EXPORT_C TInt FontUtils::GetAvailableHeightsInTwipsAndPointsL(const CGraphicsDevice& aDevice,const TDesC& aTypefaceName,CArrayFix<TInt>& aTwipsList,CDesCArray& aPointsList) /** Gets a list of all heights in twips, available for the named typeface and the graphics device specified. Also gets a list of heights in points, represented as character strings. @param aDevice The graphics device. @param aTypefaceName The name of the typeface. @param aTwipsList On return, contains all available heights for the typeface, in twips. @param aPointsList On return, the heights in points, represented as character strings. @return KErrNotSupported if the named typeface is not supported by the graphics device, otherwise KErrNone. */ { // static aTwipsList.Reset(); aPointsList.Reset(); TInt err=GetAvailableHeightsInTwipsL(aDevice,aTypefaceName,aTwipsList); if (err==KErrNotSupported) return err; const TInt count=aTwipsList.Count(); for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++) { const TInt points=PointsFromTwips(aTwipsList[ii]); if (points<EMinFontHeight) continue; TBuf<8> num; num.Num(points); aPointsList.AppendL(num); } return KErrNone; }
EXPORT_C void FontUtils::GetAvailableFontsL(const CGraphicsDevice& aDevice, CDesCArray& aFontNameList,TInt aFonts) /** Gets the list of typeface names available for the graphics device. @param aDevice The graphics device. @param aFontNameList On return, contains the list of typeface names. @param aFonts Can be used to specify which sorts of typefaces are required. For possible values, see the flags defined in gulftflg.hrh beginning with EGulAllFonts. */ { // static aFontNameList.Reset(); const TInt numTypefaces=aDevice.NumTypefaces(); TTypefaceSupport typefaceInfo; for (TInt ii=0;ii<numTypefaces;ii++) { aDevice.TypefaceSupport(typefaceInfo,ii); if (typefaceInfo.iTypeface.IsProportional()) { if (aFonts==EGulMonospaceFontsOnly) continue; } else if (aFonts==EGulNoMonospaceFonts || aFonts==EGulNoMonospaceOrSymbolFonts) continue; if (typefaceInfo.iTypeface.IsSymbol()) { if (aFonts==EGulNoSymbolFonts || aFonts==EGulNoMonospaceOrSymbolFonts || aFonts==EGulMonospaceFontsOnly) continue; } else if (aFonts==EGulSymbolFontsOnly) continue; aFontNameList.AppendL(typefaceInfo.iTypeface.iName); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copies elements from one array of descriptors to another // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C void MPXUser::CopyArrayL(const MDesCArray& aSrc, CDesCArray& aDest) { aDest.Reset(); for (TInt i=0; i < aSrc.MdcaCount(); ++i) { aDest.AppendL(aSrc.MdcaPoint(i)); } }
void CPixelMetricsMapperViewContainer::ClearL() { MDesCArray* itemList = iListbox->Model()->ItemTextArray(); CDesCArray* itemArray = ( CDesCArray* ) itemList; itemArray->Reset(); iListbox->HandleItemAdditionL(); iCount = 0; DrawNow(); }
void CPhotoListView::StoreFolder() { int answer; TInt Index; if(iFolderStatus>=0) { TInt compareflag; TBuf<160> folderName; folderName.FillZ(); folderName.Zero(); folderName.SetLength(0); CAknTextQueryDialog* dlg = CAknTextQueryDialog::NewL(folderName, CAknQueryDialog::ENoTone ); answer=( dlg->ExecuteLD( R_FOLDER_NAME_QUERY ) ); // new folder name if(answer) { iFolderStatus=0; compareflag=iPhotosAppUi->CheckAndSaveFolderToDB(folderName); if(compareflag!=1) { comment.Copy(folderName); iNewFolder = 1; ReadandSendData(); } else { CDesCArray* folderexist = iPhotosAppUi->FolderExist(); //CEikonEnv::Static ()->AlertWin (folderexist->MdcaPoint(0)) ; TBuf<100> msg; msg.Copy(folderexist->MdcaPoint(0)); CAknMessageQueryDialog* verdlg = CAknMessageQueryDialog::NewL(msg); verdlg->PrepareLC(R_ABOUT_QUERY); verdlg->RunLD(); folderexist->Reset(); } } else { Index=0; iFolderStatus=0; iPublic_Photo=EFalse; } } }
