bool CFormula::Calculate(CContentTree * start , u64 & Ret) { CFormulaNode * ptn = (CFormulaNode *)GetMyNode(); switch(ptn->type) { case CFormulaNode::OPERATOR: { u64 Value1= 0, Value2 = 0; CFormula * pFml = (CFormula *)GetChildren(); CFormulaOperatorNode * pFON = (CFormulaOperatorNode *)ptn; if((!pFml)||(false == pFml->Calculate( start, Value1))) return false; pFml = (CFormula *)(pFml->GetRightBrother()); if((!pFml)||(false == pFml->Calculate( start, Value2))) return false; /* formula is a two son tree. */ switch(pFON->op) { case CFormulaOperatorNode::PLUS: Ret = Value1 + Value2; break; case CFormulaOperatorNode::MINUS: assert(Value1 >= Value2); Ret = Value1 - Value2; break; case CFormulaOperatorNode::MULTIPLY: Ret = Value1 * Value2; break; case CFormulaOperatorNode::DIVIDE: Ret = Value1 / Value2; break; case CFormulaOperatorNode::EQUAL: Ret = (Value1 == Value2); break; default: assert(0); break; } } break; case CFormulaNode::PARAMETER: { CFormulaParameterNode * pFPN = (CFormulaParameterNode *)ptn; if(false == (start->SearchBackFieldValue(&(pFPN->param) ,Ret))) return false; } break; case CFormulaNode::NUMERAL: { CFormulaNumeralNode * pFNN = (CFormulaNumeralNode *)ptn; Ret = pFNN->num; } break; } return true; }
void CCellView::Read(BPositionIO& stream) { CSwapStream str(stream); scChunk chunk; long offset; int *funcList, *styleList, *fontList, *formatList; int funcCount, styleCount, fontCount, formatCount, borderFont = fBorderFontID; bool warnForIncorrectFormula = true; scCell cl; styleCount = 0; styleList = (int *)MALLOC(0); fontCount = 0; fontList = (int *)MALLOC(0); formatCount = 0; formatList = (int *)MALLOC(0); funcList = NULL; scCSElement *colStyles = NULL; int colStyleCount = 0; offset = 0; StProgress progress(this, 1, pColorYellow, false); StWriteLock lock(fContainer); try { stream.Seek(offset, SEEK_SET); str >> chunk; if (chunk.type == kscVersion) { scVersion vers; str >> vers; if (vers.major != 3) THROW((errTooNewFileFormat)); } else THROW((errUnknownFileFormat, ((CCellWindow *)Window())->EntryRef()->name)); do { if (stream.Seek(offset, SEEK_SET) < offset) { MStopAlert("File is too short").Go(); break; } str >> chunk; offset += 4 + chunk.size; switch (chunk.type) { case kscVersion: break; case kscHeader: { scHeader head; str >> head; funcList = (int *)CALLOC(head.functionCount, sizeof(int)); FailNil(funcList); funcCount = head.functionCount; progress.NewMax(head.cellCount); break; } case kscView: { scView view; str >> view; if (view.windowRect.left > 0 && > 0) { BRect r; { r = BScreen().Frame(); } r.InsetBy(4, 4); r = r & view.windowRect; if (r.IsValid() && r.Width() >= 300 && r.Height() >= 100) { Window()->MoveTo(r.left,; Window()->ResizeTo(r.Width(), r.Height()); } } if (view.position.h > 0 && view.position.v > 0) fPosition = view.position; fFrozen = view.frozen; if (view.selection.IsValid()) fSelection = view.selection; if (fSelection.Contains(view.curCell)) fCurCell = view.curCell; borderFont = view.headingFont; fShowGrid = (view.flags & kscShowGrid) != 0; fShowBorders = (view.flags & kscShowHeadings) != 0; if (!fShowBorders) { fCellBounds.left -= fBorderWidth; -= fBorderHeight; } Window()->Show(); Window()->UpdateIfNeeded(); break; } case kscPrint: break; case kscWidths: case kscHeights: { int count = chunk.size/(sizeof(short)*2); scWidthElement *elems = (scWidthElement *)MALLOC(chunk.size); FailNil(elems); int k = count * sizeof(scWidthElement); stream.Read(elems, k); if (chunk.type == kscWidths) fCellWidths.Read(count, elems); else fCellHeights.Read(count, elems); FREE(elems); break; } case kscColStyles: { colStyleCount = chunk.size/(sizeof(short)*2); colStyles = (scCSElement *)MALLOC(chunk.size); FailNil(colStyles); for (int i = 0; i < colStyleCount; i++) str >> colStyles[i]; break; } case