MatchType>(e.getGtLtOp());
    if (BSONObj::opGEO_INTERSECTS == matchType) {
        predicate = GeoQuery::INTERSECT;
    } else if (BSONObj::opWITHIN == matchType) {
        predicate = GeoQuery::WITHIN;
    } else {
        return false;

    bool hasGeometry = false;
    BSONObjIterator argIt(e.embeddedObject());
    while (argIt.more()) {
        BSONElement e = argIt.next();
        if (mongoutils::str::equals(e.fieldName(), "$geometry")) {
            if (e.isABSONObj()) {
                BSONObj embeddedObj = e.embeddedObject();
                if (geoContainer.parseFrom(embeddedObj)) {
                    hasGeometry = true;

    // Don't want to give the error below if we could not pull any geometry out.
    if (!hasGeometry) {
        return false;

    if (GeoQuery::WITHIN == predicate) {
        // Why do we only deal with $within {polygon}?
        // 1. Finding things within a point is silly and only valid
        // for points and degenerate lines/polys.
        // 2. Finding points within a line is easy but that's called intersect.
        // Finding lines within a line is kind of tricky given what S2 gives us.
        // Doing line-within-line is a valid yet unsupported feature,
        // though I wonder if we want to preserve orientation for lines or
        // allow (a,b),(c,d) to be within (c,d),(a,b).  Anyway, punt on
        // this for now.
        uassert(16672, "$within not supported with provided geometry: " + obj.toString(),

    return hasGeometry;
    Status MatchExpressionParser::_parseSub( const char* name,
                                             const BSONObj& sub,
                                             AndMatchExpression* root ) {
        // The one exception to {field : {fully contained argument} } is, of course, geo.  Example:
        // sub == { field : {$near[Sphere]: [0,0], $maxDistance: 1000, $minDistance: 10 } }
        // We peek inside of 'sub' to see if it's possibly a $near.  If so, we can't iterate over
        // its subfields and parse them one at a time (there is no $maxDistance without $near), so
        // we hand the entire object over to the geo parsing routines.

        BSONObjIterator geoIt(sub);
        if (geoIt.more()) {
            BSONElement firstElt = geoIt.next();
            if (firstElt.isABSONObj()) {
                const char* fieldName = firstElt.fieldName();
                // TODO: Having these $fields here isn't ideal but we don't want to pull in anything
                // from db/geo at this point, since it may not actually be linked in...
                if (mongoutils::str::equals(fieldName, "$near")
                    || mongoutils::str::equals(fieldName, "$nearSphere")
                    || mongoutils::str::equals(fieldName, "$geoNear")
                    || mongoutils::str::equals(fieldName, "$maxDistance")
                    || mongoutils::str::equals(fieldName, "$minDistance")) {

                    StatusWithMatchExpression s = expressionParserGeoCallback(name,
                    if (s.isOK()) {
                        return Status::OK();

        BSONObjIterator j( sub );
        while ( j.more() ) {
            BSONElement deep = j.next();

            StatusWithMatchExpression s = _parseSubField( sub, root, name, deep );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return s.getStatus();

            if ( s.getValue() )
                root->add( s.getValue() );

        return Status::OK();
Exemple #4
Status GeoExpression::parseQuery(const BSONObj& obj) {
    BSONObjIterator outerIt(obj);
    // "within" / "geoWithin" / "geoIntersects"
    BSONElement queryElt = outerIt.next();
    if (outerIt.more()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                      str::stream() << "can't parse extra field: " << outerIt.next());

    BSONObj::MatchType matchType = static_cast<BSONObj::MatchType>(queryElt.getGtLtOp());
    if (BSONObj::opGEO_INTERSECTS == matchType) {
        predicate = GeoExpression::INTERSECT;
    } else if (BSONObj::opWITHIN == matchType) {
        predicate = GeoExpression::WITHIN;
    } else {
        // eoo() or unknown query predicate.
        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                      str::stream() << "invalid geo query predicate: " << obj);

    // Parse geometry after predicates.
    if (Object != queryElt.type())
        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "geometry must be an object");
    BSONObj geoObj = queryElt.Obj();

    BSONObjIterator geoIt(geoObj);

    while (geoIt.more()) {
        BSONElement elt = geoIt.next();
        if (str::equals(elt.fieldName(), "$uniqueDocs")) {
            // Deprecated "$uniqueDocs" field
            warning() << "deprecated $uniqueDocs option: " << obj.toString() << endl;
        } else {
            // The element must be a geo specifier. "$box", "$center", "$geometry", etc.
            geoContainer.reset(new GeometryContainer());
            Status status = geoContainer->parseFromQuery(elt);
            if (!status.isOK())
                return status;

    if (geoContainer == NULL) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "geo query doesn't have any geometry");

    return Status::OK();
    StatusWithMatchExpression MatchExpressionParser::_parseRegexDocument( const char* name,
                                                                const BSONObj& doc ) {
        string regex;
        string regexOptions;

