void createRSAKey()
        int bits = jlimit (32, 512, bitSize.getText().getIntValue());
        bitSize.setText (String (bits), dontSendNotification);

        // Create a key-pair...
        RSAKey publicKey, privateKey;
        RSAKey::createKeyPair (publicKey, privateKey, bits);

        // Test the new key on a piece of data...
        BigInteger testValue;
        testValue.parseString ("1234567890abcdef", 16);

        BigInteger encodedValue (testValue);
        publicKey.applyToValue (encodedValue);

        BigInteger decodedValue (encodedValue);
        privateKey.applyToValue (decodedValue);

        // ..and show the results..
        String message;
        message << "Number of bits: " << bits << newLine
                << "Public Key: " << publicKey.toString() << newLine
                << "Private Key: " << privateKey.toString() << newLine
                << newLine
                << "Test input: " << testValue.toString (16) << newLine
                << "Encoded: " << encodedValue.toString (16) << newLine
                << "Decoded: " << decodedValue.toString (16) << newLine;

        rsaResultBox.setText (message, false);
    static XmlElement decryptXML (String hexData, RSAKey rsaPublicKey)
        BigInteger val;
        val.parseString (hexData, 16);

        RSAKey key (rsaPublicKey);
        jassert (key.isValid());

        ScopedPointer<XmlElement> xml;

        if (! val.isZero())
            key.applyToValue (val);

            const MemoryBlock mb (val.toMemoryBlock());

            if (CharPointer_UTF8::isValidString (static_cast<const char*> (mb.getData()), (int) mb.getSize()))
                xml = XmlDocument::parse (mb.toString());

        return xml != nullptr ? *xml : XmlElement("key");
int64 HiseJavascriptEngine::RootObject::getOctalValue(const String& s)
	BigInteger b; b.parseString(s, 8); return b.toInt64();