bool ToTextLayer::DerSelMenu(Script* ts){ do{ CC_BREAK_IF(!ts); //CCDictionary* attrs = ts->attributes; CCArray* scrs = ts->scriptnodes; int n = ts->m_snum; int maxleng = 0; /* <最大字长 */ CCArray* tm = CCArray::createWithCapacity(n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ Script* tmp = (Script*) scrs->objectAtIndex(i); //set more here if you want more. float sf = 1; CCSprite* spriteNormal; CCSprite* spriteSelected; CCSprite* spriteDisabled; spriteNormal = CCSprite::create("Images/menuitemsprite2.png", CCRectMake(0,23*2/sf,70/sf,23/sf)); spriteSelected = CCSprite::create("Images/menuitemsprite2.png", CCRectMake(0,23*1/sf,70/sf,23/sf)); spriteDisabled = CCSprite::create("Images/menuitemsprite2.png", CCRectMake(0,23*0,70/sf,23/sf)); SpriteTextMenuItem* item2 = new SpriteTextMenuItem(); item2->autorelease(); item2->initWithNormalSprite(spriteNormal, spriteSelected, spriteDisabled,this, menu_selector(ToTextLayer::menucallback) ); item2->settext(tmp->getstring("content"), FNT_CHN, 24); item2->setSData(tmp->getint("jump")); item2->setTag(100+i); maxleng = max(maxleng, strlen(tmp->getstring("content"))); tm->insertObject(item2,i); } sel_menu = MouseMenu::createWithArray(tm); sel_menu->setTouchEnabled(false); sel_menu->alignItemsVertically(); sel_menu->setTag(MENUTAG); sel_menu->setPosition(ccp(s.width/2, s.height/2)); sel_menu->f_setaligntype(1); addChild(sel_menu); float t_width,t_height; t_width = maxleng * 30; t_height = n * 30; CCScale9Sprite* nback = CCScale9Sprite::create("Images/popup_back.png"); nback->setContentSize(CCSize(t_width+ 23,t_height+ 22)); nback->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5,0.5)); nback->setPosition(s.width/2, s.height/2 - t_height/2 +30 ); nback->setOpacity(200); nback->setTag(MENUTAG+1); addChild(nback,-1); e_layerstate = 1; return true; }while(0); return false; }
CCArray* CollisionEngine::getSurroundingTilesAtPosition(CCPoint position, CCTMXLayer *layer) { CCPoint plPos = tileCoordForPosition(position); CCArray *gids = CCArray::create(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { int c = i % 3; int r = (int) (i / 3); CCPoint tilePos = ccp(plPos.x + (c - 1), plPos.y + (r - 1)); // fall into a hole if (tilePos.y > (map->getMapSize().height - 1)) { // kill the enemy here //this->gameOver(false); return NULL; } int tgid = layer->tileGIDAt(tilePos); CCRect tileRect = tileRectFromTileCoords(tilePos); CCDictionary *tileDict = CCDictionary::create(); CCXNumericData *tilePosData = CCXNumericData::create(); CCXNumericData *tgidData = CCXNumericData::create(); CCXNumericData *rectOrgXData = CCXNumericData::create(); CCXNumericData *rectOrgYData = CCXNumericData::create(); tilePosData->setPoint(tilePos); tgidData->setIntValue(tgid); rectOrgXData->setFloatValue(tileRect.origin.x); rectOrgYData->setFloatValue(tileRect.origin.y); tileDict->setObject(tgidData, "gid"); tileDict->setObject(rectOrgXData, "x"); tileDict->setObject(rectOrgYData, "y"); tileDict->setObject(tilePosData, "tilePos"); gids->addObject(tileDict); } gids->removeObjectAtIndex(4); gids->insertObject(gids->objectAtIndex(2), 6); gids->removeObjectAtIndex(2); gids->exchangeObjectAtIndex(4, 6); gids->exchangeObjectAtIndex(0, 4); return gids; }
void ActionNode::insertFrame(int index, ActionFrame* frame) { if (frame == NULL) { return; } int frameType = frame->getFrameType(); CCArray* cArray = (CCArray*)m_FrameArray->objectAtIndex(frameType); if (cArray == NULL) { return; } cArray->insertObject(frame,index); }
