TInt CSymellaSearchContainer::CurrentItemIndex()
	if ((iListBox->CurrentItemIndex() >= 0) 
		&& (iFindBox) 
		&& (iFindBox->TextLength() > 0))
		CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel* model =
        CAknListBoxFilterItems* filter = model->Filter(); 
        return filter->FilteredItemIndex(iListBox->CurrentItemIndex());
    	return iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();

Exemple #2
 * Get the array of selected item indices, with respect to the list model.
 * The array is sorted in ascending order.
 * The array should be destroyed with two calls to CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(),
 * the first with no argument (referring to the internal resource) and the
 * second with the array pointer.
 * @return newly allocated array, which is left on the cleanup stack;
 *	or NULL for empty list. 
RArray< TInt >* CSettingList::GetSelectedListBoxItemsLC( CEikTextListBox* aListBox )
	CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel* model = 
		static_cast< CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel *> ( aListBox->Model() );
	if ( model->NumberOfItems() == 0 )
		return NULL;
	// get currently selected indices
	const CListBoxView::CSelectionIndexArray* selectionIndexes =
	TInt selectedIndexesCount = selectionIndexes->Count();
	if ( selectedIndexesCount == 0 )
		return NULL;
	// copy the indices and sort numerically
	RArray<TInt>* orderedSelectedIndices = 
		new (ELeave) RArray< TInt >( selectedIndexesCount );
	// push the allocated array
	CleanupStack::PushL( orderedSelectedIndices );
	// dispose the array resource
	CleanupClosePushL( *orderedSelectedIndices );
	// see if the search field is enabled
	CAknListBoxFilterItems* filter = model->Filter();
	if ( filter != NULL )
		// when filtering enabled, translate indices back to underlying model
		for ( TInt idx = 0; idx < selectedIndexesCount; idx++ )
			TInt filteredItem = ( *selectionIndexes ) [ idx ];
			TInt actualItem = filter->FilteredItemIndex ( filteredItem );
			orderedSelectedIndices->InsertInOrder( actualItem );
		// the selection indices refer directly to the model
		for ( TInt idx = 0; idx < selectedIndexesCount; idx++ )
			orderedSelectedIndices->InsertInOrder( ( *selectionIndexes ) [ idx ] );
	return orderedSelectedIndices;