Exemple #1
bool CDeviceClass::FindAmmoDataField (CItemType *pItem, const CString &sField, CString *retsValue)

//	FindAmmoDataField
//	Finds the device that fires this item and returns the given field

	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < g_pUniverse->GetItemTypeCount(); i++)
		CItemType *pType = g_pUniverse->GetItemType(i);
		CDeviceClass *pWeapon;

		if (pType->IsDevice() 
				&& (pWeapon = pType->GetDeviceClass()))
			int iVariant = pWeapon->GetAmmoVariant(pItem);
			if (iVariant != -1)
				return pWeapon->FindDataField(iVariant, sField, retsValue);

	return false;
Exemple #2
bool CDeviceClass::FindWeaponFor (CItemType *pItem, CDeviceClass **retpWeapon, int *retiVariant, CWeaponFireDesc **retpDesc)

//	FindWeaponFor
//	Returns weapon data for the given item (which may be a weapon or a missile).

	int i;
	CDeviceClass *pDevice;
	int iVariant;

	//	Get the device and variant

	if (pItem->IsMissile())
		iVariant = -1;

		for (i = 0; i < g_pUniverse->GetItemTypeCount(); i++)
			CItemType *pType = g_pUniverse->GetItemType(i);

			if (pDevice = pType->GetDeviceClass())
				iVariant = pDevice->GetAmmoVariant(pItem);
				if (iVariant != -1)

		if (iVariant == -1)
			return false;
		pDevice = pItem->GetDeviceClass();
		if (pDevice == NULL)
			return false;

		iVariant = 0;

	CWeaponClass *pWeapon = pDevice->AsWeaponClass();
	if (pWeapon == NULL)
		return false;

	CWeaponFireDesc *pDesc = pWeapon->GetVariant(iVariant);

	//	Done

	if (retpWeapon)
		*retpWeapon = pDevice;

	if (retiVariant)
		*retiVariant = iVariant;

	if (retpDesc)
		*retpDesc = pDesc;

	return true;
Exemple #3
CWeaponFireDesc *GetWeaponFireDescArg (ICCItem *pArg)

//	GetWeaponFireDescArg
//	If arg is a weapon UNID, then we return the first weapon desc
//	If arg is a missile, then we return the first weapon desc we find for the missile
//	If arg is a list, then the first is a weapon UNID and the second is a missile UNID
//	Returns NULL on error

	int i;
	DWORD dwWeaponUNID;
	DWORD dwVariantUNID;

	//	If the argument is a list, then we get the weapon UNID and the variant
	//	from the list.

	if (pArg->IsList() && pArg->GetCount() >= 2)
		dwWeaponUNID = (DWORD)pArg->GetElement(0)->GetIntegerValue();
		dwVariantUNID = (DWORD)pArg->GetElement(1)->GetIntegerValue();

	//	Otherwise, get the first variant of the weapon

		dwWeaponUNID = (DWORD)pArg->GetIntegerValue();
		dwVariantUNID = 0;

	//	Get the item associated with the UNID

	CItemType *pType = g_pUniverse->FindItemType(dwWeaponUNID);
	if (pType == NULL)
		return NULL;

	//	If this is a weapon, then return the weapon fire desc

	if (pType->GetCategory() == itemcatWeapon || pType->GetCategory() == itemcatLauncher)
		CDeviceClass *pClass = pType->GetDeviceClass();
		if (pClass == NULL)
			return NULL;

		CWeaponClass *pWeapon = pClass->AsWeaponClass();
		if (pWeapon == NULL)
			return NULL;

		//	If variant UNID is 0, then we just want the weapon

		if (dwVariantUNID == 0)
			return pWeapon->GetVariant(0);

		//	Otherwise, we need to find the variant index for the given UNID

		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < pWeapon->GetVariantCount(); i++)
			CWeaponFireDesc *pDesc = pWeapon->GetVariant(i);
			if (pDesc->GetAmmoType()->GetUNID() == dwVariantUNID)
				return pDesc;

		//	If we get this far, then we couldn't find the missile

		return NULL;

	//	Otherwise, if this is a missile, then find the appropriate weapon

	else if (pType->GetCategory() == itemcatMissile)
		for (i = 0; i < g_pUniverse->GetItemTypeCount(); i++)
			CItemType *pWeaponType = g_pUniverse->GetItemType(i);
			CDeviceClass *pClass;
			if (pClass = pWeaponType->GetDeviceClass())
				int iWeaponVariant;
				if ((iWeaponVariant = pClass->GetAmmoVariant(pType)) != -1)
					CWeaponClass *pWeapon = dynamic_cast<CWeaponClass *>(pClass);
					if (pWeapon)
						return pWeapon->GetVariant(iWeaponVariant);

		return NULL;

	//	Otherwise, nothing

		return NULL;