Exemple #1
void CWeaponRPCs::TakeWeapon ( NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream )
    // Read out weapon id and ammo amount
    ElementID ID;
    SWeaponTypeSync weaponType;

    if ( bitStream.ReadCompressed ( ID ) &&
         bitStream.Read ( &weaponType )  )
        unsigned char ucWeaponID = weaponType.data.ucWeaponType;

        CClientPed * pPed = m_pPedManager->Get ( ID, true );
        if ( pPed )
            // Don't change remote players weapons (affects sync)
            if ( pPed->GetType () == CCLIENTPED || ( CClientPlayer * ) pPed == m_pPlayerManager->GetLocalPlayer () )
                // Is the weapon id valid? (may not be neccessary, just being safe)
                if ( CClientPickupManager::IsValidWeaponID ( ucWeaponID ) )
                    // Remove the weapon
                    pPed->RemoveWeapon ( static_cast < eWeaponType > ( ucWeaponID ) );
CClientPlayer* CClientPlayerManager::Get ( CPlayerPed* pPlayer, bool bValidatePointer )
    if ( !pPlayer ) return NULL;

    if ( bValidatePointer )
        vector < CClientPlayer* > ::const_iterator iter = m_Players.begin ();
        for ( ; iter != m_Players.end () ; iter++ )
            if ( (*iter)->GetGamePlayer () == pPlayer )
                return *iter;
        CClientPed* pPed = reinterpret_cast < CClientPed* > ( pPlayer->GetStoredPointer () );
        if ( pPed->GetType () == CCLIENTPLAYER )
            return static_cast < CClientPlayer * > ( pPed );

    return NULL;
Exemple #3
CClientPed* CClientPedManager::Get ( CPlayerPed* pPlayer, bool bValidatePointer, bool bCheckPlayers )
    if ( !pPlayer ) return NULL;

    if ( bValidatePointer )
        vector < CClientPed* > ::const_iterator iter = m_StreamedIn.begin ();
        for ( ; iter != m_StreamedIn.end (); iter++ )
            if ( (*iter)->GetGamePlayer () == pPlayer )
                return *iter;
        CClientPed* pPed = reinterpret_cast < CClientPed* > ( pPlayer->GetStoredPointer () );
        if ( pPed->GetType () == CCLIENTPED || bCheckPlayers )
            return pPed;
    return NULL;
Exemple #4
CClientPed* CClientPedManager::Get ( RpClump * pClump, bool bCheckPlayers )
    if ( !pClump ) return NULL;

    CClientPed * pPed = NULL;
    vector < CClientPed* > ::const_iterator iter = m_StreamedIn.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_StreamedIn.end (); iter++ )
        pPed = *iter;
        if ( pPed->GetClump () == pClump && ( pPed->GetType () == CCLIENTPED || bCheckPlayers ) )
            return pPed;
    return NULL;
Exemple #5
void CNametags::DrawFromAim()
    unsigned long ulCurrentTime = CClientTime::GetTime();

    // Got any players that are not local?
    if (m_pPlayerManager->Count() > 1)
        // Grab the local player
        CClientPlayer* pLocalPlayer = m_pPlayerManager->GetLocalPlayer();
        if (pLocalPlayer)
            // Grab the current time and the camera
            unsigned long ulCurrentTime = CClientTime::GetTime();
            CCamera*      pCamera = g_pGame->GetCamera();

            // Grab our controller state
            CControllerState State;

            // Grab our current weapon slot. Use screen center if melee or none
            CVector     vecStart;
            CVector     vecTarget;
            eWeaponSlot eSlot = pLocalPlayer->GetCurrentWeaponSlot();
                // Grab the active cam
                CCamera* pCamera = g_pGame->GetCamera();
                CCam*    pActive = pCamera->GetCam(pCamera->GetActiveCam());

                // Grab the camera matrix
                CMatrix matCamera;
                vecStart = matCamera.vPos;

                // Range
                float        fRange;
                eWeaponType  eWeapon = pLocalPlayer->GetCurrentWeaponType();
                float        fSkill = pLocalPlayer->GetStat(g_pGame->GetStats()->GetSkillStatIndex(eWeapon));
                CWeaponStat* pWeaponStat = g_pGame->GetWeaponStatManager()->GetWeaponStatsFromSkillLevel(eWeapon, fSkill);
                if (pWeaponStat)
                    fRange = pWeaponStat->GetTargetRange();
                    fRange = MELEE_VISIBLE_RANGE;