        BSONObjIterator i( doc );
        while ( i.more() ) {
            BSONElement e = i.next();
            switch ( e.getGtLtOp() ) {
            case BSONObj::opREGEX:
                if ( e.type() == String ) {
                    regex = e.String();
                else if ( e.type() == RegEx ) {
                    regex = e.regex();
                    regexOptions = e.regexFlags();
                else {
                    return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                                      "$regex has to be a string" );

            case BSONObj::opOPTIONS:
                if ( e.type() != String )
                    return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                                      "$options has to be a string" );
                regexOptions = e.String();


        std::auto_ptr<RegexMatchExpression> temp( new RegexMatchExpression() );
        Status s = temp->init( name, regex, regexOptions );
        if ( !s.isOK() )
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
        return StatusWithMatchExpression( temp.release() );

Exemple #6
        bool parseQuery(const BSONObj &obj, QueryGeometry *out, bool *isNear, bool *intersect,
                        double *maxDistance) const {
            // pointA = { "type" : "Point", "coordinates": [ 40, 5 ] }
            // t.find({ "geo" : { "$intersect" : { "$geometry" : pointA} } })
            // t.find({ "geo" : { "$near" : { "$geometry" : pointA, $maxDistance : 20 }}})
            // where field.name is "geo"
            BSONElement e = obj.firstElement();
            if (!e.isABSONObj()) { return false; }

            BSONObj::MatchType matchType = static_cast<BSONObj::MatchType>(e.getGtLtOp());
            if (BSONObj::opGEO_INTERSECTS == matchType) {
                *intersect = true;
            } else if (BSONObj::opNEAR == matchType) {
                *isNear = true;
            } else {
                return false;

            bool ret = false;
            BSONObjIterator argIt(e.embeddedObject());
            while (argIt.more()) {
                BSONElement e = argIt.next();
                if (mongoutils::str::equals(e.fieldName(), "$geometry")) {
                    if (e.isABSONObj()) {
                        BSONObj embeddedObj = e.embeddedObject();
                         if (out->parseFrom(embeddedObj)) {
                             uassert(16570, "near requires point, given " + embeddedObj.toString(),
                                     !(*isNear) || GeoParser::isPoint(embeddedObj));
                             ret = true;
                } else if (mongoutils::str::equals(e.fieldName(), "$maxDistance")) {
                    if (e.isNumber()) {
                        *maxDistance = e.Number();
            return ret;
    StatusWithMatchExpression MatchExpressionParser::_parseSubField( const BSONObj& context,
                                                                     const AndMatchExpression* andSoFar,
                                                                     const char* name,
                                                                     const BSONElement& e ) {

        // TODO: these should move to getGtLtOp, or its replacement

        if ( mongoutils::str::equals( "$eq", e.fieldName() ) )
            return _parseComparison( name, new EqualityMatchExpression(), e );

        if ( mongoutils::str::equals( "$not", e.fieldName() ) ) {
            return _parseNot( name, e );

        int x = e.getGtLtOp(-1);
        switch ( x ) {
        case -1:
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                              mongoutils::str::stream() << "unknown operator: "
                                              << e.fieldName() );
        case BSONObj::LT:
            return _parseComparison( name, new LTMatchExpression(), e );
        case BSONObj::LTE:
            return _parseComparison( name, new LTEMatchExpression(), e );
        case BSONObj::GT:
            return _parseComparison( name, new GTMatchExpression(), e );
        case BSONObj::GTE:
            return _parseComparison( name, new GTEMatchExpression(), e );
        case BSONObj::NE: {
            StatusWithMatchExpression s = _parseComparison( name, new EqualityMatchExpression(), e );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return s;
            std::auto_ptr<NotMatchExpression> n( new NotMatchExpression() );
            Status s2 = n->init( s.getValue() );
            if ( !s2.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s2 );
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( n.release() );
        case BSONObj::Equality:
            return _parseComparison( name, new EqualityMatchExpression(), e );

        case BSONObj::opIN: {
            if ( e.type() != Array )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$in needs an array" );
            std::auto_ptr<InMatchExpression> temp( new InMatchExpression() );
            Status s = temp->init( name );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
            s = _parseArrayFilterEntries( temp->getArrayFilterEntries(), e.Obj() );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( temp.release() );