kscName: { char buf[50]; scName *name = (scName *)buf; int l = std::min((int)chunk.size, 50); stream.Read(name, l); range r; memcpy(&r, name->reference+1, sizeof(cell)); if (name->reference[0] == valRange) memcpy(&r.bottom, name->reference+5, sizeof(cell)); else r.BotRight() = r.TopLeft(); swap_order(r); if (fNames->count(name->name) == 0) (*fNames)[CName(name->name)] = r; break; } case kscFunc: { scFunc func; str >> func; if (!funcList) THROW((errCorruptedFile)); if (func.funcNr >= funcCount) THROW((errCorruptedFile)); funcList[func.funcNr] = GetFunctionNr(; if (funcList[func.funcNr] == -1) WarnForMissingFunction(; break; } case kscFont: { scFont font; str >> font; font_family fam; font_style sty; ReadCString(stream, sizeof(font_style), sty); ReadCString(stream, sizeof(font_family), fam); int *t = (int *)REALLOC(fontList, (fontCount+1)*sizeof(int)); FailNil(t); fontList = t; fontList[fontCount] = gFontSizeTable.GetFontID( fam, sty, font.size, font.color); fontCount++; break; } case kscFormat: { scFormat format; str >> format; int *t = (int *)REALLOC(formatList, (formatCount+1)*sizeof(int)); FailNil(t); formatList = t; if ( < eFirstNewFormat) formatList[formatCount] =; else { char fs[256]; ReadCString(stream, 255, fs); formatList[formatCount] = gFormatTable.GetFormatID(fs); } formatCount++; break; } case kscStyle: { scStyle style; str >> style; int *t = (int *)REALLOC(styleList, (styleCount+1)*sizeof(int)); FailNil(t); styleList = t; CellStyle cs; if (style.font >= fontCount) THROW((errCorruptedFile)); cs.fFont = fontList[style.font]; if (style.format >= formatCount) THROW((errCorruptedFile)); cs.fFormat = formatList[style.format]; cs.fAlignment = style.align; cs.fLowColor = style.lowColor; cs.fLocked = (style.flags & kscLocked) != 0; cs.fHidden = (style.flags & kscHidden) != 0; styleList[styleCount] = gStyleTable.GetStyleID(cs); styleCount++; break; } case kscCellEmpty: case kscCellBool: case kscCellNumber: case kscCellDateTime: case kscCellText: { str >> cl; Value val; switch (chunk.type) { case kscCellBool: { bool b; str >> b; val = b; break; } case kscCellNumber: { double d; str >> d; val = d; break; } case kscCellDateTime: { time_t t; str >> t; val = t; break; } case kscCellText: { // do nothing yet... } } fContainer->NewCell(cl.loc, val, NULL); if ( >= styleCount) /*THROW((errCorruptedFile))*/; else fContainer->SetCellStyleNr(cl.loc, styleList[]); progress.Step(); break; } case kscString: { char s[256]; Value val; stream.Read(s, std::min((int)chunk.size, 255)); s[std::min((int)chunk.size, 255)] = 0; val = s; fContainer->SetValue(cl.loc, val); break; } case kscFormula: { CFormula form; try { if (!funcList) THROW((errCorruptedFile)); form.Read(stream, funcList); Value v; form.Calculate(cl.loc, v, fContainer); fContainer->SetCellFormula(cl.loc, form.CopyString()); } catch (CErr& e) { CATCHED; char s[32]; cl.loc.GetName(s); #if DEBUG printf("%s in formula of cell %s\n", (char *)e, s); #endif if (warnForIncorrectFormula) { char m[256]; sprintf(m, GetMessage(msgIncorrectFormula), s); MAlert *a = new MWarningAlert(m, GetMessage(msgOK), GetMessage(msgNoMoreWarnings)); if (a->Go() == 2) warnForIncorrectFormula = false; } } form.Clear(); break; } case kscChart: ReadChart(stream, chunk.size); case kscEnd: break; default: MStopAlert("File contains errors").Go(); chunk.type = kscEnd; break; } } while (chunk.type != kscEnd); // adjust the fields that couldn't be adjusted before if (fontCount && borderFont < fontCount) fBorderFontID = fontList[borderFont]; if (colStyles && styleList) { for (int i = 0; i < colStyleCount; i++) { if (colStyles[i].style >= 0 && colStyles[i].style < styleCount) colStyles[i].style = styleList[colStyles[i].style]; } fContainer->GetColumnStyles().Read(colStyleCount, colStyles); } }