Exemple #1
bool CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex()
    if (mapBlockIndex.size() > 0) {
        // Already loaded once in this session. It can happen during migration
        // from BDB.
        return true;
    // The block index is an in-memory structure that maps hashes to on-disk
    // locations where the contents of the block can be found. Here, we scan it
    // out of the DB and into mapBlockIndex.
    leveldb::Iterator *iterator = pdb->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions());
    // Seek to start key.
    CDataStream ssStartKey(SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
    ssStartKey << make_pair(string("blockindex"), uint256(0));
    // Now read each entry.
    while (iterator->Valid())
        // Unpack keys and values.
        CDataStream ssKey(SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
        ssKey.write(iterator->key().data(), iterator->key().size());
        CDataStream ssValue(SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
        ssValue.write(iterator->value().data(), iterator->value().size());
        string strType;
        ssKey >> strType;
        // Did we reach the end of the data to read?
        if (fRequestShutdown || strType != "blockindex")
        CDiskBlockIndex diskindex;
        ssValue >> diskindex;

        uint256 blockHash = diskindex.GetBlockHash();

        // Construct block index object
        CBlockIndex* pindexNew    = InsertBlockIndex(blockHash);
        pindexNew->pprev          = InsertBlockIndex(diskindex.hashPrev);
        pindexNew->pnext          = InsertBlockIndex(diskindex.hashNext);
        pindexNew->nFile          = diskindex.nFile;
        pindexNew->nBlockPos      = diskindex.nBlockPos;
        pindexNew->nHeight        = diskindex.nHeight;
        pindexNew->nMint          = diskindex.nMint;
        pindexNew->nMoneySupply   = diskindex.nMoneySupply;
        pindexNew->nFlags         = diskindex.nFlags;
        pindexNew->nStakeModifier = diskindex.nStakeModifier;
        pindexNew->prevoutStake   = diskindex.prevoutStake;
        pindexNew->nStakeTime     = diskindex.nStakeTime;
        pindexNew->hashProofOfStake = diskindex.hashProofOfStake;
        pindexNew->nVersion       = diskindex.nVersion;
        pindexNew->hashMerkleRoot = diskindex.hashMerkleRoot;
        pindexNew->nTime          = diskindex.nTime;
        pindexNew->nBits          = diskindex.nBits;
        pindexNew->nNonce         = diskindex.nNonce;

        // Watch for genesis block
        if (pindexGenesisBlock == NULL && blockHash == (!fTestNet ? hashGenesisBlock : hashGenesisBlockTestNet))
            pindexGenesisBlock = pindexNew;

        if (!pindexNew->CheckIndex()) {
            delete iterator;
            return error("LoadBlockIndex() : CheckIndex failed at %d", pindexNew->nHeight);

        // CurrentCoin: build setStakeSeen
        if (pindexNew->IsProofOfStake())
            setStakeSeen.insert(make_pair(pindexNew->prevoutStake, pindexNew->nStakeTime));

    delete iterator;

    if (fRequestShutdown)
        return true;

    // Calculate nChainTrust
    vector<pair<int, CBlockIndex*> > vSortedByHeight;
    BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(uint256, CBlockIndex*)& item, mapBlockIndex)
        CBlockIndex* pindex = item.second;
        vSortedByHeight.push_back(make_pair(pindex->nHeight, pindex));
    sort(vSortedByHeight.begin(), vSortedByHeight.end());
    BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(int, CBlockIndex*)& item, vSortedByHeight)
        CBlockIndex* pindex = item.second;
        pindex->nChainTrust = (pindex->pprev ? pindex->pprev->nChainTrust : 0) + pindex->GetBlockTrust();
        // CurrentCoin: calculate stake modifier checksum
        pindex->nStakeModifierChecksum = GetStakeModifierChecksum(pindex);
        if (!CheckStakeModifierCheckpoints(pindex->nHeight, pindex->nStakeModifierChecksum))
            return error("CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : Failed stake modifier checkpoint height=%d, modifier=0x%016"PRI64x, pindex->nHeight, pindex->nStakeModifier);

