Exemple #1
void setBoundaryValues(LBconverter<T> const* converter,
                       BlockStructure2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& lattice, int iT){


    const int nx = lattice.getNx();
    const int ny = lattice.getNy();

    // set initial values: v = [0,0]
    for (int iX=0; iX<nx; ++iX) {
      for (int iY=0; iY<ny; ++iY) {
        T vel[] = { T(), T()};
        lattice.get(iX,iY).defineRhoU((T)1, vel);
        lattice.get(iX,iY).iniEquilibrium((T)1, vel);

    // set non-zero velocity for upper boundary cells
    for (int iX=1; iX<nx-1; ++iX) {
      T u = converter->getLatticeU();
      T vel[] = { u, T() };
      lattice.get(iX,ny-1).defineRhoU((T)1, vel);
      lattice.get(iX,ny-1).iniEquilibrium((T)1, vel);

    // Make the lattice ready for simulation
Exemple #2
void prepareLattice(LBconverter<T> const* converter,
                    BlockStructure2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& lattice,
                    Dynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR>& bulkDynamics,
                    OnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& bc ){

  const int nx = lattice.getNx();
  const int ny = lattice.getNy();
  const T omega = converter->getOmega();

  // link lattice with dynamics for collision step
  lattice.defineDynamics(0,nx-1, 0,ny-1, &bulkDynamics);

  // left boundary
  bc.addVelocityBoundary0N(   0,   0,   1,ny-2, omega);
  // right boundary
  bc.addVelocityBoundary0P(nx-1,nx-1,   1,ny-2, omega);
  // bottom boundary
  bc.addVelocityBoundary1N(   1,nx-2,   0,   0, omega);
  // top boundary
  bc.addVelocityBoundary1P(   1,nx-2,ny-1,ny-1, omega);

  // corners
  bc.addExternalVelocityCornerNN(   0,   0, omega);
  bc.addExternalVelocityCornerNP(   0,ny-1, omega);
  bc.addExternalVelocityCornerPN(nx-1,   0, omega);
  bc.addExternalVelocityCornerPP(nx-1,ny-1, omega);
void getResults(BlockStructure2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& lattice,
                LBconverter<T>& converter, int iT) {

  const T lx   = 2.;
  const T ly   = 1.;

  const int saveIter = 2000;
  const int statIter = 200;

  const int imSize = 400;

  if (iT%statIter==0) {
    T middleU[2];
    lattice.get(converter.numNodes(lx)/2, converter.numNodes(ly)/2).computeU(middleU);
    OstreamManager cout(std::cout,"plotStatistics");
    T dx = converter.getDeltaX();
    T dt = converter.getDeltaT();
    cout << "iteration=" << setw(5) << iT;
    cout << "; t=" << setprecision(3) << setw(6)
         << iT*converter.getDeltaT();
    cout << "; E=" << setprecision(10) << setw(15)
         << lattice.getStatistics().getAverageEnergy()*dx*dx/dt/dt;
    cout << "; rho=" << setprecision(8) << setw(11)
         << lattice.getStatistics().getAverageRho();
    cout << "; uMax= " << setprecision(8) << setw(11)
         << middleU[0]*dx/dt;
    cout << endl;

  if (iT%saveIter==0) {
    DataAnalysisBase2D<T,DESCRIPTOR> const& analysis = lattice.getDataAnalysis();

    ImageWriter<T> imageWriter("leeloo");
    imageWriter.writeScaledGif(createFileName("p", iT, 6),
                               analysis.getPressure(), imSize, imSize);
    imageWriter.writeScaledGif(createFileName("u", iT, 6),
                               analysis.getVelocityNorm(), imSize, imSize);
    ofstream *ofile = 0;
    if (singleton::mpi().isMainProcessor()) {
      ofile = new ofstream((singleton::directories().getLogOutDir()+"centerVel.dat").c_str());
    for (int iY=0; iY<lattice.getNy(); ++iY) {
      T dx = converter.getDeltaX();
      T dt = converter.getDeltaT();
      T analytical = poiseuilleVelocity(iY, converter);
      T numerical[2];
      lattice.get(lattice.getNx()/2, iY).computeU(numerical);