void DaojuEngine::daoJuConfirmHitPoint(Point p, int type){ int row = p.y / this->perHeight; int line = p.x / this->perWidth; StarModel* model = this->getModelForLineAndRow(line, row); if (!model) { return; } switch (type) { case 0: { model->type = 2; model->node->sprite->setTexture("image_02.png"); break; } case 1: { CCArray* arr = CCArray::create(); arr->addObject(model); destroySlectedArray(arr,NULL); break; } case 2: { CCArray* arr = CCArray::create(); arr->addObject(model); StarModel* block = getModelForLineAndRow(model->line-1, model->row); if (block) { arr->addObject(block); } block = getModelForLineAndRow(model->line+1, model->row); if (block) { arr->addObject(block); } block = getModelForLineAndRow(model->line, model->row-1); if (block) { arr->addObject(block); } block = getModelForLineAndRow(model->line, model->row+1); if (block) { arr->addObject(block); } block = getModelForLineAndRow(model->line-1, model->row-1); if (block) { arr->addObject(block); } block = getModelForLineAndRow(model->line+1, model->row+1); if (block) { arr->addObject(block); } block = getModelForLineAndRow(model->line+1, model->row-1); if (block) { arr->addObject(block); } block = getModelForLineAndRow(model->line-1, model->row+1); if (block) { arr->addObject(block); } destroySlectedArray(arr,NULL); break; } case 3: { CCArray* nameArray = CCArray::create(); for (int i = 0; i<5; i++) { __String* s = __String::createWithFormat("image_0%d.png",i); nameArray->addObject(s); } for (int i = 0; i<dataSource->count(); i++) { CCArray* lineArr = (CCArray*)dataSource->objectAtIndex(i); for (int j = 0; j<lineArr->count(); j++) { StarModel* model = getModelForLineAndRow(i, j); int type = arc4random()%typeCount; model->type = type; model->line = i; model->row = j; __String* file = (__String*)nameArray->objectAtIndex(model->type); Sprite* bSprite = model->node->sprite; bSprite->setTexture(file->getCString()); } } break; } case 4: { for (int i = 0; i<dataSource->count(); i++) { CCArray* lineArr = (CCArray*)dataSource->objectAtIndex(i); for (int j = 0; j<lineArr->count(); j++) { StarModel* model = getModelForLineAndRow(i, j); if (!model) { return; } int tLine = arc4random()%dataSource->count(); int tRow = arc4random()%(((CCArray*)dataSource->objectAtIndex(tLine))->count()); StarModel* tModel = getModelForLineAndRow(tLine, tRow); if (!tModel) { return; } CCArray* TEMP = NULL; if (tModel) { TEMP = (CCArray*)dataSource->objectAtIndex(model->line); TEMP->removeObjectAtIndex(model->row); TEMP->insertObject(tModel, model->row); TEMP = (CCArray*)dataSource->objectAtIndex(tModel->line); TEMP->removeObjectAtIndex(tModel->row); TEMP->insertObject(model, tModel->row); int temp = model->line; model->line = tModel->line; tModel->line = temp; temp = model->row; model->row = tModel->row; tModel->row = temp; } } } for (int i = 0; i<dataSource->count(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j<((CCArray*)dataSource->objectAtIndex(i))->count(); j++) { StarModel* model = (StarModel*)((CCArray*)dataSource->objectAtIndex(i))->objectAtIndex(j); model->line = i; model->row = j; StarNode* node = model->node; Point p = node->sprite->getPosition(); Point t = ccp((i+ 0.5)*this->perHeight, (j+0.5)*this->perWidth); if (p.x != t.x || p.y != t.y) { CCActionInterval * moveBy = CCMoveBy::create(0.3,Vec2(t.x-p.x, t.y-p.y)); CCActionInterval * actionmoveback= moveBy; node->sprite->runAction(actionmoveback); allNodes->addObject(node); } } } break; } default: break; } }
