//  Init test
bool CCSRATestApp::TestApp_Args(CArgDescriptions& args)
    // Specify USAGE context

    args.AddDefaultKey("accs", "Accessions",
                       "comma separated SRA accession list",
    args.AddOptionalKey("accs-file", "Accessions",
                        "file with SRA accession list",
    args.AddDefaultKey("iter-count", "IterationCount",
                       "Number of read iterations",
    args.AddDefaultKey("iter-size", "IterationSize",
                       "Number of sequential sequences in one iteration",
    args.AddFlag("verbose", "Print info about progress");
    args.AddFlag("preload", "Try to preload libraries in main thread");
    args.AddFlag("full-seq", "Load full sequence");
    args.AddFlag("shared-scope", "Use shared scope in all threads");
    args.AddFlag("reset-history", "Reset scope's history after each iteration");
    args.AddFlag("reference-sequences", "Test reference sequences retrieval");

    return true;
Exemple #2
bool CTestCacheApp::TestApp_Args(CArgDescriptions& args)
    args.AddDefaultKey("element_size", "ElementSize",
        "Size of a cache element",
        CArgDescriptions::eInt8, "100000");
    args.AddDefaultKey("cache_size", "CacheSize",
        "Initial size of the cache",
        CArgDescriptions::eInt8, "200");
    args.AddDefaultKey("size_type", "SizeType",
        "Cache size type",
        CArgDescriptions::eString, "ubyte");
        &(*new CArgAllow_Strings, "ubyte", "uint", "uint8", "byte"));
    return true;
Exemple #3

void CAVApp::Init(void)
    // create command-line argument descriptions
    CArgDescriptions *argDescr = new CArgDescriptions();

    // usage
    argDescr->SetUsageContext(GetArguments().GetProgramName(), "CDD Alignment Viewer");

    // output type (required)
    argDescr->AddKey("type", "type", "one of: 'text' (unformatted), 'HTML', or 'FASTA'", argDescr->eString);
    argDescr->SetConstraint("type", (new CArgAllow_Strings())->Allow("text")->Allow("HTML")->Allow("FASTA"));

    // lowercase flag for FASTA
    argDescr->AddFlag("fasta_lc", "whether to show unaligned residues in lowercase in FASTA output");

    // paragraph width (optional, default 60)
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("width", "integer", "paragraph width", argDescr->eInteger, "60");
    argDescr->SetConstraint("width", new CArgAllow_Integers(1, kMax_Int));

    // conservation threshhold (optional, default 2.0)
    argDescr->AddDefaultKey("cons", "bits", "conservation threshhold (bit score)", argDescr->eDouble, "2.0");
    argDescr->AddFlag("identity", "show identity, ignoring bit score");

    // whether to output left/right tails
    argDescr->AddFlag("lefttails", "whether to show left tails");
    argDescr->AddFlag("righttails", "whether to show right tails");

    // whether to do condensed display
    argDescr->AddFlag("condensed", "condensed incompletely aligned columns (text/HTML only)");

    // don't use colored backgrounds
    argDescr->AddFlag("no_color_bg", "don't use colored backgrounds for alignment paragraphs (HTML only)");

    // ignore bad pairwise alignments
    argDescr->AddFlag("ignore_bad_aln", "ignore invalid pairwise alignments in input data");

    // input file name (required)
    argDescr->AddPositional("in", "name of input file", argDescr->eString);
