void CBCGPRibbonCustomizeQATPage::OnAdd() 
	CBCGPBaseRibbonElement* pCmd = m_wndCommandsList.GetSelected ();
	if (pCmd == NULL)


	if (pCmd->IsSeparator () && m_wndQATList.GetCount () == 0)
		// Don't add separator to the empty QAT
		MessageBeep ((UINT)-1);
	if (!m_wndQATList.AddCommand (pCmd, TRUE, FALSE))

	int nSel = m_wndCommandsList.GetCurSel ();
	if (nSel < m_wndCommandsList.GetCount () - 1)
		m_wndCommandsList.SetCurSel (nSel + 1);

void CBCGPRibbonButtonsGroup::OnAfterChangeRect (CDC* pDC)

	BOOL bIsFirst = TRUE;

	const BOOL bIsOnStatusBar = IsStatusBarMode();
	const BOOL bIsQATOnBottom = IsQAT () && !m_pRibbonBar->IsQuickAccessToolbarOnTop ();

	const int nMarginX = IsQAT () ? 2 : 0;
	const int nMarginTop = bIsQATOnBottom ? 2 : bIsOnStatusBar ? 1 : 0;
	const int nMarginBottom = (IsQAT () || bIsOnStatusBar) ? 1 : 0;

	const int nButtonHeight = m_rect.Height () - nMarginTop - nMarginBottom;

	CRect rectGroup = m_rect;

	if (!IsQAT() && !bIsOnStatusBar && m_pParentMenu == NULL)
		rectGroup.DeflateRect(CBCGPVisualManager::GetInstance ()->GetRibbonButtonsGroupHorzMargin(), 0);

	int x = rectGroup.left + nMarginX;

	int nCustomizeButtonIndex = -1;

	if (IsQAT () && m_arButtons.GetSize () > 0)
		// Last button is customize - it always visible.
		// Leave space for it:
		nCustomizeButtonIndex = (int) m_arButtons.GetSize () - 1;

		CBCGPBaseRibbonElement* pButton = m_arButtons [nCustomizeButtonIndex];
		ASSERT_VALID (pButton);

		CSize sizeButton = pButton->GetSize (pDC);
		rectGroup.right -= sizeButton.cx;

	BOOL bHasHiddenItems = FALSE;

	for (int i = 0; i < m_arButtons.GetSize (); i++)
		CBCGPBaseRibbonElement* pButton = m_arButtons [i];
		ASSERT_VALID (pButton);

		pButton->m_bShowGroupBorder = TRUE;

		if (pButton->m_pRibbonBar != NULL && 
			!pButton->m_pRibbonBar->IsShowGroupBorder (this))
			pButton->m_bShowGroupBorder = FALSE;

		if (m_rect.IsRectEmpty ())
			pButton->m_rect = CRect (0, 0, 0, 0);
			pButton->OnAfterChangeRect (pDC);

		BOOL bIsLast = i == m_arButtons.GetSize () - 1;

		pButton->SetParentCategory (m_pParent);

		CSize sizeButton = pButton->GetSize (pDC);
		sizeButton.cy = i != nCustomizeButtonIndex ? nButtonHeight : nButtonHeight - 1;

		const int y = i != nCustomizeButtonIndex ? rectGroup.top + nMarginTop : rectGroup.top;

		pButton->m_rect = CRect (CPoint (x, y), sizeButton);

		const BOOL bIsHiddenSeparator = bHasHiddenItems && pButton->IsSeparator ();

		if ((pButton->m_rect.right > rectGroup.right || bIsHiddenSeparator) &&
			i != nCustomizeButtonIndex)
			pButton->m_rect = CRect (0, 0, 0, 0);
			bHasHiddenItems = TRUE;
			x += sizeButton.cx;

		pButton->OnAfterChangeRect (pDC);

		if (bIsFirst && bIsLast)
			pButton->m_Location = RibbonElementSingleInGroup;
		else if (bIsFirst)
			pButton->m_Location = RibbonElementFirstInGroup;
		else if (bIsLast)
			pButton->m_Location = RibbonElementLastInGroup;
			pButton->m_Location = RibbonElementMiddleInGroup;

		bIsFirst = FALSE;