void TreasuryManager::bankTipOffline(int32 amount,PlayerObject* playerObject,BString targetName) { //============================================ //check whether we have sufficient funds //dont forget the surcharge Bank* bank = dynamic_cast<Bank*>(playerObject->getEquipManager()->getEquippedObject(CreatureEquipSlot_Bank)); int32 credits = bank->getCredits(); int32 surcharge = (int32)((amount/100)*5); if((amount + surcharge) > credits) { BString uniName = targetName; uniName.convert(BSTRType_Unicode16); gMessageLib->SendSystemMessage(::common::OutOfBand("base_player", "prose_tip_nsf_bank", L"", L"", uniName.getUnicode16(), amount), playerObject); return; } //now get the player int8 name[50]; mDatabase->Escape_String(name,targetName.getAnsi(),targetName.getLength()); int8 sql[256]; sprintf(sql,"SELECT id FROM characters WHERE firstname like '%s'",name); TreasuryManagerAsyncContainer* asyncContainer; asyncContainer = new TreasuryManagerAsyncContainer(TREMQuery_BankTipgetId,playerObject->getClient()); asyncContainer->amount = amount; asyncContainer->surcharge = surcharge; asyncContainer->targetName = targetName; asyncContainer->player = playerObject; mDatabase->ExecuteSqlAsync(this,asyncContainer,sql); }
int main() { Bank bank; int choice; while(1) { system("cls"); PrintMenu(); cout << "선택 : "; cin >> choice; switch( choice) { case MAKE: bank.MakeAccount(); break; case DEPOSIT: bank.Deposit(); break; case WITHDRAW: bank.Withdraw(); break; case INQUIRE: bank.Inquire(); break; case EXIT: return 0; default: cout << "잘못된 메뉴 입력 " << endl; break; } system("pause"); } return 0; }
int main(){ cout<<" Initiating bank "<<endl; Bank BetaBank; BetaBank.initBank(); cout<<"Select ATM ID [i]. To exit enter 0"<<endl; int atmID; while(atmID!=0){ cin>>atmID; int t=atmID-1; BetaBank.getBankTotalBalance_MSG(); cout<<"------------------------ATM"<<atmID<<"---------------------------\n"; BetaBank.bankATM[t].getBalance_MSG(); cout<<endl<<"1 - Resuply ATM with money Withdraw money - 2"<<endl<<"9 - Terminate session Check balance - 3"<<endl; bool sessionTerminated = false; while(sessionTerminated==false){ int input; cin>>input; if(input==1){ BetaBank.bankATM[t].initValue(); } else if(input==2){ int request; cout<<"Enter requested value"<<endl; cin>>request; BetaBank.bankATM[t].cashWithdrawal(request); } else if(input==3) BetaBank.bankATM[t].getBalance_MSG(); else if(input==9) sessionTerminated=true; input=0; }
PublicBank::PublicBank(Bank &bank) { m_pDH=DH_new(); m_pDH->g=BN_dup(bank.g()); m_pDH->p=BN_dup(bank.p()); m_pDH->pub_key=BN_dup(bank.pub_key()); }
Set *load_false_positives() { int64_t NbInsertedKmers = 0; char * rseq; int readlen; kmer_type kmer, graine, graine_revcomp; Bank *FalsePositives = new Bank(return_file_name(false_positive_kmers_file)); // alloc false positives with the just the right estimated size uint64_t nbFP = countFP(FalsePositives); FPSet *fp = new FPSet(nbFP); while (FalsePositives->get_next_seq(&rseq,&readlen)) { kmer = extractKmerFromRead(rseq,0,&graine,&graine_revcomp); fp->insert(kmer); NbInsertedKmers++; if ((NbInsertedKmers%table_print_frequency)==0) fprintf (stderr,(char*)"%cInsert false positive Kmers in hash table %lld",13,NbInsertedKmers); } fp->finalize(); // always call this when finishing to create a FPSet fprintf (stderr,"\nInserted %lld false positive kmers in the hash structure.\n\n",NbInsertedKmers); print_size_summary(fp); return fp; }
