Exemple #1
BufferFrame* BPlusSegment<K,V>::fixLeafFor(const K& key, const bool exclusive) const{

    BufferFrame* pageOfKey = &bm.fixPage(segmentId, root, exclusive);

        BPlusPage<K, PageID> page(pageOfKey->getData(), pageSize, cmp);
        PageID nextPage;
             nextPage = page.lookupSmallestGreaterThan(key).value;
        }catch(NotFoundException e){
            //upper exists?
            if (page.getUpperExists()){
                nextPage = page.getUpper();
                bm.unfixPage(*pageOfKey, false);
                throw NotFoundException();
        BufferFrame* oldBF = pageOfKey;
        pageOfKey = &bm.fixPage(segmentId, nextPage, exclusive);
        bm.unfixPage(*oldBF, false);

    return pageOfKey;
Exemple #2
V BPlusSegment<K, V>::findGreatestKey(BufferFrame* startFrame) const{

    BufferFrame* pageFrame = startFrame;
    bool isFirst = true;

        BPlusPage<K, PageID> page(pageFrame->getData(), pageSize, cmp);
        PageID nextPage;
        if (page.getUpperExists()){
            nextPage = page.getUpper();
            nextPage = page.getValueOfHighestKey();

        BufferFrame* oldBF = pageFrame;
        pageFrame = &bm.fixPage(segmentId, nextPage, false);
        //don't unfix first frame, as it is controlled by caller
        if (isFirst){
            isFirst = false;
            bm.unfixPage(*oldBF, false);

    BPlusPage<K, V> page(pageFrame->getData(), pageSize, cmp);

    K highestKey = page.getHighestKey();

    if (!isFirst) bm.unfixPage(*pageFrame, false);

    return highestKey;
Exemple #3
inline void BTree<KeyType, KeyComparator>::insert(KeyType key, TID tid) {
  size_t currHeight = 0;
  uint64_t currPageId = rootPageId;
  BufferFrame *parentFrame = nullptr;
  BufferFrame *currFrame = nullptr;
  InnerNode<KeyType, KeyComparator> *parentNode = nullptr;
  InnerNode<KeyType, KeyComparator> *currNode = nullptr;

  while (!isLeafHeight(currHeight)) {
    if (parentFrame != nullptr) {
      bufferManager.unfixPage(*parentFrame, true);
    parentFrame = currFrame;
    parentNode = currNode;
    currFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(this->segmentId, currPageId, true);
    currNode = reinterpret_cast<InnerNode<KeyType, KeyComparator> *>(currFrame->getData());
    if (!currNode->hasSpaceForOneMoreEntry()) {
      if (parentNode == nullptr) {
        auto newNode = createEmptyNode(currPageId);
        parentFrame = newNode.first;
        parentNode = newNode.second;
      auto splitResult = splitInnerNode(currNode, currFrame, currPageId,
                                        parentNode, key);
      currFrame = splitResult.first;
      currNode = splitResult.second;
    currPageId = currNode->getNextNode(key, this->smallerComparator);
  // we are now at leaf height - the currPageId points to a leaf
  if (parentFrame != nullptr) {
    bufferManager.unfixPage(*parentFrame, true);
  parentFrame = currFrame;
  parentNode = currNode;
  currNode = nullptr;

  currFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(this->segmentId, currPageId, true);
  auto leaf = reinterpret_cast<Leaf<KeyType, KeyComparator> *>(currFrame->getData());
  if (!leaf->hasSpaceForOneMoreEntry()) {
    if (parentNode == nullptr) {
      auto newNode = createEmptyNode(currPageId);
      parentFrame = newNode.first;
      parentNode = newNode.second;

    auto splitResult = splitLeaf(leaf, currFrame, currPageId, parentNode, key);
    currFrame = splitResult.first;
    leaf = splitResult.second;
  if (parentFrame != nullptr) {
    bufferManager.unfixPage(*parentFrame, true);
  leaf->insertDefiniteFit(key, tid, smallerComparator);
  bufferManager.unfixPage(*currFrame, true);
Exemple #4
std::vector<uint64_t> BTree<K, Comp>::lookupRange(K key1, K key2) {
  std::vector < uint64_t > resultSet;

  //Get Leaf of lower key
  K leftK, rightK;
  if (smaller(key1, key2)) {
    leftK = key1;
    rightK = key2;
  } else {
    leftK = key2;
    rightK = key1;

