DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDPage_HasFormFieldAtPoint(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, FPDF_PAGE page,double page_x, double page_y) { if(!page || !hHandle) return -1; CPDF_Page * pPage = (CPDF_Page*) page; CPDF_InterForm * pInterForm = NULL; pInterForm = new CPDF_InterForm(pPage->m_pDocument,FALSE); if (!pInterForm) return -1; CPDF_FormControl* pFormCtrl = pInterForm->GetControlAtPoint(pPage, (FX_FLOAT)page_x, (FX_FLOAT)page_y); if(!pFormCtrl) { delete pInterForm; return -1; } CPDF_FormField* pFormField = pFormCtrl->GetField(); if(!pFormField) { delete pInterForm; return -1; } int nType = pFormField->GetFieldType(); delete pInterForm; return nType; }
CPDF_FormField* CPDF_InterForm::CheckRequiredFields( const std::vector<CPDF_FormField*>* fields, bool bIncludeOrExclude) const { int nCount = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.CountFields(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.GetField(i); if (!pField) continue; int32_t iType = pField->GetType(); if (iType == CPDF_FormField::PushButton || iType == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox || iType == CPDF_FormField::ListBox) { continue; } uint32_t dwFlags = pField->GetFieldFlags(); // TODO(thestig): Look up these magic numbers and add constants for them. if (dwFlags & 0x04) continue; bool bFind = true; if (fields) bFind = pdfium::ContainsValue(*fields, pField); if (bIncludeOrExclude == bFind) { CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict = pField->m_pDict; if ((dwFlags & 0x02) != 0 && pFieldDict->GetStringBy("V").IsEmpty()) return pField; } } return nullptr; }
bool CPDF_InterForm::CheckRequiredFields( const std::vector<CPDF_FormField*>* fields, bool bIncludeOrExclude) const { size_t nCount = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.CountFields(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.GetFieldAtIndex(i); if (!pField) continue; int32_t iType = pField->GetType(); if (iType == CPDF_FormField::PushButton || iType == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox || iType == CPDF_FormField::ListBox) { continue; } uint32_t dwFlags = pField->GetFieldFlags(); // TODO(thestig): Look up these magic numbers and add constants for them. if (dwFlags & FORMFLAG_NOEXPORT) continue; bool bFind = true; if (fields) bFind = pdfium::ContainsValue(*fields, pField); if (bIncludeOrExclude == bFind) { CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict = pField->m_pDict; if ((dwFlags & FORMFLAG_REQUIRED) != 0 && pFieldDict->GetStringFor("V").IsEmpty()) { return false; } } } return true; }
void CFFL_CheckBox::SaveData(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView) { CPWL_CheckBox* pWnd = GetCheckBox(pPageView, false); if (!pWnd) return; bool bNewChecked = pWnd->IsChecked(); if (bNewChecked) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pWidget->GetFormField(); for (int32_t i = 0, sz = pField->CountControls(); i < sz; i++) { if (CPDF_FormControl* pCtrl = pField->GetControl(i)) { if (pCtrl->IsChecked()) { break; } } } } CPDFSDK_Widget::ObservedPtr observed_widget(m_pWidget.Get()); CFFL_CheckBox::ObservedPtr observed_this(this); m_pWidget->SetCheck(bNewChecked, NotificationOption::kDoNotNotify); if (!observed_widget) return; m_pWidget->UpdateField(); if (!observed_widget || !observed_this) return; SetChangeMark(); }