void GraphOutput::load_nodes_extremities(string linear_seqs_name) { kmer_links.clear(); // PIERRE: reset previous stored kmer links Bank *Nodes = new Bank((char *)linear_seqs_name.c_str()); long nb_nodes = first_id_els.node; //PIERRE; char * rseq; int readlen; sizeKmer--; // nodes extremities overlap by (k-1)-mers, so let's extract (k-1)-mers while (Nodes->get_next_seq(&rseq,&readlen)) { kmer_type left_kmer, right_kmer, left_kmer_fw, left_kmer_rc, right_kmer_fw, right_kmer_rc; left_kmer = extractKmerFromRead(rseq,0,&left_kmer_fw,&left_kmer_rc, false); right_kmer = extractKmerFromRead(rseq,readlen-sizeKmer,&right_kmer_fw,&right_kmer_rc, false); Strand left_strand = (left_kmer == left_kmer_fw)?FW:RC; Strand right_strand = (right_kmer == right_kmer_fw)?FW:RC; kmer_links[left_kmer].insert(node_strand(nb_nodes, left_strand, LEFT)); kmer_links[right_kmer].insert(node_strand(nb_nodes, right_strand, RIGHT)); nb_nodes++; } Nodes->close(); delete Nodes; sizeKmer++; // make sure to restore k }
/* This function fills up the array (up to max_accts) and returns the actual number of accounts read in (referred to as num_accts). */ int read_accts(Bank& bank, int max_accts) { int i = 0; //ifstream infile("C:\\Users\\Smart PC\\Desktop\\Assignment 3 (3110)\\myinput.txt"); ifstream infile("myinput"); string whiteSpace; getline(infile, whiteSpace); // check is file can be opened if (infile) { // read only first max_accts accounts, // in order to avoid overflow for (i = 0; i<max_accts; i++) { string firstName; string lastName; string ssn; string accountType; int accountNumber; int status; double balance; int transactions; infile >> firstName; // check is end of file reached if (!infile.eof()) { infile >> lastName; infile >> ssn; infile >> accountNumber; infile >> accountType; infile >> balance; infile >> status; infile >> transactions; bank.addAccount(firstName, lastName, ssn, accountNumber, accountType, balance, status); int index = bank.findAccount(accountNumber); Account* acc = bank.getAccount(index); for(int i=0; i<transactions; i++) { string transactionType; double amount; infile >> transactionType; infile >> amount; if (acc) acc->addTransaction(Transaction(transactionType, amount)); } } else { break; } }
INT32 Editor::newBank( const string& path, const string& name, bool autosave ) { bool save = autosave ? options_.autosave_ : false; Bank* bank = synth_->getBank(); bank->newBank( path, name, save ); programMessage( BankChanged, NULL ); return bank->programNum_; }
Client(Bank& bank, long int money) { d_cl = vector<long int> (9); money_cl = money; d_cl = bank.get_d(); N_cl = bank.get_N(); //cout << "N_cl = " << N_cl << endl; // for(int i = 0; i < d_cl.size(); i++) // cout << d_cl[i] << ' ' << endl; }
int main() { Bank* bank = new Bank(); Account* acc = new Account(1); bank->Withdraw(acc, 100); Account* saving = new SavingAccount(2); bank->Withdraw(saving, 100); //As LSP states, the program should be able to use the objects of derived class without breaking any behavior of base class. So in this code, I am passing a SavingAccount instance to Withdraw method, which executes the function defined in Account class. So we are adhering to LSP pattern here. }
void BankTest::depositMoney() { Bank b; int clientID = 10; Money m(5, "USD"); b.deposit(clientID, m); QCOMPARE(Money(5, "USD"), b.accountBalance(clientID)); QCOMPARE(1, b.numberOfClients()); }
void Mix::childRemoved(Component *c) { FlowController *f; if ( (f = dynamic_cast<FlowController *>(c)) ) setCarrier(0); ChildTypeCounter<Bank>::childRemoved(c); Bank *b; if ( (b = dynamic_cast<Bank *>(c)) ) { mix_ratio.erase(b->name()); setMixtureRatios(mix_ratio); } }
