int CContentsView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CListCtrl::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; ReloadSettings(); // _virtualMode = false; // _sortIndex = 0; _sortID = kpidName; _ascending = true; ListView_SetUnicodeFormat(*this, TRUE); HIMAGELIST hImg = GetSysImageList(true); CImageList *pImgList = CImageList::FromHandlePermanent(hImg); if (pImgList == NULL) { CImageList img; img.Attach(hImg); this->SetImageList(&img, LVSIL_SMALL); img.Detach(); } else this->SetImageList(pImgList, LVSIL_SMALL); hImg = GetSysImageList(false); pImgList = CImageList::FromHandlePermanent(hImg); if (pImgList == NULL) { CImageList img; img.Attach(hImg); this->SetImageList(&img, LVSIL_NORMAL); img.Detach(); } else this->SetImageList(pImgList, LVSIL_NORMAL); CWnd *pParent = GetTopLevelParent(); _dropTargetSpec = new CDropTarget(pParent); _dropTarget = _dropTargetSpec; // ::DragAcceptFiles(hWnd, TRUE); RegisterDragDrop(*pParent, _dropTarget); // _exStyle |= LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP; // DWORD extendedStyle = _listView.GetExtendedListViewStyle(); // extendedStyle |= _exStyle; // _listView.SetExtendedListViewStyle(extendedStyle); // this->SetExtendedStyle(_exStyle); SetTimer(kTimerID, kTimerElapse, NULL); return 0; }
CFileDlg::CFileDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CFileDlg::IDD, pParent) { HRESULT hresut=CoInitialize(NULL); SHFILEINFO sfi; SHGetFileInfo ( L"\\\\", //随便传递两个字节 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, &sfi, sizeof(SHFILEINFO), SHGFI_ICON | SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES | SHGFI_PIDL ); m_hIcon = sfi.hIcon; WCHAR Temp[100] = {0}; HIMAGELIST hImageList; // 加载系统图标列表 hImageList = (HIMAGELIST)SHGetFileInfoW ( Temp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, &sfi, sizeof(SHFILEINFO), SHGFI_LARGEICON | SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_PIDL ); m_pImageList_Large.Attach(hImageList); // 加载系统图标列表 hImageList = (HIMAGELIST)SHGetFileInfoW ( Temp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, &sfi, sizeof(SHFILEINFO), SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_PIDL ); m_pImageList_Small.Attach(hImageList); m_wParent = pParent; }
BOOL CFileWindow::InitDirectoryImageList( CImageList & imglst ) { SHFILEINFO shFinfo; HIMAGELIST hImageList = NULL; hImageList = (HIMAGELIST)SHGetFileInfo( "C:\\", 0, &shFinfo, sizeof( shFinfo ), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON ); if ( ! hImageList ) return FALSE; if( imglst.Detach() ) AfxMessageBox( "This should not occur!"); imglst.Attach( hImageList ); return TRUE; }
void AddQuestion(HIMAGELIST hmyImageList) { CImageList imgList; // Attach the image list handle to the CImageList object. imgList.Attach(hmyImageList); // Add a new icon to the image list. imgList.Add(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardIcon(IDI_QUESTION)); // Detach the handle from the CImageList object. imgList.Detach(); }
//***************************************************************************** //* //* CreateDragImage //* //***************************************************************************** CImageList *CTreeListCtrl::CreateDragImage(HTREEITEM hItem, int nCol) { CImageList *pImageList; HIMAGELIST hImageList; ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); hImageList = TreeList_CreateDragImageEx(m_hWnd, hItem, nCol); if(!hImageList) { return NULL; } pImageList = new CImageList; VERIFY(pImageList->Attach(hImageList)); return pImageList; }
