// if the player has his mouse over another marine, highlight it, cos he's the one we can give health to
	void CASW_Weapon_Medical_Satchel::MouseOverEntity(C_BaseEntity *pEnt, Vector vecWorldCursor)
		C_ASW_Marine* pOtherMarine = C_ASW_Marine::AsMarine( pEnt );
		CASW_Player *pOwner = GetCommander();
		CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
		if (!pOwner || !pMarine)

		float fOtherHealth = 1.0f;
		if (pOtherMarine && pOtherMarine->GetMarineResource())
			fOtherHealth = pOtherMarine->GetMarineResource()->GetHealthPercent();
		if (!pOtherMarine)
			C_ASW_Game_Resource *pGameResource = ASWGameResource();
			if (pGameResource)
				// find marine closest to world cursor
				const float fMustBeThisClose = 70;
				const C_ASW_Game_Resource::CMarineToCrosshairInfo::tuple_t &info = pGameResource->GetMarineCrosshairCache()->GetClosestMarine();
				if ( info.m_fDistToCursor <= fMustBeThisClose )
					pOtherMarine = info.m_hMarine.Get();

		// if the marine our cursor is over is near enough, highlight him
		if (pOtherMarine)
			float dist = (pMarine->GetAbsOrigin() - pOtherMarine->GetAbsOrigin()).Length2D();
			if (dist < MAX_HEAL_DISTANCE)
				bool bCanGiveHealth = ( fOtherHealth < 1.0f && m_iClip1 > 0 );
				ASWInput()->SetHighlightEntity( pOtherMarine, bCanGiveHealth );
				if ( bCanGiveHealth )		// if he needs healing, show the give health cursor
					CASWHudCrosshair *pCrosshair = GET_HUDELEMENT( CASWHudCrosshair );
					if ( pCrosshair )
void CASWInput::UpdateHighlightEntity()
	// if we're currently brightening any entity, stop
	SetHighlightEntity( NULL, false );
	// clear any additional cursor icons
	CASWHudCrosshair *pCrosshair = GET_HUDELEMENT( CASWHudCrosshair );
	if ( pCrosshair )
		pCrosshair->SetShowGiveAmmo(false, -1);
		pCrosshair->SetShowGiveHealth( false );

	C_ASW_Player* pPlayer = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	C_ASW_Marine* pMarine = pPlayer->GetMarine();
	if ( !pMarine )

	// see if the marine and his weapons want to highlight the current entity, or something near the cursor
	pMarine->MouseOverEntity( GetMouseOverEntity(), GetCrosshairAimingPos() );