void Mix::childAdded(Component *c) { FlowController *f; if ( (f = dynamic_cast<FlowController *>(c)) ) setCarrier(f); ChildTypeCounter<Bank>::childAdded(c); Bank *b; if ( (b = dynamic_cast<Bank *>(c)) ) { mix_ratio[b->name()] = 1.0; setMixtureRatios(mix_ratio); } }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { // insert code here... std::cout << "Hello, World!\n"; Bank JollyBank ; JollyBank.ReadFile("/Users/selen/Desktop/css342/Assignment5/inputfile"); // file name e degismeli JollyBank.ExecuteTransaction(); JollyBank.Display(); return 0; }
samplv1_programs::Bank *samplv1_programs::add_bank ( uint16_t bank_id, const QString& bank_name ) { Bank *bank = find_bank(bank_id); if (bank) { bank->set_name(bank_name); } else { bank = new Bank(bank_id, bank_name); m_banks.insert(bank_id, bank); } return bank; }
INT32 Editor::loadBank( const string& path ) { Bank* bank = synth_->getBank(); bank->close( options_.autosave_ ); string p = path; p.empty() ? p = options_.bankPath_ : options_.bankPath_ = p; p.empty() ? bank->newBank( options_.appPath_ + "New Bank.nexus", "New Bank", false ) : bank->load( p ); programMessage( BankChanged, NULL ); return bank->programNum_; }
/** This is where we add a new account in the bank If it is a new customer, we also need to get additional information to add a new customer record in the bank. @param bank Bank object to which we will be adding accounts */ void Add_Account(Bank &bank) { string name; cout << "Please enter your name: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, name); int acct_type; string menu_string = "Type of account: \n"; menu_string += " 0 - Savings\n"; menu_string += " 1 - Checking\n"; menu_string += "Enter: "; acct_type = read_int(menu_string, 0, 1); string acct_type_str; if (acct_type == 0) acct_type_str = "savings"; else acct_type_str = "checking"; Account *acct = bank.add_account(name, acct_type_str); // attempt to add an account if (acct == NULL) { // case for new user cout << "You appear to be a new user. We will need more information.\n"; // get all the required information for a new user cout << "Address: "; string address; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, address); string telephone; cout << "Telephone Number: "; getline(cin, telephone); cout << "Age: "; int age; cin >> age; int cust_type; string menu_string = "Type of customer: \n"; menu_string += " 0 - Adult\n"; menu_string += " 1 - Senior\n"; menu_string += " 2 - Student\n"; menu_string += "Enter: "; cust_type = read_int(menu_string, 0, 2); string cust_type_str; if (cust_type == 0) cust_type_str = "adult"; else if (cust_type == 1) cust_type_str = "senior"; else cust_type_str = "student"; acct = bank.add_account(name, address, telephone, age, cust_type_str, acct_type_str); }
TEST(ExpressionTest, ReduceMoney) { Money* one =Money::dollar(1); Bank* bank = new Bank(); Money* result = bank->reduce(one,"USD"); EXPECT_EQ(*one,*result); delete one; delete bank; delete result; }
TEST(MoneyTest, SimpleAddition) { Money* five = Money::dollar(5); Money* ten = Money::dollar(10); Expression* sum = five->plus(five); Bank* bank = new Bank(); Money* reduced = bank->reduce(sum,"USD"); EXPECT_EQ(*ten,*reduced); delete five; delete ten; delete sum; delete reduced; }
TEST(ExpressionTest, ReduceMoneyDifferentCurrency) { Money* two = Money::franc(2); Money* one = Money::dollar(1); Bank* bank = new Bank(); bank->addRate("CHF","USD",2); Money* result = bank->reduce(two,"USD"); EXPECT_EQ(*one,*result); delete one; delete two; delete bank; delete result; }
