bool CMusicInfoLoader::LoadAdditionalTagInfo(CFileItem* pItem)
  if (!pItem || pItem->m_bIsFolder || pItem->IsPlayList() || pItem->IsNFO() || pItem->IsInternetStream())
    return false;

  if (pItem->GetProperty("hasfullmusictag") == "true")
    return false; // already have the information

  std::string path(pItem->GetPath());
  if (pItem->IsMusicDb())
    // set the artist / album properties
    CArtist artist;
    CMusicDatabase database;
    if (database.GetArtist(param.GetArtistId(), artist, false))

    CAlbum album;
    if (database.GetAlbum(param.GetAlbumId(), album, false))

    path = pItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetURL();

  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Loading additional tag info for file %s", path.c_str());

  // we load up the actual tag for this file in order to
  // fetch the lyrics and add it to the current music info tag
  CFileItem tempItem(path, false);
  std::unique_ptr<IMusicInfoTagLoader> pLoader (CMusicInfoTagLoaderFactory::CreateLoader(tempItem));
  if (NULL != pLoader.get())
    CMusicInfoTag tag;
    pLoader->Load(path, tag);
    pItem->SetProperty("hasfullmusictag", "true");
    return true;
  return false;
Exemple #2
JSONRPC_STATUS CAudioLibrary::SetArtistDetails(const std::string &method, ITransportLayer *transport, IClient *client, const CVariant &parameterObject, CVariant &result)
    int id = (int)parameterObject["artistid"].asInteger();

    CMusicDatabase musicdatabase;
    if (!musicdatabase.Open())
        return InternalError;

    CArtist artist;
    if (!musicdatabase.GetArtist(id, artist) || artist.idArtist <= 0)
        return InvalidParams;

    if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "artist"))
        artist.strArtist = parameterObject["artist"].asString();
    if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "instrument"))
        CopyStringArray(parameterObject["instrument"], artist.instruments);
    if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "style"))
        CopyStringArray(parameterObject["style"], artist.styles);
    if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "mood"))
        CopyStringArray(parameterObject["mood"], artist.moods);
    if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "born"))
        artist.strBorn = parameterObject["born"].asString();
    if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "formed"))
        artist.strFormed = parameterObject["formed"].asString();
    if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "description"))
        artist.strBiography = parameterObject["description"].asString();
    if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "genre"))
        CopyStringArray(parameterObject["genre"], artist.genre);
    if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "died"))
        artist.strDied = parameterObject["died"].asString();
    if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "disbanded"))
        artist.strDisbanded = parameterObject["disbanded"].asString();
    if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "yearsactive"))
        CopyStringArray(parameterObject["yearsactive"], artist.yearsActive);

    if (!musicdatabase.UpdateArtist(artist))
        return InternalError;

    return ACK;
Exemple #3
JSONRPC_STATUS CAudioLibrary::SetArtistDetails(const std::string &method, ITransportLayer *transport, IClient *client, const CVariant &parameterObject, CVariant &result)
  int id = (int)parameterObject["artistid"].asInteger();

  CMusicDatabase musicdatabase;
  if (!musicdatabase.Open())
    return InternalError;

  CArtist artist;
  if (!musicdatabase.GetArtist(id, artist) || artist.idArtist <= 0)
    return InvalidParams;

  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "artist"))
    artist.strArtist = parameterObject["artist"].asString();
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "instrument"))
    CopyStringArray(parameterObject["instrument"], artist.instruments);
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "style"))
    CopyStringArray(parameterObject["style"], artist.styles);
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "mood"))
    CopyStringArray(parameterObject["mood"], artist.moods);
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "born"))
    artist.strBorn = parameterObject["born"].asString();
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "formed"))
    artist.strFormed = parameterObject["formed"].asString();
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "description"))
    artist.strBiography = parameterObject["description"].asString();
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "genre"))
    CopyStringArray(parameterObject["genre"], artist.genre);
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "died"))
    artist.strDied = parameterObject["died"].asString();
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "disbanded"))
    artist.strDisbanded = parameterObject["disbanded"].asString();
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "yearsactive"))
    CopyStringArray(parameterObject["yearsactive"], artist.yearsActive);
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "musicbrainzartistid"))
    artist.strMusicBrainzArtistID = parameterObject["musicbrainzartistid"].asString();
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "sortname"))
    artist.strSortName = parameterObject["sortname"].asString();
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "type"))
    artist.strType = parameterObject["type"].asString();
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "gender"))
    artist.strGender = parameterObject["gender"].asString();
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "disambiguation"))
    artist.strDisambiguation = parameterObject["disambiguation"].asString();

  // Update existing art. Any existing artwork that isn't specified in this request stays as is.
  // If the value is null then the existing art with that type is removed.
  if (ParameterNotNull(parameterObject, "art"))
    // Get current artwork
    musicdatabase.GetArtForItem(artist.idArtist, MediaTypeArtist,;

    std::set<std::string> removedArtwork;
    CVariant art = parameterObject["art"];
    for (CVariant::const_iterator_map artIt = art.begin_map(); artIt != art.end_map(); artIt++)
      if (artIt->second.isString() && !artIt->second.asString().empty())[artIt->first] = CTextureUtils::UnwrapImageURL(artIt->second.asString());
      else if (artIt->second.isNull())
    // Remove null art now, as not done by update
    if (!musicdatabase.RemoveArtForItem(artist.idArtist, MediaTypeArtist, removedArtwork))
      return InternalError;

