Exemple #1
Status FTDCFileWriter::writeMetadata(const BSONObj& metadata) {
    BSONObj wrapped = FTDCBSONUtil::createBSONMetadataDocument(metadata);

    return writeArchiveFileBuffer({wrapped.objdata(), static_cast<size_t>(wrapped.objsize())});
Exemple #2
        void JSReducer::_reduce( const BSONList& tuples , BSONObj& key , int& endSizeEstimate ) {
            uassert( 10074 ,  "need values" , tuples.size() );

            int sizeEstimate = ( tuples.size() * tuples.begin()->getField( "value" ).size() ) + 128;

            BSONObjBuilder reduceArgs( sizeEstimate );
            boost::scoped_ptr<BSONArrayBuilder>  valueBuilder;

            int sizeSoFar = 0;
            unsigned n = 0;
            for ( ; n<tuples.size(); n++ ) {
                BSONObjIterator j(tuples[n]);
                BSONElement keyE = j.next();
                if ( n == 0 ) {
                    reduceArgs.append( keyE );
                    key = keyE.wrap();
                    sizeSoFar = 5 + keyE.size();
                    valueBuilder.reset(new BSONArrayBuilder( reduceArgs.subarrayStart( "tuples" ) ));

                BSONElement ee = j.next();

                uassert( 13070 , "value to large to reduce" , ee.size() < ( BSONObjMaxUserSize / 2 ) );

                if ( sizeSoFar + ee.size() > BSONObjMaxUserSize ) {
                    assert( n > 1 ); // if not, inf. loop

                valueBuilder->append( ee );
                sizeSoFar += ee.size();
            BSONObj args = reduceArgs.obj();

            Scope * s = _func.scope();

            s->invokeSafe( _func.func() , args );

            if ( s->type( "return" ) == Array ) {
                uasserted( 10075 , "reduce -> multiple not supported yet");

            endSizeEstimate = key.objsize() + ( args.objsize() / tuples.size() );

            if ( n == tuples.size() )

            // the input list was too large

            BSONList x;
            for ( ; n < tuples.size(); n++ ) {
                x.push_back( tuples[n] );
            BSONObjBuilder temp( endSizeEstimate );
            temp.append( key.firstElement() );
            s->append( temp , "1" , "return" );
            x.push_back( temp.obj() );
            _reduce( x , key , endSizeEstimate );
 static void insert( const BSONObj &o, bool god = false ) {
     Lock::DBWrite lk(ns());
     Client::Context ctx( ns() );
     theDataFileMgr.insert( ns(), o.objdata(), o.objsize(), god );
Exemple #4
static void _logOpOld(const char *opstr, const char *ns, const char *logNS, const BSONObj& obj, BSONObj *o2, bool *bb, bool fromMigrate ) {
    Lock::DBWrite lk("local");
    static BufBuilder bufbuilder(8*1024); // todo there is likely a mutex on this constructor

    if ( strncmp(ns, "local.", 6) == 0 ) {
        if ( strncmp(ns, "local.slaves", 12) == 0 ) {

    mutex::scoped_lock lk2(OpTime::m);

    const OpTime ts = OpTime::now(lk2);
    Client::Context context("",0,false);

    /* we jump through a bunch of hoops here to avoid copying the obj buffer twice --
       instead we do a single copy to the destination position in the memory mapped file.

    BSONObjBuilder b(bufbuilder);
    b.appendTimestamp("ts", ts.asDate());
    b.append("op", opstr);
    b.append("ns", ns);
    if (fromMigrate)
        b.appendBool("fromMigrate", true);
    if ( bb )
        b.appendBool("b", *bb);
    if ( o2 )
        b.append("o2", *o2);
    BSONObj partial = b.done(); // partial is everything except the o:... part.

    int po_sz = partial.objsize();
    int len = po_sz + obj.objsize() + 1 + 2 /*o:*/;

    Record *r;
    if( logNS == 0 ) {
        logNS = "local.oplog.$main";
        if ( localOplogMainDetails == 0 ) {
            Client::Context ctx( logNS , dbpath, false);
            localDB = ctx.db();
            verify( localDB );
            localOplogMainDetails = nsdetails(logNS);
            verify( localOplogMainDetails );
        Client::Context ctx( logNS , localDB, false );
        r = theDataFileMgr.fast_oplog_insert(localOplogMainDetails, logNS, len);
    else {
        Client::Context ctx( logNS, dbpath, false );
        verify( nsdetails( logNS ) );
        // first we allocate the space, then we fill it below.
        r = theDataFileMgr.fast_oplog_insert( nsdetails( logNS ), logNS, len);

    append_O_Obj(r->data(), partial, obj);

    context.getClient()->setLastOp( ts );

    LOG( 6 ) << "logging op:" << BSONObj::make(r) << endl;
Exemple #5
    /* Prepare to build an index.  Does not actually build it (except for a special _id case).
       - We validate that the params are good
       - That the index does not already exist
       - Creates the source collection if it DNE

       example of 'io':
         { ns : 'test.foo', name : 'z', key : { z : 1 } }

       throws DBException

       @param sourceNS - source NS we are indexing
       @param sourceCollection - its details ptr
       @return true if ok to continue.  when false we stop/fail silently (index already exists)
    bool prepareToBuildIndex(const BSONObj& io, bool god, string& sourceNS, NamespaceDetails *&sourceCollection, BSONObj& fixedIndexObject ) {
        sourceCollection = 0;

        // logical name of the index.  todo: get rid of the name, we don't need it!
        const char *name = io.getStringField("name");
        uassert(12523, "no index name specified", *name);

        // the collection for which we are building an index
        sourceNS = io.getStringField("ns");
        uassert(10096, "invalid ns to index", sourceNS.find( '.' ) != string::npos);
        uassert(10097, "bad table to index name on add index attempt",
                cc().database()->name == nsToDatabase(sourceNS.c_str()));

        BSONObj key = io.getObjectField("key");
        uassert(12524, "index key pattern too large", key.objsize() <= 2048);
        if( !validKeyPattern(key) ) {
            string s = string("bad index key pattern ") + key.toString();
            uasserted(10098 , s.c_str());

        if ( sourceNS.empty() || key.isEmpty() ) {
            log(2) << "bad add index attempt name:" << (name?name:"") << "\n  ns:" <<
                   sourceNS << "\n  idxobj:" << io.toString() << endl;
            string s = "bad add index attempt " + sourceNS + " key:" + key.toString();
            uasserted(12504, s);

        sourceCollection = nsdetails(sourceNS.c_str());
        if( sourceCollection == 0 ) {
            // try to create it
            string err;
            if ( !userCreateNS(sourceNS.c_str(), BSONObj(), err, false) ) {
                problem() << "ERROR: failed to create collection while adding its index. " << sourceNS << endl;
                return false;
            sourceCollection = nsdetails(sourceNS.c_str());
            tlog() << "info: creating collection " << sourceNS << " on add index" << endl;
            assert( sourceCollection );

        if ( sourceCollection->findIndexByName(name) >= 0 ) {
            // index already exists.
            return false;
        if( sourceCollection->findIndexByKeyPattern(key) >= 0 ) {
            log(2) << "index already exists with diff name " << name << ' ' << key.toString() << endl;
            return false;

        if ( sourceCollection->nIndexes >= NamespaceDetails::NIndexesMax ) {
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "add index fails, too many indexes for " << sourceNS << " key:" << key.toString();
            string s = ss.str();
            log() << s << '\n';

        /* we can't build a new index for the ns if a build is already in progress in the background -
           EVEN IF this is a foreground build.
        uassert(12588, "cannot add index with a background operation in progress",

        /* this is because we want key patterns like { _id : 1 } and { _id : <someobjid> } to
           all be treated as the same pattern.
        if ( IndexDetails::isIdIndexPattern(key) ) {
            if( !god ) {
                ensureHaveIdIndex( sourceNS.c_str() );
                return false;
        else {
            /* is buildIndexes:false set for this replica set member?
               if so we don't build any indexes except _id
            if( theReplSet && !theReplSet->buildIndexes() )
                return false;

        string pluginName = IndexPlugin::findPluginName( key );
        IndexPlugin * plugin = pluginName.size() ? IndexPlugin::get( pluginName ) : 0;

        if ( plugin ) {
            fixedIndexObject = plugin->adjustIndexSpec( io );
        else if ( io["v"].eoo() ) {
            // add "v" if it doesn't exist
            // if it does - leave whatever value was there
            // this is for testing and replication
            BSONObjBuilder b( io.objsize() + 32 );
            b.appendElements( io );
            b.append( "v" , 0 );
            fixedIndexObject = b.obj();

        return true;
Exemple #6
        bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) {
            if (!cmdObj["start"].eoo()) {
                errmsg = "using deprecated 'start' argument to geoNear";
                return false;

            const NamespaceString nss(parseNs(dbname, cmdObj));
            AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, nss);

            Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();
            if ( !collection ) {
                errmsg = "can't find ns";
                return false;

            IndexCatalog* indexCatalog = collection->getIndexCatalog();

            // cout << "raw cmd " << cmdObj.toString() << endl;

            // We seek to populate this.
            string nearFieldName;
            bool using2DIndex = false;
            if (!getFieldName(txn, collection, indexCatalog, &nearFieldName, &errmsg, &using2DIndex)) {
                return false;

            PointWithCRS point;
            uassert(17304, "'near' field must be point",
                    GeoParser::parseQueryPoint(cmdObj["near"], &point).isOK());

            bool isSpherical = cmdObj["spherical"].trueValue();
            if (!using2DIndex) {
                uassert(17301, "2dsphere index must have spherical: true", isSpherical);

            // Build the $near expression for the query.
            BSONObjBuilder nearBob;
            if (isSpherical) {
                nearBob.append("$nearSphere", cmdObj["near"].Obj());
            else {
                nearBob.append("$near", cmdObj["near"].Obj());

            if (!cmdObj["maxDistance"].eoo()) {
                uassert(17299, "maxDistance must be a number",cmdObj["maxDistance"].isNumber());
                nearBob.append("$maxDistance", cmdObj["maxDistance"].number());

            if (!cmdObj["minDistance"].eoo()) {
                uassert(17298, "minDistance doesn't work on 2d index", !using2DIndex);
                uassert(17300, "minDistance must be a number",cmdObj["minDistance"].isNumber());
                nearBob.append("$minDistance", cmdObj["minDistance"].number());

            if (!cmdObj["uniqueDocs"].eoo()) {
                warning() << nss << ": ignoring deprecated uniqueDocs option in geoNear command";

            // And, build the full query expression.
            BSONObjBuilder queryBob;
            queryBob.append(nearFieldName, nearBob.obj());
            if (!cmdObj["query"].eoo() && cmdObj["query"].isABSONObj()) {
            BSONObj rewritten = queryBob.obj();

            // cout << "rewritten query: " << rewritten.toString() << endl;

            long long numWanted = 100;
            const char* limitName = !cmdObj["num"].eoo() ? "num" : "limit";
            BSONElement eNumWanted = cmdObj[limitName];
            if (!eNumWanted.eoo()) {
                uassert(17303, "limit must be number", eNumWanted.isNumber());
                numWanted = eNumWanted.safeNumberLong();
                uassert(17302, "limit must be >=0", numWanted >= 0);

            bool includeLocs = false;
            if (!cmdObj["includeLocs"].eoo()) {
                includeLocs = cmdObj["includeLocs"].trueValue();

            double distanceMultiplier = 1.0;
            BSONElement eDistanceMultiplier = cmdObj["distanceMultiplier"];
            if (!eDistanceMultiplier.eoo()) {
                uassert(17296, "distanceMultiplier must be a number", eDistanceMultiplier.isNumber());
                distanceMultiplier = eDistanceMultiplier.number();
                uassert(17297, "distanceMultiplier must be non-negative", distanceMultiplier >= 0);

