//This method gets called for every brush dab for every symmetrical brush.
Bool SculptSelectionBrush::MovePointsFunc(BrushDabData* dab)
	//Get the PolygonObject that this brush dab is touching.
	//If its a sculpt object (ie it has a SculptTag) then this object is a high res object and not the base object so we can't change selections on it.
	if (dab->IsSculptObject())
		return false;

	PolygonObject* pPoly = dab->GetPolygonObject();

	//Get the polygon selection for the PolygonObject.
	BaseSelect* pSelect = pPoly->GetPolygonS();

	//Loop over every polygon that the brush dab has touched and add the index for the polygon to the selection.
	Int32 polyCount = dab->GetPolyCount();
	const BrushPolyData* pPolyData = dab->GetPolyData();
	for (Int32 a = 0; a < polyCount; a++)

	return true;
Bool ApplinkImporter::createObjects()
	BaseDocument* doc = GetActiveDocument();
	Int32 vertCnt = 0;
	const Matrix tM(Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Vector(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Vector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f));

	StatusSetText("Create objects...");
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++)
		Vector *vadr = 0;// vertex adress
		CPolygon *padr = 0;// polygon adress

		Group gr = this->groups[i];

			BaseObject* bo = doc->SearchObject(gr.groupName);

		PolygonObject* pObj = PolygonObject::Alloc(gr.numGVertices, gr.numGFaces);
		if (!pObj){ return false;}


		//GePrint("Name group: " + pObj->GetName());
		GePrint("V count: " + String::IntToString((Int32)gr.numGVertices));
		GePrint("Poly count: " + String::IntToString((Int32)gr.numGFaces));

		vadr = pObj->GetPointW();
		padr = pObj->GetPolygonW();

		for (int p = 0; p < gr.numGFaces; p++)
			padr[p] = CPolygon(gr.faces[p].vp[0] - vertCnt, gr.faces[p].vp[1] - vertCnt, gr.faces[p].vp[2] - vertCnt, gr.faces[p].vp[3] - vertCnt);
			//GePrint("poly " + LongToString(p) + ": " + LongToString(padr[p].a) + ", " + LongToString(padr[p].b) + ", " + LongToString(padr[p].c) + ", " + LongToString(padr[p].d));

		for (int v = 0; v < gr.numGVertices; v++)
			vadr[v] = tM * this->verticies[v + vertCnt] ;
			//GePrint("vert " + LongToString(v) + ": " + LongToString(vadr[v].x) + ", " + LongToString(vadr[v].y) + ", " + LongToString(vadr[v].z));
//// import UV
		if(ApplinkImporter::pSet.impUV && gr.numGTVertices > 0)
			UVWStruct us;
			UVWTag* uvwtag = nullptr;

			uvwtag = UVWTag::Alloc(gr.numGFaces);
			if(!uvwtag) return false;

			for (Int32 p = 0; p < gr.numGFaces; p++)
				us = UVWStruct(this->uvw[gr.faces[p].vt[0]], this->uvw[gr.faces[p].vt[1]], this->uvw[gr.faces[p].vt[2]], this->uvw[gr.faces[p].vt[3]]);
				void *dataptr = uvwtag->GetDataAddressW();
				uvwtag->Set(dataptr, p, us);

			pObj->InsertTag(uvwtag, NULL);

////// insert phongTag
		if (!pObj->MakeTag(Tphong)) GePrint("Error on inserting phongTag. Object: " + pObj->GetName());

/////add materials, textures and poly clusters
			String selTagName = "";
			if(this->matArray.size() == 1)
				this->InsertTextureTag(pObj, this->matArray[0].Name, selTagName);
			else if(this->matArray.size() > 1)
				this->InsertTextureTag(pObj, this->matArray[0].Name, selTagName);

				CPolygon ps;
				SelectionTag* polyTag = NULL;

				for (Int32 c = 1; c < this->matArray.size(); c++)
					polyTag = SelectionTag::Alloc(Tpolygonselection);
					if(!polyTag) return false;

					selTagName = "Selection " + String::IntToString(c);
					BaseSelect* sel = polyTag->GetBaseSelect();
					for (Int32 p = 0; p < gr.numGFaces; p++)
						if(gr.polyMatIdx[p] == c)
					pObj->InsertTag(polyTag, this->GetLastTag(pObj));

					this->InsertTextureTag(pObj, this->matArray[c].Name, selTagName);

		doc->InsertObject(pObj, NULL, NULL);

		ModelingCommandData md;
		md.doc = doc;
		md.op  = pObj;
		if(!SendModelingCommand(MCOMMAND_REVERSENORMALS, md)) return false;

		pObj = 0;
		vertCnt += gr.numGVertices;

	return true;