void CPPgSecurity::OnLoadIPFFromURL() { bool bHaveNewFilterFile = false; CString url; GetDlgItemText(IDC_UPDATEURL,url); if (!url.IsEmpty()) { // add entered URL to LRU list even if it's not yet known whether we can download from this URL (it's just more convenient this way) if (m_pacIPFilterURL && m_pacIPFilterURL->IsBound()) m_pacIPFilterURL->AddItem(url, 0); CString strTempFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempFilePath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T("tmp")); strTempFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); CHttpDownloadDlg dlgDownload; dlgDownload.m_strTitle = GetResString(IDS_DWL_IPFILTERFILE); dlgDownload.m_sURLToDownload = url; dlgDownload.m_sFileToDownloadInto = strTempFilePath; if (dlgDownload.DoModal() != IDOK) { (void)_tremove(strTempFilePath); CString strError = GetResString(IDS_DWLIPFILTERFAILED); if (!dlgDownload.GetError().IsEmpty()) strError += _T("\r\n\r\n") + dlgDownload.GetError(); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); return; } CString strMimeType; GetMimeType(strTempFilePath, strMimeType); bool bIsArchiveFile = false; bool bUncompressed = false; CZIPFile zip; if (zip.Open(strTempFilePath)) { bIsArchiveFile = true; CZIPFile::File* zfile = zip.GetFile(_T("guarding.p2p")); if (zfile == NULL) zfile = zip.GetFile(_T("ipfilter.dat")); if (zfile) { CString strTempUnzipFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempUnzipFilePath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T(".unzip.tmp")); strTempUnzipFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (zfile->Extract(strTempUnzipFilePath)) { zip.Close(); zfile = NULL; if (_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove default IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), _tcserror(errno)); if (_trename(strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to rename uncompressed IP filter file \"%s\" to default IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), _tcserror(errno)); if (_tremove(strTempFilePath) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove temporary IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), strTempFilePath, _tcserror(errno)); bUncompressed = true; bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { CString strError; strError.Format(GetResString(IDS_ERR_IPFILTERZIPEXTR), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { CString strError; strError.Format(GetResString(IDS_ERR_IPFILTERCONTENTERR), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } zip.Close(); } else if (strMimeType.CompareNoCase(_T("application/x-rar-compressed")) == 0) { bIsArchiveFile = true; CRARFile rar; if (rar.Open(strTempFilePath)) { CString strFile; if (rar.GetNextFile(strFile) && (strFile.CompareNoCase(_T("ipfilter.dat")) == 0 || strFile.CompareNoCase(_T("guarding.p2p")) == 0)) { CString strTempUnzipFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempUnzipFilePath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T(".unzip.tmp")); strTempUnzipFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (rar.Extract(strTempUnzipFilePath)) { rar.Close(); if (_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove default IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), _tcserror(errno)); if (_trename(strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to rename uncompressed IP filter file \"%s\" to default IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), _tcserror(errno)); if (_tremove(strTempFilePath) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove temporary IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), strTempFilePath, _tcserror(errno)); bUncompressed = true; bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("Failed to extract IP filter file from RAR file \"%s\"."), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("Failed to find IP filter file \"guarding.p2p\" or \"ipfilter.dat\" in RAR file \"%s\"."), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } rar.Close(); } else { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("Failed to open file \"%s\".\r\n\r\nInvalid file format?\r\n\r\nDownload latest version of UNRAR.DLL from http://www.rarlab.com and copy UNRAR.DLL into eMule installation folder."), url); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { CGZIPFile gz; if (gz.Open(strTempFilePath)) { bIsArchiveFile = true; CString strTempUnzipFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempUnzipFilePath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T(".unzip.tmp")); strTempUnzipFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); // add filename and extension of uncompressed file to temporary file CString strUncompressedFileName = gz.GetUncompressedFileName(); if (!strUncompressedFileName.IsEmpty()) { strTempUnzipFilePath += _T('.'); strTempUnzipFilePath += strUncompressedFileName; } if (gz.Extract(strTempUnzipFilePath)) { gz.Close(); if (_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove default IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), _tcserror(errno)); if (_trename(strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to rename uncompressed IP filter file \"%s\" to default IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), _tcserror(errno)); if (_tremove(strTempFilePath) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove temporary IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), strTempFilePath, _tcserror(errno)); bUncompressed = true; bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { CString strError; strError.Format(GetResString(IDS_ERR_IPFILTERZIPEXTR), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } gz.Close(); } if (!bIsArchiveFile && !bUncompressed) { // Check first lines of downloaded file for potential HTML content (e.g. 404 error pages) bool bValidIPFilterFile = true; FILE* fp = _tfsopen(strTempFilePath, _T("rb"), _SH_DENYWR); if (fp) { char szBuff[16384]; int iRead = fread(szBuff, 1, _countof(szBuff)-1, fp); if (iRead <= 0) bValidIPFilterFile = false; else { szBuff[iRead-1] = '\0'; const char* pc = szBuff; while (*pc == ' ' || *pc == '\t' || *pc == '\r' || *pc == '\n') pc++; if (strnicmp(pc, "<html", 5) == 0 || strnicmp(pc, "<xml", 4) == 0 || strnicmp(pc, "<!doc", 5) == 0) { bValidIPFilterFile = false; } } fclose(fp); } if (bValidIPFilterFile) { (void)_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()); VERIFY( _trename(strTempFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) == 0 ); bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { AfxMessageBox(GetResString(IDS_DWLIPFILTERFAILED), MB_ICONERROR); } } } if (url.IsEmpty() || bHaveNewFilterFile) OnReloadIPFilter(); // In case we received an invalid IP-filter file (e.g. an 404 HTML page with HTTP status "OK"), // warn the user that there are no IP-filters available any longer. if (bHaveNewFilterFile && theApp.ipfilter->GetIPFilter().GetCount() == 0) { CString strLoaded; strLoaded.Format(GetResString(IDS_IPFILTERLOADED), theApp.ipfilter->GetIPFilter().GetCount()); CString strError; strError.Format(_T("%s\r\n\r\n%s"), GetResString(IDS_DWLIPFILTERFAILED), strLoaded); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } }
/* void CIPFilter::UpdateIPFilterURL() */ void CIPFilter::UpdateIPFilterURL(uint32 uNewVersion) // <== Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle { bool bHaveNewFilterFile = false; CString url = thePrefs.GetAutoUpdateIPFilter_URL(); SYSTEMTIME SysTime; if (!url.IsEmpty()) { CString strTempFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempFilePath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T("tmp")); strTempFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); CHttpDownloadDlg dlgDownload; dlgDownload.m_strTitle = GetResString(IDS_DWL_IPFILTERFILE); dlgDownload.m_sURLToDownload = url; dlgDownload.m_sFileToDownloadInto = strTempFilePath; if (PathFileExists(GetDefaultFilePath())) memcpy(&SysTime, &thePrefs.m_IPfilterVersion, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); else memset(&SysTime, 0, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); // ==> Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle if(thePrefs.IsIPFilterViaDynDNS()) dlgDownload.m_pLastModifiedTime = NULL; else // <== Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle dlgDownload.m_pLastModifiedTime = &SysTime; //Xman remark: m_pLastModifiedTime is a pointer which points to the SysTime-struct if (dlgDownload.DoModal() != IDOK) { (void)_tremove(strTempFilePath); CString strError = GetResString(IDS_DWLIPFILTERFAILED); if (!dlgDownload.GetError().IsEmpty()) strError += _T("\r\n\r\n") + dlgDownload.GetError(); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); return; } // ==> Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle /* if (dlgDownload.m_pLastModifiedTime == NULL) */ if (thePrefs.IsIPFilterViaDynDNS() == false && dlgDownload.m_pLastModifiedTime == NULL) // <== Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle return; CString strMimeType; GetMimeType(strTempFilePath, strMimeType); bool bIsArchiveFile = false; bool bUncompressed = false; CZIPFile zip; if (zip.Open(strTempFilePath)) { bIsArchiveFile = true; CZIPFile::File* zfile = zip.GetFile(_T("guarding.p2p")); if (zfile == NULL) zfile = zip.GetFile(_T("ipfilter.dat")); if (zfile) { CString strTempUnzipFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempUnzipFilePath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T(".unzip.tmp")); strTempUnzipFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (zfile->Extract(strTempUnzipFilePath)) { zip.Close(); zfile = NULL; if (_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove default IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), strerror(errno)); if (_trename(strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to rename uncompressed IP filter file \"%s\" to default IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), strerror(errno)); if (_tremove(strTempFilePath) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove temporary IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), strTempFilePath, strerror(errno)); bUncompressed = true; bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { CString strError; strError.Format(GetResString(IDS_ERR_IPFILTERZIPEXTR), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { CString strError; strError.Format(GetResString(IDS_ERR_IPFILTERCONTENTERR), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } zip.Close(); } else if (strMimeType.CompareNoCase(_T("application/x-rar-compressed")) == 0) { bIsArchiveFile = true; CRARFile rar; if (rar.Open(strTempFilePath)) { CString strFile; if (rar.GetNextFile(strFile) && (strFile.CompareNoCase(_T("ipfilter.dat")) == 0 || strFile.CompareNoCase(_T("guarding.p2p")) == 0)) { CString strTempUnzipFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempUnzipFilePath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T(".unzip.tmp")); strTempUnzipFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (rar.Extract(strTempUnzipFilePath)) { rar.Close(); if (_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove default IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), strerror(errno)); if (_trename(strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to rename uncompressed IP filter file \"%s\" to default IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), strerror(errno)); if (_tremove(strTempFilePath) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove temporary IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), strTempFilePath, strerror(errno)); bUncompressed = true; bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("Failed to extract IP filter file from RAR file \"%s\"."), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("Failed to find IP filter file \"guarding.p2p\" or \"ipfilter.dat\" in RAR file \"%s\"."), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } rar.Close(); } else { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("Failed to open file \"%s\".