void CBCGPDragFrameImpl::EndDrawDragFrame (BOOL bClearInternalRects)
	if (m_pDockManager == NULL)

    BOOL bSDockingIsOn = FALSE;
    CBCGPSmartDockingManager* pSDManager = NULL;

    if ((pSDManager = m_pDockManager->GetSDManagerPermanent()) != NULL
        && pSDManager->IsStarted())
        bSDockingIsOn = TRUE;
        pSDManager->HidePlace ();

	CRect rectEmpty; rectEmpty.SetRectEmpty ();
	CRect rectDocked = m_rectExpectedDocked.IsRectEmpty () ? m_rectDrag : 

	// do not draw the final frame (meaning - clear) if it was not drawn because of tab
	if (m_nInsertedTabID == -1)
        if (!bSDockingIsOn)
		    DrawDragFrame (rectEmpty, rectDocked, 0, m_nOldThikness);
		m_bDockToTab = TRUE;
	if (bClearInternalRects)
        RemoveTabPreDocking ();

		m_rectExpectedDocked.SetRectEmpty ();
		m_rectDrag.SetRectEmpty ();

		m_pFinalTargetBar = m_pTargetBar;
		m_pTargetBar = NULL;

	m_bDragStarted = FALSE;
	ASSERT (m_pDockManager != NULL);
	if (!bSDockingIsOn)
		m_pDockManager->LockUpdate (FALSE);
void CBCGPDragFrameImpl::DrawFrameTab (CBCGPDockingControlBar* pTargetBar, BOOL bErase)
	CRect rectWnd;
	pTargetBar->GetWindowRect (rectWnd);
    CBCGPSmartDockingManager* pSDManager = NULL;
    BOOL bSDockingIsOn = FALSE;

    if (m_pDockManager != NULL
        && (pSDManager = m_pDockManager->GetSDManagerPermanent()) != NULL
        && pSDManager->IsStarted())
        bSDockingIsOn = TRUE;

	int nThikness = globalData.m_nDragFrameThiknessDock;
	CRect rectSmallTab = rectWnd;
	// to be changed to tab height
	if (CBCGPTabbedControlBar::m_bTabsAlwaysTop)
		rectWnd.top += globalData.GetTextHeight ();  
		rectSmallTab.bottom = rectSmallTab.top + globalData.GetTextHeight (); 
		rectSmallTab.left += 10;
		rectSmallTab.right = rectSmallTab.left + 40;
		rectWnd.bottom -= globalData.GetTextHeight ();  
		rectSmallTab.top = rectSmallTab.bottom - globalData.GetTextHeight (); 
		rectSmallTab.left += 10;
		rectSmallTab.right = rectSmallTab.left + 40;

	if (rectSmallTab.right >= rectWnd.right)
		rectSmallTab.right = rectWnd.right - nThikness - 4;

	CRect rectEmpty; rectEmpty.SetRectEmpty ();

	CRect rectLine; 
	if (CBCGPTabbedControlBar::m_bTabsAlwaysTop)
		rectLine.SetRect (rectSmallTab.left + nThikness, 
							rectSmallTab.bottom - nThikness,  
							rectSmallTab.right - nThikness, 
							rectSmallTab.bottom + nThikness);
		rectLine.SetRect (rectSmallTab.left + nThikness, 
							rectSmallTab.top  - nThikness,  
							rectSmallTab.right - nThikness, 
							rectSmallTab.top + nThikness);

	if (bErase)
        if (bSDockingIsOn)
            pSDManager->HidePlace ();
			DrawDragFrame (rectEmpty, rectSmallTab, FALSE, nThikness, nThikness);
			DrawDragFrame (rectEmpty, rectWnd, FALSE, nThikness, nThikness);
			DrawDragFrame (rectEmpty, rectLine, FALSE, nThikness, nThikness);
			m_bFrameTabDrawn = FALSE;
        if (bSDockingIsOn)
            pSDManager->ShowTabbedPlaceAt (&rectWnd, 10, rectSmallTab.Width(), rectSmallTab.Height());
			DrawDragFrame (rectEmpty, rectSmallTab, TRUE, nThikness, nThikness);
			DrawDragFrame (rectEmpty, rectWnd, TRUE, nThikness, nThikness);
			DrawDragFrame (rectEmpty, rectLine, TRUE, nThikness, nThikness);
			m_bFrameTabDrawn = TRUE;