void AUControlGroup::CreateLabelledSliderAndEditText( AUCarbonViewBase * auView, const CAAUParameter & auvp, const Rect & area, Point labelSize, Point editTextSize, const ControlFontStyleRec & inFontStyle) { #if !__LP64__ ControlFontStyleRec fontStyle = inFontStyle; Rect sliderArea, textArea; ControlRef newControl; int width = area.right - area.left, height = area.bottom - area.top; bool horizontal = (width > height); sliderArea = area; textArea = area; if (horizontal) { textArea.left = area.right - editTextSize.h; // provide a large text box if param is generic and its values have strings... if (auvp.ValuesHaveStrings() && (auvp.ParamInfo().unit == kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic)) { textArea.right += 30; } sliderArea.right = textArea.left - kLabelAndSliderSpacing; textArea.top = area.top + (height - editTextSize.v) / 2; textArea.bottom = textArea.top + editTextSize.v; } else { textArea.top = area.bottom - editTextSize.v; sliderArea.bottom = textArea.top - kLabelAndSliderSpacing; textArea.left = area.left + (width - editTextSize.h) / 2; textArea.right = textArea.left + editTextSize.h; } CreateLabelledSlider(auView, auvp, sliderArea, labelSize, fontStyle); verify_noerr(CreateEditUnicodeTextControl(auView->GetCarbonWindow(), &textArea, CFSTR(""), false, &fontStyle, &newControl)); auView->AddCarbonControl(AUCarbonViewControl::kTypeText, auvp, newControl); #endif }
void AUControlGroup::CreateLabelledSlider( AUCarbonViewBase * auView, const CAAUParameter & auvp, const Rect & area, Point labelSize, const ControlFontStyleRec & inFontStyle) { #if !__LP64__ ControlFontStyleRec fontStyle = inFontStyle; Rect minValRect, maxValRect, sliderRect; ControlRef newControl; int width = area.right - area.left, height = area.bottom - area.top; CFStringRef cfstr; int sliderValueMax, sliderValueMin, sliderValueDefault; AUCarbonViewControl::ControlType sliderType; bool horizontal = (width > height); if (horizontal) { maxValRect.top = minValRect.top = area.top + (height - labelSize.v) / 2; minValRect.left = area.left; maxValRect.left = area.right - labelSize.h; minValRect.bottom = minValRect.top + labelSize.v; minValRect.right = minValRect.left + labelSize.h; maxValRect.bottom = maxValRect.top + labelSize.v; maxValRect.right = maxValRect.left + labelSize.h; sliderRect.left = minValRect.right + kLabelAndSliderSpacing; sliderRect.right = maxValRect.left - kLabelAndSliderSpacing; sliderRect.top = area.top + (height - kSliderThinDimension) / 2; sliderRect.bottom = sliderRect.top + kSliderThinDimension + 4; if (auvp.IsIndexedParam ()) { sliderValueMin = sliderValueDefault = int(auvp.ParamInfo().minValue); sliderValueMax = int(auvp.ParamInfo().maxValue); sliderType = AUCarbonViewControl::kTypeDiscrete; } else { sliderValueMin = sliderValueDefault = 0; sliderValueMax = sliderRect.right - sliderRect.left; sliderType = AUCarbonViewControl::kTypeContinuous; } } else { maxValRect.left = minValRect.left = area.left + (width - labelSize.h) / 2; maxValRect.top = area.top; minValRect.top = area.bottom - labelSize.v; minValRect.bottom = minValRect.top + labelSize.v; minValRect.right = minValRect.left + labelSize.h; maxValRect.bottom = maxValRect.top + labelSize.v; maxValRect.right = maxValRect.left + labelSize.h; sliderRect.left = area.left + (width - kSliderThinDimension) / 2; sliderRect.right = sliderRect.left + kSliderThinDimension + 4; sliderRect.top = maxValRect.bottom + kLabelAndSliderSpacing; sliderRect.bottom = minValRect.top - kLabelAndSliderSpacing; if (auvp.IsIndexedParam ()) { sliderValueMin = sliderValueDefault = int(auvp.ParamInfo().minValue); sliderValueMax = int(auvp.ParamInfo().maxValue); sliderType = AUCarbonViewControl::kTypeDiscrete; } else { sliderValueMin = sliderValueDefault = 0; sliderValueMax = sliderRect.bottom - sliderRect.top; sliderType = AUCarbonViewControl::kTypeContinuous; } } // minimum value label if (labelSize.v > 0 && labelSize.h > 0) { // check to see if the minimum value has a label cfstr = auvp.GetStringFromValueCopy(&auvp.ParamInfo().minValue); fontStyle.just = horizontal ? teFlushRight : teCenter; verify_noerr(CreateStaticTextControl(auView->GetCarbonWindow(), &minValRect, cfstr, &fontStyle, &newControl)); CFRelease(cfstr); verify_noerr(auView->EmbedControl(newControl)); // maximum value label cfstr = auvp.GetStringFromValueCopy(&auvp.ParamInfo().maxValue); fontStyle.just = horizontal ? teFlushLeft : teCenter; verify_noerr(CreateStaticTextControl(auView->GetCarbonWindow(), &maxValRect, cfstr, &fontStyle, &newControl)); CFRelease(cfstr); verify_noerr(auView->EmbedControl(newControl)); } // slider verify_noerr(CreateSliderControl(auView->GetCarbonWindow(), &sliderRect, sliderValueDefault, sliderValueMin, sliderValueMax, kControlSliderDoesNotPoint, 0, true, AUCarbonViewControl::SliderTrackProc, &newControl)); ControlSize small = kControlSizeSmall; SetControlData(newControl, kControlEntireControl, kControlSizeTag, sizeof(ControlSize), &small); auView->AddCarbonControl(sliderType, auvp, newControl); #endif }
AUParamInfo::AUParamInfo (AudioUnit inAU, bool inIncludeExpert, bool inIncludeReadOnly, AudioUnitScope inScope, AudioUnitElement inElement) : mAU (inAU), mNumParams (0), mParamListID(NULL), mScope (inScope), mElement (inElement) { UInt32 size; OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo(mAU, kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterList, inScope, mElement, &size, NULL); if (size == 0 || result) return; int nparams = size / sizeof(AudioUnitPropertyID); mParamListID = new AudioUnitParameterID[nparams]; memset (mParamListID, 0xFF, size); AudioUnitParameterID *paramList = new AudioUnitParameterID[nparams]; result = AudioUnitGetProperty(mAU, kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterList, mScope, mElement, paramList, &size); if (result) { delete [] mParamListID; delete [] paramList; mParamListID = NULL; return; } ParameterMap params; for (int i = 0; i < nparams; ++i) { CAAUParameter auvp (mAU, paramList[i], mScope, mElement); // took out only using global scope in CAAUParameter creation const AudioUnitParameterInfo ¶mInfo = auvp.ParamInfo(); // don't include if parameter can't be read or written if (!(paramInfo.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable) && !(paramInfo.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable)) continue; // only include if expert params wanted if (!inIncludeExpert && auvp.IsExpert()) continue; // only include if read only params are wanted if (!(paramInfo.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable) && (paramInfo.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable)) { if (!inIncludeReadOnly) continue; } mParamListID[mNumParams] = paramList[i]; mNumParams++; // ok - if we're here, then we have a parameter we are going to display. UInt32 clump = 0; auvp.GetClumpID (clump); mParams[clump].push_back (auvp); } delete [] paramList; }