int main() { CMyList<int> lst; // // POSTION pos1 = lst.AddTail(10); // // lst.AddTail(7); // lst.AddTail(2); // POSTION pos2 = lst.AddTail(0); // // POSTION start = lst.Insert(pos1, 100); // lst.Insert(pos2, 20); // // lst.RemoveAt(pos1); // // lst.RemoveAt(lst.Find(20)); // POSTION end = lst.AddTail(112233); // lst.RemoveAt(start); // lst.RemoveAt(end); POSTION pos4 = lst.AddTail(123); POSTION pos5 = lst.AddTail(456); POSTION pos6 = lst.AddTail(789); lst.ChangeNode(pos4, pos5); lst.ChangeNode(pos5, pos6); lst.ChangeNode(pos4, pos6); return 0; }
int main() { CMyList lst; CPlorg pl1("Plorg1", 100); CPlorg pl2("Plorg2", 200); CPlorg pl3("Plorg3", 300); lst + &pl1; lst + &pl2; lst + &pl3; lst.GetItem(2)->ShowData(); lst.GetItem(2)->ChangeCI(500); lst.GetItem(2)->ShowData(); lst.operator-(); lst.GetItem(2); std::cin.get(); return 0; }
int main() { CMyList<int> list; list.addFirst(5); list.addFirst(5); list.addFirst(5); list.addFirst(45); list.addFirst(3); list.addFirst(5); //list.remove(5); const uint64_t sizet = 10; int tab[sizet]; list.getItems(tab,sizet); for(int i=0;i<sizet;i++) cout<<tab[i]<<endl; list.removeLast(); list.removeFirst(); list.clear(); return 0; }
void* SERVICE_send_bag(void* argv) { tp_socket_info *socket_info = (tp_socket_info *)argv; int n_write; struct package_head bag_head; int func_num; int t; if (server_answer) { memcpy((char *)&bag_head,(char *)socket_info->buffer+1,sizeof(struct package_head)); AnswerList.addNode((void *)&bag_head); } n_write=write(socket_info->client_socket_fd,(char *)socket_info->buffer,socket_info->len); free(socket_info->buffer); free(socket_info); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { CMyList list; for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) list.AddTail(i); list.RemoveAt(0); printf("%d:", list.Length()); CNode *pNode = list.GetHead(); while(pNode != NULL) { printf("%d ", pNode->m_Elem); pNode = pNode->m_pNext; } printf("\r\n"); pNode = list.GetTail(); while(pNode != NULL) { printf("%d ", pNode->m_Elem); pNode = pNode->m_pPrev; } printf("\r\n"); return 0; }
******************************/ void* SERVICE_read_event(void *argv) { char buffer[MAX_SIZE]={0}; int client_socket; int n_read; char head_get,back_get; struct package_head bag_head; struct package_head *test_head; int func_num; int t; bool isRight = true; //包体 struct response_login func_0001; struct response_recharge func_1001; struct response_callsearch func_2001; struct response_historybill func_2002; struct response_billdetail func_2003; struct response_buycard func_3001; //获取套接字 client_socket = ((tp_socket_info *)argv)->client_socket_fd ; //读取内容 memset(buffer,0,MAX_SIZE); n_read = read(client_socket,buffer,sizeof(buffer)); //前置标志和后置标志的判断 head_get = buffer[0]; //读取包头 memcpy((void *)&bag_head,buffer+1,sizeof(struct package_head)); //printf("前置标志 %c 设备ID %s 业务ID %s 包长度%d 交易流水号%s\n",head_get,bag_head.dev_id,bag_head.func_id,bag_head.packet_size,bag_head.trans_id); //判断前置标志 决定是否继续读取 if (head_get != '~') { isRight = false; } //读取末尾标志 back_get=buffer[n_read-1]; //判断末尾标志 if (back_get != '<') { isRight = false; } //判断功能号决定读取数据大小 sscanf(bag_head.func_id,"%4d",&func_num); //如果是登陆包 就判断是否激活 if (func_num == 1) { memcpy((void *)&func_0001,buffer+sizeof(struct package_head)+1,sizeof(struct response_login)); } switch(func_num) { case 1: if (func_0001.dev_status != '0') { sscanf(stu_info->have_connect,"%d",&t); sprintf(stu_info->have_connect,"%d",t+1); } break; case 1001: case 2001: case 2002: case 2003: case 3001: pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_shm); sscanf(stu_info->rec_bag,"%d",&t); sprintf(stu_info->rec_bag,"%d",t+1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_shm); break; default: break; } if (server_answer && isRight == true) { if (func_num != 1 ) { //处理应答 for (t=1;t<=AnswerList.count();t++) { test_head = (struct package_head *)AnswerList[t]; if (strcmp(test_head->func_id,bag_head.func_id) == 