Exemple #1
 * Callback, invoked on each successfully parsed response header key/value pair.
bool HealthMonitor::onMessageHeader(const BufferRef& name, const BufferRef& value)
	TRACE("onResponseHeader(name:%s, value:%s)", name.str().c_str(), value.str().c_str());

	if (x0::iequals(name, "Status")) {
		int status = value.ref(0, value.find(' ')).toInt();
		responseCode_ = static_cast<x0::HttpStatus>(status);

	return true;
Exemple #2
bool HttpConnection::onMessageHeader(const BufferRef& name, const BufferRef& value)
	if (request_->isFinished()) {
		// this can happen when the request has failed some checks and thus,
		// a client error message has been sent already.
		// we need to "parse" the remaining content anyways.
		TRACE("onMessageHeader() skip \"%s\": \"%s\"", name.str().c_str(), value.str().c_str());
		return true;

	TRACE("onMessageHeader() \"%s\": \"%s\"", name.str().c_str(), value.str().c_str());

	if (iequals(name, "Host")) {
		auto i = value.find(':');
		if (i != BufferRef::npos)
			request_->hostname = value.ref(0, i);
			request_->hostname = value;
		TRACE(" -- hostname set to \"%s\"", request_->hostname.str().c_str());
	} else if (iequals(name, "Connection")) {
		if (iequals(value, "close"))
		else if (iequals(value, "keep-alive"))

	// limit the size of a single request header
	if (name.size() + value.size() > worker().server().maxRequestHeaderSize()) {
		TRACE("header too long. got %ld / %ld", name.size() + value.size(), worker().server().maxRequestHeaderSize());
		request_->status = HttpError::RequestEntityTooLarge;
		return false;

	// limit the number of request headers
	if (request_->requestHeaders.size() > worker().server().maxRequestHeaderCount()) {
		TRACE("header count exceeded. got %ld / %ld", request_->requestHeaders.size(), worker().server().maxRequestHeaderCount());
		request_->status = HttpError::RequestEntityTooLarge;
		return false;

	request_->requestHeaders.push_back(HttpRequestHeader(name, value));
	return true;