// =================================================================
// Performs semantic analysis of this node.
// =================================================================
CASTNode* CCaseStatementASTNode::Semant(CSemanter* semanter)

	// Only semant once.
	if (Semanted == true)
		return this;
	Semanted = true;

	// Find the switch statement we are part of.
	CASTNode* scope = this;
	CSwitchStatementASTNode* switchScope = NULL;

	while (scope != NULL && switchScope == NULL)
		switchScope = dynamic_cast<CSwitchStatementASTNode*>(scope);
		scope = scope->Parent;

	// Semant the expression.
	for (auto iter = Expressions.begin(); iter != Expressions.end(); iter++)
		CASTNode* node = *iter;
		node = ReplaceChild(node, node->Semant(semanter));
		node = ReplaceChild(node, dynamic_cast<CExpressionBaseASTNode*>(node)->CastTo(semanter, switchScope->ExpressionStatement->ExpressionResultType, Token));
		(*iter) = node;
	// Semant Body statement.
	if (BodyStatement != NULL)
		BodyStatement = ReplaceChild(BodyStatement, BodyStatement->Semant(semanter));

	return this;
// =================================================================
//	Performs semantic analysis on this node.
// =================================================================
CASTNode* CMethodCallExpressionASTNode::Semant(CSemanter* semanter)

	// Only semant once.
	if (Semanted == true)
		return this;
	Semanted = true;

	// Get expression representations.
	CExpressionBaseASTNode* left_hand_expr	 = dynamic_cast<CExpressionBaseASTNode*>(LeftValue);
	CExpressionBaseASTNode* right_hand_expr  = dynamic_cast<CExpressionBaseASTNode*>(RightValue);

	// Semant left hand node.
	LeftValue  = ReplaceChild(LeftValue,   LeftValue->Semant(semanter));
	// Make sure we can access class.
	CClassASTNode* accessClass = left_hand_expr->ExpressionResultType->GetClass(semanter);
	if (accessClass == NULL)
		semanter->GetContext()->FatalError(CStringHelper::FormatString("Invalid use of scoping operator."), Token);		

	// Check we can access this class from here.
	accessClass->CheckAccess(semanter, this);

	// NOTE: Do not r-value semant identifier, we want to process that ourselves.
	CIdentifierExpressionASTNode* identNode = dynamic_cast<CIdentifierExpressionASTNode*>(RightValue);

	// Semant arguments.
	std::vector<CDataType*> argument_types;
	std::string argument_types_string;
	for (std::vector<CASTNode*>::iterator iter = ArgumentExpressions.begin(); iter < ArgumentExpressions.end(); iter++)
		CExpressionBaseASTNode* node = dynamic_cast<CExpressionBaseASTNode*>((*iter)->Semant(semanter));

		if (iter != ArgumentExpressions.begin())
			argument_types_string += ", ";
		argument_types_string += node->ExpressionResultType->ToString();

		(*iter) = node;

	// Make sure the identifier represents a valid field.
	CClassMemberASTNode* declaration = accessClass->FindClassMethod(semanter, identNode->Token.Literal, argument_types, false, NULL, this);
	if (declaration == NULL)
		semanter->GetContext()->FatalError(CStringHelper::FormatString("Undefined method '%s(%s)' in class '%s'.", identNode->Token.Literal.c_str(), argument_types_string.c_str(), accessClass->ToString().c_str()), Token);		

// UPDATE: Abstract method calling is fine. Remember we won't be able to instantiate classes that do not override all abstract methods.
//	if (declaration->IsAbstract == true)
//	{
//		semanter->GetContext()->FatalError(CStringHelper::FormatString("Cannot call method '%s(%s)' in class '%s', method is abstract.", identNode->Token.Literal.c_str(), argument_types_string.c_str(), accessClass->ToString().c_str()), Token);		
//	}
	ResolvedDeclaration = declaration;

	// Check we can access this field from here.
	declaration->CheckAccess(semanter, this);

	// HACK: This is really hackish and needs fixing!
	if (dynamic_cast<CThisExpressionASTNode*>(LeftValue) != NULL &&
		declaration->IsStatic == true)
		LeftValue = ReplaceChild(LeftValue, new CClassRefExpressionASTNode(NULL, Token));
		LeftValue->Token.Literal = declaration->FindClassScope(semanter)->Identifier;

		left_hand_expr	 = dynamic_cast<CExpressionBaseASTNode*>(LeftValue);

	// Add default arguments if we do not have enough args to call.
	if (declaration->Arguments.size() > ArgumentExpressions.size())
		for (unsigned int i = ArgumentExpressions.size(); i < declaration->Arguments.size() ; i++)
			CASTNode* expr = declaration->Arguments.at(i)->AssignmentExpression->Clone(semanter);

	// Cast all arguments to correct data types.
	int index = 0;
	for (std::vector<CASTNode*>::iterator iter = ArgumentExpressions.begin(); iter != ArgumentExpressions.end(); iter++)
		CDataType* dataType = declaration->Arguments.at(index++)->Type;

		CExpressionBaseASTNode* subnode = dynamic_cast<CExpressionBaseASTNode*>(*iter);
		subnode = dynamic_cast<CExpressionBaseASTNode*>(ReplaceChild(subnode, subnode->CastTo(semanter, dataType, Token)));
		(*iter) = subnode;

	// If we are a class reference, we can only access static fields.
	bool isClassReference = (dynamic_cast<CClassReferenceDataType*>(left_hand_expr->ExpressionResultType) != NULL);
	if (isClassReference == true)
		if (declaration->IsStatic == false)
			semanter->GetContext()->FatalError(CStringHelper::FormatString("Cannot access instance method '%s' through class reference '%s'.", declaration->Identifier.c_str(), accessClass->ToString().c_str()), Token);	

	// If this is a constructor we are calling, make sure we are in a constructors scope, or its illegal!
		CClassMemberASTNode* methodScope = FindClassMethodScope(semanter);

		if (methodScope == NULL ||
			methodScope->IsConstructor == false)
			if (declaration->IsConstructor == true)
				semanter->GetContext()->FatalError("Calling constructors manually is only valid inside another constructors scope.", Token);	

	// Resulting type is always our right hand type.
	ExpressionResultType = declaration->ReturnType;

	return this;