int CBCGPRadialMenuObject::HitTestShape(const CBCGPPoint& pt)
	CBCGPRect rect = m_rect;
	if (rect.Width() < rect.Height())
		rect.top += (rect.Height() - rect.Width()) / 2;
		rect.bottom = rect.top + rect.Width();
	else if (rect.Height() < rect.Width())
		rect.left += (rect.Width() - rect.Height()) / 2;
		rect.right = rect.left + rect.Height();

	rect.DeflateRect(2., 2.);

	rect.right -= m_nShadowDepth;
	rect.bottom -= m_nShadowDepth;

	const double radius = rect.Width() / 2;
	const double radiusSmall = INTERNAL_PART * rect.Width() + 1.0;
	const CBCGPPoint center = rect.CenterPoint();

	double dblDistanceToCenter = bcg_distance(pt, center);

	if (dblDistanceToCenter > radius)
		return -1;
	const int nItems = (int)m_arItems.GetSize();
	if (dblDistanceToCenter <= radiusSmall)
		return m_bHasCenterButton ? nItems - 1 : -1;

	const int nCircleItems = m_bHasCenterButton ? nItems - 1 : nItems;
	if (nCircleItems == 0)
		return -1;

	double dblDeltaAngle = 360. / nCircleItems;
	double dblStartAngle = 90. - dblDeltaAngle / 2;
	double dblAngle = bcg_normalize_deg(bcg_rad2deg(acos((pt.x - center.x) / dblDistanceToCenter)));
	if (pt.y > center.y)
		dblAngle = 360 - dblAngle;

	int nHit = (int)((dblAngle - dblStartAngle) / dblDeltaAngle);
	if (dblAngle < dblStartAngle)
		nHit = nCircleItems - 1 - (int)((dblStartAngle - dblAngle) / dblDeltaAngle);

	return nHit;
Exemple #2
void CBCGPTreeMapGroup::RecalcSquarifiedLayout(CBCGPGraphicsManager* pGM, int nStart, int nFinish, const CBCGPRect& rect)
	if (nFinish - nStart < 2)
		RecalcSliceLayout(pGM, nStart, nFinish, rect, rect.Width() > rect.Height());

	ASSERT(nStart >= 0);
	ASSERT(nStart < (int)m_arSubNodes.GetSize());
	ASSERT(nFinish >= 0);
	ASSERT(nFinish < (int)m_arSubNodes.GetSize());

	int i = 0;
	double dblTotal = GetChildrenTotal(nStart, nFinish);

	double dblTotalLeft = 0.;

	for (i = nStart; i <= nFinish; i++)
		dblTotalLeft += max(0.0, m_arSubNodes[i]->GetValue());
		if (dblTotalLeft >= 0.5 * dblTotal)
			if (rect.Width() > rect.Height())
				CBCGPRect rectLeft = rect;
				rectLeft.right = rectLeft.left + rectLeft.Width() * dblTotalLeft / dblTotal;

				RecalcSquarifiedLayout(pGM, nStart, i, rectLeft);

				CBCGPRect rectRight = rect;
				rectRight.left = rectLeft.right + 1;

				RecalcSquarifiedLayout(pGM, i + 1, nFinish, rectRight);
				CBCGPRect rectTop = rect;
				rectTop.bottom = rectTop.top + rectTop.Height() * dblTotalLeft / dblTotal;

				RecalcSquarifiedLayout(pGM, nStart, i, rectTop);

				CBCGPRect rectBottom = rect;
				rectBottom.top = rectTop.bottom + 1;

				RecalcSquarifiedLayout(pGM, i + 1, nFinish, rectBottom);


Exemple #3
void CBCGPKnob::OnDrawTickMarkTextLabel(CBCGPGraphicsManager* pGM, const CBCGPTextFormat& tf, const CBCGPRect& rectText, const CString& strLabel, double dblVal, int nScale, const CBCGPBrush& br)
    if (m_sizeIcon.cx == 0)
        CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl::OnDrawTickMarkTextLabel(pGM, tf, rectText, strLabel, dblVal, nScale, br);

    if (m_sizeIcon.cy == 0)
        m_sizeIcon.cy = pGM->GetImageSize(m_Icons).cy;