// CToolBarEx bool CToolBarEx::setTrueColor(UINT nIDResource) { BITMAP bm; CBitmap bitmap; CImageList ilist; if (!bitmap.Attach(LoadImage(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDResource), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE | LR_CREATEDIBSECTION))) return 0; if (!bitmap.GetBitmap(&bm)) return 0; if (!ilist.Attach(ImageList_Create(24, ITEM_H, ILC_COLORDDB | ILC_MASK, bm.bmWidth / 24, 0))) return 0; RGBTRIPLE* rgb = (RGBTRIPLE*)(bm.bmBits); COLORREF rgbMask = RGB(rgb[0].rgbtRed, rgb[0].rgbtGreen, rgb[0].rgbtBlue); if (ilist.Add(&bitmap, rgbMask) == -1) return 0; SendMessage(TB_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)ilist.m_hImageList); ilist.Detach(); bitmap.DeleteObject(); return 1; }
void CPackagePage::AddFile(LPCTSTR pszFile) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( CString( _T("\\\\?\\") ) + pszFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ); if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CString strFormat, strMessage; strFormat.LoadString( IDS_PACKAGE_CANT_OPEN ); strMessage.Format( strFormat, pszFile ); AfxMessageBox( strMessage, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); return; } DWORD nLow, nHigh; nLow = GetFileSize( hFile, &nHigh ); QWORD nSize = ( (QWORD)nHigh << 32 ) + (QWORD)nLow; CloseHandle( hFile ); SHFILEINFO pInfo = {}; HIMAGELIST hIL = (HIMAGELIST)SHGetFileInfo( pszFile, 0, &pInfo, sizeof(pInfo), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX|SHGFI_SMALLICON ); if ( hIL != NULL && m_hImageList == NULL ) { m_hImageList = hIL; CImageList pTemp; pTemp.Attach( hIL ); m_wndList.SetImageList( &pTemp, LVSIL_SMALL ); pTemp.Detach(); } int nItem = m_wndList.InsertItem( LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_IMAGE, m_wndList.GetItemCount(), pszFile, 0, 0, pInfo.iIcon, NULL ); m_wndList.SetItemText( nItem, 1, SmartSize( nSize ) ); UpdateWindow(); }
void CDirectoryTreeCtrl::Init(bool bAllowCDROM /*= true*/) { #ifdef _UNICODE // Win9x: Explicitly set to Unicode to receive Unicode notifications. SendMessage(CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT, TRUE); #endif DeleteAllItems(); SHFILEINFO shFinfo; HIMAGELIST hImgList; CImageList imageList; // Get the system image list using a "path" which is available on all systems. [patch by bluecow] hImgList = (HIMAGELIST)SHGetFileInfo(_T("."), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, &shFinfo, sizeof(shFinfo), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES); imageList.Attach(hImgList); SetImageList(&imageList, TVSIL_NORMAL); // Don't destroy the system's image list imageList.Detach(); TCHAR drivebuffer[128], cDrv, *pos = drivebuffer; ::GetLogicalDriveStrings(ARRSIZE(drivebuffer), drivebuffer); // e.g. "a:\ c:\ d:\" while(*pos != _T('\0')) { UINT dwDrvType = ::GetDriveType(pos); // Skip floppy drives (check letter as some USB drives can also be removable) and in some cases CD/DVD if ( ((dwDrvType != DRIVE_REMOVABLE) || (((cDrv = CHR2UP(*pos)) != _T('A')) && (cDrv != _T('B')))) && (bAllowCDROM || (dwDrvType != DRIVE_CDROM)) ) { pos[2] = _T('\0'); AddChildItem(NULL, pos); // e.g. ("c:") } // Point to the next drive (4 chars interval) pos += 4; } }
BOOL CProcessView::GetSysImgList() ///////////////////////////////////////////////// { CImageList sysImgList; SHFILEINFO shFinfo; HIMAGELIST hImageList = 0; CString errorMessage; TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH + 10]; if (GetModuleFileName(0, filename, MAX_PATH + 10)) { hImageList = (HIMAGELIST)SHGetFileInfo(filename, 0, &shFinfo, sizeof( shFinfo ), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON ); if (!hImageList) { int errorCode = GetLastError(); TCHAR buffer[1000]; memset(buffer, 0, 1000); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, errorCode, 0, buffer, 999, 0); CString str; str.Format(_T("SHGetFileInfo failed with error %d: %s"), errorCode, buffer); errorMessage += str; } } else { int errorCode = GetLastError(); TCHAR buffer[1000]; memset(buffer, 0, 1000); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, errorCode, 0, buffer, 999, 0); CString str; str.Format(_T("GetModuleFileName failed with error %d: %s"), errorCode, buffer); errorMessage += str; } if (!hImageList) { /* * Fall back to C:\\ * Not bullerproof, but better than nothing */ hImageList = (HIMAGELIST)SHGetFileInfo(_T("C:\\"), 0, &shFinfo, sizeof( shFinfo ), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON ); if (!hImageList) { int errorCode = GetLastError(); TCHAR buffer[1000]; memset(buffer, 0, 1000); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, errorCode, 0, buffer, 999, 0); CString str; str.Format(_T("SHGetFileInfo failed with error %d: %s"), errorCode, buffer); if (errorMessage != _T("")) errorMessage += _T("\n"); errorMessage += str; } } if (!hImageList) { AfxMessageBox(errorMessage); return FALSE; } sysImgList.Attach(hImageList); CListCtrl& lc = GetListCtrl(); lc.SetImageList( &sysImgList, LVSIL_SMALL); sysImgList.Detach(); return TRUE; }
BOOL COXCustomizeShortkeysPage:: InitializeShortkeys(CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd, LPCTSTR lpszProfileName/*=_T("CustomizeShortkeys")*/) { ASSERT(pFrameWnd!=NULL); CWinApp* pApp=AfxGetApp(); ASSERT(pApp!=NULL); CWnd* pWnd=AfxGetMainWnd(); ASSERT(pWnd!=NULL); CFrameWnd* pMainFrameWnd=DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CFrameWnd,pWnd); ASSERT(pMainFrameWnd!=NULL); // build array of all commands available in the system // // document menus if(m_pCustomizeManager->IsMDIFramework()) { POSITION pos=pApp->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition(); while(pos!=NULL) { CDocTemplate* pDocTemplate=pApp->GetNextDocTemplate(pos); ASSERT(pDocTemplate!=NULL); CMultiDocTemplate* pMultiDocTemplate= DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CMultiDocTemplate,pDocTemplate); if(pMultiDocTemplate!=NULL) { if(pMultiDocTemplate->m_hMenuShared!=NULL) RetrieveCommandsFromMenu(pMultiDocTemplate->m_hMenuShared); } } } // default menu HINSTANCE hInstance=AfxFindResourceHandle(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAINFRAME),RT_MENU); if(hInstance!=NULL) { HMENU hMenu=::LoadMenu(hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MAINFRAME)); if(hMenu!=NULL) { RetrieveCommandsFromMenu(hMenu); ::DestroyMenu(hMenu); } } // toolbars // // Iterate all the control bars and use only the toolbars POSITION pos=pFrameWnd->m_listControlBars.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos!=NULL) { CToolBar* pToolbar=DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CToolBar, (CControlBar*)pFrameWnd->m_listControlBars.GetNext(pos)); //If it is a CToolBar if(pToolbar!=NULL) { // Get the original imagelist of the toolbar int nButtonCount=pToolbar->GetToolBarCtrl().GetButtonCount(); // Iterate all buttons on the toolbar for(int nButtonIndex=0; nButtonIndex<nButtonCount; nButtonIndex++) { UINT nID=0; UINT nStyle=0; int nImageIndex=0; pToolbar->GetButtonInfo(nButtonIndex,nID,nStyle,nImageIndex); //If the Item is not a button if(nStyle&TBBS_SEPARATOR) continue; m_mapCommands.SetAt(nID,-1); } } } // //////////////////////////////////////// // built image list with all images used in the toolbars VERIFY(m_ilImages.Create(ID_OXCUSTOMIZE_TBIMAGE_WIDTH, ID_OXCUSTOMIZE_TBIMAGE_HEIGHT,ILC_COLOR24|ILC_MASK,0,0)); // Iterate all the control bars and use only the toolbars pos=pMainFrameWnd->m_listControlBars.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos!=NULL) { CToolBar* pToolbar=DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CToolBar, (CControlBar*)pMainFrameWnd->m_listControlBars.GetNext(pos)); //If its a CToolBar if(pToolbar!=NULL) { // Get the original imagelist of the toolbar HIMAGELIST hOrigImageList= (HIMAGELIST)pToolbar->SendMessage(TB_GETIMAGELIST); int nFirstImageIndex=0; if(hOrigImageList!