Exemple #1
// True = success
bool FindDependencies(AudacityProject *project,
		      AliasedFileArray *outAliasedFiles)
   sampleFormat format = project->GetDefaultFormat();

   BlockArray blocks;
   GetAllSeqBlocks(project, &blocks);

   AliasedFileHash aliasedFileHash;
   BoolBlockFileHash blockFileHash;

   int i;
   for(i=0; i<(int)blocks.GetCount(); i++) {
      BlockFile *f = blocks[i]->f;
      if (f->IsAlias() && !blockFileHash[f]) {
         blockFileHash[f] = true; // Don't count the same blockfile twice
         AliasBlockFile *aliasBlockFile = (AliasBlockFile *)f;
         wxFileName fileName = aliasBlockFile->GetAliasedFile();
         wxString fileNameStr = fileName.GetFullPath();
         int blockBytes = (SAMPLE_SIZE(format) *
         if (aliasedFileHash[fileNameStr])
            aliasedFileHash[fileNameStr]->bytes += blockBytes;
         else {
            outAliasedFiles->Add(AliasedFile(fileName, blockBytes));
            aliasedFileHash[fileNameStr] =
   return true;
Exemple #2
BlockFile *DirManager::LoadBlockFile(wxTextFile * in, sampleFormat format)
   wxASSERT(projFull != "");

   long summaryLen;

   if (!(in->GetNextLine().ToLong(&summaryLen)))
      return NULL;

   wxString blockName = in->GetNextLine();

   bool alias = false;
   wxString aliasFullPath;
   long localLen, start, len, channel;

   if (blockName == "Alias") {
      alias = true;
      aliasFullPath = in->GetNextLine();
      //if (!(in->GetNextLine().ToLong(&localLen)))
      //   return NULL;

      if (!(in->GetNextLine().ToLong(&start)))
         return NULL;
      if (!(in->GetNextLine().ToLong(&len)))
         return NULL;
      if (!(in->GetNextLine().ToLong(&channel)))
         return NULL;

      blockName = in->GetNextLine();

   wxString pathName = projFull + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + blockName;
   BlockFile *retrieved = (BlockFile *) blockFileHash->Get(blockName);
   if (retrieved) {
      wxASSERT(retrieved->IsAlias() == alias);
      return retrieved;
   } else {
      BlockFile *newBlockFile =
         new BlockFile(blockName, pathName, summaryLen);

      if (alias) {
         newBlockFile->SetAliasedData(aliasFullPath, start, len, channel);

      newBlockFile->mSampleFormat = format;

      blockFileHash->Put(blockName, (wxObject *) newBlockFile);


      if (!wxFileExists(pathName))
         return 0;
      return newBlockFile;
Exemple #3
BlockFile *DirManager::LoadBlockFile(wxTextFile * in)
   wxASSERT(projFull != "");

   wxString blockName = in->GetNextLine();

   bool alias = false;
   wxString aliasFullPath;
   long localLen, start, len, channel;

   if (blockName == "Alias") {
      alias = true;
      aliasFullPath = in->GetNextLine();
      if (!(in->GetNextLine().ToLong(&localLen)))
         return NULL;
      if (!(in->GetNextLine().ToLong(&start)))
         return NULL;
      if (!(in->GetNextLine().ToLong(&len)))
         return NULL;
      if (!(in->GetNextLine().ToLong(&channel)))
         return NULL;

      blockName = in->GetNextLine();

   wxString pathName = projFull + pathChar + blockName;
   BlockFile *retrieved = (BlockFile *) blockFileHash->Get(blockName);
   if (retrieved) {
      wxASSERT(retrieved->IsAlias() == alias);
      return retrieved;
   } else {
      BlockFile *newBlockFile;

      if (alias) {
         newBlockFile = new BlockFile(blockName, pathName,
                                      aliasFullPath, start, len, channel);

         newBlockFile = new BlockFile(blockName, pathName);

      blockFileHash->Put(blockName, (wxObject *) newBlockFile);


      if (!wxFileExists(pathName))
         return 0;
      return newBlockFile;
void FindDependencies(AudacityProject *project,
                      AliasedFileArray *outAliasedFiles)
   sampleFormat format = project->GetDefaultFormat();

   BlockArray blocks;
   GetAllSeqBlocks(project, &blocks);

   AliasedFileHash aliasedFileHash;
   BoolBlockFileHash blockFileHash;

