Exemple #1
//  Member:     CRichtextLayout::DrawClient
//  Synopsis:   Draw client rect part of the controls
//  Arguments:  prcBounds       bounding rect of display leaf node
//              prcRedraw       rect to be redrawn
//              pSurface        surface to render into
//              pDispNode       pointer to display node
//              pClientData     client-dependent data for drawing pass
//              dwFlags         flags for optimization
void CRichtextLayout::DrawClient(
            const RECT*     prcBounds,
            const RECT*     prcRedraw,
            CDispSurface*   pDispSurface,
            CDispNode*      pDispNode,
            void*           cookie,
            void*           pClientData,
            DWORD           dwFlags)

    CFormDrawInfo* pDI = (CFormDrawInfo*)pClientData;

        // we set draw surface information separately for Draw() and
        // the stuff below, because the Draw method of some subclasses
        // (like CFlowLayout) puts pDI into a special device coordinate
        // mode
        CSetDrawSurface sds(pDI, prcBounds, prcRedraw, pDispSurface);

        // see comment above
        CSetDrawSurface sds(pDI, prcBounds, prcRedraw, pDispSurface);

        // We only want to paint selection on the client rect in this part
        // In RTL the scrollbar is on the left and will leave extra highlighting
        // on the right side of the control if we do not adjust it here
            DrawTextSelectionForRect(pDI->GetDC(), (CRect*)prcRedraw , &pDI->_rcClip, _fSwapColor);

            CLayout* pParentLayout = GetUpdatedParentLayout();
            if(pParentLayout && pParentLayout->ElementOwner()->IsEditable())
Exemple #2
// This function is a callback from LineServices (the pfnFmt callback)
// Line services calls this to get the formattnig information for
// a non-text object in the layout, i.e. an image or a table or a div.
// We create a dobj and give it back to LS here.
// This is like a dobj constructor.
LSERR WINAPI CEmbeddedILSObj::Fmt(/*[in]*/PCFMTIN pfmtin, /*[out]*/FMTRES* pfmtres)

    BOOL                fOwnLine;
    INT                 xMinWidth;
    LONG                cchSite;
    LONG                xWidth, yHeight;
    OBJDIM              objdim;
    stylePosition       bPositionType;
    LSERR               lserr           = lserrNone;
    CLineServices*      pLS             = _pLS;
    CFlowLayout*        pFlowLayout     = pLS->_pFlowLayout;
    PLSRUN              plsrun          = PLSRUN(pfmtin->lsfrun.plsrun);
    CLayout*            pLayout         = plsrun->GetLayout(pFlowLayout);
    CElement*           pElementLayout;
    CTreeNode*          pNodeLayout;
    const CCharFormat*  pCF;
    const CFancyFormat* pFF;
    CEmbeddedDobj*      pdobj = new CEmbeddedDobj(this, pfmtin->plsdnTop);

        lserr = lserrOutOfMemory;
        goto Cleanup;

    // pLayout is the guy we're being asked to format here.
    Assert(pLayout && pLayout!=pFlowLayout);

    pElementLayout  = pLayout->ElementOwner();
    pNodeLayout     = pElementLayout->GetFirstBranch();
    pCF             = pNodeLayout->GetCharFormat();
    pFF             = pNodeLayout->GetFancyFormat();
    bPositionType   = pNodeLayout->GetCascadedposition();

    // for overlapping layouts curtail the range of characters measured
    cchSite = pLS->GetNestedElementCch(pElementLayout);

    ZeroMemory(&objdim, sizeof(OBJDIM));

    // Let's see if this an 'ownline' thingy.  Note that even if the element
    // is not by default and 'ownline' element, we may have morphed it into
    // one -- then too it has to be a block element. If it is not one (like
    // a span, then it will not live on its own line).  Check here.
    fOwnLine = pLS->IsOwnLineSite(plsrun);