            BSONObj projObj = BSON("$pt" << BSON("$meta" << LiteParsedQuery::metaGeoNearPoint) <<
                                   "$dis" << BSON("$meta" << LiteParsedQuery::metaGeoNearDistance));

            CanonicalQuery* cq;
            const WhereCallbackReal whereCallback(txn, nss.db());

            if (!CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(nss,
                                              whereCallback).isOK()) {
                errmsg = "Can't parse filter / create query";
                return false;

            // Prevent chunks from being cleaned up during yields - this allows us to only check the
            // version on initial entry into geoNear.
            RangePreserver preserver(collection);

            PlanExecutor* rawExec;
            if (!getExecutor(txn, collection, cq, PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO, &rawExec, 0).isOK()) {
                errmsg = "can't get query executor";
                return false;

            scoped_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec(rawExec);

            double totalDistance = 0;
            BSONObjBuilder resultBuilder(result.subarrayStart("results"));
            double farthestDist = 0;

            BSONObj currObj;
            long long results = 0;
            while ((results < numWanted) && PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == exec->getNext(&currObj, NULL)) {

                // Come up with the correct distance.
                double dist = currObj["$dis"].number() * distanceMultiplier;
                totalDistance += dist;
                if (dist > farthestDist) { farthestDist = dist; }

                // Strip out '$dis' and '$pt' from the result obj.  The rest gets added as 'obj'
                // in the command result.
                BSONObjIterator resIt(currObj);
                BSONObjBuilder resBob;
                while (resIt.more()) {
                    BSONElement elt = resIt.next();
                    if (!mongoutils::str::equals("$pt", elt.fieldName())
                        && !mongoutils::str::equals("$dis", elt.fieldName())) {
                BSONObj resObj = resBob.obj();

                // Don't make a too-big result object.
                if (resultBuilder.len() + resObj.objsize()> BSONObjMaxUserSize) {
                    warning() << "Too many geoNear results for query " << rewritten.toString()
                              << ", truncating output.";

                // Add the next result to the result builder.
                BSONObjBuilder oneResultBuilder(
                oneResultBuilder.append("dis", dist);
                if (includeLocs) {
                    oneResultBuilder.appendAs(currObj["$pt"], "loc");
                oneResultBuilder.append("obj", resObj);


            // Fill out the stats subobj.
            BSONObjBuilder stats(result.subobjStart("stats"));

            // Fill in nscanned from the explain.
            PlanSummaryStats summary;
            Explain::getSummaryStats(exec.get(), &summary);
            stats.appendNumber("nscanned", summary.totalKeysExamined);
            stats.appendNumber("objectsLoaded", summary.totalDocsExamined);

            stats.append("avgDistance", totalDistance / results);
            stats.append("maxDistance", farthestDist);
            stats.append("time", txn->getCurOp()->elapsedMillis());

            return true;
Exemple #7
    bool ShardedClientCursor::sendNextBatch( Request& r , int ntoreturn ,
            BufBuilder& buffer, int& docCount ) {
        uassert( 10191 ,  "cursor already done" , ! _done );

        int maxSize = 1024 * 1024;
        if ( _totalSent > 0 )
            maxSize *= 3;

        docCount = 0;

        // If ntoreturn is negative, it means that we should send up to -ntoreturn results
        // back to the client, and that we should only send a *single batch*. An ntoreturn of
        // 1 is also a special case which means "return up to 1 result in a single batch" (so
        // that +1 actually has the same meaning of -1). For all other values of ntoreturn, we
        // may have to return multiple batches.
        const bool sendMoreBatches = ntoreturn == 0 || ntoreturn > 1;
        ntoreturn = abs( ntoreturn );

        bool cursorHasMore = true;
        while ( ( cursorHasMore = _cursor->more() ) ) {
            BSONObj o = _cursor->next();

            buffer.appendBuf( (void*)o.objdata() , o.objsize() );
            // Ensure that the next batch will never wind up requesting more docs from the shard
            // than are remaining to satisfy the initial ntoreturn.
            if (ntoreturn != 0) {
                _cursor->setBatchSize(ntoreturn - docCount);

            if ( buffer.len() > maxSize ) {

            if ( docCount == ntoreturn ) {
                // soft limit aka batch size

            if ( ntoreturn == 0 && _totalSent == 0 && docCount >= 100 ) {
                // first batch should be max 100 unless batch size specified

        // We need to request another batch if the following two conditions hold:
        //  1. ntoreturn is positive and not equal to 1 (see the comment above). This condition
        //  is stored in 'sendMoreBatches'.
        //  2. The last call to _cursor->more() was true (i.e. we never explicitly got a false
        //  value from _cursor->more()). This condition is stored in 'cursorHasMore'. If the server
        //  hits EOF while executing a query or a getmore, it will pass a cursorId of 0 in the
        //  query response to indicate that there are no more results. In this case, _cursor->more()
        //  will be explicitly false, and we know for sure that we do not have to send more batches.
        //  On the other hand, if _cursor->more() is true there may or may not be more results.
        //  Suppose that the mongod generates enough results to fill this batch. In this case it
        //  does not know whether not there are more, because doing so would require requesting an
        //  extra result and seeing whether we get EOF. The mongod sends a valid cursorId to
        //  indicate that there may be more. We do the same here: we indicate that there may be
        //  more results to retrieve by setting 'hasMoreBatches' to true.
        bool hasMoreBatches = sendMoreBatches && cursorHasMore;

        LOG(5) << "\t hasMoreBatches: " << hasMoreBatches
               << " sendMoreBatches: " << sendMoreBatches
               << " cursorHasMore: " << cursorHasMore
               << " ntoreturn: " << ntoreturn
               << " num: " << docCount
               << " id:" << getId()
               << " totalSent: " << _totalSent << endl;

        _totalSent += docCount;
        _done = ! hasMoreBatches;

        return hasMoreBatches;
Exemple #8
     * Also called by db/ops/query.cpp.  This is the new getMore entry point.
    QueryResult* newGetMore(const char* ns, int ntoreturn, long long cursorid, CurOp& curop,
                            int pass, bool& exhaust, bool* isCursorAuthorized) {
        exhaust = false;
        int bufSize = 512 + sizeof(QueryResult) + MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;

        BufBuilder bb(bufSize);

        // This is a read lock.  TODO: There is a cursor flag for not needing this.  Do we care?
        Client::ReadContext ctx(ns);

        // TODO: Document.

        ClientCursorPin ccPin(cursorid);
        ClientCursor* cc = ccPin.c();

        // These are set in the QueryResult msg we return.
        int resultFlags = ResultFlag_AwaitCapable;

        int numResults = 0;
        int startingResult = 0;

        if (NULL == cc) {
            cursorid = 0;
            resultFlags = ResultFlag_CursorNotFound;
        else {
            // Quote: check for spoofing of the ns such that it does not match the one originally
            // there for the cursor
            uassert(17011, "auth error", str::equals(ns, cc->ns().c_str()));
            *isCursorAuthorized = true;

            // TODO: fail point?

            // If the operation that spawned this cursor had a time limit set, apply leftover
            // time to this getmore.
            // TODO:
            // curop.debug().query = BSONForQuery
            // curop.setQuery(curop.debug().query);

            // TODO: What is pass?
            if (0 == pass) { cc->updateSlaveLocation(curop); }

            CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata = cc->getCollMetadata();

            // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
            OpTime slaveReadTill;

            startingResult = cc->pos();

            Runner* runner = cc->getRunner();
            const ParsedQuery& pq = runner->getQuery().getParsed();

            // Get results out of the runner.
            // TODO: There may be special handling required for tailable cursors?
            BSONObj obj;
            // TODO: Differentiate EOF from error.
            while (runner->getNext(&obj)) {
                // If we're sharded make sure that we don't return any data that hasn't been
                // migrated off of our shard yet.
                if (collMetadata) {
                    KeyPattern kp(collMetadata->getKeyPattern());
                    if (!collMetadata->keyBelongsToMe(kp.extractSingleKey(obj))) { continue; }

                // Add result to output buffer.
                bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

                // Count the result.

                // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
                if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
                    BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                    if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                        slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

                if ((numResults && numResults >= ntoreturn)
                    || bb.len() > MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce) {


            // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

            exhaust = pq.hasOption(QueryOption_Exhaust);

            // If the getmore had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" back to the
            // cursor (for use by future getmore ops).
            cc->setLeftoverMaxTimeMicros( curop.getRemainingMaxTimeMicros() );

        QueryResult* qr = reinterpret_cast<QueryResult*>(bb.buf());
        qr->len = bb.len();
        qr->_resultFlags() = resultFlags;
        qr->cursorId = cursorid;
        qr->startingFrom = startingResult;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;
        return qr;
Exemple #9
     * This is called by db/ops/query.cpp.  This is the entry point for answering a query.
    string newRunQuery(Message& m, QueryMessage& q, CurOp& curop, Message &result) {
        // This is a read lock.
        Client::ReadContext ctx(q.ns, dbpath);

        // Parse, canonicalize, plan, transcribe, and get a runner.
        Runner* rawRunner;
        Status status = getRunner(q, &rawRunner);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            uasserted(17007, "Couldn't process query " + q.query.toString()
                         + " why: " + status.reason());
        verify(NULL != rawRunner);
        auto_ptr<Runner> runner(rawRunner);

        // We freak out later if this changes before we're done with the query.
        const ChunkVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState.getVersion(q.ns);

        // We use this a lot below.
        const ParsedQuery& pq = runner->getQuery().getParsed();

        // TODO: Document why we do this.

        // If this exists, the collection is sharded.
        // If it doesn't exist, we can assume we're not sharded.
        // If we're sharded, we might encounter data that is not consistent with our sharding state.
        // We must ignore this data.
        CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata;
        if (!shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
            collMetadata = CollectionMetadataPtr();
        else {
            collMetadata = shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(pq.ns());

        // Run the query.
        BufBuilder bb(32768);

        // How many results have we obtained from the runner?
        int numResults = 0;

        // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
        OpTime slaveReadTill;

        // Do we save the Runner in a ClientCursor for getMore calls later?
        bool saveClientCursor = false;

        BSONObj obj;
        // TODO: Differentiate EOF from error.
        while (runner->getNext(&obj)) {
            // If we're sharded make sure that we don't return any data that hasn't been migrated
            // off of our shared yet.
            if (collMetadata) {
                // This information can change if we yield and as such we must make sure to re-fetch
                // it if we yield.
                KeyPattern kp(collMetadata->getKeyPattern());
                // This performs excessive BSONObj creation but that's OK for now.
                if (!collMetadata->keyBelongsToMe(kp.extractSingleKey(obj))) { continue; }

            // Add result to output buffer.
            bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

            // Count the result.

            // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
                BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                    slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

            // TODO: only one type of 2d search doesn't support this.  We need a way to pull it out
            // of CanonicalQuery. :(
            const bool supportsGetMore = true;
            const bool isExplain = pq.isExplain();
            if (isExplain && pq.enoughForExplain(numResults)) {
            else if (!supportsGetMore && (pq.enough(numResults)
                                          || bb.len() >= MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce)) {
            else if (pq.enoughForFirstBatch(numResults, bb.len())) {
                // If only one result requested assume it's a findOne() and don't save the cursor.
                if (pq.wantMore() && 1 != pq.getNumToReturn()) {
                    saveClientCursor = true;

        // TODO: Stage creation can set tailable depending on what's in the parsed query.  We have
        // the full parsed query available during planning...set it there.
        // TODO: If we're tailable we want to save the client cursor.  Make sure we do this later.
        //if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable) && pq.getNumToReturn() != 1) { ... }

        // TODO(greg): This will go away soon.
        if (!shardingState.getVersion(pq.ns()).isWriteCompatibleWith(shardingVersionAtStart)) {
            // if the version changed during the query we might be missing some data and its safe to
            // send this as mongos can resend at this point
            throw SendStaleConfigException(pq.ns(), "version changed during initial query",

        long long ccId = 0;
        if (saveClientCursor) {
            // Allocate a new ClientCursor.
            ClientCursorHolder ccHolder;
            ccHolder.reset(new ClientCursor(runner.get()));
            ccId = ccHolder->cursorid();

            // We won't use the runner until it's getMore'd.

            // ClientCursor takes ownership of runner.  Release to make sure it's not deleted.

            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_Exhaust)) {
                curop.debug().exhaust = true;

            // Set attributes for getMore.

            // If the query had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" to the cursor (for
            // use by future getmore ops).

            // Give up our reference to the CC.

        // Add the results from the query into the output buffer.
        result.appendData(bb.buf(), bb.len());

        // Fill out the output buffer's header.
        QueryResult* qr = static_cast<QueryResult*>(result.header());
        qr->cursorId = ccId;
        curop.debug().cursorid = (0 == ccId ? -1 : ccId);
        qr->startingFrom = 0;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;
        // TODO: nscanned is bogus.
        // curop.debug().nscanned = ( cursor ? cursor->nscanned() : 0LL );
        curop.debug().ntoskip = pq.getSkip();
        curop.debug().nreturned = numResults;

        // curop.debug().exhaust is set above.
        return curop.debug().exhaust ? pq.ns() : "";
Exemple #10
    int run() {

        if ( ! hasParam( "from" ) ) {
            log() << "need to specify --from" << endl;
            return -1;

        Client::initThread( "oplogreplay" );

        log() << "going to connect" << endl;
        OplogReader r(false);
        r.setTailingQueryOptions( QueryOption_SlaveOk | QueryOption_AwaitData );
        r.connect( getParam( "from" ) );

        log() << "connected" << endl;

        OpTime start( time(0) - getParam( "seconds" , 86400 ) , 0 );
        log() << "starting from " << start.toStringPretty() << endl;

        string ns = getParam( "oplogns" );
        r.tailingQueryGTE( ns.c_str() , start );

        bool legacyApplyOps = (versionCmp(mongodVersion(), "2.2.0") < 0);

        int num = 0;
        while ( r.more() ) {
            BSONObj o = r.next();
            LOG(2) << o << endl;
            if ( o["$err"].type() ) {
                log() << "error getting oplog" << endl;
                log() << o << endl;
                return -1;

            bool print = ++num % 100000 == 0;
            if ( print )
                cout << num << "\t" << o << endl;
            if ( o["op"].String() == "n" )

            string dbname = legacyApplyOps? nsToDatabase(o["ns"].String()) : "admin";

            BSONObjBuilder b( o.objsize() + 32 );
            BSONArrayBuilder updates( b.subarrayStart( "applyOps" ) );
            updates.append( o );

            BSONObj c = b.obj();
            BSONObj res;
            bool ok = conn().runCommand( dbname , c , res );
            if ( print || ! ok )
                log() << res << endl;

        return 0;
Exemple #11
        void _insert( Request& r , DbMessage& d, ChunkManagerPtr manager ) {
            const int flags = d.reservedField();
            bool keepGoing = flags & InsertOption_KeepGoing; // modified before assertion if should abort

            while ( d.moreJSObjs() ) {
                try {
                    BSONObj o = d.nextJsObj();
                    if ( ! manager->hasShardKey( o ) ) {

                        bool bad = true;

                        if ( manager->getShardKey().partOfShardKey( "_id" ) ) {
                            BSONObjBuilder b;
                            b.appendOID( "_id" , 0 , true );
                            b.appendElements( o );
                            o = b.obj();
                            bad = ! manager->hasShardKey( o );

                        if ( bad ) {
                            log() << "tried to insert object without shard key: " << r.getns() << "  " << o << endl;
                            uasserted( 8011 , "tried to insert object without shard key" );


                    // Many operations benefit from having the shard key early in the object
                    o = manager->getShardKey().moveToFront(o);

                    const int maxTries = 30;

                    bool gotThrough = false;
                    for ( int i=0; i<maxTries; i++ ) {
                        try {
                            ChunkPtr c = manager->findChunk( o );
                            log(4) << "  server:" << c->getShard().toString() << " " << o << endl;
                            insert( c->getShard() , r.getns() , o , flags);

                            if ( r.getClientInfo()->autoSplitOk() )
                                c->splitIfShould( o.objsize() );
                            gotThrough = true;
                        catch ( StaleConfigException& e ) {
                            int logLevel = i < ( maxTries / 2 );
                            LOG( logLevel ) << "retrying insert because of StaleConfigException: " << e << " object: " << o << endl;
                            unsigned long long old = manager->getSequenceNumber();
                            manager = r.getChunkManager();
                            LOG( logLevel ) << "  sequenece number - old: " << old << " new: " << manager->getSequenceNumber() << endl;

                            if (!manager) {
                                keepGoing = false;
                                uasserted(14804, "collection no longer sharded");
                        sleepmillis( i * 20 );
                    assert( inShutdown() || gotThrough ); // not caught below
                } catch (const UserException&){
                    if (!keepGoing || !d.moreJSObjs()){
                    // otherwise ignore and keep going
Exemple #12
    void Collection::_compactExtent(const DiskLoc diskloc, int extentNumber,
                                    vector<IndexAccessMethod*>& indexesToInsertTo,
                                    const CompactOptions* compactOptions, CompactStats* stats ) {

        log() << "compact begin extent #" << extentNumber
              << " for namespace " << _ns << " " << diskloc;

        unsigned oldObjSize = 0; // we'll report what the old padding was
        unsigned oldObjSizeWithPadding = 0;

        Extent *e = diskloc.ext();
        verify( e->validates(diskloc) );

            // the next/prev pointers within the extent might not be in order so we first
            // page the whole thing in sequentially
            log() << "compact paging in len=" << e->length/1000000.0 << "MB" << endl;
            Timer t;
            size_t length = e->length;

            touch_pages( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(e), length );
            int ms = t.millis();
            if( ms > 1000 )
                log() << "compact end paging in " << ms << "ms "
                      << e->length/1000000.0/t.seconds() << "MB/sec" << endl;

            log() << "compact copying records" << endl;
            long long datasize = 0;
            long long nrecords = 0;
            DiskLoc L = e->firstRecord;
            if( !L.isNull() ) {
                while( 1 ) {
                    Record *recOld = L.rec();
                    L = getExtentManager()->getNextRecordInExtent(L);
                    BSONObj objOld = BSONObj::make(recOld);

                    if ( compactOptions->validateDocuments && !objOld.valid() ) {
                        // object is corrupt!
                        log() << "compact skipping corrupt document!";
                    else {
                        unsigned docSize = objOld.objsize();

                        oldObjSize += docSize;
                        oldObjSizeWithPadding += recOld->netLength();

                        unsigned lenWHdr = docSize + Record::HeaderSize;
                        unsigned lenWPadding = lenWHdr;

                        switch( compactOptions->paddingMode ) {
                        case CompactOptions::NONE:
                            if ( details()->isUserFlagSet(NamespaceDetails::Flag_UsePowerOf2Sizes) )
                                lenWPadding = details()->quantizePowerOf2AllocationSpace(lenWPadding);
                        case CompactOptions::PRESERVE:
                            // if we are preserving the padding, the record should not change size
                            lenWPadding = recOld->lengthWithHeaders();
                        case CompactOptions::MANUAL:
                            lenWPadding = compactOptions->computeRecordSize(lenWPadding);
                            if (lenWPadding < lenWHdr || lenWPadding > BSONObjMaxUserSize / 2 ) {
                                lenWPadding = lenWHdr;

                        CompactDocWriter writer( objOld, lenWPadding );
                        StatusWith<DiskLoc> status = _recordStore->insertRecord( &writer, 0 );
                        uassertStatusOK( status.getStatus() );
                        datasize += _recordStore->recordFor( status.getValue() )->netLength();

                        InsertDeleteOptions options;
                        options.logIfError = false;
                        options.dupsAllowed = true; // in compact we should be doing no checking

                        for ( size_t i = 0; i < indexesToInsertTo.size(); i++ ) {
                            Status idxStatus = indexesToInsertTo[i]->insert( objOld,
                                                                             NULL );
                            uassertStatusOK( idxStatus );

                    if( L.isNull() ) {
                        // we just did the very last record from the old extent.  it's still pointed to
                        // by the old extent ext, but that will be fixed below after this loop

                    // remove the old records (orphan them) periodically so our commit block doesn't get too large
                    bool stopping = false;
                    RARELY stopping = *killCurrentOp.checkForInterruptNoAssert() != 0;
                    if( stopping || getDur().aCommitIsNeeded() ) {
                        e->firstRecord.writing() = L;
                        Record *r = L.rec();
                        getDur().writingInt(r->prevOfs()) = DiskLoc::NullOfs;
            } // if !L.isNull()

            verify( details()->firstExtent() == diskloc );
            verify( details()->lastExtent() != diskloc );
            DiskLoc newFirst = e->xnext;
            details()->firstExtent().writing() = newFirst;
            getExtentManager()->freeExtents( diskloc, diskloc );


                double op = 1.0;
                if( oldObjSize )
                    op = static_cast<double>(oldObjSizeWithPadding)/oldObjSize;
                log() << "compact finished extent #" << extentNumber << " containing " << nrecords
                      << " documents (" << datasize/1000000.0 << "MB)"
                      << " oldPadding: " << op << ' ' << static_cast<unsigned>(op*100.0)/100;

Exemple #13
     * Run a query -- includes checking for and running a Command.
     * @return points to ns if exhaust mode. 0=normal mode
     * @locks the db mutex for reading (and potentially for writing temporarily to create a new db).
     * @yields the db mutex periodically after acquiring it.
     * @asserts on scan and order memory exhaustion and other cases.
    const char *runQuery(Message& m, QueryMessage& q, CurOp& curop, Message &result) {
        shared_ptr<ParsedQuery> pq_shared( new ParsedQuery(q) );
        ParsedQuery& pq( *pq_shared );
        BSONObj jsobj = q.query;
        int queryOptions = q.queryOptions;
        const char *ns = q.ns;

        if( logLevel >= 2 )
            log() << "runQuery called " << ns << " " << jsobj << endl;

        curop.debug().ns = ns;
        curop.debug().ntoreturn = pq.getNumToReturn();
        curop.debug().query = jsobj;

