Exemple #1
void CLevel::CreateEntitiesFromData(const CData* pData)
	m_iNextHandle = 0;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < pData->GetNumChildren(); i++)
		CData* pChildData = pData->GetChild(i);

		if (pChildData->GetKey() != "Entity")

		m_aLevelEntities.push_back(CLevelEntity(m_iNextHandle++, pChildData->GetValueString()));

		CLevelEntity* pEntity = &m_aLevelEntities.back();

		pEntity->m_iHandle = m_aLevelEntities.size()-1;

		for (size_t k = 0; k < pChildData->GetNumChildren(); k++)
			CData* pField = pChildData->GetChild(k);

			tstring sHandle = pField->GetKey();
			tstring sValue = pField->GetValueString();

			if (sHandle == "Output")
				tstring sTarget;
				tstring sInput;
				tstring sArgs;
				bool bKill = false;

				for (size_t o = 0; o < pField->GetNumChildren(); o++)
					CData* pOutputData = pField->GetChild(o);

					if (pOutputData->GetKey() == "Target")
						sTarget = pOutputData->GetValueString();
					else if (pOutputData->GetKey() == "Input")
						sInput = pOutputData->GetValueString();
					else if (pOutputData->GetKey() == "Args")
						sArgs = pOutputData->GetValueString();
					else if (pOutputData->GetKey() == "Kill")
						bKill = pOutputData->GetValueBool();

				CLevelEntity::CLevelEntityOutput& oOutput = pEntity->GetOutputs().push_back();
				oOutput.m_sOutput = sValue;
				oOutput.m_sTargetName = sTarget;
				oOutput.m_sInput = sInput;
				oOutput.m_sArgs = sArgs;
				oOutput.m_bKill = bKill;
				pEntity->SetParameterValue(sHandle, sValue);
bool CShader::Compile()
	string sShaderHeader = CShaderLibrary::GetShaderHeader();

	if (CShaderLibrary::Get()->m_iSamples)
		sShaderHeader += "#define USE_MULTISAMPLE_TEXTURES 1\n";

	sShaderHeader += CShaderLibrary::GetShaderFunctions();

	FILE* f = tfopen("shaders/" + m_sVertexFile + ".vs", "r");

	if (!f)
		return false;

	string sVertexShader = sShaderHeader;
	sVertexShader += "uniform mat4x4 mProjection;\n";
	sVertexShader += "uniform mat4x4 mView;\n";
	sVertexShader += "uniform mat4x4 mGlobal;\n";

	string sLine;
	while (fgetts(sLine, f))
		sVertexShader += sLine;


	f = tfopen("shaders/" + m_sFragmentFile + ".fs", "r");

	if (!f)
		return false;

	string sFragmentShader = sShaderHeader;
	sFragmentShader += "out vec4 vecOutputColor;\n";

	while (fgetts(sLine, f))
		sFragmentShader += sLine;


	size_t iVShader = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
	const char* pszStr = sVertexShader.c_str();
	glShaderSource((GLuint)iVShader, 1, &pszStr, NULL);

	int iVertexCompiled;
	glGetShaderiv((GLuint)iVShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &iVertexCompiled);

	if (iVertexCompiled != GL_TRUE || Application()->HasCommandLineSwitch("--debug-gl"))
		int iLogLength = 0;
		char szLog[1024];
		glGetShaderInfoLog((GLuint)iVShader, 1024, &iLogLength, szLog);
		CShaderLibrary::Get()->WriteLog(m_sVertexFile + ".vs", szLog, pszStr);

	size_t iFShader = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
	pszStr = sFragmentShader.c_str();
	glShaderSource((GLuint)iFShader, 1, &pszStr, NULL);

	int iFragmentCompiled;
	glGetShaderiv((GLuint)iFShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &iFragmentCompiled);

	if (iFragmentCompiled != GL_TRUE || Application()->HasCommandLineSwitch("--debug-gl"))
		int iLogLength = 0;
		char szLog[1024];
		glGetShaderInfoLog((GLuint)iFShader, 1024, &iLogLength, szLog);
		CShaderLibrary::Get()->WriteLog(m_sFragmentFile + ".fs", szLog, pszStr);

	size_t iProgram = glCreateProgram();

	glBindAttribLocation(iProgram, 0, "vecPosition");		// Force position at location 0. ATI cards won't work without this.