  BufferFrame* leafFrame = traverseToLeaf(leftK, false);
  Node<K, Comp>* leaf = reinterpret_cast<Node<K, Comp>*>(leafFrame->getData());

  uint64_t pos = leaf->findKeyPos(leftK, smaller);
  if (pos >= leaf->count || smaller(leaf->keyValuePairs[pos].first, leftK)) {
    //No matching key was found
    bufferManager.unfixPage(*leafFrame, false);
    return resultSet;

  while (true) {
    while (pos < leaf->count) {
      if (smaller(rightK, leaf->keyValuePairs[pos].first)) {
        bufferManager.unfixPage(*leafFrame, false);
        return resultSet;
    if (leaf->next == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) {
      //There is no next leaf --> return
      bufferManager.unfixPage(*leafFrame, false);
      return resultSet;
    } else {
      //Continue in next Leaf. Get it and unfix current Leaf
      uint64_t nextLeafPID = leaf->next;
      bufferManager.unfixPage(*leafFrame, false);
      leafFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(nextLeafPID, false);
      leaf = reinterpret_cast<Node<K, Comp>*>(leafFrame->getData());
      pos = 0;

  bufferManager.unfixPage(*leafFrame, false);
  return resultSet;
Exemple #5
BufferFrame* BTree<K, Comp>::createNewRoot() {
  BufferFrame* newFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(nextFreePage++, true);
  rootPID = newFrame->pageId;
  Node<K, Comp>* newRoot = reinterpret_cast<Node<K, Comp>*>(newFrame->getData());
  *newRoot = Node<K, Comp>(false);
  return newFrame;
Exemple #6
SplitResult<K> BPlusSegment<K,V>::splitPage(BufferFrame &frame, const bool inner){

    //TODO: find a better way to work with the types here
    if (inner){
        //notice: K, PageID here instead of V
        BPlusPage<K, PageID> page(frame.getData(), pageSize, cmp);

        PageID siblingPageID = pageCount;
        BufferFrame& siblingFrame = bm.fixPage(segmentId, siblingPageID, true);
        //notice: K, PageID here instead of V
        BPlusPage<K, PageID> sibling(siblingFrame.getData(), pageSize, cmp);

        //handle upper key on split
        if (page.getUpperExists()){
            K newKey = findGreatestKey(&frame);
            sibling.insert(newKey, page.getUpper());


        K siblingHighestKey = sibling.getHighestKey();
        K pageHighestKey = page.getHighestKey();
        bm.unfixPage(siblingFrame, true);
        return SplitResult<K>(siblingPageID, siblingHighestKey, pageHighestKey, true, frame);
        BPlusPage<K, V> page(frame.getData(), pageSize, cmp);

        PageID siblingPageID = pageCount;
        BufferFrame& siblingFrame = bm.fixPage(segmentId, siblingPageID, true);
        BPlusPage<K, V> sibling(siblingFrame.getData(), pageSize, cmp);
        K siblingHighestKey = sibling.getHighestKey();
        K pageHighestKey = page.getHighestKey();
        bm.unfixPage(siblingFrame, true);
        return SplitResult<K>(siblingPageID, siblingHighestKey, pageHighestKey, true, frame);

Exemple #7
bool BTree<K, Comp>::erase(K key) {
  BufferFrame* leafFrame = traverseToLeaf(key, true);
  Node<K, Comp>* leaf = reinterpret_cast<Node<K, Comp>*>(leafFrame->getData());
  bool deleted = leaf->deleteKey(key, smaller);
  bufferManager.unfixPage(*leafFrame, true);
  if (deleted) {
    elements--; //update size of BTree
  return deleted;
Exemple #8
inline bool BTree<KeyType, KeyComparator>::searchForKey(
    KeyType key, TID &tid, uint64_t pageId, size_t currentHeight) {
  BufferFrame *currentFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(this->segmentId, pageId, false);
  bool result;
  if (isLeafHeight(currentHeight)) {
    Leaf<KeyType, KeyComparator> *leaf = reinterpret_cast<Leaf<KeyType, KeyComparator> *>(
    result = leaf->lookup(key, smallerComparator, &tid);
  } else {
    //we haven't reached the leaves yet
    InnerNode<KeyType, KeyComparator> *currNode = reinterpret_cast<InnerNode<KeyType, KeyComparator> *> (
    pageId = currNode->getNextNode(key, smallerComparator);
    result = searchForKey(key, tid, pageId, currentHeight + 1);

