void ReferencedBehavior::load(int version, const char* agentType, const properties_t& properties) { super::load(version, agentType, properties); for (propertie_const_iterator_t it = properties.begin(); it != properties.end(); ++it) { const property_t& p = (*it); if (strcmp(p.name, "ReferenceFilename") == 0) { this->m_referencedBehaviorPath = p.value; BehaviorTree* behaviorTree = Workspace::GetInstance()->LoadBehaviorTree(this->m_referencedBehaviorPath.c_str()); BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(behaviorTree); if (behaviorTree) { this->m_bHasEvents |= behaviorTree->HasEvents(); } } else if (strcmp(p.name, "Task") == 0) { BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(!StringUtils::IsNullOrEmpty(p.value)); CMethodBase* m = Action::LoadMethod(p.value); //BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(m is CTaskMethod); this->m_taskMethod = (CTaskMethod*)m; } else { //BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(0, "unrecognised property %s", p.name); } } }
bool QueryTask::ReQuery(Agent* pAgent) { const Query* pQueryNode = Query::DynamicCast(this->GetNode()); if (pQueryNode) { const Query::Descriptors_t& qd = pQueryNode->GetDescriptors(); if (qd.size() > 0) { const Workspace::BehaviorTrees_t& bs = Workspace::GetInstance()->GetBehaviorTrees(); BehaviorTree* btFound = 0; float similarityMax = -1.0f; for (Workspace::BehaviorTrees_t::const_iterator it = bs.begin(); it != bs.end(); ++it) { BehaviorTree* bt = it->second; const behaviac::string& domains = bt->GetDomains(); if (pQueryNode->m_domain.empty() || domains.find(pQueryNode->m_domain) != behaviac::string::npos) { const BehaviorTree::Descriptors_t& bd = bt->GetDescriptors(); float similarity = pQueryNode->ComputeSimilarity(qd, bd); if (similarity > similarityMax) { similarityMax = similarity; btFound = bt; } } } if (btFound) { //BehaviorTreeTask* pAgentCurrentBT = pAgent->btgetcurrent(); //if (pAgentCurrentBT && pAgentCurrentBT->GetName() != btFound->GetName()) { const char* pReferencedTree = btFound->GetName().c_str(); pAgent->btreferencetree(pReferencedTree); return true; } } } } return false; }
Task* ReferencedBehavior::RootTaskNode() { if (this->m_taskNode == 0) { BehaviorTree* bt = Workspace::GetInstance()->LoadBehaviorTree(this->m_referencedBehaviorPath.c_str()); if (bt != 0 && bt->GetChildrenCount() == 1) { BehaviorNode* root = (BehaviorNode*)bt->GetChild(0); this->m_taskNode = (Task*)root; } } return this->m_taskNode; }
void BehaviorTreeTask::Save(ISerializableNode* node) const { CSerializationID btId("BehaviorTree"); ISerializableNode* btNodeRoot = node->newChild(btId); BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(BehaviorTree::DynamicCast(this->GetNode())); BehaviorTree* bt = (BehaviorTree*)this->GetNode(); CSerializationID sourceId("source"); btNodeRoot->setAttr(sourceId, bt->GetName()); CSerializationID nodeId("node"); ISerializableNode* btNode = btNodeRoot->newChild(nodeId); this->save(btNode); }
EBTStatus BehaviorTreeTask::update_current(Agent* pAgent, EBTStatus childStatus) { BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(this->m_node != 0); BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(BehaviorTree::DynamicCast(this->m_node) != 0); BehaviorTree* tree = (BehaviorTree*)this->m_node; EBTStatus status = BT_RUNNING; if (tree->IsFSM()) { status = this->update(pAgent, childStatus); } else { status = super::update_current(pAgent, childStatus); } return status; }
bool Workspace::Load(const char* relativePath, bool bForce) { bool bOk = this->TryInit(); if (!bOk) { //not init correctly return false; } //BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(behaviac::StringUtils::FindExtension(relativePath) == 0, "no extention to specify"); BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(IsValidPath(relativePath)); BehaviorTree* pBT = 0; BehaviorTrees_t::iterator it = m_behaviortrees.find(relativePath); if (it != m_behaviortrees.end()) { if (!bForce) { return true; } pBT = it->second; } behaviac::string fullPath = StringUtils::CombineDir(this->GetFilePath(), relativePath); Workspace::EFileFormat f = this->GetFileFormat(); switch (f) { case EFF_default: { // try to load the behavior in xml behaviac::string path = fullPath + ".xml"; if (behaviac::CFileManager::GetInstance()->FileExists(path.c_str())) { f = EFF_xml; fullPath = path; } else { // try to load the behavior in bson path = fullPath + ".bson.bytes"; if (behaviac::CFileManager::GetInstance()->FileExists(path.c_str())) { f = EFF_bson; fullPath = path; } // try to load the behavior in cpp else { f = EFF_cpp; } } } break; case EFF_xml: fullPath += ".xml"; break; case EFF_bson: fullPath += ".bson.bytes"; break; case EFF_cpp: break; default: BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(0); break; } bool bLoadResult = false; bool