      if (singleton::mpi().isMainProcessor()) {
        *ofile << iY*dx << " " << analytical*dx/dt
               << " " << numerical[0]*dx/dt << "\n";
    delete ofile;
void setBoundaryValues(LBconverter<T> const&converter,
                       BlockStructure2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& lattice, int iT){

  int nx = lattice.getNx();
  int ny = lattice.getNy();

    for (int iX=0; iX<nx; ++iX) {
      for (int iY=0; iY<ny; ++iY) {
        T force[2] = { poiseuilleForce(converter), T() };
        lattice.get(iX,iY).defineExternalField (
    /// Make the lattice ready for simulation
void prepareLattice(LBconverter<T> const& converter,
                    BlockStructure2D<T, DESCRIPTOR>& lattice,
                    Dynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR>& bulkDynamics,
                    OnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& boundaryCondition ) {

  int nx = lattice.getNx();
  int ny = lattice.getNy();
  T   omega = converter.getOmega();

  /// define lattice Dynamics
  lattice.defineDynamics(0,nx-1, 0,ny-1, &bulkDynamics);

  /// sets boundary
  boundaryCondition.addVelocityBoundary1P(1,nx-2,ny-1,ny-1, omega);
  boundaryCondition.addVelocityBoundary1N(1,nx-2,   0,   0, omega);

  /// set Velocity
  boundaryCondition.addExternalVelocityCornerNN(0,0, omega);
  boundaryCondition.addExternalVelocityCornerNP(0,ny-1, omega);
  boundaryCondition.addExternalVelocityCornerPN(nx-1,0, omega);
  boundaryCondition.addExternalVelocityCornerPP(nx-1,ny-1, omega);
Exemple #6
void iniGeometry( BlockStructure2D<T, DESCRIPTOR>& latticeOne,
                  BlockStructure2D<T, DESCRIPTOR>& latticeTwo,
                  Dynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR>& bulkDynamics1,
                  Dynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR>& bulkDynamics2,
                  Dynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR>& bounceBackRho0,
                  Dynamics<T, DESCRIPTOR>& bounceBackRho1,
                  T force
    // The setup is: periodicity along horizontal direction, bounce-back on top
    // and bottom. The upper half is initially filled with fluid 1 + random noise,
    // and the lower half with fluid 2. Only fluid 1 experiences a forces,
    // directed downwards.
    T noise      = 1.e-2;
    int nx = latticeOne.getNx();
    int ny = latticeOne.getNy();
    latticeOne.defineDynamics(0,nx-1, 0,ny-1, &bulkDynamics1);
    latticeTwo.defineDynamics(0,nx-1, 0,ny-1, &bulkDynamics2);

    latticeOne.defineDynamics(0,nx-1, 0,0, &bounceBackRho0);
    latticeTwo.defineDynamics(0,nx-1, 0,0, &bounceBackRho1);
    latticeOne.defineDynamics(0,nx-1, ny-1,ny-1, &bounceBackRho1);
    latticeTwo.defineDynamics(0,nx-1, ny-1,ny-1, &bounceBackRho0);
    for (int iX=0; iX<nx; ++iX) {
        for (int iY=0; iY<ny; ++iY) {
            T f[2] = {0.,-force};
            T zeroVelocity[2] = {0.,0.};
            T noForce[2] = {0.,0.};
            T rho1 = (T)1;
            T rho2 = (T)1;
            if (iY>ny/2) {
                rho2 = 0.;
                rho1 += (double)random()/(double)RAND_MAX * noise;
                rho1 += force*DESCRIPTOR<T>::invCs2* ((T)ny - (T)iY - (T)ny/(T)2);
            else {
                rho1 = 0.;

            Cell<T,DESCRIPTOR>& cell1 = latticeOne.get(iX,iY);
            cell1.defineRhoU(rho1, zeroVelocity);
            cell1.iniEquilibrium(rho1, zeroVelocity);
            cell1.defineExternalField (
                    DESCRIPTOR<T>::ExternalField::sizeOfForce, f );
            Cell<T,DESCRIPTOR>& cell2 = latticeTwo.get(iX,iY);
            cell2.defineRhoU(rho2, zeroVelocity);
            cell2.iniEquilibrium(rho2, zeroVelocity);
            cell2.defineExternalField (
                    DESCRIPTOR<T>::ExternalField::sizeOfForce, noForce );