void CFFL_RadioButton::SaveData(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView) { ASSERT(m_pWidget != NULL); if (CPWL_RadioButton* pWnd = (CPWL_RadioButton*)GetPDFWindow(pPageView, FALSE)) { FX_BOOL bNewChecked = pWnd->IsChecked(); if (bNewChecked) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pWidget->GetFormField(); ASSERT(pField != NULL); for (int32_t i = 0, sz = pField->CountControls(); i < sz; i++) { if (CPDF_FormControl* pCtrl = pField->GetControl(i)) { if (pCtrl->IsChecked()) { break; } } } } m_pWidget->SetCheck(bNewChecked, FALSE); m_pWidget->UpdateField(); SetChangeMark(); } }
FX_BOOL CPDF_InterForm::ValidateFieldName(const CPDF_FormControl* pControl, CFX_WideString& csNewFieldName) { if (pControl == NULL || csNewFieldName.IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; } CPDF_FormField* pField = ((CPDF_FormControl*)pControl)->GetField(); return ValidateFieldName(csNewFieldName, pField->GetFieldType(), pField, pControl); }
FX_BOOL CPDF_InterForm::ValidateFieldName(const CPDF_FormControl* pControl, CFX_WideString& csNewFieldName) { if (!pControl || csNewFieldName.IsEmpty()) return FALSE; CPDF_FormField* pField = pControl->GetField(); return ValidateFieldName(csNewFieldName, pField->GetFieldType(), pField, pControl); }
bool CPDF_InterForm::ValidateFieldName( CFX_WideString& csNewFieldName, int iType, const CPDF_FormField* pExcludedField, const CPDF_FormControl* pExcludedControl) const { if (csNewFieldName.IsEmpty()) return false; int iPos = 0; int iLength = csNewFieldName.GetLength(); CFX_WideString csSub; while (true) { while (iPos < iLength && (csNewFieldName[iPos] == L'.' || csNewFieldName[iPos] == L' ')) { iPos++; } if (iPos < iLength && !csSub.IsEmpty()) csSub += L'.'; while (iPos < iLength && csNewFieldName[iPos] != L'.') csSub += csNewFieldName[iPos++]; for (int i = csSub.GetLength() - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (csSub[i] != L' ' && csSub[i] != L'.') break; csSub.SetAt(i, L'\0'); } size_t dwCount = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.CountFields(); for (size_t m = 0; m < dwCount; ++m) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.GetFieldAtIndex(m); if (!pField) continue; if (pField == pExcludedField) { if (!pExcludedControl || pField->CountControls() < 2) continue; } CFX_WideString csFullName = pField->GetFullName(); int iRet = CompareFieldName(csSub, csFullName); if (iRet == 1) { if (pField->GetFieldType() != iType) return false; } else if (iRet == 2 && csSub == csNewFieldName) { if (csFullName[iPos] == L'.') return false; } else if (iRet == 3 && csSub == csNewFieldName) { if (csNewFieldName[csFullName.GetLength()] == L'.') return false; } } if (iPos >= iLength) break; } if (csSub.IsEmpty()) return false; csNewFieldName = csSub; return true; }
void CPDF_InterForm::FDF_ImportField(CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict, const CFX_WideString& parent_name, FX_BOOL bNotify, int nLevel) { CFX_WideString name; if (!parent_name.IsEmpty()) name = parent_name + L"."; name += pFieldDict->GetUnicodeTextBy("T"); CPDF_Array* pKids = pFieldDict->GetArrayBy("Kids"); if (pKids) { for (size_t i = 0; i < pKids->GetCount(); i++) { CPDF_Dictionary* pKid = pKids->GetDictAt(i); if (!pKid) continue; if (nLevel <= nMaxRecursion) FDF_ImportField(pKid, name, bNotify, nLevel + 1); } return; } if (!pFieldDict->KeyExist("V")) return; CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->GetField(name); if (!pField) return; CFX_WideString csWValue = GetFieldValue(*pFieldDict, m_bsEncoding); int iType = pField->GetFieldType(); if (bNotify && m_pFormNotify) { int iRet = 0; if (iType == FIELDTYPE_LISTBOX) iRet = m_pFormNotify->BeforeSelectionChange(pField, csWValue); else if (iType == FIELDTYPE_COMBOBOX || iType == FIELDTYPE_TEXTFIELD) iRet = m_pFormNotify->BeforeValueChange(pField, csWValue); if (iRet < 0) return; } pField->SetValue(csWValue); CPDF_FormField::Type eType = pField->GetType(); if ((eType == CPDF_FormField::ListBox || eType == CPDF_FormField::ComboBox) && pFieldDict->KeyExist("Opt")) { pField->m_pDict->SetAt( "Opt", pFieldDict->GetDirectObjectBy("Opt")->CloneDirectObject()); } if (bNotify && m_pFormNotify) { if (iType == FIELDTYPE_CHECKBOX || iType == FIELDTYPE_RADIOBUTTON) m_pFormNotify->AfterCheckedStatusChange(pField); else if (iType == FIELDTYPE_LISTBOX) m_pFormNotify->AfterSelectionChange(pField); else if (iType == FIELDTYPE_COMBOBOX || iType == FIELDTYPE_TEXTFIELD) m_pFormNotify->AfterValueChange(pField); } }
void CPDFSDK_InterForm::OnCalculate(CPDF_FormField* pFormField) { CPDFSDK_Environment* pEnv = m_pDocument->GetEnv(); ASSERT(pEnv); if (!pEnv->IsJSInitiated()) return; if (m_bBusy) return; m_bBusy = TRUE; if (!IsCalculateEnabled()) { m_bBusy = FALSE; return; } IJS_Runtime* pRuntime = m_pDocument->GetJsRuntime(); pRuntime->SetReaderDocument(m_pDocument); int nSize = m_pInterForm->CountFieldsInCalculationOrder(); for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pInterForm->GetFieldInCalculationOrder(i); if (!pField) continue; int nType = pField->GetFieldType(); if (nType != FIELDTYPE_COMBOBOX && nType != FIELDTYPE_TEXTFIELD) continue; CPDF_AAction aAction = pField->GetAdditionalAction(); if (!aAction.GetDict() || !aAction.ActionExist(CPDF_AAction::Calculate)) continue; CPDF_Action action = aAction.GetAction(CPDF_AAction::Calculate); if (!action.GetDict()) continue; CFX_WideString csJS = action.GetJavaScript(); if (csJS.IsEmpty()) continue; IJS_Context* pContext = pRuntime->NewContext(); CFX_WideString sOldValue = pField->GetValue(); CFX_WideString sValue = sOldValue; FX_BOOL bRC = TRUE; pContext->OnField_Calculate(pFormField, pField, sValue, bRC); CFX_WideString sInfo; FX_BOOL bRet = pContext->RunScript(csJS, &sInfo); pRuntime->ReleaseContext(pContext); if (bRet && bRC && sValue.Compare(sOldValue) != 0) pField->SetValue(sValue, TRUE); } m_bBusy = FALSE; }
void CPDF_InterForm::GetAllFieldNames(CFX_WideStringArray& allFieldNames) { allFieldNames.RemoveAll(); int nCount = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.CountFields(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.GetField(i); if (pField) { CFX_WideString full_name = GetFullName(pField->GetFieldDict()); allFieldNames.Add(full_name); } } }
bool CPDF_InterForm::ResetForm(bool bNotify) { if (bNotify && m_pFormNotify && m_pFormNotify->BeforeFormReset(this) < 0) return false; size_t nCount = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.CountFields(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.GetFieldAtIndex(i); if (!pField) continue; pField->ResetField(bNotify); } if (bNotify && m_pFormNotify) m_pFormNotify->AfterFormReset(this); return true; }