=NULL) { CImageList origImageList; CImageList* pOrigImageList= CImageList::FromHandlePermanent(hOrigImageList); if(pOrigImageList==NULL) { if(!origImageList.Attach(hOrigImageList)) { TRACE(_T("COXCustomizeShortkeysPage::InitializeCommands: failed to retrieve image list from toolbars\n")); return FALSE; } pOrigImageList=&origImageList; } int nOrigImageCount=pOrigImageList->GetImageCount(); ASSERT(0<nOrigImageCount); nFirstImageIndex=m_ilImages.GetImageCount(); for(int nButtonIndex=0; nButtonIndex<nOrigImageCount; nButtonIndex++) { HICON hIcon=pOrigImageList->ExtractIcon(nButtonIndex); ASSERT(hIcon!=NULL); VERIFY(m_ilImages.Add(hIcon)!=-1); VERIFY(::DestroyIcon(hIcon)); } // Close everything if((HIMAGELIST)origImageList!=NULL) { origImageList.Detach(); } } int nButtonCount=pToolbar->GetToolBarCtrl().GetButtonCount(); // Iterate all buttons on the toolbar for(int nButtonIndex=0; nButtonIndex<nButtonCount; nButtonIndex++) { UINT nID=0; UINT nStyle=0; int nImageIndex=0; pToolbar->GetButtonInfo(nButtonIndex,nID,nStyle,nImageIndex); //If the Item is not a button if(nStyle&TBBS_SEPARATOR || nImageIndex==-1) continue; int nImageIndexTest=-1; // check if this button is in the commands map VERIFY(m_mapCommands.Lookup(nID,nImageIndexTest)); if(nImageIndexTest==-1) { nImageIndexTest=nImageIndex+nFirstImageIndex; m_mapCommands.SetAt(nID,nImageIndexTest); } } } } // add to the image list images that would be used in tree of all available // commands in order to represent: command groups, command without image, // new menu ite and separator item // int nFirstImageIndex=m_ilImages.GetImageCount(); HICON hIcon=pApp->LoadIcon(IDI_OX_CUSTOMIZE_COMMANDGROUP); ASSERT(hIcon!=NULL); VERIFY(m_ilImages.Add(hIcon)==nFirstImageIndex+ID_OX_IMAGEOFFSET_MENUGROUP); hIcon=pApp->LoadIcon(IDI_OX_CUSTOMIZE_NOIMAGE); ASSERT(hIcon!=NULL); VERIFY(m_ilImages.Add(hIcon)==nFirstImageIndex+ID_OX_IMAGEOFFSET_NOIMAGE); // ///////////////////////// m_shortkeysOrganizer.Attach(pFrameWnd,TRUE); if(lpszProfileName!=NULL) { m_sProfileName=lpszProfileName; VERIFY(m_shortkeysOrganizer.LoadState(m_sProfileName)); } return TRUE; }
void SmartListCtrl::OnBeginDrag(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { *pResult = 0; if ( !eventHandler_ ) return; LPNMLISTVIEW info = (LPNMLISTVIEW)pNMHDR; std::string text; int image; getData( info->iItem, text, image ); POINT pt; GetCursorPos( &pt ); if ( dragImgList_ ) { delete dragImgList_; dragImgList_ = 0; } int pos = GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); bool isFirst = true; int xoff = 0; int yoff = 0; int xstep = 0; int ystep = 0; IMAGEINFO imf; int maxDragWidth = 400; int maxDragHeight = 350; while ( pos != -1 ) { if ( isFirst ) { dragImgList_ = CreateDragImage( pos, &pt ); dragImgList_->GetImageInfo( 0, &imf ); xstep = imf.rcImage.right - imf.rcImage.left; ystep = imf.rcImage.bottom -; yoff = imf.rcImage.bottom; isFirst = false; } else { if ( yoff + ystep > maxDragHeight && xoff + xstep > maxDragWidth ) generateDragListEndItem_ = true; // reached the max, so generate a 'more...' item in GetData CImageList* oneImgList = CreateDragImage( pos, &pt ); generateDragListEndItem_ = false; CImageList* tempImgList = new CImageList(); tempImgList->Attach( ImageList_Merge( dragImgList_->GetSafeHandle(), 0, oneImgList->GetSafeHandle(), 0, xoff, yoff ) ); delete dragImgList_; delete oneImgList; dragImgList_ = tempImgList; dragImgList_->GetImageInfo( 0, &imf ); yoff += ystep; if ( yoff > maxDragHeight ) { xoff += xstep; if ( xoff > maxDragWidth ) break; yoff = 0; } } pos = GetNextItem( pos, LVNI_SELECTED ); } if ( dragImgList_ ) { CPoint offset( thumbWidthCur_ + 16 , max( 16, thumbHeightCur_ - 14 ) ); dragImgList_->SetBkColor( GetBkColor() ); dragImgList_->SetDragCursorImage( 0, offset ); dragImgList_->BeginDrag( 0, offset ); dragImgList_->DragEnter( 0, pt ); } if ( delayedSelectionPending_ ) { // if a selection timer is pending, force it delayedSelectionNotify(); } dragging_ = true; eventHandler_->listStartDrag( info->iItem ); }