/* // <播放声音可采用,callfunction,这个可以留到以后再做 // <如果有新的效果需求可以在这里添加,限制为ccaction的子类,且只支持单target,设计上是立绘层,不要加入太多的逻辑。 */ CCAction* ToTextLayer::DerAction(Script* ts, int indent){ do{ int targettag = TagMap[ts->getstring("target")]; const char* type = ts->getstring("type"); CCAction* t_ca = NULL; static map<string,CCAction*> a_map; if(strcmp(type,"sequence") == 0 || strcmp(type,"spawn") == 0 || strcmp(type,"repeat") == 0){ int num = ts->m_snum; CCArray* sl = ts->scriptnodes; CCArray* ss = CCArray::createWithCapacity(num); //store the actions for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ t_ca = DerAction((Script*) sl->objectAtIndex(i),indent+1); ss->insertObject(t_ca,i); // XML parse error will end unknown throw out here. } /* // <repeat--repeatforever || 当repeat没有子节点时,可以提供name来获取已经定义的action,注意,repeat只接受间隔型操作。 */ if(strcmp(type,"sequence") == 0){ t_ca = CCSequence::create(ss); }else if(strcmp(type,"spawn") == 0){ t_ca = CCSpawn::create(ss); }else if(strcmp(type,"repeat") == 0){ int tiTimes; // <Repeat should be single, multi them by seq or spawn. tiTimes = ts->getint("times"); std::string t_sname; t_sname = ts->getstring("name"); if(strlen(t_sname.c_str())>0) t_ca = a_map[t_sname]; // <提供name将获得优先权 if(tiTimes>0) t_ca = CCRepeat::create((CCActionInterval*) t_ca,tiTimes); else t_ca = CCRepeatForever::create((CCActionInterval*) t_ca); } } /* // <如果提供的原始action不是间隔型的话将会出错 */ else if(strcmp(type,"moveby") == 0){ t_ca = CCMoveBy::create(ts->getfloat("duration"), ccp(ts->getfloat("x"),ts->getfloat("y"))); CCLOG("move by:%f,%f,%f",ts->getfloat("duration"), ts->getfloat("x"),ts->getfloat("y")); } else if(strcmp(type,"reverse") == 0){ t_ca = a_map[ts->getstring("orig")]; t_ca = ((CCActionInterval*) t_ca)->reverse(); }else if(strcmp(type,"moveto") == 0){ t_ca = CCMoveTo::create(ts->getfloat("duration"), ccp(ts->getfloat("x"),ts->getfloat("y"))); CCLOG("move to:%f,%f,%f",ts->getfloat("duration"), ts->getfloat("x"),ts->getfloat("y")); }else if(strcmp(type,"place") == 0){ t_ca = CCPlace::create(ccp(ts->getfloat("x"),ts->getfloat("y"))); }else if(strcmp(type,"scaleto") == 0){ t_ca = CCScaleTo::create(ts->getfloat("duration"), ts->getfloat("x"),ts->getfloat("y")); }else if(strcmp(type,"scaleby") == 0){ t_ca = CCScaleBy::create(ts->getfloat("duration"), ts->getfloat("x"),ts->getfloat("y")); }else if(strcmp(type,"tintto") == 0){ t_ca = CCTintTo::create(ts->getfloat("duration"), ts->getint("r"), ts->getint("g"), ts->getint("b")); }else if(strcmp(type,"tintby") == 0){ t_ca = CCTintBy::create(ts->getfloat("duration"), ts->getint("r"), ts->getint("g"), ts->getint("b")); }else if(strcmp(type,"rotateby") == 0){ t_ca = CCRotateBy::create(ts->getfloat("duration"), ts->getfloat("x"),ts->getfloat("y")); }else if(strcmp(type,"rotateto") == 0){ t_ca = CCRotateTo::create(ts->getfloat("duration"), ts->getfloat("x"),ts->getfloat("y")); }else if(strcmp(type,"fadeto") == 0){ t_ca = CCFadeTo::create(ts->getfloat("duration"), ts->getint("alpha")); } else if (strcmp(type, "textauto") == 0){ t_ca = CCSequence::createWithTwoActions(CCDelayTime::create(ts->getfloat("duration")), CCCallFunc::create(this, callfunc_selector(ToTextLayer::AutoNext))); } if(indent == 0) { CCSprite* p = (CCSprite*) getChildByTag(targettag); p->runAction(t_ca); a_map.clear(); /* getChildByTag(targettag)->runAction(tmp); */ }else{ string name = ts->getstring("name"); if(name.length()>0) a_map[ts->getstring("name")] = t_ca; return t_ca; } } while(0); return false; }