	glAttachShader((GLuint)iProgram, (GLuint)iVShader);
	glAttachShader((GLuint)iProgram, (GLuint)iFShader);

	int iProgramLinked;
	glGetProgramiv((GLuint)iProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS, &iProgramLinked);

	if (iProgramLinked != GL_TRUE || Application()->HasCommandLineSwitch("--debug-gl"))
		int iLogLength = 0;
		char szLog[1024];
		glGetProgramInfoLog((GLuint)iProgram, 1024, &iLogLength, szLog);
		CShaderLibrary::Get()->WriteLog("link", szLog, "link");

	if (iVertexCompiled != GL_TRUE || iFragmentCompiled != GL_TRUE || iProgramLinked != GL_TRUE)
		// Shader compilation failed. Check shaders.txt


		return false;

	m_iProgram = iProgram;
	m_iVShader = iVShader;
	m_iFShader = iFShader;

	m_iPositionAttribute = glGetAttribLocation(m_iProgram, "vecPosition");
	m_iNormalAttribute = glGetAttribLocation(m_iProgram, "vecNormal");
	m_iTangentAttribute = glGetAttribLocation(m_iProgram, "vecTangent");
	m_iBitangentAttribute = glGetAttribLocation(m_iProgram, "vecBitangent");
	for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURE_CHANNELS; i++)
		m_aiTexCoordAttributes[i] = glGetAttribLocation(m_iProgram, sprintf("vecTexCoord%d", i).c_str());
	m_iColorAttribute = glGetAttribLocation(m_iProgram, "vecVertexColor");

	glBindFragDataLocation(m_iProgram, 0, "vecOutputColor");

	TAssert(m_iPositionAttribute != ~0);

	int iNumUniforms;
	glGetProgramiv(m_iProgram, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &iNumUniforms);

	char szUniformName[256];
	GLsizei iLength;
	GLint iSize;
	GLenum iType;
	for (int i = 0; i < iNumUniforms; i++)
		glGetActiveUniform(m_iProgram, i, sizeof(szUniformName), &iLength, &iSize, &iType, szUniformName);

		string sUniformName = szUniformName;
		if (sUniformName == "mProjection")
		if (sUniformName == "mView")
		if (sUniformName == "mGlobal")

		CShader::CUniform& oUniform = m_asUniforms[sUniformName];
		oUniform.m_pDefault = nullptr;
		switch (iType)
		case GL_FLOAT: oUniform.m_sUniformType = "float"; break;
		case GL_FLOAT_VEC2: oUniform.m_sUniformType = "vec2"; break;
		case GL_FLOAT_VEC3: oUniform.m_sUniformType = "vec3"; break;
		case GL_FLOAT_VEC4: oUniform.m_sUniformType = "vec4"; break;
		case GL_INT: oUniform.m_sUniformType = "int"; break;
		case GL_BOOL: oUniform.m_sUniformType = "bool"; break;
		case GL_FLOAT_MAT4: oUniform.m_sUniformType = "mat4"; break;
		case GL_SAMPLER_2D: oUniform.m_sUniformType = "sampler2D"; break;
		default: TUnimplemented();

	for (auto it = m_aParameters.begin(); it != m_aParameters.end(); it++)
		for (size_t j = 0; j < it->second.m_aActions.size(); j++)
			auto it2 = m_asUniforms.find(it->second.m_aActions[j].m_sName);
			TAssert(it2 != m_asUniforms.end());
			if (it2 == m_asUniforms.end())
				// A shader specifies a uniform that is not in the linked program.

			CShader::CUniform& oUniform = it2->second;

			// This is almost cheating
			CData d;

			if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "float")
				it->second.m_aActions[j].m_flValue = d.GetValueFloat();
			else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "vec2")
				it->second.m_aActions[j].m_vec2Value = d.GetValueVector2D();
			else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "vec3")
				it->second.m_aActions[j].m_vecValue = d.GetValueVector();
			else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "vec4")
				it->second.m_aActions[j].m_vec4Value = d.GetValueVector4D();
			else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "int")
				it->second.m_aActions[j].m_iValue = d.GetValueInt();
			else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "bool")
				it->second.m_aActions[j].m_bValue = d.GetValueBool();
			else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "mat4")
			else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "sampler2D")
				// No op.

	for (auto it = m_aDefaults.begin(); it != m_aDefaults.end(); it++)
		auto it2 = m_asUniforms.find(it->first);
		TAssert(it2 != m_asUniforms.end());
		if (it2 == m_asUniforms.end())
			// A shader specifies a default for a uniform that is not in the linked program.