        case BSONObj::NIN: {
            if ( e.type() != Array )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$nin needs an array" );
            std::auto_ptr<InMatchExpression> temp( new InMatchExpression() );
            Status s = temp->init( name );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
            s = _parseArrayFilterEntries( temp->getArrayFilterEntries(), e.Obj() );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );

            std::auto_ptr<NotMatchExpression> temp2( new NotMatchExpression() );
            s = temp2->init( temp.release() );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );

            return StatusWithMatchExpression( temp2.release() );

        case BSONObj::opSIZE: {
            int size = 0;
            if ( e.type() == String ) {
                // matching old odd semantics
                size = 0;
            else if ( e.type() == NumberInt || e.type() == NumberLong ) {
                if (e.numberLong() < 0) {
                    // SERVER-11952. Setting 'size' to -1 means that no documents
                    // should match this $size expression.
                    size = -1;
                else {
                    size = e.numberInt();
            else if ( e.type() == NumberDouble ) {
                if ( e.numberInt() == e.numberDouble() ) {
                    size = e.numberInt();
                else {
                    // old semantcs require exact numeric match
                    // so [1,2] != 1 or 2
                    size = -1;
            else {
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$size needs a number" );

            std::auto_ptr<SizeMatchExpression> temp( new SizeMatchExpression() );
            Status s = temp->init( name, size );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( temp.release() );

        case BSONObj::opEXISTS: {
            if ( e.eoo() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$exists can't be eoo" );
            std::auto_ptr<ExistsMatchExpression> temp( new ExistsMatchExpression() );
            Status s = temp->init( name );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
            if ( e.trueValue() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( temp.release() );
            std::auto_ptr<NotMatchExpression> temp2( new NotMatchExpression() );
            s = temp2->init( temp.release() );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( temp2.release() );

        case BSONObj::opTYPE: {
            if ( !e.isNumber() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$type has to be a number" );
            int type = e.numberInt();
            if ( e.type() != NumberInt && type != e.number() )
                type = -1;
            std::auto_ptr<TypeMatchExpression> temp( new TypeMatchExpression() );
            Status s = temp->init( name, type );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( temp.release() );

        case BSONObj::opMOD:
            return _parseMOD( name, e );

        case BSONObj::opOPTIONS: {
            // TODO: try to optimize this
            // we have to do this since $options can be before or after a $regex
            // but we validate here
            BSONObjIterator i( context );
            while ( i.more() ) {
                BSONElement temp = i.next();
                if ( temp.getGtLtOp( -1 ) == BSONObj::opREGEX )
                    return StatusWithMatchExpression( NULL );

            return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$options needs a $regex" );

        case BSONObj::opREGEX: {
            return _parseRegexDocument( name, context );

        case BSONObj::opELEM_MATCH:
            return _parseElemMatch( name, e );

        case BSONObj::opALL:
            return _parseAll( name, e );

        case BSONObj::opWITHIN:
        case BSONObj::opGEO_INTERSECTS:
            return expressionParserGeoCallback( name, x, context );

        return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                          mongoutils::str::stream() << "not handled: " << e.fieldName() );
Exemple #8
    Status GeoNearExpression::parseNewQuery(const BSONObj &obj) {
        bool hasGeometry = false;

        BSONObjIterator objIt(obj);
        if (!objIt.more()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "empty geo near query object");
        BSONElement e = objIt.next();
        // Just one arg. to $geoNear.
        if (objIt.more()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, mongoutils::str::stream() <<
                          "geo near accepts just one argument when querying for a GeoJSON " <<
                          "point. Extra field found: " << objIt.next());

        // Parse "new" near:
        // t.find({"geo" : {"$near" : {"$geometry": pointA, $minDistance: 1, $maxDistance: 3}}})
        // t.find({"geo" : {"$geoNear" : {"$geometry": pointA, $minDistance: 1, $maxDistance: 3}}})
        if (!e.isABSONObj()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "geo near query argument is not an object");
        BSONObj::MatchType matchType = static_cast<BSONObj::MatchType>(e.getGtLtOp());
        if (BSONObj::opNEAR != matchType) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, mongoutils::str::stream() <<
                          "invalid geo near query operator: " << e.fieldName());