0) { sem_wait(&empty_list); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_list); AnswerList.delNode(t); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_list); sem_post(&empty_list); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_shm); sscanf(stu_info->business_OK,"%d",&t); sprintf(stu_info->business_OK,"%d",t+1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_shm); return NULL; } } isRight = false; } } if (isRight == false) { if (server_answer && func_num != 1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_shm); sscanf(stu_info->business_FAIL,"%d",&t); sprintf(stu_info->business_FAIL,"%d",t+1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_shm); //printf("错误包 前置标志 %c 后置标志 %c 设备ID %s 业务ID %s 包长度%d 交易流水号%s\n",head_get,back_get,bag_head.dev_id,bag_head.func_id,bag_head.packet_size,bag_head.trans_id); } } }
void CMainDialog::OnClick( CControlUI* pSender) { if (pSender->GetName() == TEXT ("btnExit")) { PostQuitMessage(0); return; } else if (pSender->GetName() == _T ("btnTip")) { CControlUI* pbtnTip = static_cast <CControlUI*> (m_pm.FindControl(_T ("btnTip"))); if (pbtnTip) { pbtnTip->SetVisible(false); } CEditUI* peditSearch = static_cast <CEditUI*> (m_pm.FindControl(_T ("editSearch"))); if (peditSearch != NULL) { peditSearch->SetFocus(); } } else if (pSender->GetName() == _T ("lstDelButton")) { int iIndex = 0; CMyList* pParent = static_cast <CMyList*> (pSender->GetParent()->GetParent()); if (pParent) { iIndex = pParent->GetItemIndex(pSender->GetParent()); } CDuiString str; str.Format(_T ("您要删除 %d 项"), iIndex); if (IDNO == MessageBox (GetHWND (), str, NULL, MB_OK | MB_YESNO)) return; CMyList* pList = static_cast <CMyList*> (m_pm.FindControl(_T ("lstControl"))); ASSERT(pList); if (pList) { pList->RemoveAt(iIndex); CControlUI* pItem = pList->GetItemAt(iIndex+5); if (pItem) { const RECT& rc = pItem->GetPos(); SIZE sz = {0,}; pList->SetScrollPos(sz); } } } else if (pSender->GetName() == _T ("btnAddComboItem")) { CComboUI* pcbx = static_cast <CComboUI*> (m_pm.FindControl(_T ("combo1"))); assert (pcbx); if (pcbx) { CListLabelElementUI* pItem = new CListLabelElementUI (); pItem->SetText(_T ("{b}{i}新加项{/i}{/b}")); pcbx->Add(pItem); } AddComboboxItem(); CComboUI* pcbx2 = static_cast <CComboUI*> (m_pm.FindControl(_T ("combo2"))); } else if (pSender->GetName() == _T ("btnGoIe")) { CActiveXUI* pActiveXUI = static_cast<CActiveXUI*>(m_pm.FindControl(_T("ie"))); if( pActiveXUI ) { IWebBrowser2* pWebBrowser = NULL; pActiveXUI->GetControl(IID_IWebBrowser2, (void**)&pWebBrowser); if( pWebBrowser != NULL ) { CEditUI* pEdit = static_cast <CEditUI*> (m_pm.FindControl(_T ("editIePath"))); ASSERT (pEdit); CDuiString strIePath = _T (""); if (pEdit) { strIePath = pEdit->GetText(); } WCHAR szPath [1024] = {0}; #if defined(_UNICODE) || defined(UNICODE) lstrcpyW (szPath, strIePath); #else ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, strIePath, -1, szPath, 1023); #endif pWebBrowser->Navigate(szPath,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); pWebBrowser->Release(); } } } }
OSErr NetCDFStore::Capture(TModel* model, bool uncertain, map<string, int> *ncVarIDs, map<string, int> *ncDimIDs) { //if(!model->IsUncertain() && uncertain) // this is checked on the outside... //return true; int c, i, j, n; //bool threeMovement; TLEList* thisLEList; CMyList* LESetsList; list<LERecP> tLEsContainer; NetCDFStore* netStore; char errStr[256]; double halfLife; OSErr err = 0; netStore = new NetCDFStore(); // why do we need this? tLEsContainer = list<LERecP>(); LESetsList = model->LESetsList; // Grab initial positions, and store them - may want to do this on the outside and pass in the tLEsContainer for (i = 0, n = LESetsList->GetItemCount(); i < n; i++) { LESetsList -> GetListItem ((Ptr) &thisLEList, i); if(!thisLEList->IsActive()) continue; LETYPE type = thisLEList->GetLEType(); halfLife = (*(dynamic_cast<TOLEList*>(thisLEList))).fSetSummary.halfLife; if(uncertain && type == UNCERTAINTY_LE /*&& model->IsUncertain()*/) { for (j = 0, c = thisLEList->numOfLEs; j < c; j++) { if(INDEXH(thisLEList->LEHandle, j).statusCode == OILSTAT_NOTRELEASED); else { try { (INDEXH(thisLEList->LEHandle, j)).leUnits = thisLEList->GetMassUnits(); tLEsContainer.push_back(&(INDEXH(thisLEList->LEHandle, j))); } catch(...) { strcpy(errStr,"We are unable to allocate the memory required to perform this task.