        // Run a command.
        if ( pq.couldBeCommand() ) {
            BufBuilder bb;
            BSONObjBuilder cmdResBuf;
            if ( runCommands(ns, jsobj, curop, bb, cmdResBuf, false, queryOptions) ) {
                curop.debug().iscommand = true;
                curop.debug().query = jsobj;

                auto_ptr< QueryResult > qr;
                qr.reset( (QueryResult *) bb.buf() );
                qr->len = bb.len();
                curop.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
                qr->cursorId = 0;
                qr->startingFrom = 0;
                qr->nReturned = 1;
                result.setData( qr.release(), true );
            else {
                uasserted(13530, "bad or malformed command request?");
            return 0;

        bool explain = pq.isExplain();
        BSONObj order = pq.getOrder();
        BSONObj query = pq.getFilter();

        /* The ElemIter will not be happy if this isn't really an object. So throw exception
           here when that is true.
           (Which may indicate bad data from client.)
        if ( query.objsize() == 0 ) {
            out() << "Bad query object?\n  jsobj:";
            out() << jsobj.toString() << "\n  query:";
            out() << query.toString() << endl;
            uassert( 10110 , "bad query object", false);

        Client::ReadContext ctx( ns , dbpath ); // read locks
        const ConfigVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState.getVersion( ns );


        if ( pq.hasOption( QueryOption_CursorTailable ) ) {
            NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails( ns );
            uassert( 13051, "tailable cursor requested on non capped collection", d && d->isCapped() );
            const BSONObj nat1 = BSON( "$natural" << 1 );
            if ( order.isEmpty() ) {
                order = nat1;
            else {
                uassert( 13052, "only {$natural:1} order allowed for tailable cursor", order == nat1 );

        // Run a simple id query.
        if ( ! (explain || pq.showDiskLoc()) && isSimpleIdQuery( query ) && !pq.hasOption( QueryOption_CursorTailable ) ) {

            int n = 0;
            bool nsFound = false;
            bool indexFound = false;

            BSONObj resObject;
            Client& c = cc();
            bool found = Helpers::findById( c, ns , query , resObject , &nsFound , &indexFound );
            if ( nsFound == false || indexFound == true ) {
                if ( shardingState.needShardChunkManager( ns ) ) {
                    ShardChunkManagerPtr m = shardingState.getShardChunkManager( ns );
                    if ( m && ! m->belongsToMe( resObject ) ) {
                        // I have something this _id
                        // but it doesn't belong to me
                        // so return nothing
                        resObject = BSONObj();
                        found = false;

                BufBuilder bb(sizeof(QueryResult)+resObject.objsize()+32);
                curop.debug().idhack = true;
                if ( found ) {
                    n = 1;
                    fillQueryResultFromObj( bb , pq.getFields() , resObject );
                auto_ptr< QueryResult > qr;
                qr.reset( (QueryResult *) bb.buf() );
                qr->len = bb.len();
                curop.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
                qr->cursorId = 0;
                qr->startingFrom = 0;
                qr->nReturned = n;
                result.setData( qr.release(), true );
                return NULL;
        // Run a regular query.
        BSONObj oldPlan;
        if ( explain && ! pq.hasIndexSpecifier() ) {
            MultiPlanScanner mps( ns, query, order );
            if ( mps.usingCachedPlan() ) {
                oldPlan =

        // In some cases the query may be retried if there is an in memory sort size assertion.
        for( int retry = 0; retry < 2; ++retry ) {
            try {
                return queryWithQueryOptimizer( m, queryOptions, ns, jsobj, curop, query, order,
                                               pq_shared, oldPlan, shardingVersionAtStart, result );
            } catch ( const QueryRetryException & ) {
                verify( retry == 0 );
        verify( false );
        return 0;
    Status cloneCollectionAsCapped( OperationContext* txn,
                                    Database* db,
                                    const string& shortFrom,
                                    const string& shortTo,
                                    double size,
                                    bool temp,
                                    bool logForReplication ) {

        string fromNs = db->name() + "." + shortFrom;
        string toNs = db->name() + "." + shortTo;

        Collection* fromCollection = db->getCollection( txn, fromNs );
        if ( !fromCollection )
            return Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                           str::stream() << "source collection " << fromNs <<  " does not exist" );

        if ( db->getCollection( toNs ) )
            return Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceExists, "to collection already exists" );

        // create new collection
            Client::Context ctx( toNs );
            BSONObjBuilder spec;
            spec.appendBool( "capped", true );
            spec.append( "size", size );
            if ( temp )
                spec.appendBool( "temp", true );

            Status status = userCreateNS( txn, ctx.db(), toNs, spec.done(), logForReplication );
            if ( !status.isOK() )
                return status;

        Collection* toCollection = db->getCollection( txn, toNs );
        invariant( toCollection ); // we created above

        // how much data to ignore because it won't fit anyway
        // datasize and extentSize can't be compared exactly, so add some padding to 'size'
        long long excessSize =
            static_cast<long long>( fromCollection->dataSize() -
                                    ( toCollection->getRecordStore()->storageSize() * 2 ) );

        scoped_ptr<Runner> runner( InternalPlanner::collectionScan(fromNs,
                                                                   InternalPlanner::FORWARD ) );

        while ( true ) {
            BSONObj obj;
            Runner::RunnerState state = runner->getNext(&obj, NULL);

            switch( state ) {
            case Runner::RUNNER_EOF:
                return Status::OK();
            case Runner::RUNNER_DEAD:
                db->dropCollection( txn, toNs );
                return Status( ErrorCodes::InternalError, "runner turned dead while iterating" );
            case Runner::RUNNER_ERROR:
                return Status( ErrorCodes::InternalError, "runner error while iterating" );
            case Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED:
                if ( excessSize > 0 ) {
                    excessSize -= ( 4 * obj.objsize() ); // 4x is for padding, power of 2, etc...

                toCollection->insertDocument( txn, obj, true );
                if ( logForReplication )
                    replset::logOp(txn, "i", toNs.c_str(), obj);

        invariant( false ); // unreachable
Exemple #15
    std::string newRunQuery(Message& m, QueryMessage& q, CurOp& curop, Message &result) {
        // Validate the namespace.
        const char *ns = q.ns;
        uassert(16332, "can't have an empty ns", ns[0]);

        const NamespaceString nsString(ns);
        uassert(16256, str::stream() << "Invalid ns [" << ns << "]", nsString.isValid());

        // Set curop information.
        curop.debug().ns = ns;
        curop.debug().ntoreturn = q.ntoreturn;
        curop.debug().query = q.query;

        // If the query is really a command, run it.
        if (nsString.isCommand()) {
            int nToReturn = q.ntoreturn;
            uassert(16979, str::stream() << "bad numberToReturn (" << nToReturn
                                         << ") for $cmd type ns - can only be 1 or -1",
                    nToReturn == 1 || nToReturn == -1);


            BufBuilder bb;

            BSONObjBuilder cmdResBuf;
            if (!runCommands(ns, q.query, curop, bb, cmdResBuf, false, q.queryOptions)) {
                uasserted(13530, "bad or malformed command request?");

            curop.debug().iscommand = true;
            // TODO: Does this get overwritten/do we really need to set this twice?
            curop.debug().query = q.query;

            QueryResult* qr = reinterpret_cast<QueryResult*>(bb.buf());
            qr->len = bb.len();
            curop.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
            qr->cursorId = 0;
            qr->startingFrom = 0;
            qr->nReturned = 1;
            result.setData(qr, true);
            return "";

        // This is a read lock.  We require this because if we're parsing a $where, the
        // where-specific parsing code assumes we have a lock and creates execution machinery that
        // requires it.
        Client::ReadContext ctx(q.ns);

        // Parse the qm into a CanonicalQuery.
        CanonicalQuery* cq;
        Status canonStatus = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(q, &cq);
        if (!canonStatus.isOK()) {
            uasserted(17287, str::stream() << "Can't canonicalize query: " << canonStatus.toString());

        QLOG() << "Running query on new system: " << cq->toString();

        // Parse, canonicalize, plan, transcribe, and get a runner.
        Runner* rawRunner = NULL;

        // We use this a lot below.
        const LiteParsedQuery& pq = cq->getParsed();

        // We'll now try to get the query runner that will execute this query for us. There
        // are a few cases in which we know upfront which runner we should get and, therefore,
        // we shortcut the selection process here.
        // (a) If the query is over a collection that doesn't exist, we get a special runner
        // that's is so (a runner) which doesn't return results, the EOFRunner.
        // (b) if the query is a replication's initial sync one, we get a SingleSolutinRunner
        // that uses a specifically designed stage that skips extents faster (see details in
        // exec/oplogstart.h)
        // Otherwise we go through the selection of which runner is most suited to the
        // query + run-time context at hand.
        Status status = Status::OK();
        if (ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection(cq->ns()) == NULL) {
            rawRunner = new EOFRunner(cq, cq->ns());
        else if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
            status = getOplogStartHack(cq, &rawRunner);
        else {
            // Takes ownership of cq.
            size_t options = QueryPlannerParams::DEFAULT;
            if (shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
                options |= QueryPlannerParams::INCLUDE_SHARD_FILTER;
            status = getRunner(cq, &rawRunner, options);

        if (!status.isOK()) {
            // NOTE: Do not access cq as getRunner has deleted it.
            uasserted(17007, "Unable to execute query: " + status.reason());

        verify(NULL != rawRunner);
        auto_ptr<Runner> runner(rawRunner);

        // We freak out later if this changes before we're done with the query.
        const ChunkVersion shardingVersionAtStart = shardingState.getVersion(cq->ns());

        // Handle query option $maxTimeMS (not used with commands).
        curop.setMaxTimeMicros(static_cast<unsigned long long>(pq.getMaxTimeMS()) * 1000);
        killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); // May trigger maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point.

        // uassert if we are not on a primary, and not a secondary with SlaveOk query parameter set.

        // If this exists, the collection is sharded.
        // If it doesn't exist, we can assume we're not sharded.
        // If we're sharded, we might encounter data that is not consistent with our sharding state.
        // We must ignore this data.
        CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata;
        if (!shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(pq.ns())) {
            collMetadata = CollectionMetadataPtr();
        else {
            collMetadata = shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(pq.ns());

        // Run the query.
        // bb is used to hold query results
        // this buffer should contain either requested documents per query or
        // explain information, but not both
        BufBuilder bb(32768);

        // How many results have we obtained from the runner?
        int numResults = 0;

        // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
        OpTime slaveReadTill;

        // Do we save the Runner in a ClientCursor for getMore calls later?
        bool saveClientCursor = false;

        // We turn on auto-yielding for the runner here.  The runner registers itself with the
        // active runners list in ClientCursor.
        auto_ptr<ScopedRunnerRegistration> safety(new ScopedRunnerRegistration(runner.get()));

        BSONObj obj;
        Runner::RunnerState state;
        // uint64_t numMisplacedDocs = 0;

        // set this outside loop. we will need to use this both within loop and when deciding
        // to fill in explain information
        const bool isExplain = pq.isExplain();

        while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == (state = runner->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
            // Add result to output buffer. This is unnecessary if explain info is requested
            if (!isExplain) {
                bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

            // Count the result.

            // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay)) {
                BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                    slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

            // TODO: only one type of 2d search doesn't support this.  We need a way to pull it out
            // of CanonicalQuery. :(
            const bool supportsGetMore = true;
            if (isExplain) {
                if (enoughForExplain(pq, numResults)) {
            else if (!supportsGetMore && (enough(pq, numResults)
                                          || bb.len() >= MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce)) {
            else if (enoughForFirstBatch(pq, numResults, bb.len())) {
                QLOG() << "Enough for first batch, wantMore=" << pq.wantMore()
                       << " numToReturn=" << pq.getNumToReturn()
                       << " numResults=" << numResults
                       << endl;
                // If only one result requested assume it's a findOne() and don't save the cursor.
                if (pq.wantMore() && 1 != pq.getNumToReturn()) {
                    QLOG() << " runner EOF=" << runner->isEOF() << endl;
                    saveClientCursor = !runner->isEOF();

        // If we cache the runner later, we want to deregister it as it receives notifications
        // anyway by virtue of being cached.
        // If we don't cache the runner later, we are deleting it, so it must be deregistered.
        // So, no matter what, deregister the runner.

        // Caller expects exceptions thrown in certain cases:
        // * in-memory sort using too much RAM.
        if (Runner::RUNNER_ERROR == state) {
            uasserted(17144, "Runner error, memory limit for sort probably exceeded");

        // Why save a dead runner?
        if (Runner::RUNNER_DEAD == state) {
            saveClientCursor = false;
        else if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_CursorTailable)) {
            // If we're tailing a capped collection, we don't bother saving the cursor if the
            // collection is empty. Otherwise, the semantics of the tailable cursor is that the
            // client will keep trying to read from it. So we'll keep it around.
            Collection* collection = ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection(cq->ns());
            if (collection && collection->numRecords() != 0 && pq.getNumToReturn() != 1) {
                saveClientCursor = true;

        // TODO(greg): This will go away soon.
        if (!shardingState.getVersion(pq.ns()).isWriteCompatibleWith(shardingVersionAtStart)) {
            // if the version changed during the query we might be missing some data and its safe to
            // send this as mongos can resend at this point
            throw SendStaleConfigException(pq.ns(), "version changed during initial query",

        // Append explain information to query results by asking the runner to produce them.
        if (isExplain) {
            TypeExplain* bareExplain;
            Status res = runner->getExplainPlan(&bareExplain);

            if (!res.isOK()) {
                error() << "could not produce explain of query '" << pq.getFilter()
                        << "', error: " << res.reason();
                // If numResults and the data in bb don't correspond, we'll crash later when rooting
                // through the reply msg.
                BSONObj emptyObj;
                bb.appendBuf((void*)emptyObj.objdata(), emptyObj.objsize());
                // The explain output is actually a result.
                numResults = 1;
                // TODO: we can fill out millis etc. here just fine even if the plan screwed up.
            else {
                boost::scoped_ptr<TypeExplain> explain(bareExplain);

                // Fill in the missing run-time fields in explain, starting with propeties of
                // the process running the query.
                std::string server = mongoutils::str::stream()
                    << getHostNameCached() << ":" << serverGlobalParams.port;

                // We might have skipped some results due to chunk migration etc. so our count is
                // correct.

                // Clock the whole operation.

                BSONObj explainObj = explain->toBSON();
                bb.appendBuf((void*)explainObj.objdata(), explainObj.objsize());

                // The explain output is actually a result.
                numResults = 1;

        long long ccId = 0;
        if (saveClientCursor) {
            // We won't use the runner until it's getMore'd.

            // Allocate a new ClientCursor.  We don't have to worry about leaking it as it's
            // inserted into a global map by its ctor.
            ClientCursor* cc = new ClientCursor(runner.get(), cq->getParsed().getOptions(),
            ccId = cc->cursorid();

            QLOG() << "caching runner with cursorid " << ccId
                   << " after returning " << numResults << " results" << endl;

            // ClientCursor takes ownership of runner.  Release to make sure it's not deleted.

            // TODO document
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

            // TODO document
            if (pq.hasOption(QueryOption_Exhaust)) {
                curop.debug().exhaust = true;

            // Set attributes for getMore.

            // If the query had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" to the cursor (for
            // use by future getmore ops).
        else {
            QLOG() << "not caching runner but returning " << numResults << " results\n";

        // Add the results from the query into the output buffer.
        result.appendData(bb.buf(), bb.len());

        // Fill out the output buffer's header.
        QueryResult* qr = static_cast<QueryResult*>(result.header());
        qr->cursorId = ccId;
        curop.debug().cursorid = (0 == ccId ? -1 : ccId);
        qr->startingFrom = 0;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;

        curop.debug().ntoskip = pq.getSkip();
        curop.debug().nreturned = numResults;

        // curop.debug().exhaust is set above.
        return curop.debug().exhaust ? pq.ns() : "";
Exemple #16
std::string runQuery(OperationContext* opCtx,
                     QueryMessage& q,
                     const NamespaceString& nss,
                     Message& result) {
    CurOp& curOp = *CurOp::get(opCtx);

            str::stream() << "Invalid ns [" << nss.ns() << "]",

    // Set CurOp information.
    const auto upconvertedQuery = upconvertQueryEntry(q.query, nss, q.ntoreturn, q.ntoskip);
    beginQueryOp(opCtx, nss, upconvertedQuery, q.ntoreturn, q.ntoskip);

    // Parse the qm into a CanonicalQuery.
    const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> expCtx;
    auto statusWithCQ =
                                     ExtensionsCallbackReal(opCtx, &nss),
    if (!statusWithCQ.isOK()) {
                  str::stream() << "Can't canonicalize query: "
                                << statusWithCQ.getStatus().toString());
    unique_ptr<CanonicalQuery> cq = std::move(statusWithCQ.getValue());

    LOG(5) << "Running query:\n" << redact(cq->toString());
    LOG(2) << "Running query: " << redact(cq->toStringShort());

    // Parse, canonicalize, plan, transcribe, and get a plan executor.
    AutoGetCollectionForReadCommand ctx(opCtx, nss, AutoGetCollection::ViewMode::kViewsForbidden);
    Collection* const collection = ctx.getCollection();

        const QueryRequest& qr = cq->getQueryRequest();

        // Allow the query to run on secondaries if the read preference permits it. If no read
        // preference was specified, allow the query to run iff slaveOk has been set.
        const bool slaveOK = qr.hasReadPref()
            ? uassertStatusOK(ReadPreferenceSetting::fromContainingBSON(q.query))
            : qr.isSlaveOk();
            repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx)->checkCanServeReadsFor(opCtx, nss, slaveOK));

    // We have a parsed query. Time to get the execution plan for it.
    auto exec = uassertStatusOK(getExecutorLegacyFind(opCtx, collection, nss, std::move(cq)));

    const QueryRequest& qr = exec->getCanonicalQuery()->getQueryRequest();

    // If it's actually an explain, do the explain and return rather than falling through
    // to the normal query execution loop.
    if (qr.isExplain()) {
        BufBuilder bb;

        BSONObjBuilder explainBob;
            exec.get(), collection, ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kExecAllPlans, &explainBob);

        // Add the resulting object to the return buffer.
        BSONObj explainObj = explainBob.obj();
        bb.appendBuf((void*)explainObj.objdata(), explainObj.objsize());

        // Set query result fields.
        QueryResult::View qr = bb.buf();
        curOp.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
        return "";

    // Handle query option $maxTimeMS (not used with commands).
    if (qr.getMaxTimeMS() > 0) {
                "Illegal attempt to set operation deadline within DBDirectClient",
    opCtx->checkForInterrupt();  // May trigger maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point.

    // Run the query.
    // bb is used to hold query results
    // this buffer should contain either requested documents per query or
    // explain information, but not both
    BufBuilder bb(FindCommon::kInitReplyBufferSize);

    // How many results have we obtained from the executor?
    int numResults = 0;

    BSONObj obj;
    PlanExecutor::ExecState state;

    // Get summary info about which plan the executor is using.
        stdx::lock_guard<Client> lk(*opCtx->getClient());

    while (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (state = exec->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
        // If we can't fit this result inside the current batch, then we stash it for later.
        if (!FindCommon::haveSpaceForNext(obj, numResults, bb.len())) {

        // Add result to output buffer.
        bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

        // Count the result.

        if (FindCommon::enoughForFirstBatch(qr, numResults)) {
            LOG(5) << "Enough for first batch, wantMore=" << qr.wantMore()
                   << " ntoreturn=" << qr.getNToReturn().value_or(0)
                   << " numResults=" << numResults;

    // Caller expects exceptions thrown in certain cases.
    if (PlanExecutor::FAILURE == state || PlanExecutor::DEAD == state) {
        error() << "Plan executor error during find: " << PlanExecutor::statestr(state)
                << ", stats: " << redact(Explain::getWinningPlanStats(exec.get()));
                                   "Executor error during OP_QUERY find");

    // Before saving the cursor, ensure that whatever plan we established happened with the expected
    // collection version
    auto css = CollectionShardingState::get(opCtx, nss);

    // Fill out CurOp based on query results. If we have a cursorid, we will fill out CurOp with
    // this cursorid later.
    long long ccId = 0;

    if (shouldSaveCursor(opCtx, collection, state, exec.get())) {
        // We won't use the executor until it's getMore'd.

        // Allocate a new ClientCursor and register it with the cursor manager.
        ClientCursorPin pinnedCursor = collection->getCursorManager()->registerCursor(
        ccId = pinnedCursor.getCursor()->cursorid();

        LOG(5) << "caching executor with cursorid " << ccId << " after returning " << numResults
               << " results";

        // TODO document
        if (qr.isExhaust()) {
            curOp.debug().exhaust = true;


        // We assume that cursors created through a DBDirectClient are always used from their
        // original OperationContext, so we do not need to move time to and from the cursor.
        if (!opCtx->getClient()->isInDirectClient()) {
            // If the query had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" to the cursor (for
            // use by future getmore ops).

        endQueryOp(opCtx, collection, *pinnedCursor.getCursor()->getExecutor(), numResults, ccId);
    } else {
        LOG(5) << "Not caching executor but returning " << numResults << " results.";
        endQueryOp(opCtx, collection, *exec, numResults, ccId);

    // Fill out the output buffer's header.
    QueryResult::View queryResultView = bb.buf();

    // Add the results from the query into the output buffer.