    // Load hashBestChain pointer to end of best chain
    if (!ReadHashBestChain(hashBestChain))
        if (pindexGenesisBlock == NULL)
            return true;
        return error("CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : hashBestChain not loaded");
    if (!mapBlockIndex.count(hashBestChain))
        return error("CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : hashBestChain not found in the block index");
    pindexBest = mapBlockIndex[hashBestChain];
    nBestHeight = pindexBest->nHeight;
    nBestChainTrust = pindexBest->nChainTrust;

    printf("LoadBlockIndex(): hashBestChain=%s  height=%d  trust=%s  date=%s\n",
      hashBestChain.ToString().substr(0,20).c_str(), nBestHeight, CBigNum(nBestChainTrust).ToString().c_str(),
      DateTimeStrFormat("%x %H:%M:%S", pindexBest->GetBlockTime()).c_str());

    // CurrentCoin: load hashSyncCheckpoint
    if (!ReadSyncCheckpoint(Checkpoints::hashSyncCheckpoint))
        return error("CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : hashSyncCheckpoint not loaded");
    printf("LoadBlockIndex(): synchronized checkpoint %s\n", Checkpoints::hashSyncCheckpoint.ToString().c_str());

    // Load bnBestInvalidTrust, OK if it doesn't exist
    CBigNum bnBestInvalidTrust;
    nBestInvalidTrust = bnBestInvalidTrust.getuint256();

    // Verify blocks in the best chain
    int nCheckLevel = GetArg("-checklevel", 1);
    int nCheckDepth = GetArg( "-checkblocks", 2500);
    if (nCheckDepth == 0)
        nCheckDepth = 1000000000; // suffices until the year 19000
    if (nCheckDepth > nBestHeight)
        nCheckDepth = nBestHeight;
    printf("Verifying last %i blocks at level %i\n", nCheckDepth, nCheckLevel);
    CBlockIndex* pindexFork = NULL;
    map<pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, CBlockIndex*> mapBlockPos;
    for (CBlockIndex* pindex = pindexBest; pindex && pindex->pprev; pindex = pindex->pprev)
        if (fRequestShutdown || pindex->nHeight < nBestHeight-nCheckDepth)
        CBlock block;
        if (!block.ReadFromDisk(pindex))
            return error("LoadBlockIndex() : block.ReadFromDisk failed");
        // check level 1: verify block validity
        // check level 7: verify block signature too
        if (nCheckLevel>0 && !block.CheckBlock(true, true, (nCheckLevel>6)))
            printf("LoadBlockIndex() : *** found bad block at %d, hash=%s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString().c_str());
            pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
        // check level 2: verify transaction index validity
        if (nCheckLevel>1)
            pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> pos = make_pair(pindex->nFile, pindex->nBlockPos);
            mapBlockPos[pos] = pindex;
            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction &tx, block.vtx)
                uint256 hashTx = tx.GetHash();
                CTxIndex txindex;
                if (ReadTxIndex(hashTx, txindex))
                    // check level 3: checker transaction hashes
                    if (nCheckLevel>2 || pindex->nFile != txindex.pos.nFile || pindex->nBlockPos != txindex.pos.nBlockPos)
                        // either an error or a duplicate transaction
                        CTransaction txFound;
                        if (!txFound.ReadFromDisk(txindex.pos))
                            printf("LoadBlockIndex() : *** cannot read mislocated transaction %s\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str());
                            pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                            if (txFound.GetHash() != hashTx) // not a duplicate tx
                                printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** invalid tx position for %s\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str());
                                pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                    // check level 4: check whether spent txouts were spent within the main chain
                    unsigned int nOutput = 0;
                    if (nCheckLevel>3)
                        BOOST_FOREACH(const CDiskTxPos &txpos, txindex.vSpent)
                            if (!txpos.IsNull())
                                pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> posFind = make_pair(txpos.nFile, txpos.nBlockPos);
                                if (!mapBlockPos.count(posFind))
                                    printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** found bad spend at %d, hashBlock=%s, hashTx=%s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString().c_str(), hashTx.ToString().c_str());
                                    pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                                // check level 6: check whether spent txouts were spent by a valid transaction that consume them
                                if (nCheckLevel>5)
                                    CTransaction txSpend;
                                    if (!txSpend.ReadFromDisk(txpos))
                                        printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** cannot read spending transaction of %s:%i from disk\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str(), nOutput);
                                        pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                                    else if (!txSpend.CheckTransaction())
                                        printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** spending transaction of %s:%i is invalid\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str(), nOutput);
                                        pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                                        bool fFound = false;
                                        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn &txin, txSpend.vin)
                                            if (txin.prevout.hash == hashTx && txin.prevout.n == nOutput)
                                                fFound = true;
                                        if (!fFound)
                                            printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** spending transaction of %s:%i does not spend it\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str(), nOutput);
                                            pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
Exemple #2
bool CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex()
    if (!LoadBlockIndexGuts())
        return false;

