- FUNCTION: CBlobGetMaxYatMinX
- FUNCTIONALITY: Calculates the maximum Y on the minimum X
- AUTHOR: Ricard Borràs
- CREATION DATE: 25-05-2005.
- MODIFICATION: Date. Author. Description.
double CBlobGetMaxYatMinX::operator()(CBlob &blob)
	double result = LONG_MIN;
	//CvSeqReader reader;
	//CvPoint actualPoint;
	t_PointList externContour;
	externContour = blob.GetExternalContour()->GetContourPoints();
	if( externContour.size()==0 ) return result;

	t_PointList::iterator it=externContour.begin(),en=externContour.end();
	for( it;it!=en;it++)
		Point &actualPoint = *it;

		if( (actualPoint.x == blob.MinX()) && (actualPoint.y > result) )
			result = actualPoint.y;

	return result;
- FUNCTION: BlobGetXYInside
- FUNCTIONALITY: Calculates whether a point is inside the
    rectangular bounding box of a blob
	- returns 1 if it is inside; o if not
- AUTHOR: Francesc Pinyol Margalef
- CREATION DATE: 16-01-2006.
- MODIFICATION: Date. Author. Description.
double CBlobGetXYInside::operator()(CBlob &blob)
	const t_PointList &contourPoints = blob.GetExternalContour()->GetContourPoints();
	if( contourPoints.size()==0 )
		return pointPolygonTest(contourPoints,m_p,false) >=0;

	return 0;
Exemple #3
- FUNCTION: CBlobGetMinXatMinY
- FUNCTIONALITY: Calculates the minimum X on the minimum Y
- AUTHOR: Ricard Borràs
- CREATION DATE: 25-05-2005.
- MODIFICATION: Date. Author. Description.
double CBlobGetMinXatMinY::operator()(CBlob &blob)
	double result = LONG_MAX;
	CvSeqReader reader;
	CvPoint actualPoint;
	t_PointList externContour;
	externContour = blob.GetExternalContour()->GetContourPoints();
	if( !externContour ) return result;
	cvStartReadSeq( externContour, &reader);

	for( int i=0; i< externContour->total; i++)
		CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( actualPoint, reader);

		if( (actualPoint.y == blob.MinY()) && (actualPoint.x < result) )
			result = actualPoint.x;

	return result;
- FUNCIÓ: ComponentLabeling
- FUNCIONALITAT: Calcula els components binaris (blobs) d'una imatge amb connectivitat a 8
	- inputImage: image to segment (pixel values different than blobColor are treated as background)
	- maskImage: if not NULL, all the pixels equal to 0 in mask are skipped in input image
	- backgroundColor: color of background (ignored pixels)
	- blobs: blob vector destination
- AUTOR: rborras
- DATA DE CREACIÓ: 2008/04/21
- MODIFICACIÓ: Data. Autor. Descripció.
- NOTA: Algorithm based on "A linear-time component labeling algorithm using contour tracing technique", 
		F.Chang et al
bool ComponentLabeling(	IplImage* inputImage,
						IplImage* maskImage,
						unsigned char backgroundColor,
						Blob_vector &blobs )
	int i,j;
	// row major vector with visited points 
	bool *visitedPoints, *pVisitedPoints, internalContour, externalContour;
	unsigned char *pInputImage, *pMask, *pAboveInputImage, *pBelowInputImage,
				  *pAboveMask, *pBelowMask;
	int imageWidth, imageHeight, currentLabel, contourLabel;
	// row major vector with labelled image 
	t_labelType *labelledImage, *pLabels;
	//! current blob pointer
	CBlob *currentBlob;
	CvSize imageSizes;
	CvPoint currentPoint;

	// verify input image
	if( !CV_IS_IMAGE( inputImage ) )
		return false;