    // Certain sites that only Microsoft supports can break with any
    // characters, so we hack that in right here.
    // BUGBUG (cthrash) This is goofy.  We should have a better way to
    // determine this than checking tag types.
    pdobj->_fIsBreakingSite= pElementLayout->Tag()==ETAG_OBJECT
        || pElementLayout->Tag()==ETAG_MARQUEE
        // This is really unfortunate -- if a site is percent sized then it becomes a breaking
        // site inside table cells. This is primarily for IE4x compat. See IE bug 42336 (SujalP)
        || pFF->_cuvWidth.GetUnitType()==CUnitValue::UNIT_PERCENT
        // One last thing - if we have a morphed non-ownline element inside
        // a table, it's considered a breaking site.
        || (!fOwnLine && !pElementLayout->_fSite);

    // If it's on its own line, and not first on line, FetchRun should have
    // terminated the line before we got here.
    // Assert( !( fOwnLine && !pfmtin->lsfgi.fFirstOnLine) );
    pFlowLayout->GetSiteWidth(pLayout, pLS->_pci,
        &xWidth, &yHeight, &xMinWidth);

    // v-Dimension computed in VerticalAlignObjects
    // BUGBUG (cthrash) We have rounding errors in LS; don't pass zero
    objdim.heightsRef.dvAscent = 1;
    objdim.heightsRef.dvDescent = 0;
    objdim.heightsRef.dvMultiLineHeight = 1;
        objdim.heightsPres = objdim.heightsRef;

    if(pLS->_fIsRuby && !pLS->_fIsRubyText)
        pLS->_yMaxHeightForRubyBase = max(pLS->_yMaxHeightForRubyBase, yHeight);

    // We need to store two widths in the dobj: The width corresponding to
    // the wrapping width (urColumnMax) and the minimum width.  LsGetMinDur,
    // however, does not recognize two widths for ILS objects.  We therefore
    // cache the difference, and account for these in an enumeration callback
    // after the LsGetMinDur pass.
        pdobj->_dvMinMaxDelta = 0;
        objdim.dur = xWidth;
        pdobj->_dvMinMaxDelta = xWidth - xMinWidth;
        objdim.dur = xMinWidth;

        long lCharGridSize = pLS->GetCharGridSize();
        pdobj->_dvMinMaxDelta = pLS->GetClosestGridMultiple(lCharGridSize, pdobj->_dvMinMaxDelta);
        objdim.dur = pLS->GetClosestGridMultiple(lCharGridSize, objdim.dur);

        // If we are inside a something like say a PRE then too we do
        // not terminate, because if there was a \r right after the ownline site
        // then we will allow that \r to break the line. We do not check if the
        // subsequent char is a \r because there might be goop(comments, hidden
        // stuff etc etc) between this site and the \r. Hence here we just march
        // forward and if we run into text or layout later on we will terminate
        // the line then. This way we will eat up the goop if any in between.
            COneRun* porOut;
            COneRun* por = pLS->_listFree.GetFreeOneRun(plsrun);

                lserr = lserrOutOfMemory;
                goto Cleanup;

            Assert(plsrun->_lscch == plsrun->_lscchOriginal);
            por->_lscpBase += plsrun->_lscch;

            // If this object has to be on its own line, then it clearly
            // ends the current line.
            lserr = pLS->TerminateLine(por, CLineServices::TL_ADDEOS, &porOut);
            if(lserr != lserrNone)
                goto Cleanup;

            // Free the one run
            // Flip this bit so that we will setup pfmtres properly later on
            fOwnLine = FALSE;

        // If we have an 'ownline' site, by definition this is a breaking
        // site, meaning we can (or more precisely should) break on either
        // side of the site.
        pdobj->_fIsBreakingSite = TRUE;

        // NOTE(SujalP): Bug 65906.
        // We originally used to set ourselves up to collect after space only
        // for morphed elements. As it turns out, we want to collect after space
        // from margins of _all_ ownline sites (including morphed elements),
        // because margins for ownline-sites are not accounted for in
        // VerticalAlignObjects (see CLayout::GetMarginInfo for more details --
        // it returns 0 for ownline sites).
        pLS->_pNodeForAfterSpace = pNodeLayout;