  //return page as result was received and page is no longer required
  bufferManager.unfixPage(*currentFrame, false);
  return result;
Exemple #9
inline std::vector<TID> BTree<KeyType, KeyComparator>::lookupRange(KeyType begin, KeyType end) {
  KeyType left = begin;
  KeyType right = end;

  /* if given end-limit is lower than begin, we need to swap both borders*/
  if (smallerComparator(end, begin)) {
    left = end;
    right = begin;

  std::vector<TID> lookupSet;
  Leaf<KeyType, KeyComparator> leftLeaf = getLeaf(left);
  int position = EntriesHelper::findPosition<KeyType, KeyComparator, TID>(
      leftLeaf.entries, left,
      0, leftLeaf.header.keyCount,
  BufferFrame * currentFrame = nullptr;
  while (true) {
    while (position < leftLeaf.header.keyCount) {
      Entry<KeyType, TID> entry = leftLeaf.entries[position];
      if (begin <= entry.key && entry.key <= end){
    if (position == leftLeaf.header.keyCount) {
      //reached end of leaf and need to check the next leaf
      uint64_t nextLeaf = leftLeaf.header.nextLeafPageId;
      if (nextLeaf != LeafHeader::INVALID_PAGE_ID) {
        // set next leaf and reset position to first entry
        if (currentFrame != nullptr){
          bufferManager.unfixPage(*currentFrame, false);
          currentFrame = nullptr;
        currentFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(this->segmentId, nextLeaf, true);
        leftLeaf = * reinterpret_cast<Leaf<KeyType, KeyComparator> *>(currentFrame->getData());
        position = 0;
      } else {
        // end of leaves reached, we cannot look further so we return the set
    } else {
  if (currentFrame != nullptr){
    bufferManager.unfixPage(*currentFrame, false);
  return lookupSet;
Exemple #10
boost::optional<uint64_t> BTree<K, Comp>::lookup(K key) {
  BufferFrame* leafFrame = traverseToLeaf(key, false);
  Node<K, Comp>* leaf = reinterpret_cast<Node<K, Comp>*>(leafFrame->getData());
  uint64_t pos = leaf->findKeyPos(key, smaller);
  uint64_t tid = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();

  bool found = false;
  if (pos < leaf->count && isEqual(key, leaf->keyValuePairs[pos].first, smaller)) {
    found = true;
    tid = leaf->keyValuePairs[pos].second;
  bufferManager.unfixPage(*leafFrame, false);
  return boost::optional<uint64_t> { found, tid };
Exemple #11
// gets the requested data from file and puts a new bufferFrame into the hashmap
// if required, this method replaces frames in the buffer
void BufferManager::cachePageFromFile(unsigned pageId) {
    // lock hash table and lru queue

    // if buffer is full, replace a frame in buffer with page from file
    if(lruBuffer.size() >= size) {
        // Search for the first lockable buffer frame
        BufferFrame *toBeFreed = NULL;
        for(vector<BufferFrame*>::iterator i = lruBuffer.begin(); i != lruBuffer.end(); ++i) {
            // try to lock this frame, if not possible continue with next frame in lruBuffer
            int lockResult = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&((*i)->latch));
            //cout << "lockResult: " << lockResult << " for pageId " << (*i)->pageId << endl;
            if(lockResult == 0) {
                // cout << (*i)->pageId << " wr_locked and unlocked\n";
                toBeFreed = *i;
                // if we found our candidate frame, delete it from the buffers and deallocate the memory
                int cnt = buffer.erase(toBeFreed->pageId);	// delete from hash map
                assert(cnt == 1);
                toBeFreed->writeDataToFile();		// save changes
                //free mmapped memory
                if (munmap(toBeFreed->getData(), FRAME_SIZE) == -1) {
                    cerr << "Error un-mmapping the file";
                delete toBeFreed;					// deallocate memory


        if(toBeFreed==NULL) {
            cerr<<"no candidate was found => release locks and return!!!";

    // add new frame to hash map and append to end of lruBuffer
    BufferFrame *bf = new BufferFrame(file, pageId);
    buffer[pageId] = bf;

