Exemple #1
void ARAPlanner::Reevaluatefvals(ARASearchStateSpace_t* pSearchStateSpace)
    CKey key;
    int i;
    CHeap* pheap = pSearchStateSpace->heap;

    //recompute priorities for states in OPEN and reorder it
    for (i = 1; i <= pheap->currentsize; ++i) {
        ARAState* state = (ARAState*)pheap->heap[i].heapstate;
        pheap->heap[i].key.key[0] = state->g + (int)(pSearchStateSpace->eps * state->h);
        //pheap->heap[i].key.key[1] = state->h;

    pSearchStateSpace->bReevaluatefvals = false;
//note this does NOT re-compute heuristics, only re-orders OPEN list based on current eps and h-vals
void RSTARPlanner::Reevaluatefvals()
	CKey key;
	int i;
	CHeap* pheap = pSearchStateSpace->OPEN;
	//re-compute priorities for states in OPEN and reorder it
	for (i = 1; i <= pheap->currentsize; ++i)
		RSTARState* state = (RSTARState*)pheap->heap[i].heapstate;
		pheap->heap[i].key = ComputeKey(state); 

	pSearchStateSpace->bReevaluatefvals = false;
Exemple #3
void ADPlanner::Reevaluatefvals(ADSearchStateSpace_t* pSearchStateSpace)
    CKey key;
    int i;
    CHeap* pheap = pSearchStateSpace->heap;

    SBPL_FPRINTF(fDeb, "re-computing heap priorities\n");

    //recompute priorities for states in OPEN and reorder it
    for (i = 1; i <= pheap->currentsize; ++i) {
        ADState* state = (ADState*)pheap->heap[i].heapstate;
        pheap->heap[i].key = ComputeKey(state);

    pSearchStateSpace->bReevaluatefvals = false;
Exemple #4
void TRAPlanner::Reevaluatefvals(TRASearchStateSpace_t* pSearchStateSpace)
	CKey key;
	int i;
	CHeap* pheap = pSearchStateSpace->heap;
	SBPL_FPRINTF(fDeb, "re-computing heap priorities\n");

	//recompute priorities for states in OPEN and reorder it
	for (i = 1; i <= pheap->currentsize; ++i)
		TRAState* state = (TRAState*)pheap->heap[i].heapstate;
		key.key[0] = state->g + (int)(pSearchStateSpace->eps*state->h);
		pheap->heap[i].key = key;

	pSearchStateSpace->bReevaluatefvals = false;
void anaPlanner::Reevaluatefvals(anaSearchStateSpace_t* pSearchStateSpace)
    CKey key;
    int i;
    CHeap* pheap = pSearchStateSpace->heap;

    //recompute priorities for states in OPEN and reorder it
    for (i = 1; i <= pheap->currentsize; ++i) {
        //anaState* state = (anaState*)pheap->heap[i].heapstate;

        // CHANGED - cast removed

        pheap->heap[i].key.key[0] = (long)-get_e_value(pSearchStateSpace,

        //pheap->heap[i].key.key[1] = state->h;

    pSearchStateSpace->bReevaluatefvals = false;
bool anaPlanner::Search(anaSearchStateSpace_t* pSearchStateSpace, vector<int>& pathIds, int & PathCost,
                        bool bFirstSolution, bool bOptimalSolution, double MaxNumofSecs)
    CKey key;
    TimeStarted = clock();
    searchexpands = 0;

    fprintf(fDeb, "new search call (call number=%d)\n", pSearchStateSpace->callnumber);

    if (pSearchStateSpace->bReinitializeSearchStateSpace == true) {
        //re-initialize state space 

    if (bOptimalSolution) {
        pSearchStateSpace->eps = 1;
        MaxNumofSecs = INFINITECOST;
    else if (bFirstSolution) {
        MaxNumofSecs = INFINITECOST;

    //ensure heuristics are up-to-date
    environment_->EnsureHeuristicsUpdated((bforwardsearch == true));

    //the main loop of ana*
    int prevexpands = 0;
    clock_t loop_time;