	// verify that input image and mask image has same size
	if( maskImage )
		if( !CV_IS_IMAGE(maskImage) || 
			maskImage->width != inputImage->width || 
			maskImage->height != inputImage->height )
		return false;
		pMask = NULL;
		pAboveMask = NULL;
		pBelowMask = NULL;

	imageSizes = cvSize(inputImage->width,inputImage->height);
	imageWidth = inputImage->width;
	imageHeight = inputImage->height;

	// create auxiliary buffers
	labelledImage = (t_labelType*) malloc( inputImage->width * inputImage->height * sizeof(t_labelType) );
	visitedPoints = (bool*) malloc( inputImage->width * inputImage->height * sizeof(bool) );

	// initialize it to 0
	memset(labelledImage, 0, inputImage->width * inputImage->height * sizeof(t_labelType) ) ;
	memset(visitedPoints, false, inputImage->width * inputImage->height * sizeof(bool) ) ;

	// initialize pointers and label counter
	pLabels = labelledImage;
	pVisitedPoints = visitedPoints;
	currentLabel = 1;

	for (j = 0; j < imageHeight; j++ )
		// don't verify if we area on first or last row, it will verified on pointer access
		pAboveInputImage = (unsigned char*) inputImage->imageData + (j-1) * inputImage->widthStep;
		pBelowInputImage = (unsigned char*) inputImage->imageData + (j+1) * inputImage->widthStep;
		pInputImage = (unsigned char*) inputImage->imageData + j * inputImage->widthStep;

		if( maskImage )
			pMask = (unsigned char*) maskImage->imageData + j * maskImage->widthStep;
			// don't verify if we area on first or last row, it will verified on pointer access
			pAboveMask = (unsigned char*) maskImage->imageData + (j-1) * maskImage->widthStep;
			pBelowMask = (unsigned char*) maskImage->imageData + (j+1) * maskImage->widthStep;

		for (i = 0; i < imageWidth; i++, pInputImage++, pMask++, pAboveInputImage++, pBelowInputImage++,
										 pAboveMask++, pBelowMask++ )
			// ignore background pixels or 0 pixels in mask
			if ( (*pInputImage == backgroundColor) || (maskImage && *pMask == 0 ))
			// new external contour: current label == 0 and above pixel is background
			if( j > 0 )
				externalContour = ((*pAboveInputImage == backgroundColor) || 
								  (maskImage && *pAboveMask == 0)) && 
								  (*pLabels == 0);
				externalContour = (*pLabels == 0);

			// new internal contour: below pixel is background and not visited
			if( !externalContour && j < imageHeight - 1 )
				internalContour = *pBelowInputImage == backgroundColor &&
								  !GET_BELOW_VISITEDPIXEL( pVisitedPoints, imageWidth);
				internalContour = false;
			if( externalContour )
				currentPoint = cvPoint(i,j);
				// assign label to labelled image
				*pLabels = currentLabel;
				// create new blob
				currentBlob = new CBlob(currentLabel, currentPoint, imageSizes );

				// contour tracing with currentLabel
				contourTracing( inputImage, maskImage, currentPoint, 
								labelledImage, visitedPoints, 
								currentLabel, false, backgroundColor, currentBlob->GetExternalContour() );

				// add new created blob

				if( internalContour )
					currentPoint = cvPoint(i,j);

					if( *pLabels == 0 )
						// take left neightbour value as current
						if( i > 0 )
							contourLabel = *(pLabels - 1);
						contourLabel = *pLabels;

						currentBlob = blobs[contourLabel-1];
						CBlobContour newContour(currentPoint, currentBlob->GetStorage());

						// contour tracing with contourLabel
						contourTracing( inputImage, maskImage, currentPoint, labelledImage, visitedPoints,
										contourLabel, true, backgroundColor, &newContour ); 

						currentBlob->AddInternalContour( newContour );
				// neither internal nor external contour
					// take left neightbour value as current if it is not labelled
					if( i > 0 && *pLabels == 0 )
						*pLabels = *(pLabels - 1);



	// free auxiliary buffers
	free( labelledImage );
	free( visitedPoints );

	return true;