int main(void) { int choice = 0; double amt = 0.0; Bank wsecu; while(choice != 7) { system("cls"); wsecu.displayMenu(); choice = wsecu.getMenuChoice(); switch(choice) { case 1: _flushall(); wsecu.addAccount(); break; case 2: _flushall(); wsecu.modifyAccount(); break; case 3: _flushall(); cout << "Enter amount to deposit: "; cin >> amt; wsecu.deposit(amt); break; case 4: _flushall(); cout << "Enter the amount to withdraw: "; cin >> amt; wsecu.withdrawal(amt); break; case 5: _flushall(); wsecu.displayAccount(); break; case 6: _flushall(); wsecu.deleteAccount(); break; default: break; } } wsecu.~Bank(); cout << "Thankyou for using the bank" << endl; return 0; }
bool check_sign(long int n, long int s, Bank& bank) { bool flg = bank.request_from_store(n, s); if (flg) { return true; } else return false; }
void MissionManager::missionComplete(PlayerObject* player, MissionObject* mission) { wchar_t sm[100]; swprintf(sm,100, L"","mission/mission_generic",L"success_w_amount",mission->getReward()); gMessageLib->sendSystemMessage(player,sm); //remove mission gMessageLib->sendSetWaypointActiveStatus(mission->getWaypoint(),false,player); gMessageLib->sendDestroyObject(mission->getId(),player); //Give the player the credit reward gMessageLib->sendPlayMusicMessage(2501,player); //sound/music_mission_complete.snd gMessageLib->sendMissionComplete(player); Bank* bank = dynamic_cast<Bank*>(player->getEquipManager()->getEquippedObject(CreatureEquipSlot_Bank)); bank->setCredits(bank->getCredits() + mission->getReward()); gTreasuryManager->saveAndUpdateBankCredits(player); return; }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ Bank ravi; ravi.setName("ravi"); ravi.setAccountNumber(420); ravi.setBalance(1200); ravi.deposite(500); ravi.withdraw(200); cout<<"Name="<<ravi.getName()<<endl; cout<<"Balance="<<ravi.getBalance()<<endl; ravi.~Bank(); return 0; }
void QuadApp::init() { float vertexArray[] = { -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, }; int indexArray[] = { 0,2,1, 0,2,3 }; buffer = new Buffer(vertexArray, 12); indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(indexArray, 12); geometry["position"] = Field(buffer, 3, 3, 0); geometry.indices = indexBuffer; Bitmap bitmap; bank->initBitmapWithPath(&bitmap, "assets/tiles.png"); texture.initWithBitmap(bitmap); effect.vertexCode = "\n" "varying vec3 v_position;\n" "\n" "attribute vec3 position;\n" "\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" " v_position = position.xyz;\n" " gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);\n" "}\n"; effect.fragmentCode = "\n" "uniform sampler2D sampler;\n" "varying vec3 v_position;\n" "\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" " gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler, v_position.xy);\n" "}\n"; effect.compile(); material.effect = &effect; shape.geometry = &geometry; shape.assumptions.push_back(&material); }
void get_banknote(Bank& bank, int num, Store& store) { string mas[9] = {"1 рубль", "2 рубля", "5 рублей", "10 рублей", "50 рублей", "100 рублей", "500 рублей", "1000 рублей", "5000 рублей"}; static set<long int> used_n; //static long int used_nn; long int n = 0; while (1) { n = 2 + rand() % (N_cl - 1); // used_nn = n; // break; if (used_n.count(n) != 1) { used_n.insert(n); break; } } long int hash = MD5_Hash(N_cl, n); cout << "Для "<< mas[num] <<":\n"; cout << "[*] n = " << n << endl; long int r; while (result.gcd != 1) { r = get_number_range(1, N_cl - 1); Evclid(r, N_cl); } cout << "[*] r = " << r << endl; long int