   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < (int)blocks.GetCount(); i++) {
      BlockFile *f = blocks[i]->f;
      if (f->IsAlias() && (blockFileHash.count(f) == 0)) 
         // f is an alias block we have not yet counted.
         blockFileHash[f] = true; // Don't count the same blockfile twice.
         AliasBlockFile *aliasBlockFile = (AliasBlockFile *)f;
         wxFileName fileName = aliasBlockFile->GetAliasedFileName();

         // In DirManager::ProjectFSCK(), if the user has chosen to 
         // "Replace missing audio with silence", the code there puts in an empty wxFileName. 
         // Don't count those in dependencies.
         if (!fileName.IsOk())
         wxString fileNameStr = fileName.GetFullPath();
         int blockBytes = (SAMPLE_SIZE(format) *
         if (aliasedFileHash.count(fileNameStr) > 0)
            // Already put this AliasBlockFile in aliasedFileHash. 
            // Update block count.
            aliasedFileHash[fileNameStr]->mByteCount += blockBytes;
            // Haven't counted this AliasBlockFile yet. 
            // Add to return array and internal hash.
            aliasedFileHash[fileNameStr] =
Exemple #5
bool Sequence::ConvertToSampleFormat(sampleFormat format)
   if (format == mSampleFormat)
      return true;

   if (mBlock->Count() == 0) {
      mSampleFormat = format;
      return true;

   sampleFormat oldFormat = mSampleFormat;
   mSampleFormat = format;

   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBlock->Count(); i++) {
      BlockFile *oldBlock = mBlock->Item(i)->f;
      sampleCount len = mBlock->Item(i)->len;

      if (!oldBlock->IsAlias()) {
         BlockFile *newBlock =

         samplePtr buffer1 = NewSamples(len, oldFormat);
         samplePtr buffer2 = NewSamples(len, mSampleFormat);

         oldBlock->ReadData(buffer1, oldFormat, 0, len);
         CopySamples(buffer1, oldFormat,
                     buffer2, mSampleFormat, len);
         newBlock->WriteData(buffer2, mSampleFormat, len);

         mBlock->Item(i)->f = newBlock;

         UpdateSummaries(buffer2, mBlock->Item(i), len);


   return true;
Exemple #6
bool Sequence::ConvertToSampleFormat(sampleFormat format)
   if (format == mSampleFormat)
      return true;

   if (mBlock->Count() == 0) {
      mSampleFormat = format;
      return true;

   sampleFormat oldFormat = mSampleFormat;
   mSampleFormat = format;

   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mBlock->Count(); i++) {
      SeqBlock *b = mBlock->Item(i);
      BlockFile *oldBlock = b->f;
      sampleCount len = b->f->GetLength();

      if (!oldBlock->IsAlias()) {
         BlockFile *newBlock;

         samplePtr buffer1 = NewSamples(len, oldFormat);
         samplePtr buffer2 = NewSamples(len, mSampleFormat);

         oldBlock->ReadData(buffer1, oldFormat, 0, len);
         CopySamples(buffer1, oldFormat,
                     buffer2, mSampleFormat, len);
         newBlock = mDirManager->NewSimpleBlockFile(buffer2, len, mSampleFormat);

         mBlock->Item(i)->f = newBlock;


   return true;
// Given a project and a list of aliased files that should no
// longer be external dependencies (selected by the user), replace
// all of those alias block files with disk block files.
void RemoveDependencies(AudacityProject *project,
			               AliasedFileArray *aliasedFiles)
   DirManager *dirManager = project->GetDirManager();

   ProgressDialog *progress = 
      new ProgressDialog(_("Removing Dependencies"),
                         _("Copying audio data into project..."));
   int updateResult = eProgressSuccess;

   // Hash aliasedFiles based on their full paths and 
   // count total number of bytes to process.
   AliasedFileHash aliasedFileHash;
   wxLongLong totalBytesToProcess = 0;
   unsigned int i;
   for (i = 0; i < aliasedFiles->GetCount(); i++) {
      totalBytesToProcess += aliasedFiles->Item(i).mByteCount;
      wxString fileNameStr = aliasedFiles->Item(i).mFileName.GetFullPath();
      aliasedFileHash[fileNameStr] = &aliasedFiles->Item(i);
   BlockArray blocks;
   GetAllSeqBlocks(project, &blocks);

   const sampleFormat format = project->GetDefaultFormat();
   ReplacedBlockFileHash blockFileHash;   
   wxLongLong completedBytes = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < blocks.GetCount(); i++) {
      BlockFile *f = blocks[i]->f;
      if (f->IsAlias() && (blockFileHash.count(f) == 0)) 
         // f is an alias block we have not yet processed.
         AliasBlockFile *aliasBlockFile = (AliasBlockFile *)f;
         wxFileName fileName = aliasBlockFile->GetAliasedFileName();
         wxString fileNameStr = fileName.GetFullPath();

         if (aliasedFileHash.count(fileNameStr) == 0)
            // This aliased file was not selected to be replaced. Skip it.