    CBCGPSize sizeIcon(m_sizeIcon.cx * m_sizeScaleRatio.cx, m_sizeIcon.cy * m_sizeScaleRatio.cy);

    double cx = 0.;
    double cy = 0.;

    double angle = 0.;

    if (ValueToAngle(dblVal, angle, nScale))
        cx = sizeIcon.cx * cos(bcg_deg2rad(angle)) / 2;

    CBCGPPoint ptImage(
        rectText.left + max(0., .5 * (rectText.Width() - sizeIcon.cx)) + cx,
        rectText.top + max(0., .5 * (rectText.Height() - sizeIcon.cy)) + cy);

    pGM->DrawImage(m_Icons, ptImage, sizeIcon, 1., CBCGPImage::BCGP_IMAGE_INTERPOLATION_MODE_LINEAR,
                   CBCGPRect(CBCGPPoint(m_sizeIcon.cx * m_nCurrLabelIndex, 0), m_sizeIcon));
Exemple #4
bool bcg_pointInPie (const CBCGPRect& rect, double dblAngleStart, double dblAngleFinish, const CBCGPPoint& ptTestIn, double dblDoughnutPercent)
    if (!rect.PtInRect(ptTestIn))
        return false;

	CBCGPPoint ptTest = ptTestIn;
	CBCGPPoint ptCenter = rect.CenterPoint();
	double dblRadiusX = 0.5 * rect.Width();
	double dblRadiusY = 0.5 * rect.Height();

	if (dblRadiusX > dblRadiusY && dblRadiusX != 0.)
		ptTest.Scale(CBCGPPoint(dblRadiusY / dblRadiusX, 1.0), ptCenter);
	else if (dblRadiusY > dblRadiusX && dblRadiusY != 0.)
		ptTest.Scale(CBCGPPoint(1.0, dblRadiusX / dblRadiusY, 1.0), ptCenter);
	double dblAngle = bcg_normalize_rad(bcg_angle(ptCenter, ptTest));

	dblAngleStart = bcg_normalize_rad(dblAngleStart);
	dblAngleFinish = bcg_normalize_rad(dblAngleFinish);

	const BOOL bIsFullEllipse = bcg_IsFullEllipse(bcg_rad2deg(dblAngleStart), bcg_rad2deg(dblAngleFinish), TRUE, 0.1f);

	if (bIsFullEllipse)
		bIn = TRUE;
		if (dblAngleStart > dblAngleFinish)
			bIn = (dblAngle <= dblAngleFinish) || (dblAngleStart <= dblAngle);
			bIn = (dblAngle >= dblAngleStart) && (dblAngle <= dblAngleFinish);

	if (bIn)
		double angleCos = cos(dblAngle);
		double angleSin = sin(dblAngle);

		CBCGPPoint ptEdge(ptCenter.x + angleCos * .5 * rect.Width(), ptCenter.y + angleSin * .5 * rect.Height());
		double r = bcg_distance(ptEdge, ptCenter);
		double distToCenter = bcg_distance(ptTestIn, ptCenter);

		return (distToCenter <= r && distToCenter > r * dblDoughnutPercent);

	return false;
Exemple #5
void CBCGPBaseTreeMapNode::DrawTextWidthShadow(CBCGPGraphicsManager* pGM, const CString& str, const CBCGPRect& rect, const CBCGPBrush& br, const CBCGPTextFormat& tf)

	CBCGPSize sizeText = pGM->GetTextSize(str, tf);

	if (sizeText.cx > rect.Width() || sizeText.cy > rect.Height())

	CBCGPRect rectShadow = rect;
	rectShadow.OffsetRect(1, 1);

	pGM->DrawText(str, rectShadow, tf, CBCGPBrush(CBCGPColor::Black));
	pGM->DrawText(str, rect, tf, br);
Exemple #6
void CBCGPTreeMapGroup::RecalcSliceLayout(CBCGPGraphicsManager* pGM, int nStart, int nFinish, const CBCGPRect& rect, BOOL bIsVertical)
	ASSERT(nStart >= 0);
	ASSERT(nStart < (int)m_arSubNodes.GetSize());
	ASSERT(nFinish >= 0);
	ASSERT(nFinish < (int)m_arSubNodes.GetSize());

	double dblTotal = GetChildrenTotal(nStart, nFinish);

	double x = rect.left;
	double y = rect.top;

	for (int i = nStart; i <= nFinish; i++)
		CBCGPBaseTreeMapNode* pNode = m_arSubNodes[i];
		if (pNode->GetValue() <= 0.0)