\n"); //strcat(errStr,"The run will continue, notwithstanding."); printError(errStr); //cerr << "We are unable to allocate the memory required to perform this task.\n"; //cerr << "The run will continue, notwithstanding.\n"; //cerr << "(Timestep " << model->currentStep << ")\n"; err = -1; return err; } } } } else if(!uncertain && type != UNCERTAINTY_LE) { for (j = 0, c = thisLEList->numOfLEs; j < c; j++) { if(INDEXH(thisLEList->LEHandle, j).statusCode == OILSTAT_NOTRELEASED); else { try { (INDEXH(thisLEList->LEHandle, j)).leUnits = thisLEList->GetMassUnits(); tLEsContainer.push_back(&(INDEXH(thisLEList->LEHandle, j))); } catch(...) { strcpy(errStr,"We are unable to allocate the memory required to perform this task.\n"); //strcat(errStr,"The run will continue, notwithstanding."); printError(errStr); //cerr << "We are unable to allocate the memory required to perform this task.\n"; //cerr << "The run will continue, notwithstanding.\n"; //cerr << "(Timestep " << model->currentStep << ")\n"; err = -1; return err; } } } } } c = tLEsContainer.size(); netStore->time = model->modelTime - model->GetStartTime(); //netStore->time = model->modelTime; //netStore->time -= 2082816000L; float tFloat; netStore->pCount = c; try { netStore->lon = new float[c]; netStore->lat = new float[c]; //if(threeMovement = model->ThereIsA3DMover(&tFloat)) // always output depth netStore->depth = new float[c]; netStore->mass = new float[c]; netStore->age = new long[c]; //netStore->flag = new short[c]; netStore->status_codes = new short[c]; netStore->id = new long[c]; } catch(std::bad_alloc) { strcpy(errStr,"We are unable to allocate the memory required to perform this task.\n"); //strcat(errStr,"The run will continue, notwithstanding."); printError(errStr); //cerr << "We are unable to allocate the memory required to perform this task.\n"; //cerr << "The run will continue, notwithstanding.\n"; //cerr << "(Timestep " << model->currentStep << ")\n"; err = -1; return err; } list<LERecP>::iterator tIter = tLEsContainer.begin(); /* enum { KILOGRAMS = 1, METRICTONS, SHORTTONS, GALLONS, BARRELS, CUBICMETERS, LES }; */ for(j = 0; j < c; j++) { LERecP tLE = *tIter; netStore->lon[j] = tLE->p.pLong; netStore->lon[j] /= 1000000; netStore->lat[j] = tLE->p.pLat; netStore->lat[j] /= 1000000; //if(threeMovement) netStore->depth[j] = tLE->z; netStore->mass[j] = GetLEMass(*tLE,halfLife); float tMass = netStore->mass[j]; try { long tUnits = (*tLE).leUnits; if(tUnits == BARRELS || tUnits == GALLONS || tUnits == CUBICMETERS) netStore->mass[j] = VolumeMassToGrams(tMass, (*tLE).density, tUnits); else if(tUnits == KILOGRAMS || tUnits == METRICTONS || tUnits == SHORTTONS) netStore->mass[j] = ConvertMassToGrams(tMass, tUnits); else netStore->mass[j] = -tMass; } catch (...) { netStore->mass[j] = -tMass; } netStore->age[j] = tLE->ageInHrsWhenReleased*(3600); netStore->age[j] += model->modelTime - tLE->releaseTime; //netStore->flag[j] = 0; netStore->status_codes[j] = OILSTAT_INWATER; //if(threeMovement) //if(tLE->z > 0) //netStore->flag[j] += 16; switch(tLE->statusCode) { case OILSTAT_ONLAND: //netStore->flag[j] += 2; netStore->status_codes[j] = OILSTAT_ONLAND; break; case OILSTAT_OFFMAPS: //netStore->flag[j] += 4; netStore->status_codes[j] = OILSTAT_OFFMAPS; break; case OILSTAT_EVAPORATED: //netStore->flag[j] += 8; netStore->status_codes[j] = OILSTAT_EVAPORATED; break; default: break; } netStore->id[j] = tLE->leKey; tIter++; } tLEsContainer.clear(); netStore->ncVarIDs = ncVarIDs; netStore->ncDimIDs = ncDimIDs; // netStore->Write(model, threeMovement, uncertain); err = netStore->Write(model, uncertain); if (err) return err; delete[] netStore->lat; delete[] netStore->lon; //if(threeMovement) delete[] netStore->depth; delete[] netStore->mass; //delete[] netStore->flag; delete[] netStore->status_codes; delete[] netStore->age; delete[] netStore->id; delete netStore; return err; }
void PushStrings(CMyList<std::string> &myStringList) { myStringList.PushBack("test1"); myStringList.PushBack("test2"); myStringList.PushBack("test3"); }