                // Find the target position
                CVector vecFront = *pActive->GetFront();
                vecTarget = *pActive->GetSource() + vecFront * fRange;
                // Grab the weapon and keysync state. If it exists and he holds Target down
                CWeapon* pPlayerWeapon = pLocalPlayer->GetWeapon();
                if (pPlayerWeapon && State.RightShoulder1)
                    // Grab the gun muzzle position
                    eWeaponType  eWeapon = pLocalPlayer->GetCurrentWeaponType();
                    float        fSkill = pLocalPlayer->GetStat(g_pGame->GetStats()->GetSkillStatIndex(eWeapon));
                    CWeaponStat* pWeaponStat = g_pGame->GetWeaponStatManager()->GetWeaponStatsFromSkillLevel(eWeapon, fSkill);

                    CVector vecGunMuzzle = *pWeaponStat->GetFireOffset();
                    pLocalPlayer->GetTransformedBonePosition(BONE_RIGHTWRIST, vecGunMuzzle);

                    // Grab the target point
                    pCamera->Find3rdPersonCamTargetVector(AIM_VISIBLE_RANGE, &vecGunMuzzle, &vecStart, &vecTarget);
                    // Grab the active cam
                    CCam* pActive = pCamera->GetCam(pCamera->GetActiveCam());

                    // Grab the camera matrix
                    CMatrix matCamera;
                    vecStart = matCamera.vPos;

                    // Find the target position
                    CVector vecFront = *pActive->GetFront();
                    vecTarget = *pActive->GetSource() + vecFront * MELEE_VISIBLE_RANGE;

            // Ignore the local player for this

            // Do the raycast
            CColPoint*        pColPoint = NULL;
            CEntity*          pEntity = NULL;
            SLineOfSightFlags flags;
            flags.bCheckBuildings = true;
            flags.bCheckVehicles = true;
            flags.bCheckPeds = true;
            flags.bCheckObjects = true;
            flags.bCheckDummies = true;
            flags.bSeeThroughStuff = true;
            flags.bIgnoreSomeObjectsForCamera = false;
            flags.bShootThroughStuff = true;
            g_pGame->GetWorld()->ProcessLineOfSight(&vecStart, &vecTarget, &pColPoint, &pEntity, flags);
            if (pColPoint)

            // Un-ignore the local player

            // Did we find an entity?
            if (pEntity)
                // Grab the CClientEntity belonging to this game_sa entity
                CClientEntity* pClientEntity = reinterpret_cast<CClientEntity*>(pEntity->GetStoredPointer());
                if (pClientEntity)
                    // Is it a vehicle? Is it a ped?
                    eClientEntityType EntityType = pClientEntity->GetType();
                    if (EntityType == CCLIENTVEHICLE)
                        CClientVehicle* pClientVehicle = static_cast<CClientVehicle*>(pClientEntity);

                        // Set the current time as the last draw time for all players inside
                        CClientPed* pPed;
                        int         i;
                        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            // Grab this seat's occupant and set its last nametag show time to now
                            pPed = pClientVehicle->GetOccupant(i);
                            if (pPed && pPed->GetType() == CCLIENTPLAYER)
                    else if (EntityType == CCLIENTPLAYER)
                        // Grab the player this entity is
                        CClientPlayer* pClientPlayer = static_cast<CClientPlayer*>(pClientEntity);
                        if (pClientPlayer)
                            // Set now as the last time we had the cursor above him

            // Grab the local player vehicle
            CClientVehicle* pLocalVehicle = pLocalPlayer->GetOccupiedVehicle();

            // Draw the nametags we need to
            CClientPlayer*                              pPlayer;
            CClientStreamElement*                       pElement;
            list<CClientStreamElement*>::const_iterator iter = m_pPlayerStreamer->ActiveElementsBegin();
            for (; iter != m_pPlayerStreamer->ActiveElementsEnd(); ++iter)
                pElement = *iter;
                if (!pElement->IsStreamedIn())
                if (pElement->GetType() != CCLIENTPLAYER)
                pPlayer = static_cast<CClientPlayer*>(pElement);
                if (pPlayer->IsLocalPlayer())

                // Is he in the same vehicle as the local player?
                if (pLocalVehicle && pPlayer->GetOccupiedVehicle() == pLocalVehicle)

                // Can we show this player's nametag
                unsigned long ulLastNametagShow = pPlayer->GetLastNametagShow();
                if (ulLastNametagShow != 0 && ulCurrentTime <= ulLastNametagShow + NAMETAG_END_FADE_TIME)
                    unsigned long ulLastNametagShow = pPlayer->GetLastNametagShow();
                    // Calculate the alpha modifier
                    float fAlphaTimeModifier;
                    if (ulCurrentTime < ulLastNametagShow + NAMETAG_BEGIN_FADE_TIME)
                        fAlphaTimeModifier = 1.0f;
                        fAlphaTimeModifier = 1.0f - (ulCurrentTime - ulLastNametagShow - NAMETAG_BEGIN_FADE_TIME) / 1000.0f;

                    // Calculate the alpha for the nametag
                    unsigned char ucAlpha = static_cast<unsigned char>(180.0f * fAlphaTimeModifier);