    // release locks
Exemple #12
BufferFrame* BTree<K, Comp>::traverseToLeaf(K key, bool exclusiveLeaf) {
  //latch the root
  BufferFrame* curFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(rootPID, exclusiveLeaf);
  Node<K, Comp>* curNode = reinterpret_cast<Node<K, Comp>*>(curFrame->getData());
  BufferFrame* parFrame = NULL;
  while (!curNode->isLeaf()) {
    //unlatch parent
    if (parFrame != NULL) {
      bufferManager.unfixPage(*parFrame, false);
    parFrame = curFrame;
    uint64_t pos = curNode->findKeyPos(key, smaller);
    uint64_t nextPID =
        (pos == curNode->count) ?
            curNode->next : curNode->keyValuePairs[pos].second;
    //latch the next level
    curFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(nextPID, exclusiveLeaf);
    curNode = reinterpret_cast<Node<K, Comp>*>(curFrame->getData());
  if (parFrame != NULL) {
    bufferManager.unfixPage(*parFrame, false);
  return curFrame;
Exemple #13
bool SPSegment::remove(TID tid){
    // TODO assert(tid.getPage() is part of this segment);

    BufferFrame frame = bm->fixPage(tid.getPage(), true);
    SlottedPage* page = reinterpret_cast<SlottedPage*>(frame.getData());

    unsigned space = page->remove(tid.getSlot());

    // Update FSI
    this->fsi[tid.getPage()] = space;

    bm->unfixPage(frame, true);

    if (tid.tid == lastTID.tid) {
        // TODO Update lastTID
    return true;
Exemple #14
Record SPSegment::inPlaceLookup(TID tid) {
    // TODO assert(tid.getPage() is part of this segment);

    BufferFrame frame = bm->fixPage(tid.getPage(), false);
    SlottedPage* page = reinterpret_cast<SlottedPage*>(frame.getData());

    Slot* slot = page->getSlot(tid.getSlot());

    if (slot->isMoved() || slot->isEmpty()) {
        // Slot is empty: Return empty record
        bm->unfixPage(frame, false);
        return Record(0, nullptr);
    } else {
        // Slot has content: Return record with content.
        bm->unfixPage(frame, false);
        return Record(slot->length(), slot->getRecord()->getData());
Exemple #15
TID SPSegment::insert(const Record& r){

	// Find page with enough space for r
    uint64_t pageId = this->lastPage + 1;

    for (auto it = this->fsi.rbegin(); it != this->fsi.rend(); it++) {
        if (it->second >= r.getLen()) {
            pageId = it->first;

    // If necessary, create new SlottedPage
    BufferFrame frame = bm->fixPage(pageId, true);
    SlottedPage* page = reinterpret_cast<SlottedPage*>(frame.getData());
    if (pageId > this->lastPage) {
        *page = SlottedPage();
        if (lastPage > 1l << 48) throw "Max page number reached.";

    // TODO Reorder record ?

    // Write to page
    unsigned slotNum = page->insert(r);

    bm->unfixPage(frame, true);

    // Update lastTID
    TID newTID = TID(pageId, slotNum);
    if (newTID.tid > this->lastTID.tid) {
        this->lastTID = newTID;

    // Update FSI
    this->fsi[newTID.getPage()] -= r.getLen() + (slotNum == page->getMaxSlot() ? sizeof(Slot) : 0);

    return newTID;
Exemple #16
Record SPSegment::lookup(TID tid) {
    // TODO assert(tid.getPage() is part of this segment);

    BufferFrame frame = bm->fixPage(tid.getPage(), false);
    SlottedPage* page = reinterpret_cast<SlottedPage*>(frame.getData());

    Slot* slot = page->getSlot(tid.getSlot());

    if (slot->isMoved()) {
        // Slot was indirected: Lookup that TID the slot points to recursively.
        bm->unfixPage(frame, false);
        return this->lookup(TID(slot->slot));
    } else if (slot->length() == 0 && slot->offset() == 0) {
        // Slot is empty: Return empty record
        bm->unfixPage(frame, false);
        return Record(0, nullptr);
    } else {
        // Slot has content: Return record with content.
        bm->unfixPage(frame, false);
        return Record(slot->length(), slot->getRecord()->getData());
Exemple #17
 * Reads a slotted page from buffer-frame by pageId and manages sp-map
 * @param pageId: the page id
 * @return rtrn: SlottedPage
SlottedPage* SPSegment::readFromFrame(uint64_t pageId) {