void CTrialContainer::ResetItems(TBool showTrial) { MDesCArray* itemList = iListBox->Model()->ItemTextArray(); CDesCArray* itemArray = static_cast<CDesCArray*>( itemList ); itemArray->Reset(); iListBox->HandleItemRemovalL(); // Updates listbox. // Actually, the HandleItemRemovalL does not provoke a redraw... iListBox->Reset(); if ((iShowTrial = showTrial)) { AppendItemAndUpdateBoxL(R_STARTMENU_TRIAL, *itemArray); } AppendItemAndUpdateBoxL(R_STARTMENU_REGISTER, *itemArray); AppendItemAndUpdateBoxL(R_STARTMENU_ALREADYREGISTERED, *itemArray); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUpnpContentServerHandler::RefreshShareContentL // ( other items are commented in header ) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CUpnpContentServerHandler::RefreshShareContentL( TInt aType ) { __LOG8_1( "%s begin.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ); if ( ( aType == EImageAndVideo && iVisualSharingReq ) || ( aType == EPlaylist && iMusicSharingReq ) ) { // no refresh available if sharing is ongoing __LOG1( "Error: %d", __LINE__ ); User::Leave( KErrServerBusy ); } if ( iMetadata->RefreshOngoing() ) { __LOG("CUpnpContentServerHandler: Waiting refresh 1"); iWait.Start(); } delete iReader; iReader = NULL; iReader = CUpnpSelectionReader::NewL( iMetadata ); RArray<TInt> selectedItems; CleanupClosePushL( selectedItems ); CDesCArray* containers = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( 10 ); CleanupStack::PushL( containers ); iReader->FetchCollectionsL( containers ); GetSelectionIndexesL( selectedItems, aType ); CDesCArray* ids = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4); CleanupStack::PushL( ids ); CDesCArray* names = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(4); CleanupStack::PushL( names ); iReader->CollectionIdsL( *ids, *names ); if ( aType == EImageAndVideo ) { iVisualSharingReq = CUpnpSharingRequest::NewL( aType, selectedItems, ids, names ); } else if ( aType == EPlaylist ) { iMusicSharingReq = CUpnpSharingRequest::NewL( aType, selectedItems, ids, names ); } else { User::Leave( KErrArgument ); } CleanupStack::Pop( names ); // ownership transferred CleanupStack::Pop( ids ); // ownership transferred ChangeShareContentL( selectedItems, aType ); selectedItems.Reset(); containers->Reset(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( containers ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &selectedItems ); __LOG8_1( "%s end.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ); }
void CPlaylist::ResetView() { CDesCArray* array = static_cast<CDesCArray*>(iListBox->Model()->ItemTextArray()); array->Reset(); iListBox->Reset(); }
void CImSmtpSession::SendFileL() { // Start the 'file mailer' object __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iSmtpFile,gPanic(EImsmSmtpFileObjectAlreadyExists)); // log the info of the message to be sent if (iLogMessage) iLogMessage->Reset(); // Update the header info for this message.. CImHeader* header = CImHeader::NewLC(); CMsvStore* store = iServerEntry.EditStoreL(); CleanupStack::PushL(store); header->RestoreL(*store); TBool isBccRcpt = EFalse; CDesCArray* rcptArray = NULL; TBool sendBccNow = iToRcptHeaderUpdated; if(!iToRcptHeaderUpdated) { // Set the new info... //set from address HBufC* formatedAddress = CreateFormattedAddressLC(iSettings.EmailAddress(), iSettings.EmailAlias());//Format the address fields header->SetFromL(*formatedAddress); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(formatedAddress); formatedAddress = NULL; // set ReceiptAddress if one exists in the settings if( header->ReceiptAddress().Length() == 0 && iSettings.ReceiptAddress().Length() > 