static BBitmap* MakeActuatorBitmap(bool lit) { BBitmap* map = new BBitmap(ICON_BITMAP_RECT, ICON_BITMAP_SPACE, true); const rgb_color yellow = {255, 255, 0}; const rgb_color red = {200, 200, 200}; const rgb_color black = {0, 0, 0}; const BPoint points[10] = { BPoint(8, 0), BPoint(9.8, 5.8), BPoint(16, 5.8), BPoint(11, 9.0), BPoint(13, 16), BPoint(8, 11), BPoint(3, 16), BPoint(5, 9.0), BPoint(0, 5.8), BPoint(6.2, 5.8) }; BView* view = new BView(BRect(0, 0, 16, 16), NULL, B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, 0L); map->AddChild(view); map->Lock(); view->SetHighColor(B_TRANSPARENT_32_BIT); view->FillRect(ICON_BITMAP_RECT); view->SetHighColor(lit ? yellow : red); view->FillPolygon(points, 10); view->SetHighColor(black); view->StrokePolygon(points, 10); map->Unlock(); map->RemoveChild(view); delete view; return map; }
AttribPolygon::AttribPolygon () : AttribView (BRect (0, 0, 148, 90), lstring (30, "Polygons")) { SetViewColor (LightGrey); lSlid = new Slider (BRect (8, 8, 140, 26), 60, lstring (310, "Pen Size"), 1, 50, 1, new BMessage ('ALpc')); AddChild (lSlid); fPenSize = 1; fType = POLYGON_OUTFILL; BBox *type = new BBox (BRect (18, 32, 130, 82), "type"); type->SetLabel (lstring (311, "Type")); AddChild (type); BPoint pointArray[] = { BPoint ( 2, 8), BPoint ( 9, 2), BPoint (27, 12), BPoint (19, 28), BPoint (14, 20), BPoint ( 9, 26) }; BPolygon *poly = new BPolygon(); poly->AddPoints(pointArray, 6); BWindow *picWindow = new BWindow (BRect (0, 0, 100, 100), "Temp Pic Window", B_BORDERED_WINDOW, uint32 (NULL), uint32 (NULL)); BView *bg = new BView (BRect (0, 0, 100, 100), "Temp Pic View", uint32 (NULL), uint32 (NULL)); picWindow->AddChild (bg); BPicture *p10; bg->BeginPicture (new BPicture); bg->SetLowColor (LightGrey); bg->FillRect (BRect (0, 0, 32, 32), B_SOLID_LOW); bg->SetLowColor (White); bg->FillPolygon (poly, B_SOLID_LOW); bg->StrokePolygon (poly); p10 = bg->EndPicture(); BPicture *p20; bg->BeginPicture (new BPicture); bg->SetLowColor (LightGrey); bg->FillRect (BRect (0, 0, 32, 32), B_SOLID_LOW); bg->SetHighColor (Black); bg->SetLowColor (White); bg->FillPolygon (poly, B_SOLID_LOW); p20 = bg->EndPicture(); BPicture *p30; bg->BeginPicture (new BPicture); bg->SetLowColor (LightGrey); bg->FillRect (BRect (0, 0, 32, 32), B_SOLID_LOW); bg->SetHighColor (Black); bg->SetLowColor (White); bg->StrokePolygon (poly); p30 = bg->EndPicture(); BPicture *p11; bg->BeginPicture (new BPicture); bg->SetLowColor (DarkGrey); bg->FillRect (BRect (0, 0, 32, 32), B_SOLID_LOW); bg->SetHighColor (Black); bg->SetLowColor (White); bg->FillPolygon (poly, B_SOLID_LOW); bg->StrokePolygon (poly); p11 = bg->EndPicture(); BPicture *p21; bg->BeginPicture (new BPicture); bg->SetLowColor (DarkGrey); bg->FillRect (BRect (0, 0, 32, 32), B_SOLID_LOW); bg->SetHighColor (Black); bg->SetLowColor (White); bg->FillPolygon (poly, B_SOLID_LOW); p21 = bg->EndPicture(); BPicture *p31; bg->BeginPicture (new BPicture); bg->SetLowColor (DarkGrey); bg->FillRect (BRect (0, 0, 32, 32), B_SOLID_LOW); bg->SetHighColor (Black); bg->SetLowColor (White); bg->StrokePolygon (poly); p31 = bg->EndPicture(); delete poly; delete picWindow; SetViewColor (LightGrey); pT1 = new BPictureButton (BRect (4, 15, 34, 45), "APVt1", p10, p11, new BMessage ('pvT1'), B_TWO_STATE_BUTTON); pT2 = new BPictureButton (BRect (40, 15, 70, 45), "APVt2", p20, p21, new BMessage ('pvT2'), B_TWO_STATE_BUTTON); pT3 = new BPictureButton (BRect (76, 15, 106, 45), "APVt3", p30, p31, new BMessage ('pvT3'), B_TWO_STATE_BUTTON); type->AddChild (pT1); type->AddChild (pT2); type->AddChild (pT3); pT1->SetValue (B_CONTROL_ON); fCurrentProperty = 0; }