bool CPDF_InterForm::ResetForm(const std::vector<CPDF_FormField*>& fields, bool bIncludeOrExclude, bool bNotify) { if (bNotify && m_pFormNotify && m_pFormNotify->BeforeFormReset(this) < 0) return false; size_t nCount = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.CountFields(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.GetFieldAtIndex(i); if (!pField) continue; if (bIncludeOrExclude == pdfium::ContainsValue(fields, pField)) pField->ResetField(bNotify); } if (bNotify && m_pFormNotify) m_pFormNotify->AfterFormReset(this); return true; }
bool CPDF_InterForm::ResetForm(const std::vector<CPDF_FormField*>& fields, bool bIncludeOrExclude, bool bNotify) { if (bNotify && m_pFormNotify && m_pFormNotify->BeforeFormReset(this) < 0) return false; int nCount = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.CountFields(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.GetField(i); if (!pField) continue; auto it = std::find(fields.begin(), fields.end(), pField); if (bIncludeOrExclude == (it != fields.end())) pField->ResetField(bNotify); } if (bNotify && m_pFormNotify) m_pFormNotify->AfterFormReset(this); return true; }
CFDF_Document* CPDF_InterForm::ExportToFDF( const CFX_WideStringC& pdf_path, const std::vector<CPDF_FormField*>& fields, bool bIncludeOrExclude, bool bSimpleFileSpec) const { CFDF_Document* pDoc = CFDF_Document::CreateNewDoc(); if (!pDoc) return nullptr; CPDF_Dictionary* pMainDict = pDoc->GetRoot()->GetDictBy("FDF"); if (!pdf_path.IsEmpty()) { if (bSimpleFileSpec) { CFX_WideString wsFilePath = CPDF_FileSpec::EncodeFileName(pdf_path); pMainDict->SetAtString("F", CFX_ByteString::FromUnicode(wsFilePath)); pMainDict->SetAtString("UF", PDF_EncodeText(wsFilePath)); } else { CPDF_FileSpec filespec; filespec.SetFileName(pdf_path); pMainDict->SetAt("F", filespec.GetObj()); } } CPDF_Array* pFields = new CPDF_Array; pMainDict->SetAt("Fields", pFields); int nCount = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.CountFields(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.GetField(i); if (!pField || pField->GetType() == CPDF_FormField::PushButton) continue; uint32_t dwFlags = pField->GetFieldFlags(); if (dwFlags & 0x04) continue; if (bIncludeOrExclude == pdfium::ContainsValue(fields, pField)) { if ((dwFlags & 0x02) != 0 && pField->m_pDict->GetStringBy("V").IsEmpty()) continue; CFX_WideString fullname = FPDF_GetFullName(pField->GetFieldDict()); CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict = new CPDF_Dictionary; pFieldDict->SetAt("T", new CPDF_String(fullname)); if (pField->GetType() == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox || pField->GetType() == CPDF_FormField::RadioButton) { CFX_WideString csExport = pField->GetCheckValue(FALSE); CFX_ByteString csBExport = PDF_EncodeText(csExport); CPDF_Object* pOpt = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pField->m_pDict, "Opt"); if (pOpt) pFieldDict->SetAtString("V", csBExport); else pFieldDict->SetAtName("V", csBExport); } else { CPDF_Object* pV = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pField->m_pDict, "V"); if (pV) pFieldDict->SetAt("V", pV->CloneDirectObject()); } pFields->Add(pFieldDict); } } return pDoc; }