    if (fRequestShutdown)
        return true;

    // Calculate bnChainTrust
    vector<pair<int, CBlockIndex*> > vSortedByHeight;
    BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(uint256, CBlockIndex*)& item, mapBlockIndex)
        CBlockIndex* pindex = item.second;
        vSortedByHeight.push_back(make_pair(pindex->nHeight, pindex));
    sort(vSortedByHeight.begin(), vSortedByHeight.end());
    BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(int, CBlockIndex*)& item, vSortedByHeight)
        CBlockIndex* pindex = item.second;
        pindex->bnChainTrust = (pindex->pprev ? pindex->pprev->bnChainTrust : 0) + pindex->GetBlockTrust();
        // ppcoin: calculate stake modifier checksum
        pindex->nStakeModifierChecksum = GetStakeModifierChecksum(pindex);
        if (!CheckStakeModifierCheckpoints(pindex->nHeight, pindex->nStakeModifierChecksum))
            return error("CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : Failed stake modifier checkpoint height=%d, modifier=0x%016"PRI64x, pindex->nHeight, pindex->nStakeModifier);

    // Load hashBestChain pointer to end of best chain
    if (!ReadHashBestChain(hashBestChain))
        if (pindexGenesisBlock == NULL)
            return true;
        return error("CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : hashBestChain not loaded");
    if (!mapBlockIndex.count(hashBestChain))
        return error("CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : hashBestChain not found in the block index");
    pindexBest = mapBlockIndex[hashBestChain];
    nBestHeight = pindexBest->nHeight;
    bnBestChainTrust = pindexBest->bnChainTrust;
    printf("LoadBlockIndex(): hashBestChain=%s  height=%d  trust=%s  date=%s\n",
      hashBestChain.ToString().substr(0,20).c_str(), nBestHeight, bnBestChainTrust.ToString().c_str(),
      DateTimeStrFormat("%x %H:%M:%S", pindexBest->GetBlockTime()).c_str());

    // ppcoin: load hashSyncCheckpoint
    if (!ReadSyncCheckpoint(Checkpoints::hashSyncCheckpoint))
        return error("CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : hashSyncCheckpoint not loaded");
    printf("LoadBlockIndex(): synchronized checkpoint %s\n", Checkpoints::hashSyncCheckpoint.ToString().c_str());