                    // Draw it
                    DrawTagForPlayer(pPlayer, ucAlpha);
Exemple #6
void CWeaponRPCs::GiveWeapon ( NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream )
    // Read out weapon id and ammo amount
    ElementID ID;
    SWeaponTypeSync weaponType;

    if ( bitStream.ReadCompressed ( ID ) &&
         bitStream.Read ( &weaponType ) )
        SWeaponAmmoSync ammo ( weaponType.data.ucWeaponType, true, false );
        if ( bitStream.Read ( &ammo ) )
            bool bGiveWeapon = bitStream.ReadBit ();
            unsigned char ucWeaponID = weaponType.data.ucWeaponType;
            unsigned short usAmmo = ammo.data.usTotalAmmo;

            CClientPed * pPed = m_pPedManager->Get ( ID, true );
            if ( pPed )
                // Don't change remote players weapons (affects sync)
                if ( pPed->GetType () == CCLIENTPED || pPed->GetType () == CCLIENTPLAYER )
                    // Valid weapon id?
                    if ( ucWeaponID == 0 || CClientPickupManager::IsValidWeaponID ( ucWeaponID ) )
                        // Adjust the ammo to 9999 if it's above
                        if ( usAmmo > 9999 ) usAmmo = 9999;

                        // Give the local player the weapon
                        CWeapon* pPlayerWeapon = NULL;
                        if ( ucWeaponID != 0 )
                            pPlayerWeapon = pPed->GiveWeapon ( static_cast < eWeaponType > ( ucWeaponID ), usAmmo );
                            if ( pPlayerWeapon && bGiveWeapon )
                                pPlayerWeapon->SetAsCurrentWeapon ();
                            // This could be entered into a hack of the year competition. Its about as hacky as it gets.
                            // For some stupid reason, going from brassknuckles to unarmed causes the knuckles to remain 
                            // on display but unusable. So, what we do is switch to a MELEE weapon (creating one if necessary)
                            // then switch back to unarmed from there, which works fine.
                            CWeapon* oldWeapon = pPed->GetWeapon (WEAPONSLOT_TYPE_UNARMED);
                            if ( oldWeapon )
                                eWeaponType unarmedWeapon = oldWeapon->GetType();
                                pPed->RemoveWeapon ( unarmedWeapon );
                                if ( bGiveWeapon || pPed->GetCurrentWeaponSlot() == WEAPONSLOT_TYPE_UNARMED )
                                    oldWeapon = NULL;
                                    if ( unarmedWeapon == WEAPONTYPE_BRASSKNUCKLE )
                                        oldWeapon = pPed->GetWeapon(WEAPONSLOT_TYPE_MELEE);
                                        if ( oldWeapon && oldWeapon->GetType() == WEAPONTYPE_UNARMED )
                                            oldWeapon = pPed->GiveWeapon(WEAPONTYPE_GOLFCLUB, 100);
                                            oldWeapon = NULL;
                                        pPed->SetCurrentWeaponSlot ( WEAPONSLOT_TYPE_MELEE );

                                    // switch to the unarmed slot
                                    pPed->SetCurrentWeaponSlot ( WEAPONSLOT_TYPE_UNARMED );

                                    // if we created a special MELEE weapon just for this, remove it now
                                    if ( oldWeapon )
                                // Probably the ped is streamed out
                                pPed->GiveWeapon ( WEAPONTYPE_UNARMED, 1 );
                                if ( bGiveWeapon )
                                    pPed->SetCurrentWeaponSlot ( WEAPONSLOT_TYPE_UNARMED );
void CClientWeapon::FireInstantHit ( CVector vecOrigin, CVector vecTarget, bool bServerFire, bool bRemote )
    CVector vecDirection = vecTarget - vecOrigin;
    vecDirection.Normalize ();
    CClientEntity * pAttachedTo = GetAttachedTo ();    
    CVector vecOriginalTarget = vecTarget;
    CEntity * pColEntity = NULL;
    CColPoint * pColPoint = NULL;
    SLineOfSightBuildingResult pBuildingResult;
    CEntitySAInterface * pEntity = NULL;

    if ( m_Type != WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN )
        CVector vecWeaponFirePosition;
        if ( !IsLocalEntity ( ) && m_pOwner )
            CClientPlayer * pPlayer = m_pOwner;
            CClientPed * pLocalPlayer = g_pClientGame->GetLocalPlayer();
            if ( pLocalPlayer && pPlayer )
                CClientVehicle* pVehicle = pLocalPlayer->GetRealOccupiedVehicle ();

                // Move both players to where they should be for shot compensation
                if ( pPlayer && !pPlayer->IsLocalPlayer () )
                    if ( !pVehicle || pLocalPlayer->GetOccupiedVehicleSeat() == 0 )
                        // Warp back in time to where we were when this player shot (their latency)