	SlottedPage* rtrn = NULL;

	BufferFrame frame = bm->fixPage(pageId, false);

	try {

		// 1st step: deserialize
		rtrn = SlottedPage::getDeserialized((char*) frame.getData());

		// 2nd step: update sp-map
		spMap[pageId] = rtrn;

	} catch (exception& e) {
		cerr << "An exception occurred while reading slotted page from frame: " << e.what() << endl;
		rtrn = NULL;

	bm->unfixPage(frame, false);

	return rtrn;
Exemple #18
 * Writes a slotted page into a given buffer-frame
 * @param sp: the slotted page
 * @param pageId: the page id
 * @return rtrn: whether successfully or not
bool SPSegment::writeToFrame(SlottedPage* sp, uint64_t pageId) {

	bool rtrn = true;

	BufferFrame frame = bm->fixPage(pageId, true);

	try {

		// 1st step: serialize
		char* spSer = sp->getSerialized();

		// 2nd step: write into frame data pointer
		memcpy(frame.getData(), spSer, bm->getPageSize());

	} catch (exception& e) {
		cerr << "An exception occurred while writing slotted page to frame: " << e.what() << endl;
		rtrn = false;

	bm->unfixPage(frame, rtrn);

	return rtrn;
Exemple #19
Leaf<KeyType, KeyComparator> BTree<KeyType, KeyComparator>::getMostLeftLeaf() {
  BufferFrame *currentFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(this->segmentId, rootPageId, false);
  int currentDepth = 0;
  BufferFrame *parentFrame = nullptr;
  while (currentDepth != height) {
    InnerNode<KeyType, KeyComparator> *curNode = reinterpret_cast<InnerNode<KeyType, KeyComparator> *> (currentFrame->getData());
    if (parentFrame != nullptr) {
      bufferManager.unfixPage(*parentFrame, false);
    Entry<KeyType, uint64_t> entry = curNode->entries[0]; //most left value = 1
    uint64_t pageId = entry.value;
    parentFrame = currentFrame;
    currentFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(this->segmentId, pageId, false);
  if (parentFrame != nullptr) {
    bufferManager.unfixPage(*parentFrame, false);

  Leaf<KeyType, KeyComparator> *leaf = reinterpret_cast<Leaf<KeyType, KeyComparator> *>(currentFrame->getData());
  bufferManager.unfixPage(*currentFrame, false);
  return *leaf;
Exemple #20
Leaf<KeyType, KeyComparator> &BTree<KeyType, KeyComparator>::getLeaf(KeyType key) {
  BufferFrame *frame = findFrameForKey(key, false);
  Leaf<KeyType, KeyComparator> *leaf = reinterpret_cast<Leaf<KeyType, KeyComparator> *>(frame->getData());
  bufferManager.unfixPage(*frame, false);
  return *leaf;
Exemple #21
BufferFrame *BTree<KeyType, KeyComparator>::findFrameForKey(KeyType key, bool exclusive) {
  BufferFrame *currentFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(this->segmentId, rootPageId, exclusive);
  int currentDepth = 0;
  BufferFrame *parentFrame = nullptr;
  while (!isLeafHeight(currentDepth)) {
    InnerNode<KeyType, KeyComparator> *curNode = reinterpret_cast<InnerNode<KeyType, KeyComparator> *> (currentFrame->getData());
    if (parentFrame != nullptr) {
      bufferManager.unfixPage(*parentFrame, false);
    int nextPageId = curNode->getNextNode(key, smallerComparator);
    parentFrame = currentFrame;
    currentFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(this->segmentId, nextPageId, exclusive);
  if (parentFrame != nullptr) {
    bufferManager.unfixPage(*parentFrame, false);
  //frame is fixed and has to be unfixed by the caller!!
  return currentFrame;
Exemple #22
bool BTree<K, Comp>::insert(K key, uint64_t tid) {
  //latch the root
  BufferFrame* curFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(rootPID, true);
  Node<K, Comp>* curNode = reinterpret_cast<Node<K, Comp>*>(curFrame->getData());
  BufferFrame* parFrame = NULL;
  while (!curNode->isLeaf()) {
    if (curNode->count >= maxNodeSize) {
      // --> split to safe inner pages
      if (parFrame == NULL) {
        //Need to create a new root (parent) first
        parFrame = createNewRoot();
      BufferFrame* newFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(nextFreePage++, true);
      K splitKey = curNode->split(curFrame->pageId, newFrame, parFrame, smaller);