    // curOp.debug().exhaust is set above.
    return curOp.debug().exhaust ? nss.ns() : "";
Status IndexBuildInterceptor::drainWritesIntoIndex(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                                   const InsertDeleteOptions& options,
                                                   RecoveryUnit::ReadSource readSource) {

    // Callers may request to read at a specific timestamp so that no drained writes are timestamped
    // earlier than their original write timestamp. Also ensure that leaving this function resets
    // the ReadSource to its original value.
    auto resetReadSourceGuard =
        makeGuard([ opCtx, prevReadSource = opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getTimestampReadSource() ] {

    if (readSource != RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kUnset) {
    } else {

    // These are used for logging only.
    int64_t totalDeleted = 0;
    int64_t totalInserted = 0;
    Timer timer;

    const int64_t appliedAtStart = _numApplied;

    // Set up the progress meter. This will never be completely accurate, because more writes can be
    // read from the side writes table than are observed before draining.
    static const char* curopMessage = "Index Build: draining writes received during build";
    ProgressMeterHolder progress;
        stdx::unique_lock<Client> lk(*opCtx->getClient());

    // Force the progress meter to log at the end of every batch. By default, the progress meter
    // only logs after a large number of calls to hit(), but since we batch inserts by up to
    // 1000 records, progress would rarely be displayed.
    progress->reset(_sideWritesCounter.load() - appliedAtStart /* total */,
                    3 /* secondsBetween */,
                    1 /* checkInterval */);

    // Buffer operations into batches to insert per WriteUnitOfWork. Impose an upper limit on the
    // number of documents and the total size of the batch.
    const int32_t kBatchMaxSize = 1000;
    const int64_t kBatchMaxBytes = BSONObjMaxInternalSize;

    int64_t batchSizeBytes = 0;

    std::vector<SideWriteRecord> batch;

    // Hold on to documents that would exceed the per-batch memory limit. Always insert this first
    // into the next batch.
    boost::optional<SideWriteRecord> stashed;

    auto cursor = _sideWritesTable->rs()->getCursor(opCtx);

    bool atEof = false;
    while (!atEof) {

        // Stashed records should be inserted into a batch first.
        if (stashed) {

        auto record = cursor->next();

        if (record) {
            RecordId currentRecordId = record->id;
            BSONObj docOut = record->data.toBson().getOwned();

            // If the total batch size in bytes would be too large, stash this document and let the
            // current batch insert.
            int objSize = docOut.objsize();
            if (batchSizeBytes + objSize > kBatchMaxBytes) {

                // Stash this document to be inserted in the next batch.
                stashed.emplace(currentRecordId, std::move(docOut));
            } else {
                batchSizeBytes += objSize;
                batch.emplace_back(currentRecordId, std::move(docOut));

                // Continue if there is more room in the batch.
                if (batch.size() < kBatchMaxSize) {
        } else {
            atEof = true;
            if (batch.empty())



        // If we are here, either we have reached the end of the table or the batch is full, so
        // insert everything in one WriteUnitOfWork, and delete each inserted document from the side
        // writes table.
        auto status = writeConflictRetry(opCtx, "index build drain", _indexCatalogEntry->ns(), [&] {
            WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx);
            for (auto& operation : batch) {
                auto status =
                    _applyWrite(opCtx, operation.second, options, &totalInserted, &totalDeleted);
                if (!status.isOK()) {
                    return status;

                // Delete the document from the table as soon as it has been inserted into the
                // index. This ensures that no key is ever inserted twice and no keys are skipped.
                _sideWritesTable->rs()->deleteRecord(opCtx, operation.first);

            // For rollback to work correctly, these writes need to be timestamped. The actual time
            // is not important, as long as it not older than the most recent visible side write.
                opCtx, NamespaceString(_indexCatalogEntry->ns()));

            return Status::OK();
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;


        // Lock yielding will only happen if we are holding intent locks.

        // Account for more writes coming in during a batch.
        progress->setTotalWhileRunning(_sideWritesCounter.loadRelaxed() - appliedAtStart);

        _numApplied += batch.size();
        batchSizeBytes = 0;


    int logLevel = (_numApplied - appliedAtStart > 0) ? 0 : 1;
    LOG(logLevel) << "index build: drain applied " << (_numApplied - appliedAtStart)
                  << " side writes (inserted: " << totalInserted << ", deleted: " << totalDeleted
                  << ") for '" << _indexCatalogEntry->descriptor()->indexName() << "' in "
                  << timer.millis() << " ms";

    return Status::OK();
Exemple #18
    /* Prepare to build an index.  Does not actually build it (except for a special _id case).
       - We validate that the params are good
       - That the index does not already exist
       - Creates the source collection if it DNE

       example of 'io':
         { ns : 'test.foo', name : 'z', key : { z : 1 } }

       throws DBException

       @param sourceNS - source NS we are indexing
       @param sourceCollection - its details ptr
       @return true if ok to continue.  when false we stop/fail silently (index already exists)
    bool prepareToBuildIndex(const BSONObj& io, bool god, string& sourceNS, NamespaceDetails *&sourceCollection, BSONObj& fixedIndexObject ) {
        sourceCollection = 0;

        // logical name of the index.  todo: get rid of the name, we don't need it!
        const char *name = io.getStringField("name");
        uassert(12523, "no index name specified", *name);

        // the collection for which we are building an index
        sourceNS = io.getStringField("ns");
        uassert(10096, "invalid ns to index", sourceNS.find( '.' ) != string::npos);
        massert(10097, str::stream() << "bad table to index name on add index attempt current db: " << cc().database()->name << "  source: " << sourceNS ,
                cc().database()->name == nsToDatabase(sourceNS.c_str()));

        BSONObj key = io.getObjectField("key");
        uassert(12524, "index key pattern too large", key.objsize() <= 2048);
        if( !validKeyPattern(key) ) {
            string s = string("bad index key pattern ") + key.toString();
            uasserted(10098 , s.c_str());

        if ( sourceNS.empty() || key.isEmpty() ) {
            log(2) << "bad add index attempt name:" << (name?name:"") << "\n  ns:" <<
                   sourceNS << "\n  idxobj:" << io.toString() << endl;
            string s = "bad add index attempt " + sourceNS + " key:" + key.toString();
            uasserted(12504, s);

        sourceCollection = nsdetails(sourceNS.c_str());
        if( sourceCollection == 0 ) {
            // try to create it
            string err;
            if ( !userCreateNS(sourceNS.c_str(), BSONObj(), err, false) ) {
                problem() << "ERROR: failed to create collection while adding its index. " << sourceNS << endl;
                return false;
            sourceCollection = nsdetails(sourceNS.c_str());
            tlog() << "info: creating collection " << sourceNS << " on add index" << endl;
            verify( sourceCollection );

        if ( sourceCollection->findIndexByName(name) >= 0 ) {
            // index already exists.
            return false;
        if( sourceCollection->findIndexByKeyPattern(key) >= 0 ) {
            log(2) << "index already exists with diff name " << name << ' ' << key.toString() << endl;
            return false;

        if ( sourceCollection->nIndexes >= NamespaceDetails::NIndexesMax ) {
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "add index fails, too many indexes for " << sourceNS << " key:" << key.toString();
            string s = ss.str();
            log() << s << '\n';

        /* we can't build a new index for the ns if a build is already in progress in the background -
           EVEN IF this is a foreground build.
        uassert(12588, "cannot add index with a background operation in progress",

        /* this is because we want key patterns like { _id : 1 } and { _id : <someobjid> } to
           all be treated as the same pattern.
        if ( IndexDetails::isIdIndexPattern(key) ) {
            if( !god ) {
                ensureHaveIdIndex( sourceNS.c_str() );
                return false;
        else {
            /* is buildIndexes:false set for this replica set member?
               if so we don't build any indexes except _id
            if( theReplSet && !theReplSet->buildIndexes() )
                return false;

        string pluginName = IndexPlugin::findPluginName( key );
        IndexPlugin * plugin = pluginName.size() ? IndexPlugin::get( pluginName ) : 0;

            BSONObj o = io;
            if ( plugin ) {
                o = plugin->adjustIndexSpec(o);
            BSONObjBuilder b;
            int v = DefaultIndexVersionNumber;
            if( !o["v"].eoo() ) {
                double vv = o["v"].Number();
                // note (one day) we may be able to fresh build less versions than we can use
                // isASupportedIndexVersionNumber() is what we can use
                uassert(14803, str::stream() << "this version of mongod cannot build new indexes of version number " << vv, 
                    vv == 0 || vv == 1);
                v = (int) vv;
            // idea is to put things we use a lot earlier
            b.append("v", v);
            if( o["unique"].trueValue() )
                b.appendBool("unique", true); // normalize to bool true in case was int 1 or something...

                // stripping _id
                BSONObjIterator i(o);
                while ( i.more() ) {
                    BSONElement e = i.next();
                    string s = e.fieldName();
                    if( s != "_id" && s != "v" && s != "ns" && s != "unique" && s != "key" )
            fixedIndexObject = b.obj();

        return true;
Exemple #19
 BSONObj Helpers::toKeyFormat( const BSONObj& o ) {
     BSONObjBuilder keyObj( o.objsize() );
     BSONForEach( e , o ) {
         keyObj.appendAs( e , "" );
         * Runs the command object cmdobj on the db with name dbname and puts result in result.
         * @param dbname, name of db
         * @param cmdobj, object that contains entire command
         * @param options
         * @param errmsg, reference to error message
         * @param result, reference to builder for result
         * @param fromRepl
         * @return true if successful, false otherwise
        bool FTSCommand::_run(OperationContext* txn,
                              const string& dbname,
                              BSONObj& cmdObj,
                              int cmdOptions,
                              const string& ns,
                              const string& searchString,
                              string language, // "" for not-set
                              int limit,
                              BSONObj& filter,
                              BSONObj& projection,
                              string& errmsg,
                              BSONObjBuilder& result ) {

            Timer comm;

            // Rewrite the cmd as a normal query.
            BSONObjBuilder queryBob;

            BSONObjBuilder textBob;
            textBob.append("$search", searchString);
            if (!language.empty()) {
                textBob.append("$language", language);
            queryBob.append("$text", textBob.obj());

            // This is the query we exec.
            BSONObj queryObj = queryBob.obj();

            // We sort by the score.
            BSONObj sortSpec = BSON("$s" << BSON("$meta" << LiteParsedQuery::metaTextScore));

            // We also project the score into the document and strip it out later during the reformatting
            // of the results.
            BSONObjBuilder projBob;
            BSONObj projObj = projBob.obj();

            Client::ReadContext ctx(txn, ns);

            CanonicalQuery* cq;
            Status canonicalizeStatus = 
                                                 WhereCallbackReal(txn, StringData(dbname)));
            if (!canonicalizeStatus.isOK()) {
                errmsg = canonicalizeStatus.reason();
                return false;

            Runner* rawRunner;
            Status getRunnerStatus = getRunner(txn, ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection(txn, ns), cq, &rawRunner);
            if (!getRunnerStatus.isOK()) {
                errmsg = getRunnerStatus.reason();
                return false;

            auto_ptr<Runner> runner(rawRunner);

            BSONArrayBuilder resultBuilder(result.subarrayStart("results"));

            // Quoth: "leave a mb for other things"
            int resultSize = 1024 * 1024;

            int numReturned = 0;

            BSONObj obj;
            while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == runner->getNext(&obj, NULL)) {
                if ((resultSize + obj.objsize()) >= BSONObjMaxUserSize) {
                // We return an array of results.  Add another element.
                BSONObjBuilder oneResultBuilder(resultBuilder.subobjStart());
                oneResultBuilder.append("score", obj["$s"].number());

                // Strip out the score from the returned obj.
                BSONObjIterator resIt(obj);
                BSONObjBuilder resBob;
                while (resIt.more()) {
                    BSONElement elt = resIt.next();
                    if (!mongoutils::str::equals("$s", elt.fieldName())) {
                oneResultBuilder.append("obj", resBob.obj());
                BSONObj addedArrayObj = oneResultBuilder.done();
                resultSize += addedArrayObj.objsize();


            // returns some stats to the user
            BSONObjBuilder stats(result.subobjStart("stats"));

            // Fill in nscanned from the explain.
            TypeExplain* bareExplain;
            Status res = runner->getInfo(&bareExplain, NULL);
            if (res.isOK()) {
                auto_ptr<TypeExplain> explain(bareExplain);
                stats.append("nscanned", explain->getNScanned());
                stats.append("nscannedObjects", explain->getNScannedObjects());

            stats.appendNumber( "n" , numReturned );
            stats.append( "timeMicros", (int)comm.micros() );

            return true;
Exemple #21
static void _logOpRS(const char *opstr, const char *ns, const char *logNS, const BSONObj& obj, BSONObj *o2, bool *bb, bool fromMigrate ) {
    Lock::DBWrite lk1("local");

    if ( strncmp(ns, "local.", 6) == 0 ) {
        if ( strncmp(ns, "local.slaves", 12) == 0 )

    mutex::scoped_lock lk2(OpTime::m);

    const OpTime ts = OpTime::now(lk2);
    long long hashNew;
    if( theReplSet ) {
        massert(13312, "replSet error : logOp() but not primary?", theReplSet->box.getState().primary());
        hashNew = (theReplSet->lastH * 131 + ts.asLL()) * 17 + theReplSet->selfId();
    else {
        // must be initiation
        verify( *ns == 0 );
        hashNew = 0;

    /* we jump through a bunch of hoops here to avoid copying the obj buffer twice --
       instead we do a single copy to the destination position in the memory mapped file.