//Gets the name of the nth field in the document FX_BOOL Document::getNthFieldName(IFXJS_Context* cc, const CJS_Parameters& params, CJS_Value& vRet, CFX_WideString& sError) { CJS_Context* pContext = (CJS_Context*)cc; if (params.size() != 1) { sError = JSGetStringFromID(pContext, IDS_STRING_JSPARAMERROR); return FALSE; } int nIndex = params[0].ToInt(); if (nIndex < 0) { sError = JSGetStringFromID(pContext, IDS_STRING_JSVALUEERROR); return FALSE; } CPDFSDK_InterForm* pInterForm = m_pDocument->GetInterForm(); CPDF_InterForm* pPDFForm = pInterForm->GetInterForm(); CPDF_FormField* pField = pPDFForm->GetField(nIndex); if (!pField) return FALSE; vRet = pField->GetFullName().c_str(); return TRUE; }
FX_BOOL Document::submitForm(IFXJS_Context* cc, const CJS_Parameters& params, CJS_Value& vRet, CFX_WideString& sError) { ASSERT(m_pDocument != NULL); CJS_Context* pContext = (CJS_Context*)cc; int nSize = params.size(); if (nSize < 1) { sError = JSGetStringFromID(pContext, IDS_STRING_JSPARAMERROR); return FALSE; } CFX_WideString strURL; FX_BOOL bFDF = TRUE; FX_BOOL bEmpty = FALSE; v8::Isolate* isolate = GetIsolate(cc); CJS_Array aFields(isolate); CJS_Value v = params[0]; if (v.GetType() == VT_string) { strURL = params[0].ToCFXWideString(); if (nSize > 1) bFDF = params[1].ToBool(); if (nSize > 2) bEmpty = params[2].ToBool(); if (nSize > 3) aFields.Attach(params[3].ToV8Array()); } else if (v.GetType() == VT_object) { JSObject pObj = params[0].ToV8Object(); v8::Handle<v8::Value> pValue = JS_GetObjectElement(isolate, pObj, L"cURL"); if (!pValue.IsEmpty()) strURL = CJS_Value(isolate, pValue, GET_VALUE_TYPE(pValue)).ToCFXWideString(); pValue = JS_GetObjectElement(isolate, pObj, L"bFDF"); bFDF = CJS_Value(isolate, pValue, GET_VALUE_TYPE(pValue)).ToBool(); pValue = JS_GetObjectElement(isolate, pObj, L"bEmpty"); bEmpty = CJS_Value(isolate, pValue, GET_VALUE_TYPE(pValue)).ToBool(); pValue = JS_GetObjectElement(isolate, pObj,L"aFields"); aFields.Attach(CJS_Value(isolate, pValue, GET_VALUE_TYPE(pValue)).ToV8Array()); } CPDFSDK_InterForm* pInterForm = (CPDFSDK_InterForm*)m_pDocument->GetInterForm(); ASSERT(pInterForm != NULL); CPDF_InterForm* pPDFInterForm = pInterForm->GetInterForm(); ASSERT(pPDFInterForm != NULL); FX_BOOL bAll = (aFields.GetLength() == 0); if (bAll && bEmpty) { CJS_Context* pContext = (CJS_Context*)cc; ASSERT(pContext != NULL); CJS_Runtime* pRuntime = pContext->GetJSRuntime(); ASSERT(pRuntime != NULL); if (pPDFInterForm->CheckRequiredFields()) { pRuntime->BeginBlock(); pInterForm->SubmitForm(strURL, FALSE); pRuntime->EndBlock(); } return TRUE; } else { CFX_PtrArray fieldObjects; for (int i=0,sz=aFields.GetLength(); i<sz; i++) { CJS_Value valName(isolate); aFields.GetElement(i, valName); CFX_WideString sName = valName.ToCFXWideString(); CPDF_InterForm* pPDFForm = pInterForm->GetInterForm(); ASSERT(pPDFForm != NULL); for (int j=0, jsz=pPDFForm->CountFields(sName); j<jsz; j++) { CPDF_FormField* pField = pPDFForm->GetField(j, sName); if (!bEmpty && pField->GetValue().IsEmpty()) continue; fieldObjects.Add(pField); } } CJS_Context* pContext = (CJS_Context*)cc; ASSERT(pContext != NULL); CJS_Runtime* pRuntime = pContext->GetJSRuntime(); ASSERT(pRuntime != NULL); if (pPDFInterForm->CheckRequiredFields(&fieldObjects, TRUE)) { pRuntime->BeginBlock(); pInterForm->SubmitFields(strURL, fieldObjects, TRUE, !bFDF); pRuntime->EndBlock(); } return TRUE; } }