		CBCGPRect rectSubNode = rect;

		if (bIsVertical)
			double cx = rect.Width() / dblTotal * pNode->GetValue();

			rectSubNode.left = x;
			rectSubNode.right = x + cx;

			x += cx;
			double cy = rect.Height() / dblTotal * pNode->GetValue();

			rectSubNode.top = y;
			rectSubNode.bottom = y + cy;

			y += cy;

BOOL CBCGPLinearGaugeImpl::ValueToPoint(double dblValue, CBCGPPoint& point, int nScale) const
	CBCGPGaugeScaleObject* pScale = GetScale(nScale);
	if (pScale == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	double dblStart = min(pScale->m_dblStart, pScale->m_dblFinish);
	double dblFinish = max(pScale->m_dblStart, pScale->m_dblFinish);

	if (dblValue < dblStart || dblValue > dblFinish)
		return FALSE;

	if (pScale->m_dblFinish == pScale->m_dblStart)
		return FALSE;

	CBCGPRect rect = m_rect;

	if (m_bIsVertical)
		rect.DeflateRect((pScale->m_dblOffsetFromFrame + m_nFrameSize) * m_sizeScaleRatio.cx, m_sizeMaxLabel.cy / 2 + (m_nFrameSize + 1) * m_sizeScaleRatio.cy);
		rect.DeflateRect(m_sizeMaxLabel.cx / 2 + (m_nFrameSize + 1) * m_sizeScaleRatio.cx, (pScale->m_dblOffsetFromFrame + m_nFrameSize) * m_sizeScaleRatio.cy);

	const double dblTotalSize = m_bIsVertical ? rect.Height() : rect.Width();
	const double delta = dblTotalSize * fabs(dblValue - pScale->m_dblStart) / fabs(pScale->m_dblFinish - pScale->m_dblStart);

	point.x = m_bIsVertical ? rect.left : rect.left + delta;
	point.y = m_bIsVertical ? rect.bottom - delta : rect.top;

	return TRUE;
BOOL CBCGPLinearGaugeImpl::HitTestValue(const CBCGPPoint& pt, double& dblValue, int nScale, BOOL bInsideGauge) const
	CBCGPGaugeScaleObject* pScale = GetScale(nScale);
	if (pScale == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	CBCGPRect rect = m_rect;

	if (m_bIsVertical)
		rect.DeflateRect((pScale->m_dblOffsetFromFrame + m_nFrameSize) * m_sizeScaleRatio.cx, m_sizeMaxLabel.cy / 2 + (m_nFrameSize + 1) * m_sizeScaleRatio.cy);
		rect.DeflateRect(m_sizeMaxLabel.cx / 2 + (m_nFrameSize + 1) * m_sizeScaleRatio.cx, (pScale->m_dblOffsetFromFrame + m_nFrameSize) * m_sizeScaleRatio.cy);

	if (bInsideGauge && !rect.PtInRect(pt))
		return FALSE;

	if (m_bIsVertical)
		const double dblTotalSize = rect.Height();
		dblValue = pScale->m_dblStart + (rect.bottom - pt.y) * fabs(pScale->m_dblFinish - pScale->m_dblStart) / dblTotalSize;
		const double dblTotalSize = rect.Width();
		dblValue = pScale->m_dblStart + (pt.x - rect.left) * fabs(pScale->m_dblFinish - pScale->m_dblStart) / dblTotalSize;

	return TRUE;
void CBCGPRadialMenuObject::OnDraw(CBCGPGraphicsManager* pGM, const CBCGPRect& /*rectClip*/, DWORD dwFlags)
	if (dwFlags == BCGP_DRAW_STATIC)

	m_nShadowDepth = pGM->IsSupported(BCGP_GRAPHICS_MANAGER_COLOR_OPACITY) ? GetShadowDepth() : 0;

	CBCGPRect rect = m_rect;
	if (rect.Width() < rect.Height())
		rect.top += (rect.Height() - rect.Width()) / 2;
		rect.bottom = rect.top + rect.Width();
	else if (rect.Height() < rect.Width())
		rect.left += (rect.Width() - rect.Height()) / 2;
		rect.right = rect.left + rect.Height();

	rect.DeflateRect(2., 2.);

	rect.right -= m_nShadowDepth;
	rect.bottom -= m_nShadowDepth;

	const double radius = rect.Width() / 2;
	const double radiusSmall = INTERNAL_PART * rect.Width() + 1.0;
	const CBCGPPoint center = rect.CenterPoint();