  // Update artist including adding or replacing (but not removing) art
  if (!musicdatabase.UpdateArtist(artist))
    return InternalError;

  return ACK;
Exemple #4
bool CMusicInfoLoader::LoadAdditionalTagInfo(CFileItem* pItem)
  if (!pItem || (pItem->m_bIsFolder && !pItem->IsAudio()) ||
      pItem->IsPlayList() || pItem->IsNFO() || pItem->IsInternetStream())
    return false;

  if (pItem->GetProperty("hasfullmusictag") == "true")
    return false; // already have the information

  std::string path(pItem->GetPath());
  // For songs in library set the (primary) song artist and album properties
  // Use song Id (not path) as called for items from either library or file view,
  // but could also be listitem with tag loaded by a script
  if (pItem->HasMusicInfoTag() &&
      pItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetType() == MediaTypeSong &&
      pItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetDatabaseId() > 0)
    CMusicDatabase database;
    // May already have song artist ids as item property set when data read from
    // db, but check property is valid array (scripts could set item properties
    // incorrectly), otherwise fetch artist using song id.
    CArtist artist;
    bool artistfound = false;
    if (pItem->HasProperty("artistid") && pItem->GetProperty("artistid").isArray())
      CVariant::const_iterator_array varid = pItem->GetProperty("artistid").begin_array();
      int idArtist = varid->asInteger();
      artistfound = database.GetArtist(idArtist, artist, false);
      artistfound = database.GetArtistFromSong(pItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetDatabaseId(), artist);
    if (artistfound)
      CMusicDatabase::SetPropertiesFromArtist(*pItem, artist);

    // May already have album id, otherwise fetch album from song id
    CAlbum album;
    bool albumfound = false;
    int idAlbum = pItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetAlbumId();
    if (idAlbum > 0)
      albumfound = database.GetAlbum(idAlbum, album, false);
      albumfound = database.GetAlbumFromSong(pItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetDatabaseId(), album);
    if (albumfound)
      CMusicDatabase::SetPropertiesFromAlbum(*pItem, album);

    path = pItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->GetURL();

  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Loading additional tag info for file %s", path.c_str());

  // we load up the actual tag for this file in order to
  // fetch the lyrics and add it to the current music info tag
  CFileItem tempItem(path, false);
  std::unique_ptr<IMusicInfoTagLoader> pLoader (CMusicInfoTagLoaderFactory::CreateLoader(tempItem));
  if (NULL != pLoader.get())
    CMusicInfoTag tag;
    pLoader->Load(path, tag);
    pItem->SetProperty("hasfullmusictag", "true");
    return true;
  return false;
Exemple #5
  // Fetch full album/artist information including art types list
  bool DoWork() override
    CGUIDialogMusicInfo *dialog = CServiceBroker::GetGUI()->GetWindowManager().
    if (!dialog)
      return false;
    if (dialog->IsCancelled())
      return false;
    CFileItemPtr m_item = dialog->GetCurrentListItem();
    CMusicInfoTag& tag = *m_item->GetMusicInfoTag();

    CMusicDatabase database;
    // May only have partially populated item, so fetch all artist or album data from db
    if (tag.GetType() == MediaTypeArtist)
      int artistId = tag.GetDatabaseId();
      CArtist artist;
      if (!database.GetArtist(artistId, artist))
        return false;
      CMusicDatabase::SetPropertiesFromArtist(*m_item, artist);

      // Get artist folder where local art could be found
      // Get the *name* of the folder for this artist within the Artist Info folder (may not exist).
      // If there is no Artist Info folder specified in settings this will be blank
      database.GetArtistPath(artist, artist.strPath);
      // Get the old location for those album artists with a unique folder (local to music files)
      // If there is no folder for the artist and *only* the artist this will be blank
      std::string oldartistpath;
      bool oldpathfound = database.GetOldArtistPath(artist.idArtist, oldartistpath);

      // Set up path for *item folder when browsing for art, by default this is
      // in the Artist Info Folder (when it exists), but could end up blank
      std::string artistItemPath = artist.strPath;
      if (!CDirectory::Exists(artistItemPath))
        // Fall back local to music files (historic location for those album artists with a unique folder)
        // although there may not be such a unique folder for the arist
        if (oldpathfound)
          artistItemPath = oldartistpath;
          // Fall back further to browse the Artist Info Folder itself
          artistItemPath = CServiceBroker::GetSettings().GetString(CSettings::SETTING_MUSICLIBRARY_ARTISTSFOLDER);

      // Store info as CArtist as well as item properties
      dialog->SetArtist(artist, oldartistpath);

      // Fetch artist discography as scraped from online sources, but always
      // include all the albums in the music library
      // tag.GetType == MediaTypeAlbum
      int albumId = tag.GetDatabaseId();
      CAlbum album;
      if (!database.GetAlbum(albumId, album))
        return false;
      CMusicDatabase::SetPropertiesFromAlbum(*m_item, album);

      // Get album folder where local art could be found
      database.GetAlbumPath(albumId, album.strPath);
      // Set up path for *item folder when browsing for art
      // Store info as CAlbum as well as item properties
      dialog->SetAlbum(album, album.strPath);

      // Set the list of songs and related art

      Load current art (to CGUIListItem.m_art)
      For albums this includes related artist(s) art and artist fanart set as
      fallback album fanart.
      Clear item art first to ensure fresh not cached/partial art
    CMusicThumbLoader loader;

    // Fill vector of possible art types with current art, when it exists,
    // for display on the art type selection dialog
    CFileItemList artlist;
    MUSIC_UTILS::FillArtTypesList(*m_item, artlist);
    if (dialog->IsCancelled())
      return false;

    // Tell waiting MusicDialog that job is complete

    return true;