    // Load bnBestInvalidTrust, OK if it doesn't exist

    // Verify blocks in the best chain
    int nCheckLevel = GetArg("-checklevel", 1);
    int nCheckDepth = GetArg( "-checkblocks", 2500);
    if (nCheckDepth == 0)
        nCheckDepth = 1000000000; // suffices until the year 19000
    if (nCheckDepth > nBestHeight)
        nCheckDepth = nBestHeight;
    printf("Verifying last %i blocks at level %i\n", nCheckDepth, nCheckLevel);
    CBlockIndex* pindexFork = NULL;
    map<pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, CBlockIndex*> mapBlockPos;
    for (CBlockIndex* pindex = pindexBest; pindex && pindex->pprev; pindex = pindex->pprev)
        if (fRequestShutdown || pindex->nHeight < nBestHeight-nCheckDepth)
        CBlock block;
        if (!block.ReadFromDisk(pindex))
            return error("LoadBlockIndex() : block.ReadFromDisk failed");
        // check level 1: verify block validity
        if (nCheckLevel>0 && !block.CheckBlock())
            printf("LoadBlockIndex() : *** found bad block at %d, hash=%s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString().c_str());
            pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
        // check level 2: verify transaction index validity
        if (nCheckLevel>1)
            pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> pos = make_pair(pindex->nFile, pindex->nBlockPos);
            mapBlockPos[pos] = pindex;
            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction &tx, block.vtx)
                uint256 hashTx = tx.GetHash();
                CTxIndex txindex;
                if (ReadTxIndex(hashTx, txindex))
                    // check level 3: checker transaction hashes
                    if (nCheckLevel>2 || pindex->nFile != txindex.pos.nFile || pindex->nBlockPos != txindex.pos.nBlockPos)
                        // either an error or a duplicate transaction
                        CTransaction txFound;
                        if (!txFound.ReadFromDisk(txindex.pos))
                            printf("LoadBlockIndex() : *** cannot read mislocated transaction %s\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str());
                            pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                            if (txFound.GetHash() != hashTx) // not a duplicate tx
                                printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** invalid tx position for %s\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str());
                                pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                    // check level 4: check whether spent txouts were spent within the main chain
                    unsigned int nOutput = 0;
                    if (nCheckLevel>3)
                        BOOST_FOREACH(const CDiskTxPos &txpos, txindex.vSpent)
                            if (!txpos.IsNull())
                                pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> posFind = make_pair(txpos.nFile, txpos.nBlockPos);
                                if (!mapBlockPos.count(posFind))
                                    printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** found bad spend at %d, hashBlock=%s, hashTx=%s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString().c_str(), hashTx.ToString().c_str());
                                    pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                                // check level 6: check whether spent txouts were spent by a valid transaction that consume them
                                if (nCheckLevel>5)
                                    CTransaction txSpend;
                                    if (!txSpend.ReadFromDisk(txpos))
                                        printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** cannot read spending transaction of %s:%i from disk\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str(), nOutput);
                                        pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                                    else if (!txSpend.CheckTransaction())
                                        printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** spending transaction of %s:%i is invalid\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str(), nOutput);
                                        pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                                        bool fFound = false;
                                        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn &txin, txSpend.vin)
                                            if (txin.prevout.hash == hashTx && txin.prevout.n == nOutput)
                                                fFound = true;
                                        if (!fFound)
                                            printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** spending transaction of %s:%i does not spend it\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str(), nOutput);
                                            pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
bool CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex()
    if (mapBlockIndex.size() > 0) 
        // Already loaded once in this session. It can happen during migration
        // from BDB.
        return true;
#ifdef WIN32
    const int
  #ifdef _DEBUG
        nREFRESH = 2000;    // generally resfresh rates are chosen to give ~1 update/sec
        // seems to be slowing down??
        nREFRESH = 12000;
        nMaxHeightGuess = 1,
        nCounter = 0,
        nRefresh = nREFRESH;
        n64MsStartTime = GetTimeMillis();
    // The block index is an in-memory structure that maps hashes to on-disk
    // locations where the contents of the block can be found. Here, we scan it
    // out of the DB and into mapBlockIndex.
        *iterator = pdb->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions());
    // Seek to start key.

    CDataStream ssStartKey(SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
    ssStartKey << make_pair(string("blockindex"), uint256(0));
    // Now read each entry.
    while (iterator->Valid())
        // Unpack keys and values.
            ssKey(SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);

        ssKey.write(iterator->key().data(), iterator->key().size());
            ssValue(SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);

        ssValue.write(iterator->value().data(), iterator->value().size());

        ssKey >> strType;
        // Did we reach the end of the data to read?
        if (fRequestShutdown || strType != "blockindex")

        ssValue >> diskindex;

            blockHash = diskindex.GetBlockHash();

        if ( 0 == blockHash )
            if (fPrintToConsole)
                            "Error? at nHeight=%d"
            continue;   //?

