void Database::Statement::value(int column, BinaryString &v) const
	int size = sqlite3_column_bytes(mStmt, column);
	const char *data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(mStmt, column));
	if(data) v.assign(data, data+size);
	else v.clear();
Exemple #2
bool Store::Sink::push(Fountain::Combination &incoming)
	std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);

	if(!mSink.isDecoded()) return false;

	BinaryString sinkDigest;

	LogDebug("Store::push", "Block is complete, digest is " + sinkDigest.toString());

	if(!mDigest.empty() && sinkDigest != mDigest)
		LogWarn("Store::push", "Block digest is invalid (expected " + mDigest.toString() + ")");
		return false;

	mPath = Cache::Instance->path(mDigest);

	File file(mPath, File::Write);
	mSize = mSink.dump(file);
	return true;
void LSBSoundCoder::SetMessageText( const std::string& _message )
    // Prepare message for hiding - convert it to binary
    BinaryString message;

    // Convert message to binary
    for (size_t byteN = 0; byteN < _message.length(); ++byteN)

        // Save each letter

    // Get container dimensions
    const size_t bitsInMessage = _message.size() * bitsInChar;

    // Hide message
    for (size_t bitsWritten = 0; bitsWritten < bitsInMessage; ++bitsWritten)
        // If no space left to write bits - break
        if ( !SetBit( message[bitsWritten / bitsInChar]
        [bitsWritten % bitsInChar] ) )
            assert(0&&"Can not set bit in SetMessageText()");
Exemple #4
size_t Resource::Reader::readData(char *buffer, size_t size)
	if(!mCurrentBlock) return 0;	// EOF
	if(!mKey.empty() && !mCurrentBlock->hasDecryption())
		BinaryString subsalt;
		// Generate subkey
		BinaryString subkey;
		Sha256().pbkdf2_hmac(mKey, subsalt, subkey, 32, 100);
		// Generate iv
		BinaryString iv;
		Sha256().pbkdf2_hmac(mResource->salt(), subsalt, iv, 16, 100);
		// Initialize decryption process
		mCurrentBlock->setDecryption(subkey, iv);
	size_t ret;
	if((ret = mCurrentBlock->readData(buffer, size)))
		mReadPosition+= ret;
		return ret;
	delete mCurrentBlock;
	mCurrentBlock = mNextBlock;
	mNextBlock = createBlock(mCurrentBlockIndex + 1);
	return readData(buffer, size);
Exemple #5
void Database::Statement::bind(int parameter, const BinaryString &value)
	if(!parameter) return;
	// TODO
	std::vector<char> tmp;
	tmp.assign(value.begin(), value.end());
	if(sqlite3_bind_blob(mStmt, parameter, &tmp[0], tmp.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK)
		throw DatabaseException(mDb, String("Unable to bind parameter ") + String::number(parameter));  
Exemple #6
void Resource::fetch(const BinaryString &digest, bool localOnly)
	delete mIndexBlock;
	delete mIndexRecord;
	mIndexRecord = NULL;
	mIndexBlock = NULL;
	if(localOnly && !Store::Instance->hasBlock(digest))
		throw Exception(String("Local resource not found: ") + digest.toString());
	//LogDebug("Resource::fetch", "Fetching resource " + digest.toString());
	try {
		mIndexBlock = new Block(digest);
		mIndexRecord = new IndexRecord;
		//LogDebug("Resource::fetch", "Reading index block for " + digest.toString());
		BinarySerializer serializer(mIndexBlock);
	catch(const std::exception &e)
		delete mIndexBlock;
		delete mIndexRecord;
		mIndexRecord = NULL;
		mIndexBlock = NULL;
		throw Exception(String("Unable to fetch resource index block: ") + e.what());

Exemple #7
bool PortMapping::NatPMP::parse(BinaryString &dgram, uint8_t reqOp, uint16_t reqInternal, uint16_t *retExternal)
	uint8_t version;
	uint8_t op;
	uint16_t result;
	uint32_t time;
	if(!dgram.readBinary(version))  return false;
	if(!dgram.readBinary(op))	return false;
	if(!dgram.readBinary(result))	return false;
	if(!dgram.readBinary(time))	return false;
	if(reqOp != op - 128) return false;
	if(result != 0) return false;
		case 128:	// address
			uint8_t a,b,c,d;
			if(!dgram.readBinary(a)) return false;
			if(!dgram.readBinary(b)) return false;
			if(!dgram.readBinary(c)) return false;
			if(!dgram.readBinary(d)) return false;
			if(mExternalHost.empty()) LogDebug("PortMapping::NatPMP", "NAT-PMP compliant gateway found");
			return true;	
		case 129:	// UDP object
		case 130:	// TCP object
			uint16_t internal;
			uint16_t external;
			uint32_t lifetime;
			if(!dgram.readBinary(internal)) return false;
		  	if(!dgram.readBinary(external)) return false;
			if(!dgram.readBinary(lifetime)) return false;
			if(!internal) return false;
			if(reqInternal && (reqInternal != internal)) return false;
			if(retExternal) *retExternal = external;
			return true;
	return false;
Exemple #8
bool PortMapping::NatPMP::check(String &host)
	LogDebug("PortMapping::NatPMP", "Trying NAT-PMP...");
	BinaryString query;
	query.writeBinary(uint8_t(0));	// version
	query.writeBinary(uint8_t(0));	// op
	int attempts = 3;
	duration timeout = milliseconds(250.);
	for(int i=0; i<attempts; ++i)
		BinaryString dgram = query;
		mSock.write(dgram, mGatewayAddr);
		using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
		std::chrono::time_point<clock> end = clock::now() + std::chrono::duration_cast<clock::duration>(timeout);
		while(clock::now() < end)
			Address sender;
			duration left = end - clock::now();
			if(!mSock.read(dgram, sender, left)) break;
			if(!sender.isPrivate()) continue;
			LogDebug("PortMapping::NatPMP", String("Got response from ") + sender.toString());
			if(parse(dgram, 0))
				LogDebug("PortMapping", "NAT-PMP is available");
				mGatewayAddr = sender;
				host = mExternalHost;
				return true;
		timeout*= 2;
	//LogDebug("PortMapping::NatPMP", "NAT-PMP is not available");
	return false;
bool Request::addTarget(const BinaryString &target, bool finished)
	if(mPath.empty() || target.empty()) return false;

