static bool testRandomLinearity (Field &F, const char *text, VectorStream<Row> &A_stream, VectorStream<Vector> &stream1, VectorStream<Vector> &stream2) { typedef SparseMatrix <Field, Row> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing linearity (" << text << ")" << ends; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testRandomLinearity", stream1.m ()); Blackbox A (F, A_stream); A_stream.reset (); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Input matrix:" << endl; A.write (report, FORMAT_PRETTY); bool ret = testLinearity (F, A, stream1, stream2); stream1.reset (); stream2.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testRandomLinearity"); return ret; }
bool testRandomApply1 (Field &F, const char *text, unsigned int iterations, VectorStream<Row> &A_stream) { typedef SparseMatrix <Field, Row> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing sparse random apply (1, " << text << ")" << ends; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testRandomApply1", iterations); bool ret = true; bool iter_passed; size_t i, k; VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); StandardBasisStream<Field, Vector> stream (F, A_stream.n ()); Vector e_j, w; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (e_j, A_stream.n ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (w, A_stream.m ()); for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)i); iter_passed = true; Blackbox A (F, A_stream); A_stream.reset (); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Matrix:" << endl; A.write (report, FORMAT_PRETTY); stream.reset (); while (stream) { (e_j); A.apply (w, e_j); for (k = 0; k < A_stream.m (); k++) if (!F.areEqual (A.getEntry (k, stream.j () - 1), VectorWrapper::constRef<Field> (w, k))) ret = iter_passed = false; report << "Output vector " << stream.j () << ": "; VD.write (report, w) << endl; } if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Output vectors were incorrect" << endl; commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testRandomApply1"); return ret; }
static bool testIdentityApply (Field &F, const char *text, VectorStream<Vector> &stream) { typedef SparseMatrix <Field, Row> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing identity apply (" << text << ")" << ends; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testIdentityApply", stream.m ()); bool ret = true; bool iter_passed = true; VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); StandardBasisStream<Field, Row> f1 (F, stream.n ()); Blackbox A (F, f1); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Matrix:" << endl; A.write (report, FORMAT_PRETTY); Vector v, w; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (v, stream.n ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (w, stream.n ()); while (stream) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream.j ()); iter_passed = true; (v); ostream &Report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); Report << "Input vector: "; VD.write (Report, v); Report << endl; A.apply (w, v); Report << "Output vector: "; VD.write (Report, w); Report << endl; if (!VD.areEqual (v, w)) ret = iter_passed = false; if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Vectors are not equal" << endl; commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } stream.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testIdentityApply"); return ret; }
bool testQLUP(const Field &F, size_t n, unsigned int iterations, int rseed, double sparsity = 0.05) { bool res = true; commentator().start ("Testing Sparse elimination qlup", "testQLUP", iterations); size_t Ni = n; size_t Nj = n; integer card; F.cardinality(card); typename Field::RandIter generator (F,card,rseed); RandStream stream (F, generator, sparsity, n, n); for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)i); stream.reset(); Blackbox A (F, stream); std::ostream & report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); F.write( report ) << endl; A.write( report,Tag::FileFormat::Maple ) << endl; DenseVector<Field> u(F,Nj), v(F,Ni), w1(F,Nj), w2(F,Ni), w3(F,Ni), w(F,Ni); for(auto it=u.begin();it!