    BSONObjBuilder b(logopbufbuilder);
    b.appendTimestamp("ts", ts.asDate());
    b.append("h", hashNew);
    b.append("v", OPLOG_VERSION);
    b.append("op", opstr);
    b.append("ns", ns);
    if (fromMigrate)
        b.appendBool("fromMigrate", true);
    if ( bb )
        b.appendBool("b", *bb);
    if ( o2 )
        b.append("o2", *o2);
    BSONObj partial = b.done();
    int posz = partial.objsize();
    int len = posz + obj.objsize() + 1 + 2 /*o:*/;

    Record *r;
    DEV verify( logNS == 0 );
        const char *logns = rsoplog;
        if ( rsOplogDetails == 0 ) {
            Client::Context ctx( logns , dbpath, false);
            localDB = ctx.db();
            verify( localDB );
            rsOplogDetails = nsdetails(logns);
            massert(13347, "local.oplog.rs missing. did you drop it? if so restart server", rsOplogDetails);
        Client::Context ctx( logns , localDB, false );
        r = theDataFileMgr.fast_oplog_insert(rsOplogDetails, logns, len);
        /* todo: now() has code to handle clock skew.  but if the skew server to server is large it will get unhappy.
                 this code (or code in now() maybe) should be improved.
        if( theReplSet ) {
            if( !(theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten<ts) ) {
                log() << "replSet ERROR possible failover clock skew issue? " << theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten << ' ' << ts << rsLog;
                log() << "replSet " << theReplSet->isPrimary() << rsLog;
            theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten = ts;
            theReplSet->lastH = hashNew;
            ctx.getClient()->setLastOp( ts );

    append_O_Obj(r->data(), partial, obj);

    if ( logLevel >= 6 ) {
        LOG( 6 ) << "logOp:" << BSONObj::make(r) << endl;
Exemple #22
    /** object cannot be represented in compact format.  so store in traditional bson format 
        with a leading sentinel byte IsBSON to indicate it's in that format.

        Given that the KeyV1Owned constructor already grabbed a bufbuilder, we reuse it here 
        so that we don't have to do an extra malloc.
    void KeyV1Owned::traditional(const BSONObj& obj) { 
        b.appendBuf(obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());
        _keyData = (const unsigned char *) b.buf();
Exemple #23
/** @param fromRepl false if from ApplyOpsCmd
    @return true if was and update should have happened and the document DNE.  see replset initial sync code.
bool applyOperation_inlock(const BSONObj& op, bool fromRepl, bool convertUpdateToUpsert) {
    LOG(3) << "applying op: " << op << endl;
    bool failedUpdate = false;

    OpCounters * opCounters = fromRepl ? &replOpCounters : &globalOpCounters;

    const char *names[] = { "o", "ns", "op", "b" };
    BSONElement fields[4];
    op.getFields(4, names, fields);

    BSONObj o;
    if( fields[0].isABSONObj() )
        o = fields[0].embeddedObject();

    const char *ns = fields[1].valuestrsafe();


    NamespaceDetails *nsd = nsdetails(ns);

    // operation type -- see logOp() comments for types
    const char *opType = fields[2].valuestrsafe();

    if ( *opType == 'i' ) {

        const char *p = strchr(ns, '.');
        if ( p && strcmp(p, ".system.indexes") == 0 ) {
            // updates aren't allowed for indexes -- so we will do a regular insert. if index already
            // exists, that is ok.
            theDataFileMgr.insert(ns, (void*) o.objdata(), o.objsize());
        else {
            // do upserts for inserts as we might get replayed more than once
            OpDebug debug;
            BSONElement _id;
            if( !o.getObjectID(_id) ) {
                /* No _id.  This will be very slow. */
                Timer t;
                updateObjectsForReplication(ns, o, o, true, false, false, debug, false,
                                            QueryPlanSelectionPolicy::idElseNatural() );
                if( t.millis() >= 2 ) {
                    RARELY OCCASIONALLY log() << "warning, repl doing slow updates (no _id field) for " << ns << endl;
            else {
                // probably don't need this since all replicated colls have _id indexes now
                // but keep it just in case
                RARELY if ( nsd && !nsd->isCapped() ) {

                /* todo : it may be better to do an insert here, and then catch the dup key exception and do update
                          then.  very few upserts will not be inserts...
                BSONObjBuilder b;
                updateObjectsForReplication(ns, o, b.done(), true, false, false , debug, false,
                                            QueryPlanSelectionPolicy::idElseNatural() );
Exemple #24
        void operator()( DBClientCursorBatchIterator &i ) {
            Lock::GlobalWrite lk;

            bool createdCollection = false;
            Collection* collection = NULL;

            while( i.moreInCurrentBatch() ) {
                if ( numSeen % 128 == 127 /*yield some*/ ) {
                    collection = NULL;
                    time_t now = time(0);
                    if( now - lastLog >= 60 ) {
                        // report progress
                        if( lastLog )
                            log() << "clone " << to_collection << ' ' << numSeen << endl;
                        lastLog = now;
                    mayInterrupt( _mayBeInterrupted );
                    dbtempreleaseif t( _mayYield );

                if ( isindex == false && collection == NULL ) {
                    collection = context.db()->getCollection( to_collection );
                    if ( !collection ) {
                        massert( 17321,
                                 << "collection dropped during clone ["
                                 << to_collection << "]",
                                 !createdCollection );
                        createdCollection = true;
                        collection = context.db()->createCollection( txn, to_collection );
                        verify( collection );

                BSONObj tmp = i.nextSafe();

                /* assure object is valid.  note this will slow us down a little. */
                const Status status = validateBSON(tmp.objdata(), tmp.objsize());
                if (!status.isOK()) {
                    out() << "Cloner: skipping corrupt object from " << from_collection
                          << ": " << status.reason();


                BSONObj js = tmp;
                if ( isindex ) {
                    verify(nsToCollectionSubstring(from_collection) == "system.indexes");
                    js = fixindex(context.db()->name(), tmp);
                    indexesToBuild->push_back( js.getOwned() );

                verify(nsToCollectionSubstring(from_collection) != "system.indexes");

                StatusWith<DiskLoc> loc = collection->insertDocument( txn, js, true );
                if ( !loc.isOK() ) {
                    error() << "error: exception cloning object in " << from_collection
                            << ' ' << loc.toString() << " obj:" << js;
                uassertStatusOK( loc.getStatus() );
                if ( logForRepl )
                    logOp(txn, "i", to_collection, js);


                RARELY if ( time( 0 ) - saveLast > 60 ) {
                    log() << numSeen << " objects cloned so far from collection " << from_collection;
                    saveLast = time( 0 );
     * Returns true if we need to keep a ClientCursor saved for this pipeline (for future getMore
     * requests).  Otherwise, returns false.
    static bool handleCursorCommand(OperationContext* txn,
                                    const string& ns,
                                    ClientCursorPin* pin,
                                    PlanExecutor* exec,
                                    const BSONObj& cmdObj,
                                    BSONObjBuilder& result) {

        ClientCursor* cursor = pin ? pin->c() : NULL;
        if (pin) {
            invariant(cursor->getExecutor() == exec);

        const long long defaultBatchSize = 101; // Same as query.
        long long batchSize;
        uassertStatusOK(Command::parseCommandCursorOptions(cmdObj, defaultBatchSize, &batchSize));

        // can't use result BSONObjBuilder directly since it won't handle exceptions correctly.
        BSONArrayBuilder resultsArray;
        const int byteLimit = MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;
        BSONObj next;
        for (int objCount = 0; objCount < batchSize; objCount++) {
            // The initial getNext() on a PipelineProxyStage may be very expensive so we don't
            // do it when batchSize is 0 since that indicates a desire for a fast return.
            if (exec->getNext(&next, NULL) != PlanExecutor::ADVANCED) {
                // make it an obvious error to use cursor or executor after this point
                cursor = NULL;
                exec = NULL;

            if (resultsArray.len() + next.objsize() > byteLimit) {
                // Get the pipeline proxy stage wrapped by this PlanExecutor.
                PipelineProxyStage* proxy = static_cast<PipelineProxyStage*>(exec->getRootStage());
                // too big. next will be the first doc in the second batch


        // NOTE: exec->isEOF() can have side effects such as writing by $out. However, it should
        // be relatively quick since if there was no pin then the input is empty. Also, this
        // violates the contract for batchSize==0. Sharding requires a cursor to be returned in that
        // case. This is ok for now however, since you can't have a sharded collection that doesn't
        // exist.
        const bool canReturnMoreBatches = pin;
        if (!canReturnMoreBatches && exec && !exec->isEOF()) {
            // msgasserting since this shouldn't be possible to trigger from today's aggregation
            // language. The wording assumes that the only reason pin would be null is if the
            // collection doesn't exist.
            msgasserted(17391, str::stream()
                << "Aggregation has more results than fit in initial batch, but can't "
                << "create cursor since collection " << ns << " doesn't exist");

        if (cursor) {
            // If a time limit was set on the pipeline, remaining time is "rolled over" to the
            // cursor (for use by future getmore ops).
            cursor->setLeftoverMaxTimeMicros( txn->getCurOp()->getRemainingMaxTimeMicros() );

            if (txn->getClient()->isInDirectClient()) {
            else {
                // We stash away the RecoveryUnit in the ClientCursor.  It's used for subsequent
                // getMore requests.  The calling OpCtx gets a fresh RecoveryUnit.
                StorageEngine* storageEngine = getGlobalServiceContext()->getGlobalStorageEngine();

            // Cursor needs to be in a saved state while we yield locks for getmore. State
            // will be restored in getMore().

        const long long cursorId = cursor ? cursor->cursorid() : 0LL;
        appendCursorResponseObject(cursorId, ns, resultsArray.arr(), &result);

        return static_cast<bool>(cursor);
Exemple #26
std::string DBHashCmd::hashCollection(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                      Database* db,
                                      const std::string& fullCollectionName,
                                      bool* fromCache) {
    boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> cachedHashedLock(_cachedHashedMutex, boost::defer_lock);

    if ( isCachable( fullCollectionName ) ) {
        string hash = _cachedHashed[fullCollectionName];
        if ( hash.size() > 0 ) {
            *fromCache = true;
            return hash;

    *fromCache = false;
    Collection* collection = db->getCollection( fullCollectionName );
    if ( !collection )
        return "";