std::unique_ptr<CFDF_Document> CPDF_InterForm::ExportToFDF( const CFX_WideStringC& pdf_path, const std::vector<CPDF_FormField*>& fields, bool bIncludeOrExclude, bool bSimpleFileSpec) const { std::unique_ptr<CFDF_Document> pDoc = CFDF_Document::CreateNewDoc(); if (!pDoc) return nullptr; CPDF_Dictionary* pMainDict = pDoc->GetRoot()->GetDictFor("FDF"); if (!pdf_path.IsEmpty()) { if (bSimpleFileSpec) { CFX_WideString wsFilePath = CPDF_FileSpec::EncodeFileName(pdf_path); pMainDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_String>( "F", CFX_ByteString::FromUnicode(wsFilePath), false); pMainDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_String>("UF", PDF_EncodeText(wsFilePath), false); } else { CPDF_FileSpec filespec(pDoc->GetByteStringPool()); filespec.SetFileName(pdf_path); pMainDict->SetFor("F", pdfium::WrapUnique(filespec.GetObj())); } } CPDF_Array* pFields = pMainDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Array>("Fields"); size_t nCount = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.CountFields(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.GetFieldAtIndex(i); if (!pField || pField->GetType() == CPDF_FormField::PushButton) continue; uint32_t dwFlags = pField->GetFieldFlags(); if (dwFlags & 0x04) continue; if (bIncludeOrExclude == pdfium::ContainsValue(fields, pField)) { if ((dwFlags & 0x02) != 0 && pField->m_pDict->GetStringFor("V").IsEmpty()) continue; CFX_WideString fullname = FPDF_GetFullName(pField->GetFieldDict()); auto pFieldDict = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dictionary>(pDoc->GetByteStringPool()); pFieldDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_String>("T", fullname); if (pField->GetType() == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox || pField->GetType() == CPDF_FormField::RadioButton) { CFX_WideString csExport = pField->GetCheckValue(false); CFX_ByteString csBExport = PDF_EncodeText(csExport); CPDF_Object* pOpt = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pField->m_pDict, "Opt"); if (pOpt) pFieldDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_String>("V", csBExport, false); else pFieldDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("V", csBExport); } else { CPDF_Object* pV = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pField->m_pDict, "V"); if (pV) pFieldDict->SetFor("V", pV->CloneDirectObject()); } pFields->Add(std::move(pFieldDict)); } } return pDoc; }
CFDF_Document* CPDF_InterForm::ExportToFDF( const CFX_WideStringC& pdf_path, const std::vector<CPDF_FormField*>& fields, bool bIncludeOrExclude, bool bSimpleFileSpec) const { CFDF_Document* pDoc = CFDF_Document::CreateNewDoc(); if (pDoc == NULL) { return NULL; } CPDF_Dictionary* pMainDict = pDoc->GetRoot()->GetDict("FDF"); if (!pdf_path.IsEmpty()) { if (bSimpleFileSpec) { CFX_WideString wsFilePath = FILESPEC_EncodeFileName(pdf_path); pMainDict->SetAtString(FX_BSTRC("F"), CFX_ByteString::FromUnicode(wsFilePath)); pMainDict->SetAtString(FX_BSTRC("UF"), PDF_EncodeText(wsFilePath)); } else { CPDF_FileSpec filespec; filespec.SetFileName(pdf_path); pMainDict->SetAt("F", static_cast<CPDF_Object*>(filespec)); } } CPDF_Array* pFields = CPDF_Array::Create(); if (pFields == NULL) { return NULL; } pMainDict->SetAt("Fields", pFields); int nCount = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.CountFields(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.GetField(i); if (pField == NULL || pField->GetType() == CPDF_FormField::PushButton) { continue; } FX_DWORD