        // Iterate over the argument.
        BSONObjIterator it(e.embeddedObject());
        while (it.more()) {
            BSONElement e = it.next();
            if (equals(e.fieldName(), "$geometry")) {
                if (e.isABSONObj()) {
                    BSONObj embeddedObj = e.embeddedObject();
                    Status status = GeoParser::parseQueryPoint(e, centroid.get());
                    if (!status.isOK()) {
                        return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                              << "invalid point in geo near query $geometry argument: "
                                              << embeddedObj << "  " << status.reason());
                    uassert(16681, "$near requires geojson point, given " + embeddedObj.toString(),
                            (SPHERE == centroid->crs));
                    hasGeometry = true;
            } else if (equals(e.fieldName(), "$minDistance")) {
                uassert(16897, "$minDistance must be a number", e.isNumber());
                minDistance = e.Number();
                uassert(16898, "$minDistance must be non-negative", minDistance >= 0.0);
            } else if (equals(e.fieldName(), "$maxDistance")) {
                uassert(16899, "$maxDistance must be a number", e.isNumber());
                maxDistance = e.Number();
                uassert(16900, "$maxDistance must be non-negative", maxDistance >= 0.0);

        if (!hasGeometry) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$geometry is required for geo near query");

        return Status::OK();
    StatusWithMatchExpression MatchExpressionParser::_parseSubField( const BSONObj& context,
                                                                     const char* name,
                                                                     const BSONElement& e,
                                                                     int position,
                                                                     bool* stop ) {

        *stop = false;

        // TODO: these should move to getGtLtOp, or its replacement

        if ( mongoutils::str::equals( "$eq", e.fieldName() ) )
            return _parseComparison( name, new EqualityMatchExpression(), e );

        if ( mongoutils::str::equals( "$not", e.fieldName() ) ) {
            return _parseNot( name, e );

        int x = e.getGtLtOp(-1);
        switch ( x ) {
        case -1:
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                         mongoutils::str::stream() << "unknown operator: "
                                         << e.fieldName() );
        case BSONObj::LT:
            return _parseComparison( name, new LTMatchExpression(), e );
        case BSONObj::LTE:
            return _parseComparison( name, new LTEMatchExpression(), e );
        case BSONObj::GT:
            return _parseComparison( name, new GTMatchExpression(), e );
        case BSONObj::GTE:
            return _parseComparison( name, new GTEMatchExpression(), e );
        case BSONObj::NE:
            return _parseComparison( name, new NEMatchExpression(), e );
        case BSONObj::Equality:
            return _parseComparison( name, new EqualityMatchExpression(), e );

        case BSONObj::opIN: {
            if ( e.type() != Array )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$in needs an array" );
            std::auto_ptr<InMatchExpression> temp( new InMatchExpression() );
            temp->init( name );
            Status s = _parseArrayFilterEntries( temp->getArrayFilterEntries(), e.Obj() );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( temp.release() );

        case BSONObj::NIN: {
            if ( e.type() != Array )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$nin needs an array" );
            std::auto_ptr<NinMatchExpression> temp( new NinMatchExpression() );
            temp->init( name );
            Status s = _parseArrayFilterEntries( temp->getArrayFilterEntries(), e.Obj() );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( temp.release() );

        case BSONObj::opSIZE: {
            int size = 0;
            if ( e.type() == String ) {
                // matching old odd semantics
                size = 0;
            else if ( e.type() == NumberInt || e.type() == NumberLong ) {
                size = e.numberInt();
            else if ( e.type() == NumberDouble ) {
                if ( e.numberInt() == e.numberDouble() ) {
                    size = e.numberInt();
                else {
                    // old semantcs require exact numeric match
                    // so [1,2] != 1 or 2
                    size = -1;
            else {
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$size needs a number" );

            std::auto_ptr<SizeMatchExpression> temp( new SizeMatchExpression() );
            Status s = temp->init( name, size );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( temp.release() );

        case BSONObj::opEXISTS: {
            if ( e.eoo() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$exists can't be eoo" );
            std::auto_ptr<ExistsMatchExpression> temp( new ExistsMatchExpression() );
            Status s = temp->init( name, e.trueValue() );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( temp.release() );

        case BSONObj::opTYPE: {
            if ( !e.isNumber() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$type has to be a number" );
            int type = e.numberInt();
            if ( e.type() != NumberInt && type != e.number() )
                type = -1;
            std::auto_ptr<TypeMatchExpression> temp( new TypeMatchExpression() );
            Status s = temp->init( name, type );
            if ( !s.isOK() )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( s );
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( temp.release() );

        case BSONObj::opMOD:
            return _parseMOD( name, e );

        case BSONObj::opOPTIONS:
            return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$options has to be after a $regex" );

        case BSONObj::opREGEX: {
            if ( position != 0 )
                return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "$regex has to be first" );

            *stop = true;
            return _parseRegexDocument( name, context );

        case BSONObj::opELEM_MATCH:
            return _parseElemMatch( name, e );

        case BSONObj::opALL:
            return _parseAll( name, e );

        case BSONObj::opWITHIN:
            return expressionParserGeoCallback( name, context );

            return StatusWithMatchExpression( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "not done" );
