Exemple #1
void HandleGameInput()
    // Store the position of the player before we possibly move
    POINT lastPosition = g_Player.GetLastPosition();

    if(g_Input.IsKeyDown(VK_ESCAPE))		// If escape was pressed
        g_Menu.BringUpMenu();				// Bring up the main menu
    else if(g_Input.IsKeyDown(VK_UP))		// If up arrow key was pressed
        g_Player.Move(kUp);					// Move the character up
    else if(g_Input.IsKeyDown(VK_DOWN))		// If down arrow key was pressed
        g_Player.Move(kDown);				// Move the character down
    else if(g_Input.IsKeyDown(VK_LEFT))		// If left arrow key was pressed
        g_Player.Move(kLeft);				// Move the character left
    else if(g_Input.IsKeyDown(VK_RIGHT))	// If right arrow key was pressed
        g_Player.Move(kRight);				// Move the character right

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

    // If we hit space let's toggle on and off the stats at the botton of the screen
    else if(g_Input.IsKeyDown(VK_SPACE))

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

    // Store the new current position of the player
    POINT curPosition = g_Player.GetPosition();

    // Check if the player moved by testing the current position against the last position
    if(lastPosition.x != curPosition.x || lastPosition.y != curPosition.y)
        // We want to draw the screen again if the character moved

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

        // Since we need to pick up items, we need to check for them just like exits, etc.
        g_Map.CheckForItem(curPosition.x, curPosition.y);

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

        // If we run into an NPC, we need to know so we can display dialog
        g_Map.CheckForNpc(curPosition.x, curPosition.y);

        // Set the previous position of the player

        // Here we check to see if the player moved into an exit.  If so, exit!
        g_Map.CheckForExit(curPosition.x, curPosition.y);
Exemple #2
void HandleGameInput()
	// Store the position of the player before we possibly move
	POINT lastPosition = g_Player.GetLastPosition();

	if(g_Input.IsKeyDown(VK_ESCAPE))		// If escape was pressed
		g_Menu.BringUpMenu();				// Bring up the main menu
	else if(g_Input.IsKeyDown(VK_UP))		// If up arrow key was pressed
		g_Player.Move(kUp);					// Move the character up
	else if(g_Input.IsKeyDown(VK_DOWN))		// If down arrow key was pressed
		g_Player.Move(kDown);				// Move the character down
	else if(g_Input.IsKeyDown(VK_LEFT))		// If left arrow key was pressed
		g_Player.Move(kLeft);				// Move the character left
	else if(g_Input.IsKeyDown(VK_RIGHT))	// If right arrow key was pressed
		g_Player.Move(kRight);				// Move the character right
		else if(g_Input.IsKeyDown(VK_SPACE)) // If space bar was pressed
			g_Map.ToggleStatsFlag();		// Turn on and off the stats menu

	// Store the new current position of the player
	POINT curPosition = g_Player.GetPosition();

	// Check if the player moved by testing the current position against the last position
	if(lastPosition.x != curPosition.x || lastPosition.y != curPosition.y)

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

		// This function updates our party to take the last position of the
		// party member in front of them.  If we have 3 players in our party
		// there will be a domino effect each time the main player moves.  The
		// second player will take the last step of the first player, and the
		// third player will take the last step of the second player.  They follow
		// you every step of the way...  What a loyal party :)

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

		// We want to draw the screen again if the character moved

		// Since we need to pick up items, we need to check for them just like exits, etc.
		g_Map.CheckForItem(curPosition.x, curPosition.y);

		// If we run into an NPC, we need to know so we can display dialog
		g_Map.CheckForNpc(curPosition.x, curPosition.y);

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

		// Now that we have monsters moving around we need to check to see if we
		// ran into them so we know when to attack.  Notice that this takes no
		// parameters.  This is because we do a loop inside that goes through all
		// of our party members and checks if they ran into the monster.

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

		// Set the previous position of the player

		// Here we check to see if the player moved into an exit.  If so, exit!
		g_Map.CheckForExit(curPosition.x, curPosition.y);