	CBCGPSize sizeIcon((double)m_cxIcon, 16);

	if (!m_Icons.IsNull())
		sizeIcon.cy = pGM->GetImageSize(m_Icons).cy;

	const int nItems = (int)m_arItems.GetSize();

	if (IsDirty())
		int nCircleItems = m_bHasCenterButton ? nItems - 1 : nItems;

		double dblDeltaAngle = nCircleItems == 0 ? 0. : 360. / nCircleItems;
		double dblStartAngle = 90. - dblDeltaAngle / 2;

		for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++)
			CBCGPRadialMenuItem* pItem = m_arItems[i];

			pItem->m_bIsCenter = i == nItems -1 && m_bHasCenterButton;


			if (!pItem->m_bIsCenter)
				double dblFinishAngle = dblStartAngle + dblDeltaAngle;

				const double dblStartAngleRad = bcg_deg2rad(dblStartAngle);
				const double dblFinishAngleRad = bcg_deg2rad(dblFinishAngle);
				const double dblMiddleAngleRad = bcg_deg2rad(dblStartAngle + dblDeltaAngle / 2);

				double angleStartCos = cos(dblStartAngleRad);
				double angleStartSin = sin(dblStartAngleRad);
				double angleFinishCos = cos(dblFinishAngleRad);
				double angleFinishSin = sin(dblFinishAngleRad);

					CBCGPPoint(center.x + angleStartCos * radius, center.y - angleStartSin * radius));
					CBCGPPoint(center.x + angleFinishCos * radius, center.y - angleFinishSin * radius),
					CBCGPSize(radius, radius), dblStartAngle > dblFinishAngle, FALSE);
					CBCGPPoint(center.x + angleFinishCos * radiusSmall, center.y - angleFinishSin * radiusSmall));
					CBCGPPoint(center.x + angleStartCos * radiusSmall, center.y - angleStartSin * radiusSmall),
					CBCGPSize(radiusSmall, radiusSmall), dblStartAngle < dblFinishAngle, FALSE);

				pItem->m_ptCenter = CBCGPPoint(
					center.x + cos(dblMiddleAngleRad) * 2 * radius / 3,
					center.y - sin(dblMiddleAngleRad) * 2 * radius / 3);

				dblStartAngle = dblFinishAngle;
				pGM->CombineGeometry(pItem->m_Shape, pItem->m_Shape, CBCGPEllipseGeometry(CBCGPEllipse(center, radiusSmall, radiusSmall)), RGN_OR);

				pItem->m_ptCenter = center;

	CBCGPEllipse ellipseInt(center, radiusSmall, radiusSmall);

	CBCGPRect rectShadow = rect;
	rectShadow.OffsetRect(m_nShadowDepth, m_nShadowDepth);

	if (!m_bHasCenterButton && m_pCtrl->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL && (m_pCtrl->GetExStyle() & WS_EX_LAYERED))
		if (m_nShadowDepth > 0)
			CBCGPEllipseGeometry egShadow(rectShadow);

			CBCGPPoint centerShadow = center;
			centerShadow.x += m_nShadowDepth;
			centerShadow.y += m_nShadowDepth;

			CBCGPEllipse ellipseIntShadow(centerShadow, radiusSmall, radiusSmall);
			CBCGPEllipseGeometry egInternalShadow(ellipseIntShadow);

			CBCGPComplexGeometry shapeShadow;
			pGM->CombineGeometry(shapeShadow, egShadow, egInternalShadow, RGN_DIFF);

			pGM->FillGeometry(shapeShadow, m_brShadow);

		CBCGPEllipseGeometry eg(rect);
		CBCGPEllipseGeometry egInternal(ellipseInt);

		CBCGPComplexGeometry shape;
		pGM->CombineGeometry(shape, eg, egInternal, RGN_DIFF);

		pGM->FillGeometry(shape, m_brFill);

		if (m_nShadowDepth > 0)
			pGM->FillEllipse(rectShadow, m_brShadow);

		pGM->FillEllipse(rect, m_brFill);

	pGM->DrawEllipse(rect, m_brBorder);