        // Construct block index object
            * pindexNew    = InsertBlockIndex(blockHash);
        // what if null? Can't be, since blockhash is known to be != 0
        //if( NULL == pindexNew ) // ???
        //    iterator->Next();        
        //    continue;
        pindexNew->pprev          = InsertBlockIndex(diskindex.hashPrev);
        pindexNew->pnext          = InsertBlockIndex(diskindex.hashNext);

        pindexNew->nFile          = diskindex.nFile;
        pindexNew->nBlockPos      = diskindex.nBlockPos;
        pindexNew->nHeight        = diskindex.nHeight;
        pindexNew->nMint          = diskindex.nMint;
        pindexNew->nMoneySupply   = diskindex.nMoneySupply;
        pindexNew->nFlags         = diskindex.nFlags;
        pindexNew->nStakeModifier = diskindex.nStakeModifier;
        pindexNew->prevoutStake   = diskindex.prevoutStake;
        pindexNew->nStakeTime     = diskindex.nStakeTime;
        pindexNew->hashProofOfStake = diskindex.hashProofOfStake;
        pindexNew->nVersion       = diskindex.nVersion;
        pindexNew->hashMerkleRoot = diskindex.hashMerkleRoot;
        pindexNew->nTime          = diskindex.nTime;
        pindexNew->nBits          = diskindex.nBits;
        pindexNew->nNonce         = diskindex.nNonce;

        // Watch for genesis block
            (0 == diskindex.nHeight) &&
            (NULL != pindexGenesisBlock)
            if (fPrintToConsole)
                        "Error? an extra null block???"
        if (
            (0 == diskindex.nHeight) &&     // ought to be faster than a hash check!?
            (NULL == pindexGenesisBlock)
            if (blockHash == (!fTestNet ? hashGenesisBlock : hashGenesisBlockTestNet))// check anyway, but only if block 0
                pindexGenesisBlock = pindexNew;
#ifdef WIN32
                if (fPrintToConsole)
                            "Found block 0 at nCounter=%d"
                if (fPrintToConsole)
                            "Error? a extra genesis block with the wrong hash???"
        // there seem to be 2 errant blocks?
                (NULL != pindexGenesisBlock) && 
                (0 == diskindex.nHeight) 
                if (fPrintToConsole)
                            "Error? a extra genesis null block???"
        //if (!pindexNew->CheckIndex()) // as it stands, this never fails??? So why bother?????
        //    delete iterator;
        //    return error("LoadBlockIndex() : CheckIndex failed at %d", pindexNew->nHeight);

        // NovaCoin: build setStakeSeen
        if (pindexNew->IsProofOfStake())
            setStakeSeen.insert(make_pair(pindexNew->prevoutStake, pindexNew->nStakeTime));
#ifdef WIN32
        // could "guess at the max nHeight & %age against the loop count
        // to "hone in on" the %age done.  
        // Towards the end it ought to be pretty accurate.
        if( nMaxHeightGuess < pindexNew->nHeight )
            nMaxHeightGuess = pindexNew->nHeight;
        if( 0 == ( nCounter % nRefresh ) )  // every nRefresh-th time through the loop
            float                   // these #s are just to slosh the . around
                dEstimate = float( ( 100.0 * nCounter ) / nMaxHeightGuess );
                sGutsNoise = strprintf(
                            "%7d (%3.2f%%)"
                            nCounter, //pindexNew->nHeight,
                            dEstimate > 100.0? 100.0: dEstimate
            if (fPrintToConsole)
                            "   "
                DoProgress( nCounter, nMaxHeightGuess, n64MsStartTime );
                //            "\r"
                //            );
    #ifdef QT_GUI
        //    uiInterface.InitMessage( sGutsNoise.c_str() );
    delete iterator;

    if (fRequestShutdown)
        return true;
#ifdef WIN32
    if (fPrintToConsole)
        (void)printf( "\n" );

    #ifdef QT_GUI

// <<<<<<<<<

#ifdef WIN32
    if (fPrintToConsole) 
        (void)printf( "Sorting by height...\n" );        
    #ifdef QT_GUI
                            _("Sorting by height...")
    nCounter = 0;
    // Calculate bnChainTrust

        vector< pair< int, CBlockIndex*> > vSortedByHeight;

