/* undo is set if the change is due to disconnecting blocks / going back in
   time.  The ordinary case (!undo) means that we update the name normally,
   going forward in time.  This is important for keeping track of the
   name history.  */
void CCoinsViewCache::SetName(const valtype &name, const CNameData& data, bool undo) {
    CNameData oldData;
    if (GetName(name, oldData))
        cacheNames.removeExpireIndex(name, oldData.getHeight());

        /* Update the name history.  If we are undoing, we expect that
           the top history item matches the data being set now.  If we
           are not undoing, push the overwritten data onto the history stack.
           Note that we only have to do this if the name already existed
           in the database.  Otherwise, no special action is required
           for the name history.  */
        if (fNameHistory)
            CNameHistory history;
            if (!GetNameHistory(name, history))
                /* Ensure that the history stack is indeed (still) empty
                   and was not modified by the failing GetNameHistory call.  */

            if (undo)

            cacheNames.setHistory(name, history);
    } else
        assert (!undo);

    cacheNames.set(name, data);
    cacheNames.addExpireIndex(name, data.getHeight());
    void refreshName(const std::vector<unsigned char> &inName)


        NameTableEntry nameObj(ValtypeToString(inName),

        CNameData data;
            LOCK (cs_main);
            if (!pcoinsTip->GetName (inName, data))
                LogPrintf ("name not found: '%s'\n", ValtypeToString (inName).c_str());

            nameObj = NameTableEntry(ValtypeToString(inName),
                                     ValtypeToString(data.getValue ()),
                                     data.getHeight ());

        // Find name in model
        QList<NameTableEntry>::iterator lower = qLowerBound(
            cachedNameTable.begin(), cachedNameTable.end(), nameObj.name, NameTableEntryLessThan());
        QList<NameTableEntry>::iterator upper = qUpperBound(
            cachedNameTable.begin(), cachedNameTable.end(), nameObj.name, NameTableEntryLessThan());
        bool inModel = (lower != upper);

        if (inModel)
            // In model - update or delete
            if (nameObj.nHeight != NameTableEntry::NAME_NON_EXISTING)
                LogPrintf ("refreshName result : %s - refreshed in the table\n", qPrintable(nameObj.name));
                updateEntry(nameObj.name, nameObj.value, nameObj.nHeight, CT_UPDATED);
                LogPrintf("refreshName result : %s - deleted from the table\n", qPrintable(nameObj.name));
                updateEntry(nameObj.name, nameObj.value, nameObj.nHeight, CT_DELETED);
            // Not in model - add or do nothing
            if (nameObj.nHeight != NameTableEntry::NAME_NON_EXISTING)
                LogPrintf("refreshName result : %s - added to the table\n", qPrintable(nameObj.name));
                updateEntry(nameObj.name, nameObj.value, nameObj.nHeight, CT_NEW);
                LogPrintf("refreshName result : %s - ignored (not in the table)\n", qPrintable(nameObj.name));
void CCoinsViewCache::DeleteName(const valtype &name) {
    CNameData oldData;
    if (GetName(name, oldData))
        cacheNames.removeExpireIndex(name, oldData.getHeight());

    if (fNameHistory)
        /* When deleting a name, the history should already be clean.  */
        CNameHistory history;
        assert (!GetNameHistory(name, history) || history.empty());

 * Return name info object for a CNameData object.
 * @param name The name.
 * @param data The name's data.
 * @return A JSON object to return.
getNameInfo (const valtype& name, const CNameData& data)
  return getNameInfo (name, data.getValue (), data.getUpdateOutpoint (),
                      data.getAddress (), data.getHeight ());
name_filter (const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
  if (fHelp || params.size () > 5)
    throw std::runtime_error (
        "name_filter (\"regexp\" (\"maxage\" (\"from\" (\"nb\" (\"stat\")))))\n"
        "\nScan and list names matching a regular expression.\n"
        "1. \"regexp\"      (string, optional) filter names with this regexp\n"
        "2. \"maxage\"      (numeric, optional, default=36000) only consider names updated in the last \"maxage\" blocks; 0 means all names\n"
        "3. \"from\"        (numeric, optional, default=0) return from this position onward; index starts at 0\n"
        "4. \"nb\"          (numeric, optional, default=0) return only \"nb\" entries; 0 means all\n"
        "5. \"stat\"        (string, optional) if set to the string \"stat\", print statistics instead of returning the names\n"
        + getNameInfoHelp ("  ", ",") +
        "  ...\n"
        + HelpExampleCli ("name_filter", "\"\" 5")
        + HelpExampleCli ("name_filter", "\"^id/\"")
        + HelpExampleCli ("name_filter", "\"^id/\" 36000 0 0 \"stat\"")
        + HelpExampleRpc ("name_scan", "\"^d/\"")

  if (IsInitialBlockDownload ())
                       "Namecoin is downloading blocks...");

  /* ********************** */
  /* Interpret parameters.  */

  bool haveRegexp(false);
  boost::xpressive::sregex regexp;

  int maxage(36000), from(0), nb(0);
  bool stats(false);

  if (params.size () >= 1)
      haveRegexp = true;
      regexp = boost::xpressive::sregex::compile (params[0].get_str ());

  if (params.size () >= 2)
    maxage = params[1].get_int ();
  if (maxage < 0)
                        "'maxage' should be non-negative");
  if (params.size () >= 3)
    from = params[2].get_int ();
  if (from < 0)
    throw JSONRPCError (RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "'from' should be non-negative");

  if (params.size () >= 4)
    nb = params[3].get_int ();
  if (nb < 0)
    throw JSONRPCError (RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "'nb' should be non-negative");

  if (params.size () >= 5)
      if (params[4].get_str () != "stat")
                            "fifth argument must be the literal string 'stat'");
      stats = true;