    IndexDescriptor* desc = collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIdIndex( opCtx );

    auto_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec;
    if ( desc ) {
    else if ( collection->isCapped() ) {
    else {
        log() << "can't find _id index for: " << fullCollectionName << endl;
        return "no _id _index";

    md5_state_t st;

    long long n = 0;
    PlanExecutor::ExecState state;
    BSONObj c;
    verify(NULL != exec.get());
    while (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (state = exec->getNext(&c, NULL))) {
        md5_append( &st , (const md5_byte_t*)c.objdata() , c.objsize() );
    if (PlanExecutor::IS_EOF != state) {
        warning() << "error while hashing, db dropped? ns=" << fullCollectionName << endl;
    md5digest d;
    md5_finish(&st, d);
    string hash = digestToString( d );

    if (cachedHashedLock.owns_lock()) {
        _cachedHashed[fullCollectionName] = hash;

    return hash;
 * Returns true if we need to keep a ClientCursor saved for this pipeline (for future getMore
 * requests).  Otherwise, returns false.
static bool handleCursorCommand(OperationContext* txn,
                                const string& ns,
                                ClientCursorPin* pin,
                                PlanExecutor* exec,
                                const BSONObj& cmdObj,
                                BSONObjBuilder& result) {
    ClientCursor* cursor = pin ? pin->c() : NULL;
    if (pin) {
        invariant(cursor->getExecutor() == exec);

    const long long defaultBatchSize = 101;  // Same as query.
    long long batchSize;
    uassertStatusOK(Command::parseCommandCursorOptions(cmdObj, defaultBatchSize, &batchSize));

    // can't use result BSONObjBuilder directly since it won't handle exceptions correctly.
    BSONArrayBuilder resultsArray;
    const int byteLimit = FindCommon::kMaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;
    BSONObj next;
    for (int objCount = 0; objCount < batchSize; objCount++) {
        // The initial getNext() on a PipelineProxyStage may be very expensive so we don't
        // do it when batchSize is 0 since that indicates a desire for a fast return.
        if (exec->getNext(&next, NULL) != PlanExecutor::ADVANCED) {
            // make it an obvious error to use cursor or executor after this point
            cursor = NULL;
            exec = NULL;

        // If adding this object will cause us to exceed the BSON size limit, then we stash it for
        // later.
        if (resultsArray.len() + next.objsize() > byteLimit) {


    // NOTE: exec->isEOF() can have side effects such as writing by $out. However, it should
    // be relatively quick since if there was no pin then the input is empty. Also, this
    // violates the contract for batchSize==0. Sharding requires a cursor to be returned in that
    // case. This is ok for now however, since you can't have a sharded collection that doesn't
    // exist.
    const bool canReturnMoreBatches = pin;
    if (!canReturnMoreBatches && exec && !exec->isEOF()) {
        // msgasserting since this shouldn't be possible to trigger from today's aggregation
        // language. The wording assumes that the only reason pin would be null is if the
        // collection doesn't exist.
            str::stream() << "Aggregation has more results than fit in initial batch, but can't "
                          << "create cursor since collection " << ns << " doesn't exist");

    if (cursor) {
        // If a time limit was set on the pipeline, remaining time is "rolled over" to the
        // cursor (for use by future getmore ops).

        CurOp::get(txn)->debug().cursorid = cursor->cursorid();

        // Cursor needs to be in a saved state while we yield locks for getmore. State
        // will be restored in getMore().

    const long long cursorId = cursor ? cursor->cursorid() : 0LL;
    appendCursorResponseObject(cursorId, ns, resultsArray.arr(), &result);

    return static_cast<bool>(cursor);
Exemple #28
     * Also called by db/ops/query.cpp.  This is the new getMore entry point.
    QueryResult* newGetMore(const char* ns, int ntoreturn, long long cursorid, CurOp& curop,
                            int pass, bool& exhaust, bool* isCursorAuthorized) {
        exhaust = false;
        int bufSize = 512 + sizeof(QueryResult) + MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;

        BufBuilder bb(bufSize);

        // This is a read lock.
        scoped_ptr<Client::ReadContext> ctx(new Client::ReadContext(ns));

        QLOG() << "running getMore in new system, cursorid " << cursorid << endl;

        // This checks to make sure the operation is allowed on a replicated node.  Since we are not
        // passing in a query object (necessary to check SlaveOK query option), the only state where
        // reads are allowed is PRIMARY (or master in master/slave).  This function uasserts if
        // reads are not okay.

        // A pin performs a CC lookup and if there is a CC, increments the CC's pin value so it
        // doesn't time out.  Also informs ClientCursor that there is somebody actively holding the
        // CC, so don't delete it.
        ClientCursorPin ccPin(cursorid);
        ClientCursor* cc = ccPin.c();

        // These are set in the QueryResult msg we return.
        int resultFlags = ResultFlag_AwaitCapable;

        int numResults = 0;
        int startingResult = 0;

        if (NULL == cc) {
            cursorid = 0;
            resultFlags = ResultFlag_CursorNotFound;
        else {
            // Quote: check for spoofing of the ns such that it does not match the one originally
            // there for the cursor
            uassert(17011, "auth error", str::equals(ns, cc->ns().c_str()));
            *isCursorAuthorized = true;

            // Reset timeout timer on the cursor since the cursor is still in use.

            // TODO: fail point?

            // If the operation that spawned this cursor had a time limit set, apply leftover
            // time to this getmore.
            killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); // May trigger maxTimeAlwaysTimeOut fail point.

            // TODO:
            // curop.debug().query = BSONForQuery
            // curop.setQuery(curop.debug().query);

            // TODO: What is pass?
            if (0 == pass) { cc->updateSlaveLocation(curop); }

            if (cc->isAggCursor) {
                // Agg cursors handle their own locking internally.
                ctx.reset(); // unlocks

            CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata = cc->getCollMetadata();

            // If we're replaying the oplog, we save the last time that we read.
            OpTime slaveReadTill;

            // What number result are we starting at?  Used to fill out the reply.
            startingResult = cc->pos();

            // What gives us results.
            Runner* runner = cc->getRunner();
            const int queryOptions = cc->queryOptions();

            // Get results out of the runner.

            BSONObj obj;
            Runner::RunnerState state;
            while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == (state = runner->getNext(&obj, NULL))) {
                // Add result to output buffer.
                bb.appendBuf((void*)obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());

                // Count the result.

                // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
                if (queryOptions & QueryOption_OplogReplay) {
                    BSONElement e = obj["ts"];
                    if (Date == e.type() || Timestamp == e.type()) {
                        slaveReadTill = e._opTime();

                if ((ntoreturn && numResults >= ntoreturn)
                    || bb.len() > MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce) {

            if (Runner::RUNNER_EOF == state && 0 == numResults
                && (queryOptions & QueryOption_CursorTailable)
                && (queryOptions & QueryOption_AwaitData) && (pass < 1000)) {
                // If the cursor is tailable we don't kill it if it's eof.  We let it try to get
                // data some # of times first.
                return 0;

            bool saveClientCursor = false;

            if (Runner::RUNNER_DEAD == state || Runner::RUNNER_ERROR == state) {
                // If we're dead there's no way to get more results.
                saveClientCursor = false;
                // In the old system tailable capped cursors would be killed off at the
                // cursorid level.  If a tailable capped cursor is nuked the cursorid
                // would vanish.
                // In the new system they die and are cleaned up later (or time out).
                // So this is where we get to remove the cursorid.
                if (0 == numResults) {
                    resultFlags = ResultFlag_CursorNotFound;
            else if (Runner::RUNNER_EOF == state) {
                // EOF is also end of the line unless it's tailable.
                saveClientCursor = queryOptions & QueryOption_CursorTailable;
            else {
                verify(Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == state);
                saveClientCursor = true;

            if (!saveClientCursor) {
                // cc is now invalid, as is the runner
                cursorid = 0;
                cc = NULL;
                QLOG() << "getMore NOT saving client cursor, ended w/state "
                       << Runner::statestr(state)
                       << endl;
            else {
                // Continue caching the ClientCursor.
                QLOG() << "getMore saving client cursor ended w/state "
                       << Runner::statestr(state)
                       << endl;

                // Possibly note slave's position in the oplog.
                if ((queryOptions & QueryOption_OplogReplay) && !slaveReadTill.isNull()) {

                exhaust = (queryOptions & QueryOption_Exhaust);

                // If the getmore had a time limit, remaining time is "rolled over" back to the
                // cursor (for use by future getmore ops).
                cc->setLeftoverMaxTimeMicros( curop.getRemainingMaxTimeMicros() );

        QueryResult* qr = reinterpret_cast<QueryResult*>(bb.buf());
        qr->len = bb.len();
        qr->_resultFlags() = resultFlags;
        qr->cursorId = cursorid;
        qr->startingFrom = startingResult;
        qr->nReturned = numResults;
        QLOG() << "getMore returned " << numResults << " results\n";
        return qr;
 void insert() {
     Client::Context ctx( cappedNs() );
     BSONObj o = BSON(GENOID << "x" << 456);
     DiskLoc loc = theDataFileMgr.insert( cappedNs().c_str(), o.objdata(), o.objsize(), false );
Exemple #30
    static void handleCursorCommand(const string& ns,
                                    ClientCursorPin* pin,
                                    PipelineRunner* runner,
                                    const BSONObj& cmdObj,
                                    BSONObjBuilder& result) {

        ClientCursor* cursor = pin ? pin->c() : NULL;
        if (pin) {
            invariant(cursor->getRunner() == runner);

        BSONElement batchSizeElem = cmdObj.getFieldDotted("cursor.batchSize");
        const long long batchSize = batchSizeElem.isNumber()
                                    ? batchSizeElem.numberLong()
                                    : 101; // same as query

        // can't use result BSONObjBuilder directly since it won't handle exceptions correctly.
        BSONArrayBuilder resultsArray;
        const int byteLimit = MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce;
        BSONObj next;
        for (int objCount = 0; objCount < batchSize; objCount++) {
            // The initial getNext() on a PipelineRunner may be very expensive so we don't
            // do it when batchSize is 0 since that indicates a desire for a fast return.
            if (runner->getNext(&next, NULL) != Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED) {
                if (pin) pin->deleteUnderlying();
                // make it an obvious error to use cursor or runner after this point
                cursor = NULL;
                runner = NULL;

            if (resultsArray.len() + next.objsize() > byteLimit) {
                // too big. next will be the first doc in the second batch


        // NOTE: runner->isEOF() can have side effects such as writing by $out. However, it should
        // be relatively quick since if there was no pin then the input is empty. Also, this
        // violates the contract for batchSize==0. Sharding requires a cursor to be returned in that
        // case. This is ok for now however, since you can't have a sharded collection that doesn't
        // exist.
        const bool canReturnMoreBatches = pin;
        if (!canReturnMoreBatches && runner && !runner->isEOF()) {
            // msgasserting since this shouldn't be possible to trigger from today's aggregation
            // language. The wording assumes that the only reason pin would be null is if the
            // collection doesn't exist.
            msgasserted(17391, str::stream()
                << "Aggregation has more results than fit in initial batch, but can't "
                << "create cursor since collection " << ns << " doesn't exist");

        if (cursor) {
            // If a time limit was set on the pipeline, remaining time is "rolled over" to the
            // cursor (for use by future getmore ops).
            cursor->setLeftoverMaxTimeMicros( cc().curop()->getRemainingMaxTimeMicros() );

        BSONObjBuilder cursorObj(result.subobjStart("cursor"));
        cursorObj.append("id", cursor ? cursor->cursorid() : 0LL);
        cursorObj.append("ns", ns);
        cursorObj.append("firstBatch", resultsArray.arr());