0 ) { formatedAddress=CreateFormattedAddressLC(iSettings.ReceiptAddress(),iSettings.EmailAlias());//Format the address fields header->SetReceiptAddressL(*formatedAddress); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(formatedAddress); formatedAddress = NULL; } if(header->ToRecipients().Count()==0 && header->CcRecipients().Count()==0) { sendBccNow=ETrue; } // ReplyToAddress if ((header->ReplyTo().Length() == 0 || header->ReplyTo() == iSettings.ReplyToAddress()) && (iSettings.ReplyToAddress().Length() > 0)) { formatedAddress= CreateFormattedAddressLC(iSettings.ReplyToAddress(),iSettings.EmailAlias());//Format the address fields header->SetReplyToL(*formatedAddress); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(formatedAddress); formatedAddress = NULL; } //make a copy of 'Bcc' recipients then remove from Msg header rcptArray= &(header->BccRecipients()); if (iSettings.SendCopyToSelf()==ESendCopyAsBccRecipient) { if ( header->ReceiptAddress().Length() ) rcptArray->AppendL(header->ReceiptAddress()); else if ( header->ReplyTo().Length() ) rcptArray->AppendL(header->ReplyTo()); } if(rcptArray->Count() > 0) { iBccRcptFound=ETrue; // 'Bcc' recipients exists iBccRcptIndex=0; //reset the counter iFinishedWithBccRcpts=EFalse; iSendFiles->ResetBccRcptArrayL(); TInt numberRcpts = rcptArray->Count(); if(numberRcpts) { iSendFiles->BccRcptArray().AppendL((*rcptArray)[0]); CDesCArray& tempArr = iSendFiles->BccRcptArray(); for(TInt counter=1; counter<numberRcpts; counter++) { TInt aPos = 0; tempArr.Find((*rcptArray)[counter],aPos,ECmpFolded16); if(aPos > 0) iSendFiles->BccRcptArray().AppendL((*rcptArray)[counter]); } } rcptArray->Reset(); } iToRcptHeaderUpdated=ETrue; isBccRcpt=EFalse; } // Reset the number of Sent Messages, if all previous messages have been sent if (iNumMsgsSent >= iNumMsgsToSend) { iNumMsgsSent = 0; } // Calc the num of messages we're sending. If there is a To or CC, // recipient then there will be a message sent if(header->ToRecipients().Count()>0 || header->CcRecipients().Count()>0) iNumMsgsToSend = 1; else iNumMsgsToSend = 0; // If there are BCC recipients, then we will be sending a message to each if (iBccRcptFound) iNumMsgsToSend += iSendFiles->BccRcptArray().Count(); // Make sure there are recipients to send to. __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iNumMsgsToSend,gPanic(EImsmZeroRecipientsInMessage)); // sending Msg to 'Bcc' recipients so update header if (sendBccNow && iBccRcptFound) { rcptArray= &(header->BccRecipients()); rcptArray->Reset(); header->BccRecipients().AppendL(iSendFiles->BccRcptArray()[iBccRcptIndex]); ++iBccRcptIndex;//for the next recipient if(iBccRcptIndex < iSendFiles->BccRcptArray().Count()) iFinishedWithBccRcpts=EFalse; else iFinishedWithBccRcpts=ETrue; isBccRcpt=ETrue; } header->StoreL(*store); store->CommitL(); if (iLogMessage) { iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetEventType(KLogMailEventTypeUid); if ((header->ToRecipients().Count() + header->CcRecipients().Count() + header->BccRecipients().Count()) > 1) // If there are multiple recipients then set the recipient to 'multiple' { TBuf<KLogMaxSharedStringLength> multipleRecipientsString; iLogMessage->GetString(multipleRecipientsString, R_LOG_REMOTE_MULTIPLE); iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetRemoteParty(multipleRecipientsString); } else // If there is only one recipient then set the recipient name { if (header->ToRecipients().Count()) iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetRemoteParty(header->ToRecipients()[0]); else if (header->CcRecipients().Count()) iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetRemoteParty(header->CcRecipients()[0]); else