void RemoteView::_DrawThread() { RemoteMessage reply(NULL, fSendBuffer); RemoteMessage message(fReceiveBuffer, NULL); // cursor BPoint cursorHotSpot(0, 0); while (!fStopThread) { uint16 code; status_t status = message.NextMessage(code); if (status != B_OK) { TRACE_ERROR("failed to read message from receiver\n"); break; } TRACE("code %u with %ld bytes data\n", code, message.DataLeft()); BAutolock locker(this->Looper()); if (!locker.IsLocked()) break; // handle stuff that doesn't go to a specicifc engine switch (code) { case RP_INIT_CONNECTION: { uint16 port; status_t result = message.Read(port); if (result != B_OK) { TRACE_ERROR("failed to read remote port\n"); continue; } BNetEndpoint *endpoint = fReceiver->Endpoint(); if (endpoint == NULL) { TRACE_ERROR("receiver not connected anymore\n"); continue; } in_addr remoteHost; char hostName[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; BNetAddress address(endpoint->RemoteAddr()); address.GetAddr(remoteHost); address.GetAddr(hostName, NULL); address.SetTo(remoteHost, port); TRACE("connecting to host \"%s\" port %u\n", hostName, port); result = fSendEndpoint->Connect(address); if (result != B_OK) { TRACE_ERROR("failed to connect to host \"%s\" port %u\n", hostName, port); continue; } BRect bounds = fOffscreenBitmap->Bounds(); reply.Start(RP_UPDATE_DISPLAY_MODE); reply.Add(bounds.IntegerWidth() + 1); reply.Add(bounds.IntegerHeight() + 1); if (reply.Flush() == B_OK) fIsConnected = true; continue; } case RP_CLOSE_CONNECTION: { be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); continue; } case RP_CREATE_STATE: case RP_DELETE_STATE: { uint32 token; message.Read(token); if (code == RP_CREATE_STATE) _CreateState(token); else _DeleteState(token); continue; } case RP_SET_CURSOR: { BBitmap *bitmap; BPoint oldHotSpot = cursorHotSpot; message.Read(cursorHotSpot); if (message.ReadBitmap(&bitmap) != B_OK) continue; delete fCursorBitmap; fCursorBitmap = bitmap; Invalidate(fCursorFrame); BRect bounds = fCursorBitmap->Bounds(); fCursorFrame.right = fCursorFrame.left + bounds.IntegerWidth() + 1; fCursorFrame.bottom = fCursorFrame.bottom + bounds.IntegerHeight() + 1; fCursorFrame.OffsetBy(oldHotSpot - cursorHotSpot); Invalidate(fCursorFrame); continue; } case RP_SET_CURSOR_VISIBLE: { bool wasVisible = fCursorVisible; message.Read(fCursorVisible); if (wasVisible != fCursorVisible) Invalidate(fCursorFrame); continue; } case RP_MOVE_CURSOR_TO: { BPoint position; message.Read(position); if (fCursorVisible) Invalidate(fCursorFrame); fCursorFrame.OffsetTo(position - cursorHotSpot); Invalidate(fCursorFrame); continue; } case RP_INVALIDATE_RECT: { BRect rect; if (message.Read(rect) != B_OK) continue; Invalidate(rect); continue; } case RP_INVALIDATE_REGION: { BRegion region; if (message.ReadRegion(region) != B_OK) continue; Invalidate(®ion); continue; } case RP_FILL_REGION_COLOR_NO_CLIPPING: { BRegion region; rgb_color color; message.ReadRegion(region); if (message.Read(color) != B_OK) continue; fOffscreen->LockLooper(); fOffscreen->SetHighColor(color); fOffscreen->FillRegion(®ion); fOffscreen->UnlockLooper(); Invalidate(®ion); continue; } case RP_COPY_RECT_NO_CLIPPING: { int32 xOffset, yOffset; BRect rect; message.Read(xOffset); message.Read(yOffset); if (message.Read(rect) != B_OK) continue; BRect dest = rect.OffsetByCopy(xOffset, yOffset); fOffscreen->LockLooper(); fOffscreen->CopyBits(rect, dest); fOffscreen->UnlockLooper(); continue; } } uint32 token; message.Read(token); engine_state *state = _FindState(token); if (state == NULL) { TRACE_ERROR("didn't find state for token %lu\n", token); continue; } BView *offscreen = state->view; ::pattern &pattern = state->pattern; BRegion &clippingRegion = state->clipping_region; float &penSize = state->pen_size; bool &syncDrawing = state->sync_drawing; BRegion invalidRegion; BAutolock offscreenLocker(offscreen->Looper()); if (!offscreenLocker.IsLocked()) break; switch (code) { case RP_ENABLE_SYNC_DRAWING: syncDrawing = true; continue; case RP_DISABLE_SYNC_DRAWING: syncDrawing = false; continue; case RP_SET_OFFSETS: { int32 xOffset, yOffset; message.Read(xOffset); if (message.Read(yOffset) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->MovePenTo(xOffset, yOffset); break; } case RP_SET_HIGH_COLOR: case RP_SET_LOW_COLOR: { rgb_color color; if (message.Read(color) != B_OK) continue; if (code == RP_SET_HIGH_COLOR) offscreen->SetHighColor(color); else offscreen->SetLowColor(color); break; } case RP_SET_PEN_SIZE: { float newPenSize; if (message.Read(newPenSize) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->SetPenSize(newPenSize); penSize = newPenSize / 2; break; } case RP_SET_STROKE_MODE: { cap_mode capMode; join_mode joinMode; float miterLimit; message.Read(capMode); message.Read(joinMode); if (message.Read(miterLimit) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->SetLineMode(capMode, joinMode, miterLimit); break; } case RP_SET_BLENDING_MODE: { source_alpha sourceAlpha; alpha_function alphaFunction; message.Read(sourceAlpha); if (message.Read(alphaFunction) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->SetBlendingMode(sourceAlpha, alphaFunction); break; } case RP_SET_PATTERN: { if (message.Read(pattern) != B_OK) continue; break; } case RP_SET_DRAWING_MODE: { drawing_mode drawingMode; if (message.Read(drawingMode) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->SetDrawingMode(drawingMode); break; } case RP_SET_FONT: { BFont font; if (message.ReadFontState(font) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->SetFont(&font); break; } case RP_CONSTRAIN_CLIPPING_REGION: { if (message.ReadRegion(clippingRegion) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->ConstrainClippingRegion(&clippingRegion); break; } case RP_INVERT_RECT: { BRect rect; if (message.Read(rect) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->InvertRect(rect); invalidRegion.Include(rect); break; } case RP_DRAW_BITMAP: { BBitmap *bitmap; BRect bitmapRect, viewRect; uint32 options; message.Read(bitmapRect); message.Read(viewRect); message.Read(options); if (message.ReadBitmap(&bitmap) != B_OK || bitmap == NULL) continue; offscreen->DrawBitmap(bitmap, bitmapRect, viewRect, options); invalidRegion.Include(viewRect); delete bitmap; break; } case RP_DRAW_BITMAP_RECTS: { color_space colorSpace; int32 rectCount; uint32 flags, options; message.Read(options); message.Read(colorSpace); message.Read(flags); message.Read(rectCount); for (int32 i = 0; i < rectCount; i++) { BBitmap *bitmap; BRect viewRect; message.Read(viewRect); if (message.ReadBitmap(&bitmap, true, colorSpace, flags) != B_OK || bitmap == NULL) { continue; } offscreen->DrawBitmap(bitmap, bitmap->Bounds(), viewRect, options); invalidRegion.Include(viewRect); delete