// Load the bsp file
bool LoadBSPFile( const char* pFilename, void **ppBSPBuffer, int *pBSPSize )
	CByteswap	byteSwap;

	*ppBSPBuffer = NULL;
	*pBSPSize    = 0;

	FILE *fp = fopen( pFilename, "rb" );
	if ( fp )
		fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
		int size = ftell( fp );
		fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );

		*ppBSPBuffer = malloc( size );
		if ( !*ppBSPBuffer )
			Warning( "Failed to alloc %d bytes\n", size );
			goto cleanUp;

		*pBSPSize = size;
		fread( *ppBSPBuffer, size, 1, fp );
		fclose( fp );
		if ( !g_bQuiet )
			Warning( "Missing %s\n", pFilename );
		goto cleanUp;

	dheader_t *pBSPHeader = (dheader_t *)*ppBSPBuffer;

	if ( pBSPHeader->ident != IDBSPHEADER )
		if ( pBSPHeader->ident != BigLong( IDBSPHEADER ) )
			if ( !g_bQuiet )
				Warning( "BSP %s has bad id: got %d, expected %d\n", pFilename, pBSPHeader->ident, IDBSPHEADER );
			goto cleanUp;
			// bsp is for 360, swap the header
			byteSwap.ActivateByteSwapping( true );
			byteSwap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( pBSPHeader );

	if ( pBSPHeader->version < MINBSPVERSION || pBSPHeader->version > BSPVERSION )
		if ( !g_bQuiet )
			Warning( "BSP %s has bad version: got %d, expected %d\n", pFilename, pBSPHeader->version, BSPVERSION );
		goto cleanUp;

	// sucess
	return true;

	if ( *ppBSPBuffer )
		free( *ppBSPBuffer );
		*ppBSPBuffer = NULL;

	return false;
	const void *FindSceneFile( CFlex *instance, const char *filename, bool allowBlockingIO )
		// See if it's already loaded
		int i;
		for ( i = 0; i < m_FileList.Size(); i++ )
			CFlexSceneFile *file = m_FileList[ i ];
			if ( file && !stricmp( file->filename, filename ) )
				// Make sure translations (local to global flex controller) are set up for this instance
				EnsureTranslations( instance, ( const flexsettinghdr_t * )file->buffer );
				return file->buffer;

		if ( !allowBlockingIO )
			return NULL;

		// Load file into memory
		void *buffer = NULL;
		int len = filesystem->ReadFileEx( UTIL_VarArgs( "expressions/%s.vfe", filename ), "GAME", &buffer, false, true );

		if ( !len )
			return NULL;

		// Create scene entry
		CFlexSceneFile *pfile = new CFlexSceneFile;
		// Remember filename
		Q_strncpy( pfile->filename, filename, sizeof( pfile->filename ) );
		// Remember data pointer
		pfile->buffer = buffer;
		// Add to list
		m_FileList.AddToTail( pfile );

		// Swap the entire file
		if ( IsX360() )
			CByteswap swap;
			swap.ActivateByteSwapping( true );
			byte *pData = (byte*)buffer;
			flexsettinghdr_t *pHdr = (flexsettinghdr_t*)pData;
			swap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( pHdr );

			// Flex Settings
			flexsetting_t *pFlexSetting = (flexsetting_t*)((byte*)pHdr + pHdr->flexsettingindex);
			for ( int i = 0; i < pHdr->numflexsettings; ++i, ++pFlexSetting )
				swap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( pFlexSetting );
				flexweight_t *pWeight = (flexweight_t*)(((byte*)pFlexSetting) + pFlexSetting->settingindex );
				for ( int j = 0; j < pFlexSetting->numsettings; ++j, ++pWeight )
					swap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( pWeight );

			// indexes
			pData = (byte*)pHdr + pHdr->indexindex;
			swap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian( (int*)pData, (int*)pData, pHdr->numindexes );

			// keymappings
			pData  = (byte*)pHdr + pHdr->keymappingindex;
			swap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian( (int*)pData, (int*)pData, pHdr->numkeys );

			// keyname indices
			pData = (byte*)pHdr + pHdr->keynameindex;
			swap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian( (int*)pData, (int*)pData, pHdr->numkeys );

		// Fill in translation table
		EnsureTranslations( instance, ( const flexsettinghdr_t * )pfile->buffer );