         // Convert it from an aliased file to an actual file in the project.
         unsigned int len = aliasBlockFile->GetLength();
         samplePtr buffer = NewSamples(len, format);
         f->ReadData(buffer, format, 0, len);
         BlockFile *newBlockFile =
            dirManager->NewSimpleBlockFile(buffer, len, format);

         // Update our hash so we know what block files we've done
         blockFileHash[f] = newBlockFile;

         // Update the progress bar
         completedBytes += SAMPLE_SIZE(format) * len;
         updateResult = progress->Update(completedBytes, totalBytesToProcess);
         if (updateResult != eProgressSuccess)

   // Above, we created a SimpleBlockFile contained in our project
   // to go with each AliasBlockFile that we wanted to migrate.
   // However, that didn't actually change any references to these
   // blockfiles in the Sequences, so we do that next...
   ReplaceBlockFiles(project, blockFileHash);

   // Subtract one from reference count of new block files; they're
   // now all referenced the proper number of times by the Sequences
   ReplacedBlockFileHash::iterator it;
   for( it = blockFileHash.begin(); it != blockFileHash.end(); ++it )
      BlockFile *f = it->second;

   delete progress;
Exemple #8
bool DirManager::EnsureSafeFilename(wxFileName fName)
   // Quick check: If it's not even in our alias list,
   // then the file name is A-OK.

   #if 0
   printf("file name: %s\n", fName.GetFullPath().c_str());
   printf("string list:\n");
   wxStringListNode *node = aliasList.GetFirst();
   while (node)
      wxString string = node->GetData();
      printf("%s\n", string.c_str());
      node = node->GetNext();

   if (!aliasList.Member(fName.GetFullPath()))
      return true;

   // If any of the following commands fail, your guess is as
   // good as mine why.  The following error message is the
   // best we can do - we'll use it if any of the renames,
   // creates, or deletes fail.
   wxString errStr =
     _( "Error: is directory write-protected or disk full?" );

   /* i18n-hint: 'old' is part of a filename used when a file is renamed. */
   // Figure out what the new name for the existing file would be.  
   /* i18n-hint: e.g. Try to go from "mysong.wav" to "mysong-old1.wav". */
   // Keep trying until we find a filename that doesn't exist.

   wxFileName renamedFile = fName;
   int i = 0;
   do {
      /* i18n-hint: This is the pattern for filenames that are created
         when a file needs to be backed up to a different name.  For
         example, mysong would become mysong-old1, mysong-old2, etc. */
      renamedFile.SetName(wxString::Format(_("%s-old%d"), fName.GetName().c_str(), i));
   } while (renamedFile.FileExists());

   // Test creating a file by that name to make sure it will
   // be possible to do the rename

   wxFile testFile(renamedFile.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write);
   if (!testFile.IsOpened()) {
      return false;
   if (!wxRemoveFile(renamedFile.GetFullPath())) {
      return false;

   printf(_("Renamed file: %s\n"), (const char *)renamedFile.GetFullPath());

   // Go through our block files and see if any indeed point to
   // the file we're concerned about.  If so, point the block file
   // to the renamed file and when we're done, perform the rename.

   bool needToRename = false;
   wxBusyCursor busy;
   wxNode *n = blockFileHash->Next();
   while(n) {
      BlockFile *b = (BlockFile *)n->GetData();
      // don't worry, we don't rely on this cast unless IsAlias is true
      AliasBlockFile *ab = (AliasBlockFile*)b;

      if (b->IsAlias() && ab->GetAliasedFile() == fName) {
         needToRename = true;
         printf(_("Changing block %s\n"), (const char *)b->GetFileName().GetFullName());

      n = blockFileHash->Next();

   if (needToRename) {
      if (!wxRenameFile(fName.GetFullPath(), renamedFile.GetFullPath())) {
         // ACK!!! The renaming was unsuccessful!!!
         // (This shouldn't happen, since we tried creating a
         // file of this name and then deleted it just a
         // second earlier.)  But we'll handle this scenario
         // just in case!!!