bitmap; } break; } case RP_STROKE_ARC: case RP_FILL_ARC: case RP_FILL_ARC_GRADIENT: { BRect rect; float angle, span; message.Read(rect); message.Read(angle); if (message.Read(span) != B_OK) continue; if (code == RP_STROKE_ARC) { offscreen->StrokeArc(rect, angle, span, pattern); rect.InsetBy(-penSize, -penSize); } else if (code == RP_FILL_ARC) offscreen->FillArc(rect, angle, span, pattern); else { BGradient *gradient; if (message.ReadGradient(&gradient) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->FillArc(rect, angle, span, *gradient); delete gradient; } invalidRegion.Include(rect); break; } case RP_STROKE_BEZIER: case RP_FILL_BEZIER: case RP_FILL_BEZIER_GRADIENT: { BPoint points[4]; if (message.ReadList(points, 4) != B_OK) continue; BRect bounds = _BuildInvalidateRect(points, 4); if (code == RP_STROKE_BEZIER) { offscreen->StrokeBezier(points, pattern); bounds.InsetBy(-penSize, -penSize); } else if (code == RP_FILL_BEZIER) offscreen->FillBezier(points, pattern); else { BGradient *gradient; if (message.ReadGradient(&gradient) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->FillBezier(points, *gradient); delete gradient; } invalidRegion.Include(bounds); break; } case RP_STROKE_ELLIPSE: case RP_FILL_ELLIPSE: case RP_FILL_ELLIPSE_GRADIENT: { BRect rect; if (message.Read(rect) != B_OK) continue; if (code == RP_STROKE_ELLIPSE) { offscreen->StrokeEllipse(rect, pattern); rect.InsetBy(-penSize, -penSize); } else if (code == RP_FILL_ELLIPSE) offscreen->FillEllipse(rect, pattern); else { BGradient *gradient; if (message.ReadGradient(&gradient) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->FillEllipse(rect, *gradient); delete gradient; } invalidRegion.Include(rect); break; } case RP_STROKE_POLYGON: case RP_FILL_POLYGON: case RP_FILL_POLYGON_GRADIENT: { BRect bounds; bool closed; int32 numPoints; message.Read(bounds); message.Read(closed); if (message.Read(numPoints) != B_OK) continue; BPoint points[numPoints]; for (int32 i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) message.Read(points[i]); if (code == RP_STROKE_POLYGON) { offscreen->StrokePolygon(points, numPoints, bounds, closed, pattern); bounds.InsetBy(-penSize, -penSize); } else if (code == RP_FILL_POLYGON) offscreen->FillPolygon(points, numPoints, bounds, pattern); else { BGradient *gradient; if (message.ReadGradient(&gradient) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->FillPolygon(points, numPoints, bounds, *gradient); delete gradient; } invalidRegion.Include(bounds); break; } case RP_STROKE_RECT: case RP_FILL_RECT: case RP_FILL_RECT_GRADIENT: { BRect rect; if (message.Read(rect) != B_OK) continue; if (code == RP_STROKE_RECT) { offscreen->StrokeRect(rect, pattern); rect.InsetBy(-penSize, -penSize); } else if (code == RP_FILL_RECT) offscreen->FillRect(rect, pattern); else { BGradient *gradient; if (message.ReadGradient(&gradient) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->FillRect(rect, *gradient); delete gradient; } invalidRegion.Include(rect); break; } case RP_STROKE_ROUND_RECT: case RP_FILL_ROUND_RECT: case RP_FILL_ROUND_RECT_GRADIENT: { BRect rect; float xRadius, yRadius; message.Read(rect); message.Read(xRadius); if (message.Read(yRadius) != B_OK) continue; if (code == RP_STROKE_ROUND_RECT) { offscreen->StrokeRoundRect(rect, xRadius, yRadius, pattern); rect.InsetBy(-penSize, -penSize); } else if (code == RP_FILL_ROUND_RECT) offscreen->FillRoundRect(rect, xRadius, yRadius, pattern); else { BGradient *gradient; if (message.ReadGradient(&gradient) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->FillRoundRect(rect, xRadius, yRadius, *gradient); delete gradient; } invalidRegion.Include(rect); break; } case RP_STROKE_SHAPE: case RP_FILL_SHAPE: case RP_FILL_SHAPE_GRADIENT: { BRect bounds; int32 opCount, pointCount; message.Read(bounds); if (message.Read(opCount) != B_OK) continue; BMessage archive; for (int32 i = 0; i < opCount; i++) { int32 op; message.Read(op); archive.AddInt32("ops", op); } if (message.Read(pointCount) != B_OK) continue; for (int32 i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) { BPoint point; message.Read(point); archive.AddPoint("pts", point); } BPoint offset; message.Read(offset); float scale; if (message.Read(scale) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->PushState(); offscreen->MovePenTo(offset); offscreen->SetScale(scale); BShape shape(&archive); if (code == RP_STROKE_SHAPE) { offscreen->StrokeShape(&shape, pattern); bounds.InsetBy(-penSize, -penSize); } else if (code == RP_FILL_SHAPE) offscreen->FillShape(&shape, pattern); else { BGradient *gradient; if (message.ReadGradient(&gradient) != B_OK) { offscreen->PopState(); continue; } offscreen->FillShape(&shape, *gradient); delete gradient; } offscreen->PopState(); invalidRegion.Include(bounds); break; } case RP_STROKE_TRIANGLE: case RP_FILL_TRIANGLE: case RP_FILL_TRIANGLE_GRADIENT: { BRect bounds; BPoint points[3]; message.ReadList(points, 3); if (message.Read(bounds) != B_OK) continue; if (code == RP_STROKE_TRIANGLE) { offscreen->StrokeTriangle(points[0], points[1], points[2], bounds, pattern); bounds.InsetBy(-penSize, -penSize); } else if (code == RP_FILL_TRIANGLE) { offscreen->FillTriangle(points[0], points[1], points[2], bounds, pattern); } else { BGradient *gradient; if (message.ReadGradient(&gradient) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->FillTriangle(points[0], points[1], points[2], bounds, *gradient); delete gradient; } invalidRegion.Include(bounds); break; } case RP_STROKE_LINE: { BPoint points[2]; if (message.ReadList(points, 2) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->StrokeLine(points[0], points[1], pattern); BRect bounds = _BuildInvalidateRect(points, 2); invalidRegion.Include(bounds.InsetBySelf(-penSize, -penSize)); break; } case RP_STROKE_LINE_ARRAY: { int32 numLines; if (message.Read(numLines) != B_OK) continue; BRect bounds; offscreen->BeginLineArray(numLines); for (int32 i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { rgb_color color; BPoint start, end; message.ReadArrayLine(start, end, color); offscreen->AddLine(start, end, color); bounds.left = min_c(bounds.left, min_c(start.x, end.x)); = min_c(, min_c(start.y, end.y)); bounds.right = max_c(bounds.right, max_c(start.x, end.x)); bounds.bottom = max_c(bounds.bottom, max_c(start.y, end.y)); } offscreen->EndLineArray(); invalidRegion.Include(bounds); break; } case RP_FILL_REGION: case RP_FILL_REGION_GRADIENT: { BRegion region; if (message.ReadRegion(region) != B_OK) continue; if (code == RP_FILL_REGION) offscreen->FillRegion(®ion, pattern); else { BGradient *gradient; if (message.ReadGradient(&gradient) != B_OK) continue; offscreen->FillRegion(®ion, *gradient); delete gradient; } invalidRegion.Include(®ion); break; } case RP_STROKE_POINT_COLOR: { BPoint point; rgb_color