      //determine correct node and release the other one
      if (smaller(key, splitKey)) {
        bufferManager.unfixPage(*newFrame, true);
      } else {
        curNode = reinterpret_cast<Node<K, Comp>*>(newFrame->getData());
        bufferManager.unfixPage(*curFrame, true);
        curFrame = newFrame;

    //release the parent node
    if (parFrame != NULL) {
      bufferManager.unfixPage(*parFrame, true); //TODO only set true when parent is really dirty?
    parFrame = curFrame;

    //latch the next level
    uint64_t pos = curNode->findKeyPos(key, smaller);
    uint64_t nextPID =
        (pos == curNode->count) ?
            curNode->next : curNode->keyValuePairs[pos].second;
    curFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(nextPID, true);
    curNode = reinterpret_cast<Node<K, Comp>*>(curFrame->getData());

  Node<K, Comp>* leaf = reinterpret_cast<Node<K, Comp>*>(curNode);
  if (leaf->count >= maxNodeSize) {
    if (parFrame == NULL) {
      parFrame = createNewRoot();

    BufferFrame* newFrame = &bufferManager.fixPage(nextFreePage++, true);
    K splitKey = leaf->split(curFrame->pageId, newFrame, parFrame, smaller);
    if (smaller(key, splitKey)) {
      bufferManager.unfixPage(*newFrame, true);
    } else {
      leaf = reinterpret_cast<Node<K, Comp>*>(newFrame->getData());
      bufferManager.unfixPage(*curFrame, true);
      curFrame = newFrame;
  if (parFrame != NULL) {
    bufferManager.unfixPage(*parFrame, true); //TODO: only mark dirty when parent was actually updated

  bool insertSuccessful = leaf->insertKey(key, tid, smaller);
  if (insertSuccessful) {
  bufferManager.unfixPage(*curFrame, true);
  return insertSuccessful;
Exemple #23
bool SPSegment::update(TID tid, const Record& r){

	Record r_old = this->lookup(tid);

	unsigned len_old = r_old.getLen();
	unsigned len_new = r.getLen();

	BufferFrame frame = bm->fixPage(tid.getPage(), true);
    SlottedPage* page = reinterpret_cast<SlottedPage*>(frame.getData());

    if(len_old == len_new){
        // If size doesn't change, use memcpy
		memcpy(page->getSlot(tid.getSlot())->getRecord(), &r, r.getLen());
	} else if(len_old > len_new){
        // Record has become smaller
		memcpy(page->getSlot(tid.getSlot())->getRecord(), &r, r.getLen());
        // TODO Update freeSpace of page
        // TODO update FSI
	} else {
        // Record has become larger
        unsigned freeSpaceOnPage = page->remove(tid.getSlot());
        this->fsi[tid.getPage()] = freeSpaceOnPage;

        if (freeSpaceOnPage >= len_new) {
            // It fits on the page after removal
    	} else {
            // Even after removal it is too large

            // Get another page
            uint64_t sndPageId = this->lastPage + 1;
            for (auto it = this->fsi.rbegin(); it != this->fsi.rend(); it++) {
                if (it->second >= r.getLen()) {
                    sndPageId = it->first;
            BufferFrame sndFrame = bm->fixPage(sndPageId, true);

            // Create a new SlottedPage if necessary
            SlottedPage* sndPage = reinterpret_cast<SlottedPage*>(sndFrame.getData());
            if (sndPageId > this->lastPage) {
                *sndPage = SlottedPage();
                if (lastPage > 1l << 48) throw "Max page number reached.";

            Slot* fstSlot = page->getSlot(tid.getSlot());

            // Insert into new page
            unsigned sndSlotNum = sndPage->insert(r);
            this->fsi[sndPageId] -= r.getLen() + (sndSlotNum == sndPage->getMaxSlot() ? sizeof(Slot) : 0);

            // Update first slot to directo to second page.
            *fstSlot = Slot(TID(sndPageId, sndSlotNum));

            bm->unfixPage(sndFrame, true);
	bm->unfixPage(frame, true);
	return true;