                        // We don't account for interpolation here, +250ms seems to work better
                        // ** Changed ajustment to +125ms as the position of this clients player on the firers screen
                        // has been changed. See CClientPed::UpdateTargetPosition() **
                        CVector vecPosition;
                        unsigned short usLatency = ( pPlayer->GetLatency () + 125 );
                        g_pClientGame->GetNetAPI()->GetInterpolation ( vecPosition, usLatency );

                        // Move the entity back
                        if ( pVehicle )
                            pVehicle->GetPosition ( vecWeaponFirePosition );
                            pVehicle->SetPosition ( vecPosition, false, false );
                            pLocalPlayer->GetPosition ( vecWeaponFirePosition );
                            pLocalPlayer->SetPosition ( vecPosition, false, false );
        //if ( pAttachedTo ) pAttachedTo->WorldIgnore ( true );
        if ( m_pWeapon->ProcessLineOfSight ( &vecOrigin, &vecTarget, &pColPoint, &pColEntity, m_weaponConfig.flags, &pBuildingResult, m_Type, &pEntity ) )
            vecTarget = pColPoint->GetPosition ();

        // Don't continue without a valid colpoint
        if ( !pColPoint )
        //if ( pAttachedTo ) pAttachedTo->WorldIgnore ( false );

        // return if shoot if target is blocked is false and we aren't pointing at our target
        if ( ( m_pTarget != NULL && m_pTarget->GetGameEntity ( ) != NULL && m_pTarget->GetGameEntity()->GetInterface ( ) != pEntity ) && m_weaponConfig.bShootIfTargetBlocked == false && bRemote == false )
            if ( pColPoint )
                pColPoint->Destroy ();

        // Execute our weapon fire event
        CClientEntity * pClientEntity = m_pManager->FindEntitySafe ( pColEntity );
        CLuaArguments Arguments;
        if ( pClientEntity )
            Arguments.PushElement ( pClientEntity );            // entity that got hit
            Arguments.PushNil ( ); // Probably a building.
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetPosition ( ).fX ); // pos x
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetPosition ( ).fY ); // pos y
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetPosition ( ).fZ ); // pos z
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetNormal ( ).fX ); // Normal x
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetNormal ( ).fY ); // Normal y
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetNormal ( ).fZ ); // Normal z
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetSurfaceTypeB ( ) ); // Surface type "B"
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetLightingForTimeOfDay ( ) ); // Lighting
        Arguments.PushNumber ( pColPoint->GetPieceTypeB ( ) ); // Piece
        if ( !CallEvent ( "onClientWeaponFire", Arguments, true ) )
            if ( pColPoint )
                pColPoint->Destroy ();

        DoGunShells ( vecOrigin, vecDirection );

        CVector vecCollision;
        if ( g_pGame->GetWaterManager ()->TestLineAgainstWater ( vecOrigin, vecTarget, &vecCollision ) )
            g_pGame->GetFx ()->TriggerBulletSplash ( vecCollision );
            g_pGame->GetAudioEngine ()->ReportBulletHit ( NULL, SURFACE_TYPE_WATER_SHALLOW, &vecCollision, 0.0f );
        m_pMarker2->SetPosition ( vecTarget );
        m_pWeapon->DoBulletImpact ( m_pObject, pEntity, &vecOrigin, &vecTarget, pColPoint, 0 );

        if ( !IsLocalEntity ( ) && m_pOwner )
            CClientPed * pPed = m_pOwner;
            CClientPed * pLocalPlayer = g_pClientGame->GetLocalPlayer();
            if ( pPed->GetType () == CCLIENTPLAYER )
                // Restore compensated positions            
                if ( !pPed->IsLocalPlayer () )
                    CClientVehicle* pVehicle = pLocalPlayer->GetRealOccupiedVehicle ();
                    if ( !pVehicle )
                        pLocalPlayer->SetPosition ( vecWeaponFirePosition, false, false );
                    else if ( pLocalPlayer->GetOccupiedVehicleSeat() == 0 )
                        pVehicle->SetPosition ( vecWeaponFirePosition, false, false );
        if ( !IsLocalEntity ( ) && GetOwner ( ) == g_pClientGame->GetLocalPlayer ( ) && bServerFire == false )
            g_pClientGame->GetNetAPI ( )->SendBulletSyncCustomWeaponFire ( this, vecOrigin, vecOriginalTarget );
        //if ( pAttachedTo ) pAttachedTo->WorldIgnore ( true );
        //if ( pAttachedTo ) pAttachedTo->WorldIgnore ( false );
        // Fire instant hit is off by a few degrees
        FireShotgun ( m_pObject, vecOrigin, vecTarget, vecRotation );
    if ( pColPoint )
        pColPoint->Destroy ();