         // Put things back where they were
         n = blockFileHash->Next();
         while(n) {
            BlockFile *b = (BlockFile *)n->GetData();
            AliasBlockFile *ab = (AliasBlockFile*)b;

            if (b->IsAlias() && ab->GetAliasedFile() == renamedFile)
            n = blockFileHash->Next();

         // Print error message and cancel the export
         return false;


   // Success!!!  Either we successfully renamed the file,
   // or we didn't need to!
   return true;
Exemple #9
bool DirManager::EnsureSafeFilename(wxFileName fName)
   // Quick check: If it's not even in our alias list,
   // then the file name is A-OK.

   if (aliasList.Index(fName.GetFullPath()) == wxNOT_FOUND)
      return true;

   /* i18n-hint: 'old' is part of a filename used when a file is renamed. */
   // Figure out what the new name for the existing file would be.  
   /* i18n-hint: e.g. Try to go from "mysong.wav" to "mysong-old1.wav". */
   // Keep trying until we find a filename that doesn't exist.

   wxFileName renamedFile = fName;
   int i = 0;
   do {
      /* i18n-hint: This is the pattern for filenames that are created
         when a file needs to be backed up to a different name.  For
         example, mysong would become mysong-old1, mysong-old2, etc. */
      renamedFile.SetName(wxString::Format(_("%s-old%d"), fName.GetName().c_str(), i));
   } while (wxFileExists(renamedFile.GetFullPath()));

   // Test creating a file by that name to make sure it will
   // be possible to do the rename

   wxFile testFile(renamedFile.GetFullPath(), wxFile::write);
   if (!testFile.IsOpened()) {
      wxLogSysError(_("Unable to open/create test file"),
      return false;

   // Close the file prior to renaming.

   if (!wxRemoveFile(renamedFile.GetFullPath())) {
      wxLogSysError(_("Unable to remove '%s'"),
      return false;

   wxPrintf(_("Renamed file: %s\n"), renamedFile.GetFullPath().c_str());

   // Go through our block files and see if any indeed point to
   // the file we're concerned about.  If so, point the block file
   // to the renamed file and when we're done, perform the rename.

   bool needToRename = false;
   wxBusyCursor busy;
   BlockHash::iterator it=blockFileHash.begin();
   while(it != blockFileHash.end()) {
      BlockFile *b = it->second;
      // don't worry, we don't rely on this cast unless IsAlias is true
      AliasBlockFile *ab = (AliasBlockFile*)b;

      if (b->IsAlias() && ab->GetAliasedFile() == fName) {
         needToRename = true;
         wxPrintf(_("Changing block %s\n"), b->GetFileName().GetFullName().c_str());


   if (needToRename) {
      if (!wxRenameFile(fName.GetFullPath(),
                        renamedFile.GetFullPath())) {
         // ACK!!! The renaming was unsuccessful!!!
         // (This shouldn't happen, since we tried creating a
         // file of this name and then deleted it just a
         // second earlier.)  But we'll handle this scenario
         // just in case!!!

         // Put things back where they were
         BlockHash::iterator it=blockFileHash.begin();
         while(it != blockFileHash.end()) {
            BlockFile *b = it->second;
            AliasBlockFile *ab = (AliasBlockFile*)b;

            if (b->IsAlias() && ab->GetAliasedFile() == renamedFile)

         // Print error message and cancel the export
         wxLogSysError(_("Unable to rename '%s' to '%s'"),
         return false;


   // Success!!!  Either we successfully renamed the file,
   // or we didn't need to!
   return true;
Exemple #10
bool DirManager::EnsureSafeFilename(wxString fName)
   // Quick check: If it's not even in our alias list,
   // then the file name is A-OK.
   if (!aliasList.Member(fName))
      return true;

   // If any of the following commands fail, your guess is as
   // good as mine why.  The following error message is the
   // best we can do - we'll use it if any of the renames,
   // creates, or deletes fail.
   wxString errStr =
      "Error: is directory write-protected or disk full?";

   // Figure out what the new name for the existing file
   // would be.  Try to go from "mysong.wav" to "mysong-old1.wav".
   // Keep trying until we find a filename that doesn't exist.

   wxString pathOnly, nameOnly, extension;
   wxString renamedFile;
   ::wxSplitPath(fName, &pathOnly, &nameOnly, &extension);

   int i = 0;
   do {
      if (extension != "")
                            (const char *)pathOnly,
                            (const char *)pathChar,
                            (const char *)nameOnly,
                            (const char *)extension);
                            (const char *)pathOnly,
                            (const char *)pathChar,
                            (const char *)nameOnly,