        //vSortedByHeight.resize( mapBlockIndex.size() );

            nUpdatePeriod = 10000;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(uint256, CBlockIndex*)& item, mapBlockIndex)
                * pindex = item.second;

            vSortedByHeight.push_back(make_pair(pindex->nHeight, pindex));
#ifdef WIN32
            if( 0 == (nCounter % nUpdatePeriod) )
    #ifdef QT_GUI
                uiInterface.InitMessage( strprintf( _("%7d"), nCounter ) );
                if (fPrintToConsole) 
                    printf( "%7d\r", nCounter );
        sort(vSortedByHeight.begin(), vSortedByHeight.end());
#ifdef WIN32
        if (fPrintToConsole) 
            (void)printf( "\ndone\nChecking stake checksums...\n" );
    #ifdef _DEBUG
        nUpdatePeriod /= 4; // speed up update for debug mode
        nUpdatePeriod *= 5; // slow down update for release mode
    #ifdef QT_GUI
        uiInterface.InitMessage( _("done") );
        uiInterface.InitMessage( _("Checking stake checksums...") );
        nCounter = 0;
        BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(int, CBlockIndex*)& item, vSortedByHeight)
            CBlockIndex* pindex = item.second;
            pindex->nPosBlockCount = ( pindex->pprev ? pindex->pprev->nPosBlockCount : 0 ) + ( pindex->IsProofOfStake() ? 1 : 0 );
            pindex->nBitsMA = pindex->IsProofOfStake() ? GetProofOfWorkMA(pindex->pprev) : 0;
            pindex->bnChainTrust = (pindex->pprev ? pindex->pprev->bnChainTrust : CBigNum(0)) + pindex->GetBlockTrust();
            // NovaCoin: calculate stake modifier checksum
            pindex->nStakeModifierChecksum = GetStakeModifierChecksum(pindex);
            if (!CheckStakeModifierCheckpoints(pindex->nHeight, pindex->nStakeModifierChecksum))
                return error("CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : Failed stake modifier checkpoint height=%d, modifier=0x%016" PRIx64, pindex->nHeight, pindex->nStakeModifier);
#ifdef WIN32
            if( 0 == (nCounter % nUpdatePeriod) )
    #ifdef QT_GUI
                uiInterface.InitMessage( strprintf( _("%7d"), nCounter ) );
                if (fPrintToConsole) 
                    printf( "%7d\r", nCounter );

#ifdef WIN32
    if (fPrintToConsole) 
        (void)printf( "\ndone\n"
                      "Read best chain\n" 
    #ifdef QT_GUI
    uiInterface.InitMessage( _("...done") );
    uiInterface.InitMessage( _("Read best chain") );

    // Load hashBestChain pointer to end of best chain
    if (!ReadHashBestChain(hashBestChain))
        if (pindexGenesisBlock == NULL)
            return true;
        return error("CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : hashBestChain not loaded");
    if (!mapBlockIndex.count(hashBestChain))
        return error("CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : hashBestChain not found in the block index");
    pindexBest = mapBlockIndex[hashBestChain];
    nBestHeight = pindexBest->nHeight;
    bnBestChainTrust = pindexBest->bnChainTrust;

    printf("LoadBlockIndex(): hashBestChain=%s  height=%d  trust=%s  date=%s\n",
      hashBestChain.ToString().substr(0,20).c_str(), nBestHeight, bnBestChainTrust.ToString().c_str(),
      DateTimeStrFormat("%x %H:%M:%S", pindexBest->GetBlockTime()).c_str());

    // NovaCoin: load hashSyncCheckpoint
    if( !fTestNet )
        if (!ReadSyncCheckpoint(Checkpoints::hashSyncCheckpoint))
            return error("CTxDB::LoadBlockIndex() : hashSyncCheckpoint not loaded");
        printf("LoadBlockIndex(): synchronized checkpoint %s\n", 
    // Load bnBestInvalidTrust, OK if it doesn't exist