    // CHANGE MADE TO WHILE LOOP to account for open.empty() == FALSE
    while (!pSearchStateSpace->heap->emptyheap() && pSearchStateSpace->eps_satisfied > ana_FINAL_EPS &&
           (clock() - TimeStarted) < MaxNumofSecs * (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
        loop_time = clock();
        //decrease eps for all subsequent iterations
        /*if(fabs(pSearchStateSpace->eps_satisfied - pSearchStateSpace->eps) < ERR_EPS && !bFirstSolution)
         pSearchStateSpace->eps = pSearchStateSpace->eps - ana_DECREASE_EPS;
         if(pSearchStateSpace->eps < ana_FINAL_EPS)
         pSearchStateSpace->eps = ana_FINAL_EPS;

         //the priorities need to be updated
         pSearchStateSpace->bReevaluatefvals = true;

         //it will be a new search
         pSearchStateSpace->bNewSearchIteration = true;

         //build a new open list by merging it with incons one


        pSearchStateSpace->bNewSearchIteration = false;

        //re-compute f-values if necessary and reorder the heap
        //	Reevaluatefvals(pSearchStateSpace);

        //improve or compute path
        int retVal = ImprovePath(pSearchStateSpace, MaxNumofSecs);
        anaState* state;
        CKey key;
        CHeap* open = pSearchStateSpace->heap;
        //printf("states expanded: %d\t states considered: %d\t time elapsed: %f\n",searchexpands - prevexpands, pSearchStateSpace->heap->currentsize, double(clock() - TimeStarted)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

        double epsprime = 1.0;
        for (int j = 1; j <= open->currentsize;) {
            state = (anaState*)open->heap[j].heapstate;
            double temp_eps = (double)((pSearchStateSpace->G * 1.0) / (double)(state->g + state->h));
            if (temp_eps > epsprime) {
                epsprime = temp_eps;
            double e_val = get_e_value(pSearchStateSpace, state->MDPstate->StateID);
            if (e_val <= 1.0) {


            else {
                key.key[0] = (long)-e_val;

                open->updateheap_unsafe(state, key);
            pSearchStateSpace->eps_satisfied = epsprime;

        //print the solution cost and eps bound
        if (retVal == 1) {
            //printf("suboptimality=%f expands=%d g(searchgoal)=%d loop_time=%.3f time_elapsed=%.3f memoryCounter=%d\n", pSearchStateSpace->eps_satisfied, searchexpands - prevexpands, ((anaState*)pSearchStateSpace->searchgoalstate->PlannerSpecificData)->g,double(clock()-loop_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC, double(clock() - TimeStarted)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC, MaxMemoryCounter);

            printf("suboptimality=%f g(searchgoal)=%d time_elapsed=%.3f memoryCounter=%d\n",
                   ((anaState*)pSearchStateSpace->searchgoalstate->PlannerSpecificData)->g, double(clock()
                       - TimeStarted) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, MaxMemoryCounter);

            //printf("states expanded: %d\t states considered: %d\t time elapsed: %f\n",searchexpands - prevexpands, pSearchStateSpace->heap->currentsize, double(clock() - TimeStarted)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

        fprintf(fDeb, "eps=%f expands=%d g(searchgoal)=%d time=%.3f\n", pSearchStateSpace->eps_satisfied, searchexpands - prevexpands,
        PrintSearchState((anaState*)pSearchStateSpace->searchgoalstate->PlannerSpecificData, fDeb);
        prevexpands = searchexpands;

        //if just the first solution then we are done
        if (bFirstSolution) break;

        //no solution exists
        if (((anaState*)pSearchStateSpace->searchgoalstate->PlannerSpecificData)->g == INFINITECOST) break;


    printf("Suboptimality = %.4f\n", pSearchStateSpace->eps_satisfied);

    PathCost = ((anaState*)pSearchStateSpace->searchgoalstate->PlannerSpecificData)->g;
    MaxMemoryCounter += environment_->StateID2IndexMapping.size() * sizeof(int);

    printf("MaxMemoryCounter = %d\n", MaxMemoryCounter);

    int solcost = INFINITECOST;
    bool ret = false;
    if (PathCost == INFINITECOST) {
        printf("could not find a solution\n");
        ret = false;
    else {
        printf("solution is found\n");
        pathIds = GetSearchPath(pSearchStateSpace, solcost);
        ret = true;

    printf("total expands this call = %d, planning time = %.3f secs, solution cost=%d\n", searchexpands, (clock()
        - TimeStarted) / ((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC), solcost);

    //fprintf(fStat, "%d %d\n", searchexpands, solcost);

    return ret;