		CShader::CUniform& oUniform = it2->second;
		oUniform.m_pDefault = &it->second;

		// Again with the cheating.
		CData d;

		if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "float")
			it->second.m_flValue = d.GetValueFloat();
		else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "vec2")
			it->second.m_vec2Value = d.GetValueVector2D();
		else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "vec3")
			it->second.m_vecValue = d.GetValueVector();
		else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "vec4")
			it->second.m_vec4Value = d.GetValueVector4D();
		else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "int")
			it->second.m_iValue = d.GetValueInt();
		else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "bool")
			it->second.m_bValue = d.GetValueBool();
		else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "mat4")
		else if (oUniform.m_sUniformType == "sampler2D")
			TUnimplemented(); // Can't set a default texture... yet.

	return true;
Exemple #3
void CInstructor::ReadLesson(const class CData* pData)
    tstring sLessonName = pData->GetValueString();
    if (!sLessonName.length())
        TError("Found a lesson with no name.\n");

    CLesson* pLesson = new CLesson(this, sLessonName);
    m_apLessons[sLessonName] = pLesson;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < pData->GetNumChildren(); i++)
        CData* pChildData = pData->GetChild(i);

        if (pChildData->GetKey() == "Position")
            tstring sPosition = pChildData->GetValueString();
            if (sPosition == "top-center")
                pLesson->m_iPosition = POSITION_TOPCENTER;
            else if (sPosition == "top-left")
                pLesson->m_iPosition = POSITION_TOPLEFT;
            else if (sPosition == "left")
                pLesson->m_iPosition = POSITION_LEFT;
        else if (pChildData->GetKey() == "Width")
            pLesson->m_iWidth = pChildData->GetValueInt();
        else if (pChildData->GetKey() == "Next")
            pLesson->m_sNextLesson = pChildData->GetValueString();
        else if (pChildData->GetKey() == "Text")
            pLesson->m_sText = pChildData->GetValueString();
        else if (pChildData->GetKey() == "SlideAmount")
            pLesson->m_flSlideAmount = pChildData->GetValueFloat();
        else if (pChildData->GetKey() == "SlideX")
            pLesson->m_bSlideX = pChildData->GetValueBool();
        else if (pChildData->GetKey() == "Rotation")
            pLesson->m_bRotation = pChildData->GetValueBool();
        else if (pChildData->GetKey() == "Output")
            ReadLessonOutput(pChildData, pLesson);
        else if (pChildData->GetKey() == "Priority")
            pLesson->m_iPriority = pChildData->GetValueInt();
        else if (pChildData->GetKey() == "LessonType")
            tstring sLessonType = pChildData->GetValueString();
            if (sLessonType == "button")
                pLesson->m_iLessonType = CLesson::LESSON_BUTTON;
            else if (sLessonType == "info")
                pLesson->m_iLessonType = CLesson::LESSON_INFO;
            else if (sLessonType == "environment")
                pLesson->m_iLessonType = CLesson::LESSON_ENVIRONMENT;
        else if (pChildData->GetKey() == "LearningMethod")
            tstring sLearningMethod = pChildData->GetValueString();
            if (sLearningMethod == "displaying")
                pLesson->m_iLearningMethod = CLesson::LEARN_DISPLAYING;
            else if (sLearningMethod == "display")
                pLesson->m_iLearningMethod = CLesson::LEARN_DISPLAYING;
            else if (sLearningMethod == "performing")
                pLesson->m_iLearningMethod = CLesson::LEARN_PERFORMING;
            else if (sLearningMethod == "perform")
                pLesson->m_iLearningMethod = CLesson::LEARN_PERFORMING;
        else if (pChildData->GetKey() == "TimesToLearn")
            pLesson->m_iTimesToLearn = pChildData->GetValueInt();
        else if (pChildData->GetKey() == "Conditions")
            pLesson->m_pfnConditions = Game_GetInstructorConditions(pChildData->GetValueString()); // A dirty hack, but not a scary one.