Exemple #1
LONG CItemVendable::GetVendorPrice( int iConvertFactor )
	// Player is buying/selling from a vendor.
	// ASSUME this item is on the vendor !
	// Consider: (if not on a player vendor)
	//  Quality of the item.
	//  rareity of the item.
	// ARGS:
	// iConvertFactor will consider:
	//  Vendors Karma.
	//  Players Karma
	// -100 = reduce price by 100%   (player selling to vendor?)
	//    0 = base price
	// +100 = increase price by 100% (vendor selling to player?)

	INT64 lPrice = m_price;
	if ( lPrice <= 0 )	// set on player vendor.
		if ( lPrice == 0 )	// set a new randomized price for the item
			CItemBase * pItemDef;
			if ( IsType( IT_DEED ))
				// Deeds just represent the item they are deeding.
				pItemDef = CItemBase::FindItemBase(static_cast<ITEMID_TYPE>(RES_GET_INDEX(m_itDeed.m_Type)));
				if ( pItemDef == NULL )
					return( 1 );
				pItemDef = Item_GetDef();
			lPrice = pItemDef->GetMakeValue(GetQuality());
			m_price = static_cast<long>(-lPrice);
			lPrice = -lPrice;

	lPrice += IMULDIV( lPrice, maximum(iConvertFactor, -100), 100 );
	if (lPrice > LONG_MAX)
		return LONG_MAX;
	else if (lPrice <= 0)
		return 0;
	return static_cast<long>(lPrice);
Exemple #2
bool CItemVendable::IsValidNPCSaleItem() const
	// This item is in an NPC's vendor box.
	// Is it a valid item that NPC's should be selling ?

	CItemBase * pItemDef = Item_GetDef();

	if ( m_price <= 0 && pItemDef->GetMakeValue(0) <= 0 )
		DEBUG_ERR(( "Vendor uid=0%lx selling unpriced item %s='%s'\n", static_cast<DWORD>(GetTopLevelObj()->GetUID()), GetResourceName(), GetName()));
		return( false );

	if ( ! IsValidSaleItem( true ))
		DEBUG_ERR(( "Vendor uid=0%lx selling bad item %s='%s'\n", static_cast<DWORD>(GetTopLevelObj()->GetUID()), GetResourceName(), GetName()));
		return( false );

	return( true );