color; message.Read(point); if (message.Read(color) != B_OK) continue; rgb_color oldColor = offscreen->HighColor(); offscreen->SetHighColor(color); offscreen->StrokeLine(point, point); offscreen->SetHighColor(oldColor); invalidRegion.Include( BRect(point, point).InsetBySelf(-penSize, -penSize)); break; } case RP_STROKE_LINE_1PX_COLOR: { BPoint points[2]; rgb_color color; message.ReadList(points, 2); if (message.Read(color) != B_OK) continue; float oldSize = offscreen->PenSize(); rgb_color oldColor = offscreen->HighColor(); drawing_mode oldMode = offscreen->DrawingMode(); offscreen->SetPenSize(1); offscreen->SetHighColor(color); offscreen->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); offscreen->StrokeLine(points[0], points[1]); offscreen->SetDrawingMode(oldMode); offscreen->SetHighColor(oldColor); offscreen->SetPenSize(oldSize); invalidRegion.Include(_BuildInvalidateRect(points, 2)); break; } case RP_STROKE_RECT_1PX_COLOR: case RP_FILL_RECT_COLOR: { BRect rect; rgb_color color; message.Read(rect); if (message.Read(color) != B_OK) continue; rgb_color oldColor = offscreen->HighColor(); offscreen->SetHighColor(color); if (code == RP_STROKE_RECT_1PX_COLOR) { float oldSize = PenSize(); offscreen->SetPenSize(1); offscreen->StrokeRect(rect); offscreen->SetPenSize(oldSize); } else offscreen->FillRect(rect); offscreen->SetHighColor(oldColor); invalidRegion.Include(rect); break; } case RP_DRAW_STRING: { BPoint point; size_t length; char *string; bool hasDelta; message.Read(point); message.ReadString(&string, length); if (message.Read(hasDelta) != B_OK) { free(string); continue; } if (hasDelta) { escapement_delta delta[length]; message.ReadList(delta, length); offscreen->DrawString(string, point, delta); } else offscreen->DrawString(string, point); free(string); reply.Start(RP_DRAW_STRING_RESULT); reply.Add(token); reply.Add(offscreen->PenLocation()); reply.Flush(); font_height height; offscreen->GetFontHeight(&height); BRect bounds(point, offscreen->PenLocation()); -= height.ascent; bounds.bottom += height.descent; invalidRegion.Include(bounds); break; } case RP_DRAW_STRING_WITH_OFFSETS: { size_t length; char *string; message.ReadString(&string, length); int32 count = UTF8CountChars(string, length); BPoint offsets[count]; if (message.ReadList(offsets, count) != B_OK) { free(string); continue; } offscreen->DrawString(string, offsets, count); free(string); reply.Start(RP_DRAW_STRING_RESULT); reply.Add(token); reply.Add(offscreen->PenLocation()); reply.Flush(); BFont font; offscreen->GetFont(&font); BRect boxes[count]; font.GetBoundingBoxesAsGlyphs(string, count, B_SCREEN_METRIC, boxes); font_height height; offscreen->GetFontHeight(&height); for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { // TODO: validate boxes[i].OffsetBy(offsets[i] + BPoint(0, -height.ascent)); invalidRegion.Include(boxes[i]); } break; } case RP_READ_BITMAP: { BRect bounds; bool drawCursor; message.Read(bounds); if (message.Read(drawCursor) != B_OK) continue; // TODO: support the drawCursor flag BBitmap bitmap(bounds, B_BITMAP_NO_SERVER_LINK, B_RGB32); bitmap.ImportBits(fOffscreenBitmap, bounds.LeftTop(), BPoint(0, 0), bounds.IntegerWidth() + 1, bounds.IntegerHeight() + 1); reply.Start(RP_READ_BITMAP_RESULT); reply.Add(token); reply.AddBitmap(&bitmap); reply.Flush(); break; } default: TRACE_ERROR("unknown protocol code: %u\n", code); break; } if (syncDrawing) { offscreen->Sync(); Invalidate(&invalidRegion); } } }