		CBCGPRect rect1 = rect;
		rect1.DeflateRect(1, 1);

		pGM->DrawEllipse(rect1, m_brFill);

	BOOL bIsCtrlDisabled = m_pCtrl->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL && !m_pCtrl->IsWindowEnabled();

	for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++)
		CBCGPRadialMenuItem* pItem = m_arItems[i];

		if (i == m_nHighlighted)
			pGM->FillGeometry(pItem->m_Shape, m_nHighlighted == m_nPressed ? m_brPressed : 
				m_brHighlighted.IsEmpty() ? m_brFill : m_brHighlighted);

		pItem->OnDrawIcon(pGM, bIsCtrlDisabled, m_Icons, sizeIcon);

		pGM->DrawGeometry(pItem->m_Shape, m_brBorder);

	pGM->DrawEllipse(ellipseInt, m_brBorder);

		rect.InflateRect(1, 1);
		pGM->DrawEllipse(rect, m_brBorder);

	if (m_pCtrl->GetSafeHwnd() != NULL && m_pCtrl->IsFocused() && !m_pCtrl->IsPopup())
		rect.InflateRect(1, 1);
		pGM->DrawEllipse(rect, m_brFocusedBorder);
void CBCGPChartObject::OnCalcScreenPoints(CBCGPGraphicsManager* pGM)

	m_ptAnchor.x = m_ptAnchor.y = 0.;

	if (m_pParentChart == NULL)

	CBCGPSize szScaleRatio = m_pParentChart->GetScaleRatio();

	CBCGPChartAxis* pXAxis = m_pXAxis;
	CBCGPChartAxis* pYAxis = m_pYAxis;

	if (m_coordinateMode == CBCGPChartObject::CM_CHART_VALUES || 
		m_coordinateMode == CBCGPChartObject::CM_CHART_VALUE_DIST_ANGLE ||
		m_coordinateMode == CBCGPChartObject::CM_AXIS_INSIDE_MARK ||
		m_coordinateMode == CBCGPChartObject::CM_AXIS_OUTSIDE_MARK)
		if (pXAxis == NULL)
			m_pXAxis = pXAxis = m_pParentChart->GetChartAxis(BCGP_CHART_X_PRIMARY_AXIS);

		if (pYAxis == NULL)
			m_pYAxis = pYAxis = m_pParentChart->GetChartAxis(BCGP_CHART_Y_PRIMARY_AXIS);

	CBCGPSize szObjectSize = m_szObjectSize.IsNull() ?  OnCalcObjectSize(pGM) : m_szObjectSize;

	m_rectScreenBounds = OnCalcBoundingRect();

	CBCGPRect rectBounds = m_rectScreenBounds;

	CBCGPPoint ptLeftTop(CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyPoint);
	CBCGPPoint ptRightBottom(CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyPoint);

	if (m_coordinateMode == CBCGPChartObject::CM_PERCENTS)
		if (m_rectCoordinates.left != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptLeftTop.x = rectBounds.left + rectBounds.Width() * m_rectCoordinates.left / 100.;

		if (m_rectCoordinates.top != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptLeftTop.y = rectBounds.top + rectBounds.Height() * m_rectCoordinates.top / 100;

		if (m_rectCoordinates.right != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptRightBottom.x = rectBounds.right - rectBounds.Width() * m_rectCoordinates.right / 100.;

		if (m_rectCoordinates.bottom != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptRightBottom.y = rectBounds.bottom - rectBounds.Height() * m_rectCoordinates.bottom / 100.;
	else if (m_coordinateMode == CBCGPChartObject::CM_PIXELS)
		if (m_rectCoordinates.left != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptLeftTop.x = rectBounds.left + m_rectCoordinates.left * szScaleRatio.cx;

		if (m_rectCoordinates.top != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptLeftTop.y = rectBounds.top + m_rectCoordinates.top * szScaleRatio.cy;

		if (m_rectCoordinates.right != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptRightBottom.x = rectBounds.right - m_rectCoordinates.right * szScaleRatio.cx;

		if (m_rectCoordinates.bottom != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptRightBottom.y = rectBounds.bottom - m_rectCoordinates.bottom * szScaleRatio.cy;
	else if (m_coordinateMode == CBCGPChartObject::CM_PIXELS_FIXED_SIZE)
		if (m_rectCoordinates.left != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptLeftTop.x = rectBounds.left + m_rectCoordinates.left * szScaleRatio.cx;
			ptLeftTop.x = rectBounds.left;