dwFlags = pField->GetFieldFlags(); if (dwFlags & 0x04) continue; auto it = std::find(fields.begin(), fields.end(), pField); if (bIncludeOrExclude == (it != fields.end())) { if ((dwFlags & 0x02) != 0 && pField->m_pDict->GetString("V").IsEmpty()) continue; CFX_WideString fullname = GetFullName(pField->GetFieldDict()); CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict = CPDF_Dictionary::Create(); if (!pFieldDict) return nullptr; CPDF_String* pString = CPDF_String::Create(fullname); if (!pString) { pFieldDict->Release(); return nullptr; } pFieldDict->SetAt("T", pString); if (pField->GetType() == CPDF_FormField::CheckBox || pField->GetType() == CPDF_FormField::RadioButton) { CFX_WideString csExport = pField->GetCheckValue(FALSE); CFX_ByteString csBExport = PDF_EncodeText(csExport); CPDF_Object* pOpt = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pField->m_pDict, "Opt"); if (pOpt) pFieldDict->SetAtString("V", csBExport); else pFieldDict->SetAtName("V", csBExport); } else { CPDF_Object* pV = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pField->m_pDict, "V"); if (pV) pFieldDict->SetAt("V", pV->Clone(TRUE)); } pFields->Add(pFieldDict); } } return pDoc; }
void CPDF_InterForm::FDF_ImportField(CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict, const CFX_WideString& parent_name, FX_BOOL bNotify, int nLevel) { CFX_WideString name; if (!parent_name.IsEmpty()) { name = parent_name + L"."; } name += pFieldDict->GetUnicodeText("T"); CPDF_Array* pKids = pFieldDict->GetArray("Kids"); if (pKids) { for (FX_DWORD i = 0; i < pKids->GetCount(); i++) { CPDF_Dictionary* pKid = pKids->GetDict(i); if (pKid == NULL) { continue; } if (nLevel <= nMaxRecursion) { FDF_ImportField(pKid, name, bNotify, nLevel + 1); } } return; } if (!pFieldDict->KeyExist("V")) { return; } CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->GetField(name); if (pField == NULL) { return; } CFX_WideString csWValue; FPDFDOC_FDF_GetFieldValue(pFieldDict, csWValue, m_bsEncoding); int iType = pField->GetFieldType(); if (bNotify && m_pFormNotify != NULL) { int iRet = 0; if (iType == FIELDTYPE_LISTBOX) { iRet = m_pFormNotify->BeforeSelectionChange(pField, csWValue); } else if (iType == FIELDTYPE_COMBOBOX || iType == FIELDTYPE_TEXTFIELD) { iRet = m_pFormNotify->BeforeValueChange(pField, csWValue); } if (iRet < 0) { return; } } CFX_ByteArray statusArray; if (iType == FIELDTYPE_CHECKBOX || iType == FIELDTYPE_RADIOBUTTON) { SaveCheckedFieldStatus(pField, statusArray); } pField->SetValue(csWValue); CPDF_FormField::Type eType = pField->GetType(); if ((eType == CPDF_FormField::ListBox || eType == CPDF_FormField::ComboBox) && pFieldDict->KeyExist("Opt")) { pField->m_pDict->SetAt("Opt", pFieldDict->GetElementValue("Opt")->Clone(TRUE)); } if (bNotify && m_pFormNotify != NULL) { if (iType == FIELDTYPE_CHECKBOX || iType == FIELDTYPE_RADIOBUTTON) { m_pFormNotify->AfterCheckedStatusChange(pField, statusArray); } else if (iType == FIELDTYPE_LISTBOX) { m_pFormNotify->AfterSelectionChange(pField); } else if (iType == FIELDTYPE_COMBOBOX || iType == FIELDTYPE_TEXTFIELD) { m_pFormNotify->AfterValueChange(pField); } } if (CPDF_InterForm::m_bUpdateAP) { pField->UpdateAP(NULL); } }
DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFPage_HasFormFieldAtPoint(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle, FPDF_PAGE page, double page_x, double page_y) { if (!hHandle) return -1; CPDF_Page* pPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); if (pPage) { CPDF_InterForm interform(pPage->m_pDocument, FALSE); CPDF_FormControl* pFormCtrl = interform.GetControlAtPoint(pPage, static_cast<FX_FLOAT>(page_x), static_cast<FX_FLOAT>(page_y), nullptr); if (!pFormCtrl) return -1; CPDF_FormField* pFormField = pFormCtrl->GetField(); return pFormField ? pFormField->GetFieldType() : -1; } #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA CPDFXFA_Page* pXFAPage = UnderlyingFromFPDFPage(page); if (!pXFAPage) return -1; IXFA_PageView* pPageView = pXFAPage->GetXFAPageView(); if (!pPageView) return -1; IXFA_DocView* pDocView = pPageView->GetDocView(); if (!pDocView) return -1; IXFA_WidgetHandler* pWidgetHandler = pDocView->GetWidgetHandler(); if (!pWidgetHandler) return -1; std::unique_ptr<IXFA_WidgetIterator, ReleaseDeleter<IXFA_WidgetIterator>> pWidgetIterator(pPageView->CreateWidgetIterator( XFA_TRAVERSEWAY_Form, XFA_WIDGETFILTER_Viewable | XFA_WIDGETFILTER_AllType)); if (!pWidgetIterator) return -1; IXFA_Widget* pXFAAnnot = pWidgetIterator->MoveToNext(); while (pXFAAnnot) { CFX_RectF rcBBox; pWidgetHandler->GetBBox(pXFAAnnot, rcBBox, 0); CFX_FloatRect rcWidget(rcBBox.left, rcBBox.top, rcBBox.left + rcBBox.width, rcBBox.top + rcBBox.height); rcWidget.left -= 1.0f; rcWidget.right += 1.0f; rcWidget.bottom -= 1.0f; rcWidget.top += 1.0f; if (rcWidget.Contains(static_cast<FX_FLOAT>(page_x), static_cast<FX_FLOAT>(page_y))) { return FPDF_FORMFIELD_XFA; } pXFAAnnot = pWidgetIterator->MoveToNext(); } #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA return -1; }
FX_BOOL CPDF_InterForm::ValidateFieldName( CFX_WideString& csNewFieldName, int iType, const CPDF_FormField* pExcludedField, const CPDF_FormControl* pExcludedControl) { if (csNewFieldName.IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; } int iPos = 0; int iLength = csNewFieldName.GetLength(); CFX_WideString csSub; while (TRUE) { while (iPos < iLength && (csNewFieldName[iPos] == L'.' || csNewFieldName[iPos] == L' ')) { iPos++; } if (iPos < iLength && !csSub.IsEmpty()) { csSub += L'.'; } while (iPos < iLength && csNewFieldName[iPos] != L'.') { csSub += csNewFieldName[iPos++]; } for (int i = csSub.GetLength() - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (csSub[i] == L' ' || csSub[i] == L'.') { csSub.SetAt(i, L'\0'); } else { break; } } FX_DWORD dwCount = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.CountFields(); for (FX_DWORD m = 0; m < dwCount; m++) { CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pFieldTree->m_Root.GetField(m); if (pField == NULL) { continue; } if (pField == pExcludedField) { if (pExcludedControl != NULL) { if (pField->CountControls() < 2) { continue; } } else { continue; } } CFX_WideString csFullName = pField->GetFullName(); int iRet = CompareFieldName(csSub, csFullName); if (iRet == 1) { if (pField->GetFieldType() != iType) { return FALSE; } } else if (iRet == 2 && csSub == csNewFieldName) { if (csFullName[iPos] == L'.') { return FALSE; } } else if (iRet == 3 && csSub == csNewFieldName) { if (csNewFieldName[csFullName.GetLength()] == L'.') { return FALSE; } } } if (iPos >= iLength) { break; } } if (csSub.IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; } csNewFieldName = csSub; return TRUE; }