    // Verify blocks in the best chain
    int nCheckLevel = GetArg("-checklevel", 1);
    int nCheckDepth = GetArg( "-checkblocks", 750);
    if (nCheckDepth == 0)
        nCheckDepth = 1000000000; // suffices until the year 19000
    if (nCheckDepth > nBestHeight)
        nCheckDepth = nBestHeight;

#ifdef WIN32
    nCounter = 0;
    //#ifdef _MSC_VER
        #ifdef _DEBUG
        const int
            nMINUTESperBLOCK = 1,   // or whatever you want to do in this *coin
            nMINUTESperHOUR = 60,
            nHOURStoCHECK = 1,   //12,     // this could be a variable
            nBLOCKSinLASTwhateverHOURS = nBLOCKSperHOUR * nHOURStoCHECK;

        nCheckDepth = nBLOCKSinLASTwhateverHOURS;
    #ifdef QT_GUI
                            strprintf( _("Verifying the last %i blocks at level %i"), 
                                        nCheckDepth, nCheckLevel
    printf("Verifying last %i blocks at level %i\n", nCheckDepth, nCheckLevel);
    CBlockIndex* pindexFork = NULL;
    map<pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>, CBlockIndex*> mapBlockPos;
    for (CBlockIndex* pindex = pindexBest; pindex && pindex->pprev; pindex = pindex->pprev)
        if (fRequestShutdown || pindex->nHeight < nBestHeight-nCheckDepth)
        CBlock block;
        if (!block.ReadFromDisk(pindex))
            return error("LoadBlockIndex() : block.ReadFromDisk failed");
        // check level 1: verify block validity
        // check level 7: verify block signature too
        if (nCheckLevel>0 && !block.CheckBlock(true, true, (nCheckLevel>6)))
            printf("LoadBlockIndex() : *** found bad block at %d, hash=%s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString().c_str());
            pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
        // check level 2: verify transaction index validity
        if (nCheckLevel>1)
            pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> pos = make_pair(pindex->nFile, pindex->nBlockPos);
            mapBlockPos[pos] = pindex;
            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction &tx, block.vtx)
                uint256 hashTx = tx.GetHash();
                CTxIndex txindex;
                if (ReadTxIndex(hashTx, txindex))
                    // check level 3: checker transaction hashes
                    if (nCheckLevel>2 || pindex->nFile != txindex.pos.nFile || pindex->nBlockPos != txindex.pos.nBlockPos)
                        // either an error or a duplicate transaction
                        CTransaction txFound;
                        if (!txFound.ReadFromDisk(txindex.pos))
                            printf("LoadBlockIndex() : *** cannot read mislocated transaction %s\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str());
                            pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                            if (txFound.GetHash() != hashTx) // not a duplicate tx
                                printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** invalid tx position for %s\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str());
                                pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                    // check level 4: check whether spent txouts were spent within the main chain
                    unsigned int 
                        nOutput = 0;
                    if (nCheckLevel>3)
                        BOOST_FOREACH(const CDiskTxPos &txpos, txindex.vSpent)
                            if (!txpos.IsNull())
                                pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> posFind = make_pair(txpos.nFile, txpos.nBlockPos);
                                if (!mapBlockPos.count(posFind))
                                    printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** found bad spend at %d, hashBlock=%s, hashTx=%s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString().c_str(), hashTx.ToString().c_str());
                                    pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                                // check level 6: check whether spent txouts were spent by a valid transaction that consume them
                                if (nCheckLevel>5)
                                    CTransaction txSpend;
                                    if (!txSpend.ReadFromDisk(txpos))
                                        printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** cannot read spending transaction of %s:%i from disk\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str(), nOutput);
                                        pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                                    else if (!txSpend.CheckTransaction())
                                        printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** spending transaction of %s:%i is invalid\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str(), nOutput);
                                        pindexFork = pindex->pprev;
                                        bool fFound = false;
                                        BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn &txin, txSpend.vin)
                                            if (txin.prevout.hash == hashTx && txin.prevout.n == nOutput)
                                                fFound = true;
                                        if (!fFound)
                                            printf("LoadBlockIndex(): *** spending transaction of %s:%i does not spend it\n", hashTx.ToString().c_str(), nOutput);
                                            pindexFork = pindex->pprev;