   } while (wxFileExists(renamedFile));

   // Test creating a file by that name to make sure it will
   // be possible to do the rename

   wxFile testFile(renamedFile, wxFile::write);
   if (!testFile.IsOpened()) {
      return false;
   if (!wxRemoveFile(renamedFile)) {
      return false;

   printf("Renamed file: %s\n", (const char *)renamedFile);

   // Go through our block files and see if any indeed point to
   // the file we're concerned about.  If so, point the block file
   // to the renamed file and when we're done, perform the rename.

   bool needToRename = false;
   wxBusyCursor busy;
   wxNode *n = blockFileHash->Next();
   while(n) {
      BlockFile *b = (BlockFile *)n->GetData();

      if (b->IsAlias() && b->GetAliasedFile() == fName) {
         needToRename = true;
         printf("Changing block %s\n", (const char *)b->GetName());

      n = blockFileHash->Next();

   if (needToRename) {
      if (!wxRenameFile(fName, renamedFile)) {
         // ACK!!! The renaming was unsuccessful!!!
         // (This shouldn't happen, since we tried creating a
         // file of this name and then deleted it just a
         // second earlier.)  But we'll handle this scenario
         // just in case!!!

         // Put things back where they were
         n = blockFileHash->Next();
         while(n) {
            BlockFile *b = (BlockFile *)n->GetData();
            if (b->IsAlias() && b->GetAliasedFile() == renamedFile)
            n = blockFileHash->Next();

         // Print error message and cancel the export
         return false;


   // Success!!!  Either we successfully renamed the file,
   // or we didn't need to!
   return true;
Exemple #11
// Given a project and a list of aliased files that should no
// longer be self-contained (selected by the user), replace
// all of those alias block files with disk block files
bool RemoveDependencies(AudacityProject *project,
			AliasedFileArray *aliasedFiles)
   DirManager *dirManager = project->GetDirManager();

   GetActiveProject()->ProgressShow(_("Removing Dependencies"),
                                    _("Copying audio data into project..."));

   AliasedFileHash aliasedFileHash;
   ReplacedBlockFileHash blockFileHash;   

   double totalBytesToProcess = 0.0;
   double completedBytes = 0.0;
   unsigned int i;
   for(i=0; i<aliasedFiles->GetCount(); i++) {   
      totalBytesToProcess += (double)aliasedFiles->Item(i).bytes;
      wxString fileNameStr = aliasedFiles->Item(i).fileName.GetFullPath();
      aliasedFileHash[fileNameStr] = &aliasedFiles->Item(i);
   sampleFormat format = project->GetDefaultFormat();

   BlockArray blocks;
   GetAllSeqBlocks(project, &blocks);

   for(i=0; i<blocks.GetCount(); i++) {
      BlockFile *f = blocks[i]->f;
      if (f->IsAlias() && !blockFileHash[f]) {
         AliasBlockFile *aliasBlockFile = (AliasBlockFile *)f;
         wxFileName fileName = aliasBlockFile->GetAliasedFile();
         wxString fileNameStr = fileName.GetFullPath();

         if (!aliasedFileHash[fileNameStr])

         // Convert it from an aliased file to an actual file in the project
         unsigned int len = aliasBlockFile->GetLength();
         samplePtr buffer = NewSamples(len, format);
         f->ReadData(buffer, format, 0, len);
         BlockFile *newBlockFile =
            dirManager->NewSimpleBlockFile(buffer, len, format);

         // Update our hash so we know what block files we've done
         blockFileHash[f] = newBlockFile;

         // Update the progress bar
         completedBytes += (double)SAMPLE_SIZE(format) * len;
         int progressValue =
            (int)(completedBytes * 1000.0 / totalBytesToProcess);

   // Above, we created a SimpleBlockFile contained in our project
   // to go with each AliasBlockFile that we wanted to migrate.
   // However, that didn't actually change any references to these
   // blockfiles in the Sequences, so we do that next...
   ReplaceBlockFiles(project, blockFileHash);

   // Subtract one from reference count of new block files; they're
   // now all referenced the proper number of times by the Sequences
   ReplacedBlockFileHash::iterator it;
   for( it = blockFileHash.begin(); it != blockFileHash.end(); ++it )
      BlockFile *f = it->second;


   return true;