tmp_n, tmp_s; //cout << d_cl[num] << endl; tmp_n = (hash * (MyPow(r, d_cl[num], N_cl))) % N_cl; tmp_s = bank.request_from_client(tmp_n, num); cout << "[*] tmp_n = " << tmp_n << endl; cout << "[*] tmp_s = " << tmp_s << endl; Evclid(r, N_cl); if (result.x < 0) { r = N_cl + result.x; } else { r = result.x; } long int s = (tmp_s * r) % N_cl; cout << "[*] s = " << s << '\n' << endl; if (store.check_sign(n, s, bank)) { cout << "\nПокупка совершенна" << endl; } else { cout << "\nОшибка" << endl; } cout << "===========================================" << endl; }
bool Mix::setOdorFlow(double fl, bool apply) { for (MixtureRatio::iterator it = mix_ratio.begin(); it != mix_ratio.end(); ++it) { Bank *b = getBank(it->first); if (b && b->getFlowController()) { double frac = mix_total_sum ? it->second/mix_total_sum : 0; double flow = frac * fl; if (flow < b->getFlowController()->min() || flow > b->getFlowController()->max()) return false; } else return false; } if (apply) { //std::list<Bank *> theBanks = typedChildren(); // first set them all off? //for (std::list<Bank *>::iterator it = theBanks.begin(); it != theBanks.end(); ++it) // (*it)->setEnabled(false, Bank::Soft); for (MixtureRatio::iterator it = mix_ratio.begin(); it != mix_ratio.end(); ++it) { Bank *b = getBank(it->first); if (b) { double frac = mix_total_sum ? it->second/mix_total_sum : 0; double flow = frac * fl; if (!b->setFlow(flow)) return false; // argh! what to do about errors here?! //b->setEnabled(true, Bank::Soft); } } } odor_flow = fl; return true; }
void TreasuryManager::bankTipOnline(int32 amount, PlayerObject* playerObject, PlayerObject* targetObject ) { //check if we have enough money int32 surcharge = (int32)((amount/100)*5); if((amount+surcharge) > dynamic_cast<Inventory*>(playerObject->getEquipManager()->getEquippedObject(CreatureEquipSlot_Inventory))->getCredits()) { BString s; s = targetObject->getFirstName(); s.convert(BSTRType_Unicode16); gMessageLib->SendSystemMessage(::common::OutOfBand("base_player", "prose_tip_nsf_cash", L"", s.getUnicode16(), L"", amount), playerObject); return; } Bank* playerBank = dynamic_cast<Bank*>(playerObject->getEquipManager()->getEquippedObject(CreatureEquipSlot_Bank)); Bank* targetBank = dynamic_cast<Bank*>(targetObject->getEquipManager()->getEquippedObject(CreatureEquipSlot_Bank)); playerBank->setCredits(playerBank->getCredits() - (amount+surcharge)); targetBank->setCredits(targetBank->getCredits() + amount); saveAndUpdateBankCredits(playerObject); saveAndUpdateBankCredits(targetObject); gMessageLib->SendSystemMessage(::common::OutOfBand("base_player", "prose_tip_pass_self", 0, targetObject->getId(), 0, amount), playerObject); gMessageLib->SendSystemMessage(::common::OutOfBand("base_player", "prose_tip_pass_target", 0, playerObject->getId(), 0, amount), targetObject); gMessageLib->sendBanktipMail(playerObject,targetObject,amount); }
TEST(ExpressionTest,MixedAddition) { Money* ten = Money::dollar(10); Expression* fiveBucks = Money::dollar(5); Expression* tenFrancs = Money::franc(10); Bank bank; bank.addRate("CHF","USD",2); Expression* sum = fiveBucks->plus(tenFrancs); Money* result = bank.reduce(sum,"USD"); EXPECT_EQ(*ten,*result); delete sum; delete ten; delete result; delete fiveBucks; delete tenFrancs; }
void ShipApp::init() { bank->initTextureWithPath(&ship, "assets/ship.png"); ship.numberOfRows = 2; ship.numberOfColumns = 32; ship.center = true; ship.flipRows = true; enterprise.sprite = &ship; enterprise.position.set(100, 100); renderer.init(); Mesh::renderer = &renderer; }