		if (m_rectCoordinates.top != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptLeftTop.y = rectBounds.top + m_rectCoordinates.top * szScaleRatio.cy;
			ptLeftTop.y = rectBounds.top;

		if (m_rectCoordinates.right != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptRightBottom.x = ptLeftTop.x + m_rectCoordinates.right * szScaleRatio.cx;
			ptRightBottom.x = ptLeftTop.x + rectBounds.Width();

		if (m_rectCoordinates.bottom != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptRightBottom.y = ptLeftTop.y + m_rectCoordinates.bottom * szScaleRatio.cy;
			ptRightBottom.y = ptLeftTop.y + rectBounds.Height();
	else if (m_coordinateMode == CBCGPChartObject::CM_CHART_VALUES)

		CBCGPRect rectCoordinates = m_rectCoordinates;

		if (pXAxis != NULL && pXAxis->IsVertical())
			rectCoordinates = CBCGPRect(m_rectCoordinates.bottom, m_rectCoordinates.right,
										m_rectCoordinates.top, m_rectCoordinates.left);
			pXAxis = m_pYAxis;
			pYAxis = m_pXAxis;

 		if (pXAxis->m_bReverseOrder && !pXAxis->IsVertical())
			if ((rectCoordinates.left != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate && 
				 rectCoordinates.right == CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate) || 
				 (rectCoordinates.left == CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate && 
				 rectCoordinates.right != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate))
 		if (pYAxis->m_bReverseOrder && pYAxis->IsVertical())
			if ((rectCoordinates.top != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate && 
				 rectCoordinates.bottom == CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate) || 
				 (rectCoordinates.top == CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate && 
				 rectCoordinates.bottom != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate))

		if (rectCoordinates.left != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptLeftTop.x = pXAxis->PointFromValue(rectCoordinates.left, FALSE);
		else if (szObjectSize.cx == 0)
			ptLeftTop.x = pXAxis->PointFromValue(pXAxis->GetMinDisplayedValue(TRUE), TRUE);

		if (rectCoordinates.top != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptLeftTop.y = pYAxis->PointFromValue(rectCoordinates.top, FALSE);
		else if (szObjectSize.cy == 0)
			ptLeftTop.y = pYAxis->PointFromValue(pYAxis->GetMaxDisplayedValue(TRUE), TRUE);

		if (rectCoordinates.right != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptRightBottom.x = pXAxis->PointFromValue(rectCoordinates.right, FALSE);
		else if (szObjectSize.cx == 0)
			ptRightBottom.x = pXAxis->PointFromValue(pXAxis->GetMaxDisplayedValue(TRUE), TRUE);

		if (rectCoordinates.bottom != CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
			ptRightBottom.y = pYAxis->PointFromValue(rectCoordinates.bottom, FALSE);
		else if (szObjectSize.cy == 0)
			ptRightBottom.y = pYAxis->PointFromValue(pYAxis->GetMinDisplayedValue(TRUE), TRUE);
	else if (m_coordinateMode == CM_CHART_VALUE_DIST_ANGLE)

		if (!IsRectOffsetsValid())

		CBCGPRect rectCoordinates = m_rectCoordinates;

		if (pXAxis != NULL && pXAxis->IsVertical())
			rectCoordinates = CBCGPRect(m_rectCoordinates.top, m_rectCoordinates.left,
										m_rectCoordinates.right, m_rectCoordinates.bottom);
			pXAxis = m_pYAxis;
			pYAxis = m_pXAxis;

		m_ptAnchor.x = pXAxis->PointFromValue(rectCoordinates.left, FALSE);
		m_ptAnchor.y = pYAxis->PointFromValue(rectCoordinates.top, FALSE); 

		double dblDistanceX = rectCoordinates.right * szScaleRatio.cx;
		double dblDistanceY = rectCoordinates.right * szScaleRatio.cy;