Script* Scriptor::dump_to_nodes( TiXmlNode* pParent, unsigned int indent, ScriptType st) { if ( !pParent ) return NULL; ScriptType tp = st; TiXmlNode* pChild; TiXmlText* pText; int t = pParent->Type(); CCDictionary* ct = NULL; CCArray* ca = NULL; CCDictionary* cd = NULL; switch ( t ) { case TiXmlNode::DOCUMENT: CCLOG( "-Document" ); break; case TiXmlNode::ELEMENT: { const char* el_name = pParent->Value(); CCLOG( "Element [%s]", el_name ); if(strcmp(el_name,"pack") == 0) tp = sFilePack; else if(strcmp(el_name,"lock") == 0) tp = sLock; else if(strcmp(el_name,"list") == 0) tp = sList; else if(strcmp(el_name,"png") == 0) tp = sReadFile; else if(strcmp(el_name,"scripts") == 0) tp = sScriptPack; else if(strcmp(el_name,"text") == 0) tp = sShowText; else if(strcmp(el_name,"act") == 0) tp = sAct; else if(strcmp(el_name,"select") == 0) tp = sSelect; else if(strcmp(el_name,"choice") == 0) tp= sChoice; else if(strcmp(el_name,"loadimg") == 0) tp = sLoadImg; else if(strcmp(el_name,"action") == 0) tp = sAction; else if(strcmp(el_name,"final") == 0) tp = sFinal; else if(strcmp(el_name,"silent") == 0) tp = sSilent; else if(strcmp(el_name,"item") == 0) tp = sItem; else if(strcmp(el_name,"mapscp") == 0) tp = sMapscp; else if(strcmp(el_name,"change") == 0) tp = sChange; else if(strcmp(el_name,"mapaction") == 0) tp = sMapAction; ct = dump_attribs_to_nodes(pParent->ToElement(), indent+1,tp); //num of attrib break; } case TiXmlNode::COMMENT: CCLOG( "Comment: [%s]", pParent->Value()); break; case TiXmlNode::UNKNOWN: CCLOG( "Unknown" ); break; case TiXmlNode::TEXT: pText = pParent->ToText(); CCLOG( "Text: [%s],we do not use text.", pText->Value() ); break; case TiXmlNode::DECLARATION: CCLOG( "-Declaration" ); break; default: break; } bool t_bNeedRet = true; int m = 0; CCLOG("----One sccin.Indent:%d----",indent); if(ct != NULL){ CCInteger* cod = (CCInteger*) ct->objectForKey("total"); //a_这里只_读取script,_mapscp不_提供total属性。 if(NULL != cod) { int ccon = cod->getValue(); CCLOG("---Indent:%d||Total:%d---",indent,ccon); ca = new CCArray(ccon); pChild = pParent->FirstChild(); for(;m<ccon;m++) { Script* mtm = dump_to_nodes( pChild, indent+1, tp); ca->insertObject(mtm,m); mtm->release(); pChild = pChild->NextSibling(); } } } int k = 0; if(m<1) { ca = new CCArray(); cd = new CCDictionary(); for ( pChild = pParent->FirstChild(); pChild != 0; pChild = pChild->NextSibling()) { if(tp == sMapscp){ Script* mtm = dump_to_nodes(pChild, indent+1, sNameNode); cd->setObject(mtm,mtm->getstring("name")); mtm->release(); CCLOG("---Indent:%d||NT,sMapscp:%s---",indent,mtm->getstring("name")); k++; }else if(tp == sNameNode){ Script* mtm = dump_to_nodes(pChild, indent+1, sTypeNode); cd->setObject(mtm,mtm->getint("type")); mtm->release(); CCLOG("---Indent:%d||NT,sNameNode:%d---",indent,mtm->getint("type")); k++; }else if(tp != sUnknown) //_以上为msp的读入 { Script* mtm = dump_to_nodes( pChild, indent+1, tp); ca->insertObject(mtm,k); mtm->release(); CCLOG("---Indent:%d||NT,sUnknown:%d---",indent,k); k++; } else{ CCLOG("-Per sable Leak,sUnknown Node:%d",indent); dump_to_nodes( pChild, indent+1, tp); } } } Script* tmps = new Script(); if(k+m > 0) { if(!ct) ct = new CCDictionary(); if(m==0){ CCInteger* t_i = new CCInteger(k); ct->setObject(t_i,"total"); t_i->release(); } tmps->scriptnodes = ca; tmps->mapscpnodes = cd; }else{ CCLOG("-Leaf