if (header->BccRecipients().Count()) iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetRemoteParty(header->BccRecipients()[0]); } iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetSubject(header->Subject()); TBuf<KLogMaxSharedStringLength> outString; iLogMessage->GetString(outString, R_LOG_DIR_OUT); iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetDirection(outString); iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetLink(iServerEntry.Entry().Id()); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, header); iTimeNow.UniversalTime(); // Set time/date of sending this message file if (iLogMessage) iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetTime(iTimeNow); TRAPD(error,iSmtpFile = CImSmtpFile::NewL( *iSocket, iServerEntry, iTimeNow, iSmtpBuffer, iSettings, isBccRcpt)); // Create the file mailing object if(error == KErrNone) { // If this is the first message to send, then calc the total bytes to send if (iNumMsgsSent == 0) { iTotalBytesToSend = iSmtpFile->TotalMsgSizeL() * iNumMsgsToSend; } // Tell the file how many bytes it will be sending. This is just a // rough estimate for progress iSmtpFile->SetBytesToSend(iTotalBytesToSend/iNumMsgsToSend); // Increment the number of messages sent ++iNumMsgsSent; iSmtpFile->StartL(iStatus); // start sending the message MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iServiceId, KMobilityTestMtmStateSmtpSendFile); } else { iCompleted=error; RequestComplete(iStatus,0-error); // Failed to create File object, but don't want to stop session prematurely, so negate error code } }
void CPhotoListView::GetFolder() { TInt PopValue; //TBuf<150> msg; TInt count=0; CDesCArray* items = iPhotosAppUi->GetFolderList(); CDesCArray* foldernames = iPhotosAppUi->ReturnText(); if (items == NULL) { Count = 0; items = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(1); items->AppendL(foldernames->MdcaPoint(0)); } else { Count = items->MdcaCount(); items->AppendL(foldernames->MdcaPoint(0)); } foldernames->Reset(); CEikTextListBox* list = new( ELeave ) CAknSinglePopupMenuStyleListBox; CleanupStack::PushL( list ); CAknPopupList* popupList = CAknPopupList::NewL( list, R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_SELECT_CANCEL, AknPopupLayouts::EMenuWindow); CleanupStack::PushL( popupList ); popupList->SetMaximumHeight(2); list->ConstructL( popupList, CEikListBox::ELeftDownInViewRect ); list->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue ); list->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto ); CTextListBoxModel* model = list->Model(); model->SetItemTextArray( items ); model->SetOwnershipType( ELbmOwnsItemArray ); count = GetPhotoCount(); // TInt price; // TLex lex(iPhotosAppUi->iCharge); // lex.Val(price); // count = count * price; // TBuf<30> temp; // temp.AppendNum(count); // msg.Copy(_L("Charge ")); // msg.Append(temp); // msg.Append(_L(" pesos")); //msg.Copy(_L("Select Album:")); //msg.Copy(*(iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceL(R_IMAGES_SELECT_ALBUM))); /*count = count / 3; temp.Copy(_L("")); temp.AppendNum(count); path = iPhotosAppUi->ImageFolderPath(); if(path == 0 || path == 1) msg.Append(_L(" Photos)")); else if(path == 2 || path == 3) msg.Append(_L(" Videos)"));*/ popupList->SetTitleL(*(iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceL(R_IMAGES_SELECT_ALBUM))); PopValue = popupList->ExecuteLD(); if(PopValue==0) { iFolderStatus=-1; } else if(PopValue==1) { PopValue=list->CurrentItemIndex(); iFolderStatus=PopValue; TPtrC ptr1(items->MdcaPoint(PopValue)); comment.Copy(ptr1); } items->Reset(); CleanupStack::Pop(); // popupList CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // list }