Exemple #1
// Constructor from current state
  BonCbcPartialNodeInfo::BonCbcPartialNodeInfo (CbcModel * model,CbcNodeInfo *parent, CbcNode *owner,
      int numberChangedBounds,
      const int *variables,
      const double *boundChanges,
      const CoinWarmStartDiff *basisDiff)
      : CbcPartialNodeInfo(parent,owner,numberChangedBounds,variables,
    BonCbcPartialNodeInfo * nlpParent = dynamic_cast<BonCbcPartialNodeInfo *> (parent);
    int numberInfeasible = 0;
    int numberUnsolved = 0;
    if (nlpParent)//father is not root
      numberInfeasible = nlpParent->getSequenceOfInfeasiblesSize();
      numberUnsolved =  nlpParent->getSequenceOfUnsolvedSize();
//       if(!nlpParent->numberBranchesLeft_){
// 	IpoptWarmStartDiff * ipws = dynamic_cast<IpoptWarmStartDiff *>(nlpParent->basisDiff_);
// 	ipws->flushPoint();
//       }
    else {
      BonCbcFullNodeInfo * nlpRoot = dynamic_cast<BonCbcFullNodeInfo *> (parent);
      if (nlpRoot) {
        numberInfeasible = nlpRoot->getSequenceOfInfeasiblesSize();
        numberUnsolved =  nlpRoot->getSequenceOfUnsolvedSize();
    if (model->solver()->isAbandoned() ||
      sequenceOfUnsolvedSize_ = numberUnsolved + 1;

    if (model->solver()->isProvenPrimalInfeasible())
      sequenceOfInfeasiblesSize_ = numberInfeasible + 1;
  /* After a CbcModel::resolve this can return a status
     -1 no effect
     0 treat as optimal
     1 as 0 but do not do any more resolves (i.e. no more cuts)
     2 treat as infeasible
  CbcNlpStrategy::status(CbcModel * model, CbcNodeInfo * parent,int whereFrom)

    OsiSolverInterface * solver = model->solver();//get solver
    int feasible = 1;
    bool solved = true;
    int returnStatus = -1;
    BonCbcPartialNodeInfo * bmNodeInfo = dynamic_cast<BonCbcPartialNodeInfo *>(parent);
    if (!bmNodeInfo) return -1;

    int seqOfInfeasiblesSize = bmNodeInfo->getSequenceOfInfeasiblesSize();
    int seqOfUnsolvedSize = bmNodeInfo->getSequenceOfUnsolvedSize();

    if (solver->isAbandoned()) {
      solved = false;
    else if (solver->isProvenPrimalInfeasible()) {
      feasible = 0;

    if ((seqOfUnsolvedSize==0) || (maxFailure_ == 0) &&
        (maxInfeasible_== 0) || (seqOfInfeasiblesSize==0))

      if (feasible && seqOfInfeasiblesSize > 1) {
        (*model->messageHandler())<<"Feasible node while father was infeasible."

    if (solved && seqOfUnsolvedSize > 1) {
      (*model->messageHandler())<<"Solved node while father was unsolved."

    if (seqOfInfeasiblesSize < maxInfeasible_ &&
        solved && !feasible) {
      (*model->messageHandler())<<"Branching on infeasible node, sequence of infeasibles size "
      // Have to make sure that we will branch
      OsiTMINLPInterface * ipopt = dynamic_cast<OsiTMINLPInterface *>(solver);
      //change objective value
      returnStatus = 0;


    if (!solved && parent != NULL &&
        seqOfUnsolvedSize <= maxFailure_) {
      (*model->messageHandler())<<"Branching on unsolved node, sequence of unsolved size "<<seqOfUnsolvedSize<<CoinMessageEol;
      // Have to make sure that we will branch
      OsiTMINLPInterface * osiMinlp = dynamic_cast<OsiTMINLPInterface *>(solver);
      osiMinlp->forceBranchable();     //      feasible=1;
      returnStatus = 0;

    if (solver->isAbandoned() && parent != NULL &&
        seqOfUnsolvedSize > maxFailure_) {
      hasFailed_ = true;
      OsiTMINLPInterface * osiMinlp =
        dynamic_cast<OsiTMINLPInterface *>(solver);
      if (pretendFailIsInfeasible_) {
        //force infeasible
        returnStatus = 2;
      else {
        std::string probName;
        throw osiMinlp->newUnsolvedError(0, osiMinlp->problem(), probName);
    return returnStatus;