\r\n\r\nInvalid file format?\r\n\r\nDownload latest version of UNRAR.DLL from http://www.rarlab.com and copy UNRAR.DLL into eMule installation folder."), url); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { CGZIPFile gz; if (gz.Open(strTempFilePath)) { bIsArchiveFile = true; CString strTempUnzipFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempUnzipFilePath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T(".unzip.tmp")); strTempUnzipFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); // add filename and extension of uncompressed file to temporary file CString strUncompressedFileName = gz.GetUncompressedFileName(); if (!strUncompressedFileName.IsEmpty()) { strTempUnzipFilePath += _T('.'); strTempUnzipFilePath += strUncompressedFileName; } if (gz.Extract(strTempUnzipFilePath)) { gz.Close(); if (_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove default IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), strerror(errno)); if (_trename(strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to rename uncompressed IP filter file \"%s\" to default IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), strerror(errno)); if (_tremove(strTempFilePath) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove temporary IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), strTempFilePath, strerror(errno)); bUncompressed = true; bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { CString strError; strError.Format(GetResString(IDS_ERR_IPFILTERZIPEXTR), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } gz.Close(); } if (!bIsArchiveFile && !bUncompressed) { // Check first lines of downloaded file for potential HTML content (e.g. 404 error pages) bool bValidIPFilterFile = true; FILE* fp = _tfsopen(strTempFilePath, _T("rb"), _SH_DENYWR); if (fp) { char szBuff[16384]; int iRead = fread(szBuff, 1, _countof(szBuff)-1, fp); if (iRead <= 0) bValidIPFilterFile = false; else { szBuff[iRead-1] = '\0'; const char* pc = szBuff; while (*pc == ' ' || *pc == '\t' || *pc == '\r' || *pc == '\n') pc++; if (strnicmp(pc, "<html", 5) == 0 || strnicmp(pc, "<xml", 4) == 0 || strnicmp(pc, "<!doc", 5) == 0) { bValidIPFilterFile = false; } } fclose(fp); } if (bValidIPFilterFile) { (void)_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()); VERIFY( _trename(strTempFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) == 0 ); bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { AfxMessageBox(GetResString(IDS_DWLIPFILTERFAILED), MB_ICONERROR); } } } else { AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed to auto-update IPFilter. No URL given"), MB_ICONERROR); return; } // ==> Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle /* struct tm tmTemp; thePrefs.m_last_ipfilter_check = safe_mktime(CTime::GetCurrentTime().GetLocalTm(&tmTemp)); */ // <== Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle if (bHaveNewFilterFile) { LoadFromDefaultFile(); if (thePrefs.GetFilterServerByIP()) theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->serverlistctrl.RemoveAllFilteredServers(); } // In case we received an invalid IP-filter file (e.g. an 404 HTML page with HTTP status "OK"), // warn the user that there are no IP-filters available any longer. if (bHaveNewFilterFile && theApp.ipfilter->GetIPFilter().GetCount() == 0) { CString strLoaded; strLoaded.Format(GetResString(IDS_IPFILTERLOADED), theApp.ipfilter->GetIPFilter().GetCount()); CString strError; strError.Format(_T("%s\r\n\r\n%s"), GetResString(IDS_DWLIPFILTERFAILED), strLoaded); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); return; } //everything fine. update the stored version if (bHaveNewFilterFile) // ==> Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle /* memcpy(&thePrefs.m_IPfilterVersion, &SysTime, sizeof SysTime); */ { thePrefs.m_uIPFilterVersionNum = uNewVersion; if(thePrefs.IsIPFilterViaDynDNS()) { memset(&SysTime, 0, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); if(theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar.m_IpFilterTime) { CString strBuffer = NULL; strBuffer.Format(_T("v%u"), thePrefs.GetIPFilterVersionNum()); theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar.m_IpFilterTime.SetWindowText(strBuffer); } } else memcpy(&thePrefs.m_IPfilterVersion, &SysTime, sizeof SysTime); } else { thePrefs.m_uIPFilterVersionNum = 0; memset(&SysTime, 0, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); if(thePrefs.IsIPFilterViaDynDNS()) { if(theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar.m_IpFilterTime) theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar.m_IpFilterTime.SetWindowText(GetResString(IDS_DL_NONE)); } } if(thePrefs.IsIPFilterViaDynDNS() == false && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar.m_IpFilterTime) { TCHAR sTime[30]; sTime[0] = _T('\0'); SysTimeToStr(thePrefs.GetIPfilterVersion(), sTime); theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar.m_IpFilterTime.SetWindowText(sTime); } // <== Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle }