// CBase::ReleaseChildren
HRESULT CBase::ReleaseChildren()
	//Make our lives easier...
	CObjTree* pCObjTree = m_pCMainWindow->m_pCMDIObjects->m_pCObjTree;

	if(!m_hTreeItem || !pCObjTree->m_hWnd)
		return S_OK;
	BOOL bAllRemoved = TRUE;

	//Try to obtain the first child...
	HTREEITEM hChildItem = pCObjTree->GetChildItem(m_hTreeItem);
		//NOTE: Before deleting this node of the tree, obtain the 
		//next sibling (if there is one...).  Since we can't do this after the node has been deleted!
		HTREEITEM hNextSibling = pCObjTree->GetNextItem(hChildItem);
		CBase* pCChild = (CBase*)pCObjTree->GetItemParam(hChildItem);
			//Make sure all its children are released (recurse)
			//If this child cannot be released, we still can continue on to the next child
			//(ie: release everything we can - not all or nothing...)
				//Now we can release this child
		//Go to the next sibling...
		hChildItem = hNextSibling;

	return bAllRemoved ? S_OK : E_FAIL;