bNewly = false; if (!pBT) { //in case of circular referencebehavior bNewly = true; pBT = BEHAVIAC_NEW BehaviorTree(); m_behaviortrees[relativePath] = pBT; } BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(pBT); bool bCleared = false; if (f == EFF_xml || f == EFF_bson) { char* pBuffer = ReadFileToBuffer(fullPath.c_str()); if (pBuffer) { //if forced to reload if (!bNewly) { bCleared = true; pBT->Clear(); } if (f == EFF_xml) { bLoadResult = pBT->load_xml(pBuffer); } else { bLoadResult = pBT->load_bson(pBuffer); } PopFileFromBuffer(pBuffer); } else { BEHAVIAC_LOGERROR("'%s' doesn't exist!, Please check the file name or override Workspace and its GetFilePath()\n", fullPath.c_str()); BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(false); } } else if (f == EFF_cpp) { if (!bNewly) { bCleared = true; pBT->Clear(); } if (m_behaviortreeCreators && m_behaviortreeCreators->find(relativePath) != m_behaviortreeCreators->end()) { BehaviorTreeCreator_t btCreator = (*m_behaviortreeCreators)[relativePath]; bLoadResult = (*btCreator)(pBT); } else { BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(0); BEHAVIAC_LOGWARNING("The behaviac_generated/behaviors/generated_behaviors.h should be included by one of your apps."); } } else { BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(0); } if (bLoadResult) { BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(pBT->GetName() == relativePath); if (!bNewly) { BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(m_behaviortrees[pBT->GetName()] == pBT); } } else { if (bNewly) { //if it is forced to reload m_behaviortrees.erase(relativePath); BEHAVIAC_DELETE(pBT); } else if (bCleared) { //it has been cleared but failed to load, to remove it m_behaviortrees.erase(relativePath); } BEHAVIAC_LOGWARNING("'%s' is not loaded!\n", fullPath.c_str()); } return bLoadResult; }
bool Workspace::Load(const char* relativePath, bool bForce) { BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(behaviac::StringUtils::FindExtension(relativePath) == 0, "no extention to specify"); BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(IsValidPath(relativePath)); BehaviorTree* pBT = 0; BehaviorTrees_t::iterator it = ms_behaviortrees.find(relativePath); if (it != ms_behaviortrees.end()) { if (!bForce) { return true; } pBT = it->second; } behaviac::string fullPath = ms_workspace_export_path; fullPath += relativePath; Workspace::EFileFormat f = Workspace::GetFileFormat(); switch (f) { case EFF_default: { // try to load the behavior in xml behaviac::string path = fullPath + ".xml"; if (CFileManager::GetInstance()->FileExists(path.c_str())) { f = EFF_xml; fullPath = path; } else { // try to load the behavior in bson path = fullPath + ".bson.bytes"; if (CFileManager::GetInstance()->FileExists(path.c_str())) { f = EFF_bson; fullPath = path; } // try to load the behavior in cpp else { f = EFF_cpp; } } } break; case EFF_xml: fullPath += ".xml"; break; case EFF_bson: fullPath += ".bson.bytes"; break; case EFF_cpp: break; default: BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(0); break; } bool bLoadResult = false; bool bNewly = false; if (!pBT) { //in case of circular referencebehavior bNewly = true; pBT = BEHAVIAC_NEW BehaviorTree(); ms_behaviortrees[relativePath] = pBT; } BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(pBT); bool bCleared = false; if (f == EFF_xml || f == EFF_bson) { char* pBuffer = ReadFileToBuffer(fullPath.c_str()); if (pBuffer) { //if forced to reload if (!bNewly) { bCleared = true; pBT->Clear(); } if (f == EFF_xml) { bLoadResult = pBT->load_xml(pBuffer); } else { bLoadResult = pBT->load_bson(pBuffer); } PopFileFromBuffer(pBuffer); } else { BEHAVIAC_LOGWARNING("Workspace::Load:FileNotOpen %s", fullPath.c_str()); } } else if (f == EFF_cpp) { if (!bNewly) { bCleared = true; pBT->Clear(); } if (ms_behaviortreeCreators && ms_behaviortreeCreators->find(relativePath) != ms_behaviortreeCreators->end()) { BehaviorTreeCreator_t btCreator = (*ms_behaviortreeCreators)[relativePath]; bLoadResult = (*btCreator)(pBT); } else { BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(0); BEHAVIAC_LOGWARNING("The generated_behaviors.cpp file should be included by the app."); } } else { BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(0); } if (bLoadResult) { BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(pBT->GetName() == relativePath); if (!bNewly) { BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(ms_behaviortrees[pBT->GetName()] == pBT); } } else { if (bNewly) { //if it is forced to reload ms_behaviortrees.erase(relativePath); BEHAVIAC_DELETE(pBT); } else if (bCleared) { //it has been cleared but failed to load, to remove it ms_behaviortrees.erase(relativePath); } BEHAVIAC_LOGWARNING("BehaviorTree %s not loaded!\n", fullPath.c_str()); } return bLoadResult; }