		CBCGPPoint ptCenter(m_ptAnchor.x + dblDistanceX * sin(bcg_deg2rad(rectCoordinates.bottom)),
							m_ptAnchor.y - dblDistanceY * cos(bcg_deg2rad(rectCoordinates.bottom)));

		ptLeftTop.SetPoint(ptCenter.x - szObjectSize.cx / 2, ptCenter.y - szObjectSize.cy / 2);
		ptRightBottom.SetPoint(ptCenter.x + szObjectSize.cx / 2, ptCenter.y + szObjectSize.cy / 2);
	else if (m_coordinateMode == CM_AXIS_INSIDE_MARK || m_coordinateMode == CM_AXIS_OUTSIDE_MARK)

		if (m_rectCoordinates.top == _EmptyCoordinate && m_rectCoordinates.left == _EmptyCoordinate)

		double dblHorzOffset = m_rectCoordinates.right == _EmptyCoordinate ? 0 : m_rectCoordinates.right * szScaleRatio.cx;
		double dblVertOffset = m_rectCoordinates.bottom == _EmptyCoordinate ? 0 : m_rectCoordinates.bottom * szScaleRatio.cy;

		CBCGPChartAxis* pUsedAxis = m_rectCoordinates.left != _EmptyCoordinate ? pXAxis : pYAxis;
		double dblUsedValue = m_rectCoordinates.left != _EmptyCoordinate ? m_rectCoordinates.left : m_rectCoordinates.top;

		double dblScrVal = pUsedAxis->PointFromValue(dblUsedValue, FALSE);
		CBCGPRect rectAxis = pUsedAxis->GetAxisRect(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);

		CBCGPPoint ptCenter;

		if (m_coordinateMode == CM_AXIS_INSIDE_MARK && 
			(pUsedAxis->m_axisDefaultPosition == CBCGPChartAxis::ADP_BOTTOM || pUsedAxis->m_axisDefaultPosition == CBCGPChartAxis::ADP_LEFT) ||
			m_coordinateMode == CM_AXIS_OUTSIDE_MARK && 
			(pUsedAxis->m_axisDefaultPosition == CBCGPChartAxis::ADP_TOP || pUsedAxis->m_axisDefaultPosition == CBCGPChartAxis::ADP_RIGHT))
			if (pUsedAxis->IsVertical())
				ptCenter.x = rectAxis.right + dblVertOffset + szObjectSize.cx / 2;
				ptCenter.y = dblScrVal - dblHorzOffset;
				ptCenter.x = dblScrVal + dblHorzOffset;
				ptCenter.y = rectAxis.top - dblVertOffset - szObjectSize.cy /2;
			if (pUsedAxis->IsVertical())
				ptCenter.x = rectAxis.left - dblVertOffset - szObjectSize.cx / 2;
				ptCenter.y = dblScrVal - dblHorzOffset;
				ptCenter.x = dblScrVal + dblHorzOffset;
				ptCenter.y = rectAxis.bottom + dblVertOffset + szObjectSize.cy /2;

		if (pUsedAxis->IsVertical() && (ptCenter.y < rectAxis.top || ptCenter.y > rectAxis.bottom) || 
			!pUsedAxis->IsVertical() && (ptCenter.x < rectAxis.left || ptCenter.x > rectAxis.right))

		ptLeftTop.SetPoint(ptCenter.x - szObjectSize.cx / 2, ptCenter.y - szObjectSize.cy / 2);
		ptRightBottom.SetPoint(ptCenter.x + szObjectSize.cx / 2, ptCenter.y + szObjectSize.cy / 2);

	if (m_format.m_textFormat.IsWordWrap())
		if (ptLeftTop.x == CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate && 
			ptRightBottom.x == CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate && 
			szObjectSize.cx == 0)
			TRACE0(" CBCGPChartObject::OnCalcScreenPoints: Left and right offsets must be specified in order to properly use wrapped text.\n");

		szObjectSize = pGM->GetTextSize(m_strText, m_format.m_textFormat, ptRightBottom.x - ptLeftTop.x);

	if (ptLeftTop.x == CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
		ptLeftTop.x = ptRightBottom.x - szObjectSize.cx;

	if (ptLeftTop.y == CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
		ptLeftTop.y = ptRightBottom.y - szObjectSize.cy;

	if (ptRightBottom.x == CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
		ptRightBottom.x = ptLeftTop.x + szObjectSize.cx;

	if (ptRightBottom.y == CBCGPChartObject::_EmptyCoordinate)
		ptRightBottom.y = ptLeftTop.y + szObjectSize.cy;

	m_rectScreen.SetRect(ptLeftTop, ptRightBottom);