		// Return data
		return pfile->buffer;
Exemple #3
// Purpose: creates the font.  returns false if the font cannot be mounted.
bool CBitmapFont::Create( const char *pFontFilename, float scalex, float scaley, int flags )

	if ( !pFontFilename || !pFontFilename[0] )
		return false;

	CUtlSymbol symbol;
	char fontName[MAX_PATH];
	Q_FileBase( pFontFilename, fontName, MAX_PATH );
	Q_strlower( fontName );
	symbol = fontName;

	// find a match that can use same entries
	BitmapFontTable_t *pFontTable = NULL;
	for ( int i=0; i<g_BitmapFontTable.Count(); i++ )
		if ( symbol == g_BitmapFontTable[i].m_szName )
			m_bitmapFontHandle = i;
			pFontTable = &g_BitmapFontTable[m_bitmapFontHandle];

	if ( !pFontTable )
		void *pBuf = NULL;
		int nLength; 

		nLength = FontManager().FileSystem()->ReadFileEx( pFontFilename, "GAME", &pBuf ); 
		if ( nLength <= 0 || !pBuf )
			// not found
			return false;

		if ( ((BitmapFont_t*)pBuf)->m_id != LittleLong( BITMAPFONT_ID ) || ((BitmapFont_t*)pBuf)->m_Version != LittleLong( BITMAPFONT_VERSION ) )
			// bad version
			return false;

		if ( IsX360() )
			CByteswap swap;
			swap.ActivateByteSwapping( true );
			swap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( (BitmapFont_t*)pBuf );
			swap.SwapFieldsToTargetEndian( (BitmapGlyph_t*)((char*)pBuf + sizeof( BitmapFont_t )), ((BitmapFont_t*)pBuf)->m_NumGlyphs );

		// create it
		m_bitmapFontHandle = g_BitmapFontTable.AddToTail();
		pFontTable = &g_BitmapFontTable[m_bitmapFontHandle];

		pFontTable->m_szName = fontName;

		pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont = new BitmapFont_t;
		memcpy( pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont, pBuf, sizeof( BitmapFont_t ) );

		pFontTable->m_pBitmapGlyphs = new BitmapGlyph_t[pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_NumGlyphs];
		memcpy( pFontTable->m_pBitmapGlyphs, (unsigned char*)pBuf + sizeof(BitmapFont_t), pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_NumGlyphs*sizeof(BitmapGlyph_t) );

		FontManager().FileSystem()->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( pBuf );

		// load the art resources
		char textureName[MAX_PATH];
		Q_snprintf( textureName, MAX_PATH, "vgui/fonts/%s", fontName );
		pFontTable->m_pTexture = FontManager().MaterialSystem()->FindTexture( textureName, TEXTURE_GROUP_VGUI );

#ifdef _DEBUG
		if ( pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_PageWidth != pFontTable->m_pTexture->GetActualWidth() ||
			pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_PageHeight != pFontTable->m_pTexture->GetActualHeight() )
			// font is out of sync with its art
			Assert( 0 );
			return false;
		// the font texture lives forever, ensure it doesn't get purged

	// setup font properties
	m_scalex = scalex;
	m_scaley = scaley;

	// flags are derived from the baked font
	m_iFlags = vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_BITMAP;
	int bitmapFlags = pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_Flags;

	if ( bitmapFlags & BF_ANTIALIASED )
		m_iFlags |= vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ANTIALIAS;

	if ( bitmapFlags & BF_ITALIC )
		m_iFlags |= vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ITALIC;

	if ( bitmapFlags & BF_BLURRED )
		m_iFlags |= vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_GAUSSIANBLUR;
		m_iBlur = 1;

	if ( bitmapFlags & BF_SCANLINES )
		m_iScanLines = 1;

	if ( bitmapFlags & BF_OUTLINED )
		m_iFlags |= vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_OUTLINE;
		m_iOutlineSize = 1;

	if ( bitmapFlags & BF_DROPSHADOW )
		m_iFlags |= vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_DROPSHADOW;
		m_iDropShadowOffset = 1;

	if ( flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ADDITIVE )
		m_bAdditive = true;
		m_iFlags |= vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ADDITIVE;

	m_iMaxCharWidth = (float)pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_MaxCharWidth * m_scalex;
	m_iHeight       = (float)pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_MaxCharHeight * m_scaley;
	m_iAscent       = (float)pFontTable->m_pBitmapFont->m_Ascent * m_scaley;

	// mark as valid
	m_szName = symbol;

	return true;