Node Detect"); CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(ca); CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(cd); } tmps->m_snum = k + m; tmps->attributes = ct; tmps->type = tp; switch(tp){ case sFilePack: { initcs->addObject(tmps); tmps->release(); in++; return NULL; } case sUnknown: { CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(tmps); return NULL; } case sScriptPack: { m_caScript = ca; //if(ca) ca->retain(); sn = k + m; tmps->scriptnodes = NULL; } case sList: { initcs->addObject(tmps); tmps->release(); in++; return NULL; } case sMapscp: { mapscps = cd; //if(cd) cd->retain(); tmps->mapscpnodes = NULL; CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(tmps); return NULL; } default: { return tmps; } } }
KDbool Ch7_SideScrollingPathfinding::init ( KDvoid ) { // Set game area size m_tGameAreaSize = ccp ( 1000 / PTM_RATIO, 600 / PTM_RATIO ); // Box2d units if ( !GameArea2D::init ( ) ) { return KD_FALSE; } m_pMessage->setString ( "Tap the screen move the actor to that point.\nTap again to queue another waypoint." ); // Set 2D side scrolling gravity m_pWorld->SetGravity ( b2Vec2 ( 0, -20.0f ) ); // Add three platforms this->addBoxAtPoint ( ccp ( 625, 200 ), ccs ( 200, 50 ) ); this->addBoxAtPoint ( ccp ( 75, 300 ), ccs ( 230, 50 ) ); this->addBoxAtPoint ( ccp ( 125, 100 ), ccp ( 220, 50 ) ); // Create Actor this->addActor ( ); // Add draw layer this->addDrawLayer ( ); // Create level boundaries this->addLevelBoundaries ( ); // Initial variables m_fCameraZoom = 0.45f; // Create SSAStarNodes m_pNodes = new CCArray ( ); // distance between nodes that the actor can run between KDfloat fNodeRunDistInterval = 100.0f; // How far to search for nodes the actor can jump to KDfloat fMaxJumpSearchDist = 500.0f; // Add some nodes to the bottom of the level for ( KDfloat x = 20.0f; x <= * PTM_RATIO - 20.0f; x += fNodeRunDistInterval ) { SSAStarNode* pNode = SSAStarNode::create ( ); pNode->setPosition ( ccp ( x, 20.0f ) ); pNode->setBody ( m_pLevelBoundary->getBody ( ) ); pNode->setActor ( m_pActor ); m_pNodes->addObject ( pNode ); } // Link those nodes together as 'run neighbors' for ( KDuint i = 0; i < m_pNodes->count ( ) - 1; i++ ) { SSAStarNode* pN1 = (SSAStarNode*) m_pNodes->objectAtIndex ( i ); SSAStarNode* pN2 = (SSAStarNode*) m_pNodes->objectAtIndex ( i + 1 ); this->linkRunNeighbor ( pN1, pN2 ); } // Add nodes to all level platforms for ( b2Body* pBody = m_pWorld->GetBodyList ( ); pBody; pBody = pBody->GetNext ( ) ) { if ( pBody->GetUserData ( ) != KD_NULL ) { GameObject* pObject = (GameObject*) pBody->GetUserData ( ); if ( pObject->getTag ( ) == GO_TAG_WALL && pObject->getPolygonShape ( ) ) { // Nodes on this body only CCArray* pNodesThisBody = CCArray::create ( ); // Process each polygon vertex b2PolygonShape* pShape = pObject->getPolygonShape ( ); for ( KDint i = 0; i < pShape->m_vertexCount; i++ ) { b2Vec2 tVertex = pShape->m_vertices [ i ]; // All nodes are 1 unit above their corresponding platform b2Vec2 tNodePosition = b2Vec2 ( tVertex.x + pBody->GetPosition ( ).x, tVertex.y + pBody->GetPosition ( ).y + 1.0f ); // Move nodes inward to lessen chance of missing a jump if ( pShape->m_centroid.x < tVertex.x ) { tNodePosition = b2Vec2 ( tNodePosition.x - 0.5f, tNodePosition.y ); } else { tNodePosition = b2Vec2 ( tNodePosition.x + 0.5f, tNodePosition.y ); } // If this node position is not inside the polygon we create an SSAStarNode if ( !pShape->TestPoint ( pBody->GetTransform ( ), tNodePosition ) ) { SSAStarNode* pNode = SSAStarNode::create ( ); pNode->setPosition ( ccp ( tNodePosition.x * PTM_RATIO, tNodePosition.y * PTM_RATIO ) ); pNode->setBody ( pBody ); pNode->setActor ( m_pActor ); m_pNodes->addObject ( pNode ); pNodesThisBody->addObject ( pNode ); } } // Add in-between nodes (for running) KDbool bDone = KD_FALSE; while ( !bDone ) { if ( pNodesThisBody->count ( ) == 0 ) { break; } bDone = KD_TRUE; for ( KDuint i = 0; i < pNodesThisBody->count ( ) - 1; i++ ) { SSAStarNode* pNode1 = (SSAStarNode*) pNodesThisBody->objectAtIndex ( i ); SSAStarNode* pNode2 = (SSAStarNode*) pNodesThisBody->objectAtIndex ( i + 1 ); if ( GameHelper::absoluteValue ( pNode1->getPosition ( ).y - pNode2->getPosition ( ).y ) > 0.1f ) { // These are not side by side continue; } if ( GameHelper::distanceP1 ( pNode1->getPosition ( ), pNode2->getPosition ( ) ) > fNodeRunDistInterval ) { CCPoint tMidPoint = GameHelper::midPointP1 ( pNode1->getPosition ( ), pNode2->getPosition ( ) ); b2Vec2 tMp = b2Vec2 ( tMidPoint.x / PTM_RATIO, tMidPoint.y / PTM_RATIO ); //If node is not in the polygon, add it if ( !pShape->TestPoint ( pBody->GetTransform ( ), tMp ) ) { SSAStarNode* pNode = SSAStarNode::create ( ); pNode->setPosition ( GameHelper::midPointP1 ( pNode1->getPosition ( ), pNode2->getPosition ( ) ) ); pNode->setBody ( pBody ); pNode->setActor ( m_pActor ); pNodesThisBody->insertObject ( pNode, i + 1 ); m_pNodes->insertObject ( pNode, m_pNodes->indexOfObject ( pNode2 ) ); bDone = KD_FALSE; break; } } } } // Link all of the neighboring nodes on this body for ( KDuint i = 0; i < pNodesThisBody->count ( ) - 1; i++ ) { if ( pNodesThisBody->count ( ) == 0 ) { break; } SSAStarNode* pNode1 = (SSAStarNode*) pNodesThisBody->objectAtIndex ( i ); SSAStarNode* pNode2 = (SSAStarNode*) pNodesThisBody->objectAtIndex ( i + 1 ); if ( GameHelper::absoluteValue ( pNode1->getPosition ( ).y - pNode2->getPosition ( ) .y ) > 0.1f ) { // These are not side by side continue; } // Two-way link this->linkRunNeighbor ( pNode1, pNode2 ); } } } } // Neighbor all other nodes (for jumping) for ( KDuint i = 0; i < m_pNodes->count ( ); i++ ) { for ( KDuint j = 0; j < m_pNodes->count ( ); j++ ) { if ( i == j ) { continue; } SSAStarNode* pNode1 = (SSAStarNode*) m_pNodes->objectAtIndex ( i ); SSAStarNode* pNode2 = (SSAStarNode*) m_pNodes->objectAtIndex ( j ); if ( pNode1->getBody ( ) == pNode2->getBody ( ) ) { continue; } if ( GameHelper::distanceP1 ( pNode1->getPosition ( ), pNode2->getPosition ( ) ) <= fMaxJumpSearchDist ) { CCPoint tSrc = ccp ( pNode1->getPosition ( ).x / PTM_RATIO, pNode1->getPosition ( ).y / PTM_RATIO ); CCPoint tDst = ccp ( pNode2->getPosition ( ).x / PTM_RATIO, pNode2->getPosition ( ).y / PTM_RATIO ); // Calculate our jump "launch" vector Vector3D* pLaunchVector3D = SSGameActor::canJumpFrom ( tSrc, tDst, m_pActor->getCircleShape ( )->m_radius * 1.5f, m_pWorld, m_pActor->getMaxSpeed ( ) ); if ( pLaunchVector3D ) { // Only neighbor up if a jump can be made // 1-way link if ( !pNode1->containsNeighborForNode ( pNode2 ) ) { SSNeighborNode* pNeighbor = SSNeighborNode::create ( ); pNeighbor->setLaunchVector ( ccp ( pLaunchVector3D->x, pLaunchVector3D->y ) ); pNeighbor->setNode ( pNode2 ); pNeighbor->setMoveType ( MOVE_TYPE_JUMP ); pNeighbor->setCost ( pNode1->costToNeighbor ( pNeighbor ) ); pNode1->getNeighbors ( )->addObject ( pNeighbor ); } } } } } return KD_TRUE; }