=u.end();++it) generator.random (*it); A.apply(v,u); unsigned long rank; Method::SparseElimination SE; SE.strategy(Specifier::PIVOT_LINEAR); GaussDomain<Field> GD ( F ); typename Field::Element determinant; Blackbox L(F, A.rowdim(), A.coldim()); Permutation<Field> Q((int)A.rowdim(),F); Permutation<Field> P((int)A.coldim(),F); GD.QLUPin(rank, determinant, Q, L, A, P, A.rowdim(), A.coldim() ); Q.apply(w, L.apply(w3, A.apply(w2, P.apply(w1,u) ) ) ); bool error = false; auto itv=v.begin(); auto itw=w.begin(); for( ; itw!=w.end();++itw,++itv) { if (! F.areEqual(*itw,*itv) ) { error = true; } } if (error) { res = false; report << "ERROR : matrix(" << u.size() << ",1,["; for(auto itu=u.begin(); itu!=u.end();++itu) report << *itu << ','; report << "]);\n["; for(auto itv2=v.begin(); itv2!=v.end();++itv2) report << *itv2 << ' '; report << "] != ["; for(auto itw2=w.begin(); itw2!=w.end();++itw2) report << *itw2 << ' '; report << "]" << std::endl; report << "w1: ["; for(auto itw2=w1.begin(); itw2!=w1.end();++itw2) report << *itw2 << ' '; report << "]" << std::endl; report << "w2: ["; for(auto itw2=w2.begin(); itw2!=w2.end();++itw2) report << *itw2 << ' '; report << "]" << std::endl; report << "w3: ["; for(auto itw2=w3.begin(); itw2!=w3.end();++itw2) report << *itw2 << ' '; report << "]" << std::endl; } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (res), (const char *) 0, "testQLUP"); return res; }
bool testQLUPnullspace(const Field &F, size_t n, unsigned int iterations, int rseed, double sparsity = 0.05) { bool res = true; commentator().start ("Testing Sparse elimination qlup nullspacebasis", "testQLUPnullspace", iterations); size_t Ni = n; size_t Nj = n; integer card; F.cardinality(card); typename Field::RandIter generator (F,card,rseed); RandStream stream (F, generator, sparsity, n, n, rseed); for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)i); stream.reset(); Blackbox A (F, stream); std::ostream & report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); F.write( report ) << endl; A.write( report, Tag::FileFormat::Maple ) << endl; Method::SparseElimination SE; SE.strategy(Specifier::PIVOT_LINEAR); GaussDomain<Field> GD ( F ); Blackbox CopyA ( A ); Blackbox X(F, A.coldim(), A.coldim() ); GD.nullspacebasisin(X, CopyA ); size_t nullity = X.coldim(); DenseVector<Field> u(F,nullity); for(auto it=u.begin();it!=u.end();++it) generator.random (*it); DenseVector<Field> v(F,Nj); X.apply(v,u); report << "Random combination of the rows of the NullSpace basis" << std::endl; DenseVector<Field> w(F,Ni); A.apply(w, v); VectorDomain<Field> VD(F); if (! VD.isZero(w)) { res=false; A.write( report, Tag::FileFormat::Maple ) << endl; report << "ERROR u: matrix(" << u.size() << ",1,["; for(auto itu=u.begin(); itu!=u.end();++itu) report << *itu << ','; report << "]);\n["; report << "ERROR v: matrix(" << v.size() << ",1,["; for(auto itu=v.begin(); itu!=v.end();++itu) report << *itu << ','; report << "]);\n["; for(auto itv=w.begin(); itv!=w.end();++itv) report << *itv << ' '; report << "] != 0" << std::endl; } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (res), (const char *) 0, "testQLUPnullspace"); return res; }
bool testQLUPsolve(const Field &F, size_t n, unsigned int iterations, int rseed, double sparsity = 0.05) { bool res = true; commentator().start ("Testing Sparse elimination qlup solve", "testQLUPsolve", iterations); size_t Ni = n; size_t Nj = n; integer card; F.cardinality(card); typename Field::RandIter generator (F,card,rseed); RandStream stream (F, generator, sparsity, n, n); GF2 F2; GF2::RandIter bitgenerator(F2,2,rseed); // GF2::Element randomsolve; for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)i); stream.reset(); Blackbox A (F, stream); std::ostream & report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); F.write( report ) << endl; A.write( report, Tag::FileFormat::Maple ) << endl; DenseVector<Field> u(F,Nj), v(F,Ni), x(F,Nj), y(F,Ni); for(auto it=u.begin();it!=u.end();++it) generator.random (*it); A.apply(v,u); Method::SparseElimination SE; SE.strategy(Specifier::PIVOT_LINEAR); GaussDomain<Field> GD ( F ); Blackbox CopyA ( A ); GD.solvein(x, A, v /*, bitgenerator .random(randomsolve) */ ); // report << "Random solving: " << randomsolve << std::endl; CopyA.apply(y, x); VectorDomain<Field> VD(F); if (! VD.areEqual(v,y)) { res=false; A.write( report, Tag::FileFormat::Maple ) << endl; report << "ERROR v: matrix(" << v.size() << ",1,["; for(auto itu=v.begin(); itu!=v.end();++itu) report << *itu << ','; report << "]);\n["; report << "ERROR y: matrix(" << y.size() << ",1,["; for(auto itu=y.begin(); itu!=y.end();++itu) report << *itu << ','; report << "]);\n["; for(auto itv=x.begin(); itv!=x.end();++itv) report << *itv << ' '; report << "] != ["; for(auto itw=y.begin(); itw!=y.end();++itw) report << *itw << ' '; report << "]" << std::endl; } commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (res), (const char *) 0, "testQLUPsolve"); return res; }