	String prefix = mPath;
	if(prefix.size() >= 2 && prefix[prefix.size()-1] == '/')

	mFinishedAfterTarget|= finished;

	return incoming(Network::Locator(prefix, "/", link()) , target);
Exemple #10
bool Store::waitBlock(const BinaryString &digest, duration timeout)
		Network::Caller caller(digest);		// Block is missing locally, call it

		LogDebug("Store::waitBlock", "Waiting for block: " + digest.toString());

			std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);

			if(!mCondition.wait_for(lock, timeout, [this, digest]() {
				return hasBlock(digest);
				return false;

		LogDebug("Store::waitBlock", "Block is now available: " + digest.toString());

	return true;
std::string LSBSoundCoder::GetMessageText( size_t _length )
    // Binary message
    BinaryString message;

    size_t bitsInMessage = _length * bitsInChar;

    // Read message 
    for (size_t bitsRead = 0; bitsRead < bitsInMessage; ++bitsRead )
        // Add new char to message to write bits in
        if (bitsRead % bitsInChar == 0)
            message.push_back( CharBitset() );

        // Bit
        bool bit;

        // If no space left to read bits - break
        if ( !GetBit(&bit) )
            assert(0&&"Can not get bit in GetMessageText()");

        // Save bit
        message.back()[bitsRead % bitsInChar] = bit;

    // Result string
    std::string str;

    // Convert from binary to char
    for (size_t i = 0; i < message.size(); ++i)
        str += static_cast<char>( message[i].to_ulong() );

    return str;
Exemple #12
bool PortMapping::NatPMP::request(uint8_t op, uint16_t internal, uint16_t suggested, uint32_t lifetime, uint16_t *external)
	if(!op) return false;
	BinaryString query;
	query.writeBinary(uint8_t(0));	// version
	query.writeBinary(op);		// op
	query.writeBinary(uint16_t(0));	// reserved
	const int attempts = 3;
	duration timeout = milliseconds(250.);
	for(int i=0; i<attempts; ++i)
		BinaryString dgram = query;
		mSock.write(dgram, mGatewayAddr);
		using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
		std::chrono::time_point<clock> end = clock::now() + std::chrono::duration_cast<clock::duration>(timeout);
		while(clock::now() < end)
			Address sender;
			duration left = end - clock::now();
			if(!mSock.read(dgram, sender, left)) break;
			if(!sender.isPrivate()) continue;
			if(parse(dgram, op, internal))
				return true;
		timeout*= 2;
	return false;
Exemple #13
bool Cache::prefetch(const BinaryString &target)
	// Test local availability
		Resource resource(target, true);	// local only
			return true;
	mScheduler.schedule(Scheduler::clock::now(), [target]() {
		try {
			Resource resource(target);
			Resource::Reader reader(&resource);
			reader.discard();		// read everything
		catch(const Exception &e)
			LogWarn("Cache::prefetch", "Prefetching failed for " + target.toString());

	return false;
void Database::Statement::bind(int parameter, const BinaryString &value)
	if(!parameter) return;
	if(sqlite3_bind_blob(mStmt, parameter, value.data(), value.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK)
		throw DatabaseException(mDb, String("Unable to bind parameter ") + String::number(parameter));
Exemple #15
String Cache::path(const BinaryString &digest) const
	return mDirectory + Directory::Separator + digest.toString();
Exemple #16
void Resource::process(const String &filename, const String &name, const String &type, const String &secret)
	BinaryString salt;
	// If secret is not empty then this is an encrypted resource
		// Generate salt from plaintext
		// Because we need to be able to recognize data is identical even when encrypted
		BinaryString digest;
		File file(filename, File::Read);
		Sha256().compute(file, digest);
		Sha256().pbkdf2_hmac(digest, type, salt, 32, 100000);
	// Fill index record
	delete mIndexRecord;
	int64_t size = File::Size(filename);
	mIndexRecord = new Resource::IndexRecord;
	mIndexRecord->name = name;
	mIndexRecord->type = type;
	mIndexRecord->size = size;
	mIndexRecord->salt = salt;
	// Process blocks
	File file(filename, File::Read);
	BinaryString blockDigest;
		BinaryString key;
		Sha256().pbkdf2_hmac(secret, salt, key, 32, 100000);
		uint64_t i = 0;
			BinaryString subsalt;
			// Generate subkey
			BinaryString subkey;
			Sha256().pbkdf2_hmac(key, subsalt, subkey, 32, 100);
			// Generate iv
			BinaryString iv;
			Sha256().pbkdf2_hmac(salt, subsalt, iv, 16, 100);
			if(!Block::EncryptFile(file, subkey, iv, blockDigest))
	else {
		while(Block::ProcessFile(file, blockDigest))
	// Create index
	String tempFileName = File::TempName();
	File tempFile(tempFileName, File::Truncate);
	BinarySerializer serializer(&tempFile);
	String indexFilePath = Cache::Instance->move(tempFileName);
	// Create index block
	delete mIndexBlock;
	mIndexBlock = new Block(indexFilePath);