        // All ownline sites have their x position to be 0

        *pfmtres = fmtrCompletedRun;
        const long urWrappingWidth = max(pfmtin->lsfgi.urColumnMax, pLS->_xWrappingWidth);

        *pfmtres = (pfmtin->lsfgi.fFirstOnLine ||

    // This is an accessor to the dnode, telling LS to set the dnode pointing
    // to our dobj.
    lserr = LsdnFinishRegular(pLS->_plsc, cchSite, pfmtin->lsfrun.plsrun,
        pfmtin->lsfrun.plschp, (struct dobj*)pdobj, &objdim);

    return lserr;
Exemple #3
// Method: PositionChanged
// Synopsis: Hit the Layout for the size you should be and ask your adorner for it to give
//           you your position based on this
void CFocusAdorner::PositionChanged(const CSize* psize)

        CLayout*	pLayout		= _pElement->GetUpdatedNearestLayout();
        CTreeNode*	pTreeNode	= _pElement->GetFirstBranch();
        BOOL		fRelative	= pTreeNode->GetCharFormat()->_fRelative;
        CDispNode*	pDispParent	= _pDispNode->GetParentNode();
        CDispNode*	pDispNode	= NULL;


        // Get the display node which contains the element with focus
        // (If the focus display node is not yet anchored in the display tree, pretend the element
        //  is not correct as well. After the focus display node is anchored, this routine will
        //  get called again and can correctly associate the display nodes at that time.)
            // BUGBUG: Move this logic down into GetElementDispNode (passing a flag so that GetElementDispNode
            //         can distinguish between "find nearest" and "find exact" with this call being a "find nearest"
            //         and virtually all others being a "find exact" (brendand)
            CElement* pDisplayElement = NULL;

            if(!pTreeNode->IsPositionStatic() || _pElement->HasLayout())
                pDisplayElement = _pElement;
            else if(!fRelative)
                pDisplayElement = pLayout->ElementOwner();
                CTreeNode* pDisplayNode = pTreeNode->GetCurrentRelativeNode(pLayout->ElementOwner());

                Assert(pDisplayNode); // This should never be NULL, but be safe anyway
                    pDisplayElement = pDisplayNode->Element();

            Assert(pDisplayElement); // This should never be NULL, but be safe anyway
                pDispNode = pLayout->GetElementDispNode(pDisplayElement);

        // Verify that the display node which contains the element with focus and the focus display node
        // are both correctly anchored in the display tree (that is, have a common parent)
        // (If they do not, this routine will get called again once both get correctly anchored
        //  after layout is completed)
            CDispNode* pDispNodeTemp;

				pDispNodeTemp=pDispNodeTemp->GetParentNode()) ;

                pDispNode = NULL;

            Assert(!pDispNode || pDispNodeTemp==pDispParent);

            if(!psize || _dnl!=DISPNODELAYER_FLOW)
                CPoint ptFromOffset(_afxGlobalData._Zero.pt);
                CPoint ptToOffset(_afxGlobalData._Zero.pt);

                    CRect rc;

                    _ptTopLeft = rc.TopLeft();

                    if(!_pElement->HasLayout() && fRelative)
                        CPoint ptOffset;

                        _pElement->GetUpdatedParentLayout()->GetFlowPosition(pDispNode, &ptOffset);

                        _ptTopLeft -= ptOffset.AsSize();

                    _fTopLeftValid = TRUE;

                pDispNode->TransformPoint(&ptFromOffset, COORDSYS_CONTENT, COORDSYS_GLOBAL);
                _pDispNode->TransformPoint(&ptToOffset, COORDSYS_PARENT, COORDSYS_GLOBAL);

                CPoint pt = _pDispNode->GetPosition();


                pt += *psize;

        // If the display node containing the element with focus is not correctly placed in the display
        // tree, remove the focus display node as well to prevent artifacts