bool testRandomApply2 (Field &F, const char *text, unsigned int iterations, VectorStream<Row> &A_stream) { typedef SparseMatrix <Field, Row> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing sparse random apply (2, " << text << ")" << ends; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testRandomApply2", iterations); bool ret = true; bool iter_passed; size_t i, j, k; VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); typename Field::RandIter r (F); typename Field::Element sum; integer c; // long width; F.characteristic (c); // width = logp (c, 10) + 1; Vector v, w; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (v, A_stream.n ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (w, A_stream.m ()); for (k = 0; k < A_stream.n (); k++) F.init (VectorWrapper::ref<Field> (v, k), 1); for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)i); iter_passed = true; Blackbox A (F, A_stream); A_stream.reset (); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Matrix:" << endl; A.write (report, FORMAT_PRETTY); A.apply (w, v); for (j = 0; j < A_stream.m (); j++) { F.init (sum, 0); for (k = 0; k < A_stream.n (); k++) F.addin (sum, A.getEntry (j, k)); if (!F.areEqual (sum, VectorWrapper::constRef<Field> (w, j))) ret = iter_passed = false; } report << "Output vector: "; VD.write (report, w) << endl; if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: Output vector was incorrect" << endl; commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testRandomApply2"); return ret; }
static bool testNilpotentApply (Field &F, const char *text, VectorStream<Vector> &stream) { typedef SparseMatrix <Field, Row> Blackbox; ostringstream str; str << "Testing nilpotent apply (" << text << ")" << ends; commentator().start (str.str ().c_str (), "testNilpotentApply", stream.m ()); bool ret = true; bool even, iter_passed; StandardBasisStream<Field, Row> f1 (F, stream.n ()); Row tmp; (tmp); // Small trick: pull the first vector out to shift elements up one row Blackbox A (F, f1); ostream &report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); report << "Matrix:" << endl; A.write (report, FORMAT_PRETTY); size_t j; NonzeroRandIter<Field> r (F, typename Field::RandIter (F)); VectorDomain<Field> VD (F); Vector v, w; VectorWrapper::ensureDim (v, stream.n ()); VectorWrapper::ensureDim (w, stream.n ()); while (stream) { commentator().startIteration ((unsigned)stream.j ()); iter_passed = true; even = false; (v); // Make sure last element is nonzero r.random (VectorWrapper::ref<Field> (v, stream.n () - 1)); ostream &Report = commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_UNIMPORTANT, INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION); Report << "Input vector: "; VD.write (Report, v); Report << endl; commentator().start ("Applying vectors"); for (j = 0; j < stream.n () - 1; j++, even = !even) if (even) A.apply (v, w); else A.apply (w, v); commentator().stop ("Done"); Report << "A^(n-1) v: "; VD.write (Report, even ? w : v); Report << endl; if (VD.isZero (even ? w : v)) { ret = false; commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: A^(n-1) v is prematurely zero" << endl; } if (even) A.apply (v, w); else A.apply (w, v); Report << "A^n v: "; VD.write (Report, even ? v : w); Report << endl; if (!VD.isZero (even ? v : w)) ret = iter_passed = false; if (!iter_passed) commentator().report (Commentator::LEVEL_IMPORTANT, INTERNAL_ERROR) << "ERROR: A^n v is non-zero" << endl; commentator().stop ("done"); commentator().progress (); } stream.reset (); commentator().stop (MSG_STATUS (ret), (const char *) 0, "testNilpotentApply"); return ret; }