  /* ******************************************* */
  /* Iterate over names to build up the result.  */

  UniValue names(UniValue::VARR);
  unsigned count(0);

  LOCK (cs_main);

  valtype name;
  CNameData data;
  std::unique_ptr<CNameIterator> iter(pcoinsTip->IterateNames ());
  while (iter->next (name, data))
      const int age = chainActive.Height () - data.getHeight ();
      assert (age >= 0);
      if (maxage != 0 && age >= maxage)

      if (haveRegexp)
          const std::string nameStr = ValtypeToString (name);
          boost::xpressive::smatch matches;
          if (!boost::xpressive::regex_search (nameStr, matches, regexp))

      if (from > 0)
      assert (from == 0);

      if (stats)
        names.push_back (getNameInfo (name, data));

      if (nb > 0)
          if (nb == 0)

  /* ********************************************************** */
  /* Return the correct result (take stats mode into account).  */

  if (stats)
      UniValue res(UniValue::VOBJ);
      res.push_back (Pair ("blocks", chainActive.Height ()));
      res.push_back (Pair ("count", static_cast<int> (count)));

      return res;

  return names;
Exemple #6
bool CCoinsViewDB::ValidateNameDB() const
    const uint256 blockHash = GetBestBlock();
    int nHeight;
    if (blockHash.IsNull())
        nHeight = 0;
        nHeight = mapBlockIndex.find(blockHash)->second->nHeight;

    /* It seems that there are no "const iterators" for LevelDB.  Since we
       only need read operations on it, use a const-cast to get around
       that restriction.  */
    boost::scoped_ptr<CDBIterator> pcursor(const_cast<CDBWrapper*>(&db)->NewIterator());

    /* Loop over the total database and read interesting
       things to memory.  We later use that to check
       everything against each other.  */

    std::map<valtype, unsigned> nameHeightsIndex;
    std::map<valtype, unsigned> nameHeightsData;
    std::set<valtype> namesInDB;
    std::set<valtype> namesInUTXO;
    std::set<valtype> namesWithHistory;

    for (; pcursor->Valid(); pcursor->Next())
        char chType;
        if (!pcursor->GetKey(chType))

        switch (chType)
        case DB_COINS:
            CCoins coins;
            if (!pcursor->GetValue(coins))
                return error("%s : failed to read coins", __func__);

            BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, coins.vout)
                if (!txout.IsNull())
                    const CNameScript nameOp(txout.scriptPubKey);
                    if (nameOp.isNameOp() && nameOp.isAnyUpdate())
                        const valtype& name = nameOp.getOpName();
                        if (namesInUTXO.count(name) > 0)
                            return error("%s : name %s duplicated in UTXO set",
                                         __func__, ValtypeToString(name).c_str());

        case DB_NAME:
            std::pair<char, valtype> key;
            if (!pcursor->GetKey(key) || key.first != DB_NAME)
                return error("%s : failed to read DB_NAME key", __func__);
            const valtype& name = key.second;

            CNameData data;
            if (!pcursor->GetValue(data))
                return error("%s : failed to read name value", __func__);

            if (nameHeightsData.count(name) > 0)
                return error("%s : name %s duplicated in name index",
                             __func__, ValtypeToString(name).c_str());
            nameHeightsData.insert(std::make_pair(name, data.getHeight()));
            /* Expiration is checked at height+1, because that matches
               how the UTXO set is cleared in ExpireNames.  */
            assert(namesInDB.count(name) == 0);
            if (!data.isExpired(nHeight + 1))

        case DB_NAME_HISTORY:
            std::pair<char, valtype> key;
            if (!pcursor->GetKey(key) || key.first != DB_NAME_HISTORY)
                return error("%s : failed to read DB_NAME_HISTORY key",
            const valtype& name = key.second;

            if (namesWithHistory.count(name) > 0)
                return error("%s : name %s has duplicate history",
                             __func__, ValtypeToString(name).c_str());

        case DB_NAME_EXPIRY:
            std::pair<char, CNameCache::ExpireEntry> key;
            if (!pcursor->GetKey(key) || key.first != DB_NAME_EXPIRY)
                return error("%s : failed to read DB_NAME_EXPIRY key",
            const CNameCache::ExpireEntry& entry = key.second;
            const valtype& name = entry.name;

            if (nameHeightsIndex.count(name) > 0)
                return error("%s : name %s duplicated in expire idnex",
                             __func__, ValtypeToString(name).c_str());

            nameHeightsIndex.insert(std::make_pair(name, entry.nHeight));


    /* Now verify the collected data.  */

    assert (nameHeightsData.size() >= namesInDB.size());

    if (nameHeightsIndex != nameHeightsData)
        return error("%s : name height data mismatch", __func__);

    BOOST_FOREACH(const valtype& name, namesInDB)
        if (namesInUTXO.count(name) == 0)
            return error("%s : name '%s' in DB but not UTXO set",
                         __func__, ValtypeToString(name).c_str());
    BOOST_FOREACH(const valtype& name, namesInUTXO)
        if (namesInDB.count(name) == 0)
            return error("%s : name '%s' in UTXO set but not DB",
                         __func__, ValtypeToString(name).c_str());

    if (fNameHistory)
        BOOST_FOREACH(const valtype& name, namesWithHistory)
            if (nameHeightsData.count(name) == 0)
                return error("%s : history entry for name '%s' not in main DB",
                             __func__, ValtypeToString(name).c_str());
    } else if (!namesWithHistory.empty ())